// -- // -- // Implementation for TTree output in PHOS DA // for calibrating energy by pi0 and MIP. // -- // -- Author: Hisayuki Torii (Hiroshima Univ.) // -- #include #include #include #include "AliPHOSDApi0mip.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSDApi0mip) //---------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDApi0mip::AliPHOSDApi0mip(int module,int iterid,char* fopt) : TNamed(), fCreateTree(false), fCreateHist(false), fMod(0), fIterId(0), fTFile(0), fTTree(0), fEvent(0), fEventClustered(0), fTime(0), fH1Time(0), fH1DigitNum(0), fH1ClusterNum(0), fH2EneDigitId(0), fH2MipDigitId(0), fH2Pi0DigitId(0), fH3Pi0AsymPt(0) { // Constructor char hname[1024], htitle[1024]; sprintf(hname,"AliPHOSDApi0mip_mod%d_iter%d",module,iterid); SetName(hname); sprintf(htitle,"PHOS MIP/pi0 Calibration DA for Module:%d Iteration:%d",module,iterid); SetTitle(htitle); fMod = module; fIterId = iterid; fEvent = 0; fEventClustered = false; fTime = 0; fCreateTree = false; fCreateHist = false; char fname[1024]; sprintf(fname,"AliPHOSDApi0mip_mod%d.root",module); fTFile = TFile::Open(fname,fopt); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDApi0mip::AliPHOSDApi0mip(const AliPHOSDApi0mip& da): TNamed(da), fCreateTree(false), fCreateHist(false), fMod(da.fMod), fIterId(da.fIterId), fTFile(0), fTTree(0), fEvent(0), fEventClustered(0), fTime(0), fH1Time(0), fH1DigitNum(0), fH1ClusterNum(0), fH2EneDigitId(0), fH2MipDigitId(0), fH2Pi0DigitId(0), fH3Pi0AsymPt(0) { // Copy Constructor char fname[1024], hname[1024], htitle[1024];; sprintf(fname,"%s.root",GetName()); fTFile = TFile::Open(fname,"RECREATE"); fEvent = 0; fEventClustered = false; fTime = 0; if( da.fCreateHist ){ fCreateHist = true; fH1Time = (TH1I*) da.fH1Time->Clone(); fH1DigitNum = (TH1F*) da.fH1DigitNum->Clone(); fH1ClusterNum = (TH1F*) da.fH1ClusterNum->Clone(); fH2EneDigitId = (TH2F*) da.fH2EneDigitId->Clone(); fH2MipDigitId = (TH2F*) da.fH2MipDigitId->Clone(); fH2Pi0DigitId = (TH2F*) da.fH2Pi0DigitId->Clone(); fH3Pi0AsymPt = (TH3F*) da.fH3Pi0AsymPt->Clone(); } else { fCreateHist = false; fH1Time = 0; fH1DigitNum = 0; fH1ClusterNum = 0; fH2EneDigitId = 0; fH2MipDigitId = 0; fH2Pi0DigitId = 0; fH3Pi0AsymPt = 0; } if( da.fCreateTree ){ // Create new ttree instead of copy. fCreateTree = true; sprintf(hname,"tevt_mod%d_iter%d",fMod,fIterId); sprintf(htitle,"Calibration for Module:%d Iteration:%d",fMod,fIterId); fTTree = new TTree(hname,htitle); fTTree->Branch("AliPHOSDATreeEvent","AliPHOSDATreeEvent",&fEvent); } else { fCreateTree = false; fTTree = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSDApi0mip::~AliPHOSDApi0mip(){ // Destructor //std::cout<<" DEBUGDEBUG :: AliPHOSDApi0mip:: deconstructor "<Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); fH1DigitNum->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); fH1ClusterNum->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); fH2EneDigitId->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); fH2MipDigitId->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); fH2Pi0DigitId->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); fH3Pi0AsymPt->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); delete fH1Time; delete fH1DigitNum; delete fH1ClusterNum; delete fH2EneDigitId; delete fH2MipDigitId; delete fH2Pi0DigitId; delete fH3Pi0AsymPt; } if( fCreateTree ){ fTTree->Write(); } if( fEvent ) delete fEvent; fTFile->Close(); delete fTFile; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliPHOSDApi0mip::FillDigit(float adc,int row,int col){ // Put new digit information in event // if( fEvent==0 ) fEvent = new AliPHOSDATreeEvent; float energy = adc * 0.005; // 5MeV/ch is fixed. if( energy > 0.020 ){ // Threshold at 20MeV. //std::cout<<" AliPHOSDApi0mip::AppendDigit() DEBUG:: (row,col)=("<Branch("AliPHOSDATreeEvent","AliPHOSDATreeEvent",&fEvent); fCreateTree = true; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- bool AliPHOSDApi0mip::CreateHist(){ // Create histogram routine called by the constructor only. char hname[1024], htitle[1024]; sprintf(hname,"h1_time_mod%d_iter%d",fMod,fIterId); sprintf(htitle,"Time : Mod:%d Iter:%d",fMod,fIterId); fH1Time = (TH1I*) gDirectory->Get(hname); if( fH1Time>0 ){ std::cout<<" AliPHOSDApi0mip:Warning!! Output object already exist : "<GetName()<ExecuteClustering(); //fEventClustered = true; //} fEvent->SetTime(fTime); fTTree->Fill(); } else { if( fEvent ) delete fEvent; fEvent = event; fTTree->Fill(); fEvent = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliPHOSDApi0mip::FillHist(AliPHOSDATreeEvent* event){ // Fill all information (AliPHOSDATreeEvent) into histograms // if event==NULL, the obtained information (=fEvent) is used. if(! fCreateHist ) CreateHist(); if( event == 0 ){ if( fEvent==0 ) fEvent = new AliPHOSDATreeEvent; if(! fEventClustered ){ fEvent->ExecuteClustering(); fEventClustered = true; } fEvent->SetTime(fTime); event = fEvent; } // -- Constant int nclt1, nclt2; int ndigits; int ndigitsall = 0; AliPHOSDATreeDigit digit1, digit2; const float kDistanceFromVertex = 460.; float dist1, dist2, px, py; float mass, cosine, pt, asym; // -- Filling into Time Histogram double start = fH1Time->GetBinContent(1); double stop = fH1Time->GetBinContent(2); double currenttime = (double) (event->GetTime()); if( start == 0 && stop == 0 ) start = stop = currenttime; if( currenttime < start ) start = currenttime; if( currenttime > stop ) stop = currenttime; fH1Time->SetBinContent(1,start); fH1Time->SetBinContent(2,stop); // -- Start looping clusters nclt1 = event->GetNClusters(); fH1ClusterNum->Fill(nclt1); //std::cout<<" AliPHOSDApi0mip::FillHisto() DEBUG:: Number of clusters: "<GetCluster(nclt1); ndigits = clt1.GetNDigits(); while( ndigits-- ){ AliPHOSDATreeDigit& digit = clt1.GetDigit(ndigits); fH2EneDigitId->Fill(digit.GetDigitId(),digit.GetEnergy()); ndigitsall++; } digit1 = clt1.GetMaxDigit(); if( clt1.GetEnergy() > 0 && clt1.GetNDigits() >= 2 ){ fH2MipDigitId->Fill(digit1.GetDigitId(),clt1.GetEnergy()); } if( clt1.GetEnergy() > 0.2 ){ nclt2 = nclt1; while( nclt2-- ){ AliPHOSDATreeCluster& clt2 = event->GetCluster(nclt2); digit2 = clt2.GetMaxDigit(); if( clt2.GetEnergy() > 0.2 ){ // // Following approximation is applied in order to avoid many calling "sqrt" function. // sqrt( 1 + x^2 ) =~ 1 + 0.5x^2 (for x<<1) // //cosine = ((clt1.GetRow()-31.5)*(clt2.GetRow()-31.5)*4.84 + (clt1.GetCol()-27.5)*(clt2.GetCol()-27.5)*4.84 + kDistanceFromVertex*kDistanceFromVertex) // / ( kDistanceFromVertex + (clt1.GetRow()-31.5)*(clt1.GetRow()-31.5)*2.42/kDistanceFromVertex + (clt1.GetCol()-27.5)*(clt1.GetCol()-27.5)*2.42/kDistanceFromVertex ) // / ( kDistanceFromVertex + (clt2.GetRow()-31.5)*(clt2.GetRow()-31.5)*2.42/kDistanceFromVertex + (clt2.GetCol()-27.5)*(clt2.GetCol()-27.5)*2.42/kDistanceFromVertex ); // dist1 = sqrt( kDistanceFromVertex*kDistanceFromVertex + (clt1.GetRow()-31.5)*(clt1.GetRow()-31.5)*4.84 + (clt1.GetCol()-27.5)*(clt1.GetCol()-27.5)*4.84 ); dist2 = sqrt( kDistanceFromVertex*kDistanceFromVertex + (clt2.GetRow()-31.5)*(clt2.GetRow()-31.5)*4.84 + (clt2.GetCol()-27.5)*(clt2.GetCol()-27.5)*4.84 ); cosine = ((clt1.GetRow()-31.5)*(clt2.GetRow()-31.5)*4.84 + (clt1.GetCol()-27.5)*(clt2.GetCol()-27.5)*4.84 + kDistanceFromVertex*kDistanceFromVertex) / dist1 / dist2; mass = sqrt( 2.0 * clt1.GetEnergy() * clt2.GetEnergy() * (1 - cosine) ); //std::cout<<" DEBUG: dist1:"<Fill(asym,pt,mass); if( digit1.IsValid() && digit1.IsValid() && digit1.GetDigitId() != digit2.GetDigitId() && //pt > 1.5 && clt1.GetEnergy() > 0.3 && clt2.GetEnergy() > 0.3 ){ //pt > 1.3 && clt1.GetEnergy() > 0.25 && clt2.GetEnergy() > 0.25 ){ pt > 1.0 && clt1.GetEnergy() > 0.2 && clt2.GetEnergy() > 0.2 ){ fH2Pi0DigitId->Fill(digit1.GetDigitId(),mass); fH2Pi0DigitId->Fill(digit2.GetDigitId(),mass); } } // End of energy cut } // End of second cluster loop (clt2) } // End of energy cut } // End of first cluster loop (clt1) fH1DigitNum->Fill(ndigitsall); // } //------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliPHOSDApi0mip::Print(char* opt){ // Print Out //fTFile->ls(); //fTTree->Print(); if( fEvent ){ //fEvent->ExecuteClustering(); fEvent->Print(opt); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------