#include "AliPHOSDA2.h" #include "TString.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSDA2) //---------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDA2::AliPHOSDA2(int module) : TNamed(), fHistoFile(0),fFiredCells(0),fMod(module) { // Create AliPHOSDA2 ("Bad channels finder") object. // module is the PHOS module number (0..4). // Quality histogram names: module_iX_iZ_gain. // Root file name: PHOS_ModuleX_BCM.root, where X - module number. char name[128]; TString sname="PHOS_Module%d_BCM"; snprintf(name,sname.Length(),sname.Data(),fMod); SetName(name); SetTitle("Detector Algorithm to check for PHOS channels quality"); char rootname[128]; TString srootname="%s.root"; snprintf(rootname,srootname.Length(),srootname.Data(),GetName()); fHistoFile = new TFile(rootname,"recreate"); // new file! for(Int_t iX=0; iX<64; iX++) { for(Int_t iZ=0; iZ<56; iZ++) { for(Int_t iGain=0; iGain<2; iGain++) { fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain] = 0; } } } fMaps[0]=0; fMaps[1]=0; fFiredCells = new TH1I("fFiredCells","Number of fired cells per event",100,0,1000); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDA2::AliPHOSDA2(Int_t module, TObjArray* oldHistos) : TNamed(), fHistoFile(0),fFiredCells(0),fMod(module) { // Create AliPHOSDA2 ("Bad channels finder") object. // module is the PHOS module number (0..4). // Quality histogram names: module_iX_iZ_gain. // Read histograms from array oldHistos (if any). // Do not produce an output file! char name[128]; TString sname="PHOS_Module%d_BCM"; snprintf(name,sname.Length(),sname.Data(),fMod); SetName(name); SetTitle("Detector Algorithm to check for PHOS channels quality"); char hname[128]; TH1F* hist1=0; TString shname = "%d_%d_%d_%d"; for(Int_t iX=0; iX<64; iX++) { for(Int_t iZ=0; iZ<56; iZ++) { for(Int_t iGain=0; iGain<2; iGain++) { snprintf(hname,shname.Length(),shname.Data(),fMod,iX,iZ,iGain); if(oldHistos) hist1 = (TH1F*)oldHistos->FindObject(hname); if(hist1) fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain] = hist1; else fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain] = 0; } } } fMaps[0]=0; fMaps[1]=0; fFiredCells = new TH1I("fFiredCells","Number of fired cells per event",100,0,1000); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDA2::AliPHOSDA2(const AliPHOSDA2& da) : TNamed(da), fHistoFile(0),fFiredCells(0),fMod(da.fMod) { // Copy constructor. char hname[128]; TH1F* hist1=0; TString shname = "%d_%d_%d_%d"; for(Int_t iX=0; iX<64; iX++) { for(Int_t iZ=0; iZ<56; iZ++) { for(Int_t iGain=0; iGain<2; iGain++) { snprintf(hname,shname.Length(),shname.Data(),fMod,iX,iZ,iGain); hist1 = (TH1F*)da.fHistoFile->Get(hname); if(hist1) fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain] = new TH1F(*hist1); else fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain] = 0; } } } if(da.fMaps[0]) fMaps[0] = new TH2F(*da.fMaps[0]); else fMaps[0] = 0; if(da.fMaps[1]) fMaps[1] = new TH2F(*da.fMaps[1]); else fMaps[1] = 0; fHistoFile = new TFile(da.GetName(),"recreate"); fFiredCells = new TH1I(*da.fFiredCells); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDA2& AliPHOSDA2::operator= (const AliPHOSDA2& da) { //Assignment operator. if(this != &da) { TString oldname(fHistoFile->GetName()); TString newname(da.fHistoFile->GetName()); if(oldname != newname) { delete fHistoFile; fHistoFile = new TFile(da.fHistoFile->GetName(),"update"); } fMod = da.fMod; SetName(da.GetName()); SetTitle(da.GetTitle()); for(Int_t iX=0; iX<64; iX++) { for(Int_t iZ=0; iZ<56; iZ++) { for(Int_t iGain=0; iGain<2; iGain++) { if (fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain]) delete fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain]; fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain] = da.fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain]; } } } if(fMaps[0]) { delete fMaps[0]; fMaps[0] = da.fMaps[0]; } if(fMaps[1]) { delete fMaps[1]; fMaps[1] = da.fMaps[1]; } if(fFiredCells) { delete fFiredCells; fFiredCells = da.fFiredCells; } } return *this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDA2::~AliPHOSDA2() { // Destructor UpdateHistoFile(); if(fHistoFile) delete fHistoFile; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliPHOSDA2::FillQualityHistograms(Float_t quality[64][56][2]) { // Fills quality histograms. // _By definition_, qood quality is 0Fill(quality[iX][iZ][iGain]); else { sprintf(hname,"%d_%d_%d_%d",fMod,iX,iZ,iGain); sprintf(htitl,"Quality for crystal %d_%d_%d and gain %d",fMod,iX,iZ,iGain); fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain] = new TH1F(hname,htitl,100,1.e-6,10.); fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain]->Fill(quality[iX][iZ][iGain]); } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliPHOSDA2::FillFiredCellsHistogram(Int_t nCells) { fFiredCells->Fill(nCells); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliPHOSDA2::UpdateHistoFile() { // Write histograms to file if(!fHistoFile) return; if(!fHistoFile->IsOpen()) return; char titl[128]; if(fMaps[0]) fMaps[0]->Reset(); else { sprintf(titl,"Quality map for Low gain"); fMaps[0] = new TH2F("gmaplow", titl, 64,0.,64.,56,0.,56.); } if(fMaps[1]) fMaps[1]->Reset(); else { sprintf(titl,"Quality map for High gain"); fMaps[1] = new TH2F("gmaphigh", titl, 64,0.,64.,56,0.,56.); } TH1F* hist1=0; for(Int_t iX=0; iX<64; iX++) { for(Int_t iZ=0; iZ<56; iZ++) { for(Int_t iGain=0; iGain<2; iGain++) { hist1 = fHQuality[iX][iZ][iGain]; if(hist1) { hist1->Write(hist1->GetName(),TObject::kWriteDelete); Double_t mean = hist1->GetMean(); fMaps[iGain]->SetBinContent(iX+1,iZ+1,mean); } } } } fMaps[0]->Write(fMaps[0]->GetName(),TObject::kWriteDelete); fMaps[1]->Write(fMaps[1]->GetName(),TObject::kWriteDelete); fFiredCells->Write(); }