/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ //*-- Author : Dmitri Peressounko (SUBATECH & Kurchatov Institute) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class performs digitization of Summable digits (in the PHOS case this is just // sum of contributions of all primary particles into given cell). // In addition it performs mixing of summable digits from different events. // // For each event two branches are created in TreeD: // "PHOS" - list of digits // "AliPHOSDigitizer" - AliPHOSDigitizer with all parameters used in digitization // // Note, that one cset title for new digits branch, and repeat digitization with // another set of parameters. // // Examples of use: // root[0] AliPHOSDigitizer * d = new AliPHOSDigitizer() ; // root[1] d->ExecuteTask() // Warning in : object already instantiated // //Digitizes SDigitis in all events found in file galice.root // // root[2] AliPHOSDigitizer * d1 = new AliPHOSDigitizer("galice1.root") ; // // Will read sdigits from galice1.root // root[3] d1->MixWith("galice2.root") // Warning in : object already instantiated // // Reads another portion of sdigits from galice2.root // root[3] d1->MixWith("galice3.root") // // Reads another portion of sdigits from galice3.root // root[4] d->ExecuteTask("deb timing") // // Reads SDigits from files galice1.root, galice2.root .... // // mixes them and stores produced Digits in file galice1.root // // deb - prints number of produced digits // // deb all - prints list of produced digits // // timing - prints time used for digitization // // --- ROOT system --- #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" // --- Standard library --- #include // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliPHOSDigit.h" #include "AliPHOSHit.h" #include "AliPHOSv1.h" #include "AliPHOSDigitizer.h" #include "AliPHOSSDigitizer.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSDigitizer) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSDigitizer::AliPHOSDigitizer():TTask("AliPHOSDigitizer","") { // ctor fSDigitizer = 0 ; fNinputs = 1 ; fPinNoise = 0.01 ; fEMCDigitThreshold = 0.01 ; fCPVNoise = 0.01; fCPVDigitThreshold = 0.09 ; fPPSDNoise = 0.0000001; fPPSDDigitThreshold = 0.0000002 ; fInitialized = kFALSE ; fHeaderFiles = 0; fSDigitsTitles = 0; fSDigits = 0 ; fDigits = 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::Init(){ // Makes all memory allocations if(!fInitialized){ fHeaderFiles = new TClonesArray("TObjString",1) ; new((*fHeaderFiles)[0]) TObjString("galice.root") ; //Test, if this file already open TFile *file = (TFile*) gROOT->GetFile(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString() ) ; if(file == 0){ file = new TFile(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString(),"update") ; gAlice = (AliRun *) file->Get("gAlice") ; } else file = new TFile(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString()) ; file->cd() ; fSDigitsTitles = new TClonesArray("TObjString",1); new((*fSDigitsTitles)[0]) TObjString("") ; fSDigits = new TClonesArray("TClonesArray",1) ; new((*fSDigits)[0]) TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",1000) ; fSDigitizer = 0 ; fDigitsTitle = "" ; fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",200000) ; fIevent = new TArrayI(1) ; fIevent->AddAt(-1,0 ) ; fIeventMax = new TArrayI(1) ; fIeventMax->AddAt((Int_t) gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries(), 0 ); // add Task to //root/Tasks folder TTask * roottasks = (TTask*)gROOT->GetRootFolder()->FindObject("Tasks") ; roottasks->Add(this) ; fInitialized = kTRUE ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSDigitizer::AliPHOSDigitizer(const char *headerFile,const char *sDigitsTitle): TTask("AliPHOSDigitizer","") { // ctor fHeaderFiles = new TClonesArray("TObjString",1) ; new((*fHeaderFiles)[0]) TObjString(headerFile) ; // Header file, where result will be stored TFile * file = (TFile*) gROOT->GetFile(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString() ) ; if(file==0){ if(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString().Contains("rfio")) file = TFile::Open(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString(),"update") ; else file = new TFile(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString(),"update") ; gAlice = (AliRun *) file->Get("gAlice") ; //If not read yet } file->cd() ; fSDigitsTitles = new TClonesArray("TObjString",1); // Title name of the SDigits branch new((*fSDigitsTitles)[0]) TObjString(sDigitsTitle) ; fSDigits = new TClonesArray("TClonesArray",1) ; // here list of SDigits wil be stored new((*fSDigits)[0]) TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",1000) ; fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",200000) ; fDigitsTitle = "" ; fSDigitizer = 0 ; fIevent = new TArrayI(1) ; fIevent->AddAt(-1,0 ) ; fIeventMax = new TArrayI(1) ; // Get number of events to process fIeventMax->AddAt((Int_t) gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries(), 0 ); fNinputs = 1 ; fPinNoise = 0.01 ; fEMCDigitThreshold = 0.01 ; fCPVNoise = 0.01; fCPVDigitThreshold = 0.09 ; fPPSDNoise = 0.0000001; fPPSDDigitThreshold = 0.0000002 ; // add Task to //root/Tasks folder TTask * roottasks = (TTask*)gROOT->GetRootFolder()->FindObject("Tasks") ; roottasks->Add(this) ; fInitialized = kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSDigitizer::~AliPHOSDigitizer() { // dtor if(fHeaderFiles) delete fHeaderFiles ; if(fSDigitsTitles) delete fSDigitsTitles ; if(fSDigits) delete fSDigits ; if(fDigits) delete fDigits ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::Reset() { //sets current event number to the first simulated event if(!fInitialized) Init() ; Int_t inputs ; for(inputs = 0; inputs < fNinputs ;inputs++) fIevent->AddAt(-1, inputs ) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliPHOSDigitizer::Combinator() { //Makes all desirable combinations Signal+Background, // returns kFALSE when all combinations are made // May be useful to introduce some options like "One-to-One", "All-to-One" and "All-to-All" ? //realizing "One-to-One" option... if(!fInitialized) Init() ; Int_t inputs ; Bool_t endNotReached = kTRUE ; for(inputs = 0; (inputs < fNinputs) && endNotReached ;inputs++){ if(fIevent->At(inputs)+1 < fIeventMax->At(inputs)) fIevent->AddAt(fIevent->At(inputs)+1, inputs ) ; else if(inputs == 0) endNotReached = kFALSE ; else //for inputs other than base one start from the beginning fIevent->AddAt(0, inputs ) ; } return endNotReached ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::Digitize(Option_t *option) { // Makes the digitization of the collected summable digits // for this it first creates the array of all PHOS modules // filled with noise (different for EMC, CPV and PPSD) and // after that adds contributions from SDigits. This design // helps to avoid scanning over the list of digits to add // contribution of any new SDigit. if(!fInitialized) Init() ; fDigits->Clear() ; AliPHOS * PHOS = (AliPHOS *) gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ; AliPHOSGeometry *geom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance( PHOS->GetGeometry()->GetName(), PHOS->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() ); //Making digits with noise, first EMC Int_t nEMC = geom->GetNModules()*geom->GetNPhi()*geom->GetNZ(); Int_t nCPV ; Int_t nPPSD ; Int_t absID ; TString name = geom->GetName() ; if ( name == "IHEP" || name == "MIXT" ) nCPV =nEMC + geom->GetNumberOfCPVPadsZ()*geom->GetNumberOfCPVPadsPhi()* geom->GetNCPVModules()*geom->GetNumberOfCPVLayers() ; else nCPV = nEMC; if ( name == "GPS2" || name == "MIXT" ) nPPSD =nCPV+2*geom->GetNPPSDModules()*geom->GetNumberOfModulesPhi()*geom->GetNumberOfModulesZ()* geom->GetNumberOfPadsPhi()*geom->GetNumberOfPadsZ() ; else nPPSD = nCPV; fDigits->Expand(nPPSD) ; for(absID = 1; absID <= nEMC; absID++){ Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0., fPinNoise) ; new((*fDigits)[absID-1]) AliPHOSDigit( -1,absID,fSDigitizer->Digitize(noise) ) ; } for(absID = nEMC+1; absID <= nCPV; absID++){ Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0., fCPVNoise) ; new((*fDigits)[absID-1]) AliPHOSDigit( -1,absID,fSDigitizer->Digitize(noise) ) ; } for(absID = nCPV+1; absID <= nPPSD; absID++){ Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0., fPPSDNoise) ; new((*fDigits)[absID-1]) AliPHOSDigit( -1,absID,fSDigitizer->Digitize(noise) ) ; } // Now look throught (unsorted) list of SDigits and add corresponding digits AliPHOSDigit *curSDigit ; AliPHOSDigit *digit ; Int_t inputs; for(inputs = 0; inputs< fNinputs ; inputs++){ //loop over (possible) merge sources TClonesArray * sdigits= (TClonesArray *)fSDigits->At(inputs) ; Int_t isdigit ; Int_t nSDigits = sdigits->GetEntries() ; for(isdigit=0;isdigit< nSDigits; isdigit++){ curSDigit = (AliPHOSDigit *)sdigits->At(isdigit) ; if(inputs) //Shift primaries for non-background sdigits curSDigit->ShiftPrimary(inputs) ; digit = (AliPHOSDigit *)fDigits->At(curSDigit->GetId() - 1); *digit = *digit + *curSDigit ; } } //remove digits below thresholds for(absID = 0; absID < nEMC ; absID++) if(fSDigitizer->Calibrate(((AliPHOSDigit*)fDigits->At(absID))->GetAmp()) < fEMCDigitThreshold) fDigits->RemoveAt(absID) ; for(absID = nEMC; absID < nCPV ; absID++) if(fSDigitizer->Calibrate(((AliPHOSDigit*)fDigits->At(absID))->GetAmp()) < fCPVDigitThreshold) fDigits->RemoveAt(absID) ; for(absID = nCPV; absID < nPPSD ; absID++) if(fSDigitizer->Calibrate(((AliPHOSDigit *)fDigits->At(absID))->GetAmp()) < fPPSDDigitThreshold) fDigits->RemoveAt(absID) ; fDigits->Compress() ; Int_t ndigits = fDigits->GetEntriesFast() ; fDigits->Expand(ndigits) ; //Set indexes in list of digits Int_t i ; for (i = 0 ; i < ndigits ; i++) { AliPHOSDigit * digit = (AliPHOSDigit *) fDigits->At(i) ; digit->SetIndexInList(i) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::WriteDigits(){ // Made TreeD in the output file. Check if branch already exists: if yes, exits // without writing: ROOT TTree does not suppert overwriting/updating of the // already existing branches. Creates branch with Digits, named "PHOS", title "...", // and branch "AliPHOSDigitizer", with the same title to keep all the parameters // and names of files, from which digits are made. gAlice->GetEvent(fIevent->At(0)) ; // Suitable only for One-To-One mixing gAlice->SetEvent(fIevent->At(0)) ; // for all-to-all will produce a lot of branches in TreeD if(gAlice->TreeD()==0) gAlice->MakeTree("D") ; //Check, if this branch already exits? TBranch * digitsBranch = 0; TBranch * digitizerBranch = 0; TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeD()->GetListOfBranches() ; Int_t ibranch; Bool_t phosNotFound = kTRUE ; Bool_t digitizerNotFound = kTRUE ; for(ibranch = 0;ibranch GetEntries();ibranch++){ if(phosNotFound){ digitsBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( (strcmp("PHOS",digitsBranch->GetName())==0 ) && (fDigitsTitle.CompareTo(digitsBranch->GetTitle()) == 0) ) phosNotFound = kFALSE ; } if(digitizerNotFound){ digitizerBranch = (TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( (strcmp(digitizerBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSDigitizer") == 0) && (fDigitsTitle.CompareTo(digitizerBranch->GetTitle()) == 0)) digitizerNotFound = kFALSE ; } } if(!(digitizerNotFound && phosNotFound)){ cout << "AliPHOSDigitizer error: " << endl ; cout << " can not update/overwrite existing branches "<< endl ; cout << " do not write " << endl ; return ; } // create new branches //First generate file name char * file =0; if(gSystem->Getenv("CONFIG_SPLIT_FILE")){ //generating file name file = new char[strlen(gAlice->GetBaseFile())+20] ; sprintf(file,"%s/PHOS.Digits.root",gAlice->GetBaseFile()) ; } TDirectory *cwd = gDirectory; //First create list of sdigits Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ; digitsBranch = gAlice->TreeD()->Branch("PHOS",&fDigits,bufferSize); digitsBranch->SetTitle(fDigitsTitle.Data()); if (file) { digitsBranch->SetFile(file); TIter next( digitsBranch->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch * sbr ; while ((sbr=(TBranch*)next())) { sbr->SetFile(file); } cwd->cd(); } //second - create Digitizer Int_t splitlevel = 0 ; AliPHOSDigitizer * d = this ; digitizerBranch = gAlice->TreeD()->Branch("AliPHOSDigitizer","AliPHOSDigitizer", &d,bufferSize,splitlevel); digitizerBranch->SetTitle(fDigitsTitle.Data()); if (file) { digitizerBranch->SetFile(file); TIter next( digitizerBranch->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch * sbr; while ((sbr=(TBranch*)next())) { sbr->SetFile(file); } cwd->cd(); } digitsBranch->Fill() ; digitizerBranch->Fill() ; gAlice->TreeD()->Write(0,kOverwrite) ; //remove fSDigitizer before new event. if(fSDigitizer){ delete fSDigitizer ; fSDigitizer = 0 ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::Exec(Option_t *option) { // Managing method if(!fInitialized) Init() ; if(strstr(option,"tim")) gBenchmark->Start("PHOSDigitizer"); //reset events numbers to start from the beginnig Reset() ; while(Combinator()){ if(!ReadSDigits()) //read sdigits event(s) evaluated by Combinator() from file(s) return ; Digitize(option) ; //Add prepared SDigits to digits and add the noise WriteDigits() ; if(strstr(option,"deb")) PrintDigits(option); } if(strstr(option,"tim")){ gBenchmark->Stop("PHOSDigitizer"); cout << "AliPHOSDigitizer:" << endl ; cout << " took " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSDigitizer") << " seconds for SDigitizing " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSDigitizer")/(fIeventMax->At(0)) << " seconds per event " << endl ; cout << endl ; } } //__________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliPHOSDigitizer::ReadSDigits(){ // Reads summable digits from the opened files for the particular set of events given by fIevent if(!fInitialized) Init() ; Int_t inputs ; for(inputs = fNinputs-1; inputs >= 0; inputs --){ Int_t event = fIevent->At(inputs) ; TFile * file = (TFile*) gROOT->GetFile(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(inputs))->GetString() ) ; file->cd() ; // Get SDigits Tree header from file char treeName[20]; sprintf(treeName,"TreeS%d",event); TTree * treeS = (TTree*)file->Get(treeName); if(treeS==0){ cout << "Error at AliPHOSDigitizer: no "<GetName() << endl ; cout << "Do nothing " << endl ; return kFALSE ; } TBranch * sdigitsBranch = 0; TBranch * sdigitizerBranch = 0; TObjArray * branches = treeS->GetListOfBranches() ; Int_t ibranch; Bool_t phosNotFound = kTRUE ; Bool_t sdigitizerNotFound = kTRUE ; for(ibranch = 0;ibranch GetEntries();ibranch++){ if(phosNotFound){ sdigitsBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if(( strcmp("PHOS",sdigitsBranch->GetName())==0 ) && ((TObjString*) fSDigitsTitles->At(inputs))->GetString().CompareTo(sdigitsBranch->GetTitle())== 0 ) phosNotFound = kFALSE ; } if(sdigitizerNotFound){ sdigitizerBranch = (TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if(( strcmp(sdigitizerBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSSDigitizer") == 0) && ((TObjString*) fSDigitsTitles->At(inputs))->GetString().CompareTo(sdigitizerBranch->GetTitle())== 0 ) sdigitizerNotFound = kFALSE ; } } if(sdigitizerNotFound || phosNotFound){ cout << "Can't find Branch with sdigits or SDigitizer in the file " ; if( ((TObjString*)fSDigitsTitles->At(inputs))->GetString().IsNull() ) cout << file->GetName() << endl ; else cout << ((TObjString*)fSDigitsTitles->At(inputs))->GetString().Data() << endl ; cout << "Do nothing" <At(inputs) ; sdigitsBranch->SetAddress(&sdigits) ; AliPHOSSDigitizer *sDigitizer = new AliPHOSSDigitizer(); sdigitizerBranch->SetAddress(&sDigitizer) ; sdigitsBranch->GetEntry(0) ; sdigitizerBranch->GetEntry(0) ; if(fSDigitizer == 0) fSDigitizer = sDigitizer ; else if(!((*fSDigitizer)==(*sDigitizer)) ){ cout << "AliPHOSDigitizer ERROR:" << endl ; cout << " you are using sdigits made with different SDigitizers" << endl ; cout << "fSD " << fSDigitizer << " SD" << sDigitizer << endl ; fSDigitizer->Print("") ; sDigitizer->Print("") ; cout << "Do Nothing " << endl ; return kFALSE ; } } fPedestal = fSDigitizer->GetPedestalParameter() ; fSlope = fSDigitizer->GetCalibrationParameter() ; return kTRUE ; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::MixWith(char* HeaderFile, char* sDigitsTitle){ // Alows produce digits by superimposing background and signal event. // It is assumed, that headers file with SIGNAL events is opened in // constructor, and now we set the BACKGROUND event, with which we // will mix. Thus we avoid writing (changing) huge and expencive // backgound files: all output will be writen into SIGNAL, i.e. // opened in constructor file. // // One can open as many files to mix with as one wants. if(!fInitialized) Init() ; if(HeaderFile == 0){ cout << "Specify at least header file to merge"<< endl ; return ; } Int_t inputs ; for(inputs = 0; inputs < fNinputs ; inputs++){ if(strcmp(((TObjString *)fHeaderFiles->At(inputs))->GetString(),HeaderFile) == 0 ){ if(sDigitsTitle == 0){ if(((TObjString*)fSDigitsTitles->At(inputs))->GetString().CompareTo("") == 0){ cout << "Entry already exists, do not add" << endl ; return ; } } else if(((TObjString*)fSDigitsTitles->At(inputs))->GetString().CompareTo(sDigitsTitle)){ cout << "Entry already exists, do not add" << endl ; return; } } } fHeaderFiles->Expand(fNinputs+1) ; new((*fHeaderFiles)[fNinputs]) TObjString(HeaderFile) ; TFile * file = new TFile(((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(fNinputs))->GetString()) ; file->cd() ; fSDigitsTitles->Expand(fNinputs+1) ; new((*fSDigitsTitles)[fNinputs]) TObjString(sDigitsTitle) ; fSDigits->Expand(fNinputs+1) ; new((*fSDigits)[fNinputs]) TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",1000) ; fIevent->Set(fNinputs+1) ; fIevent->AddAt(-1, fNinputs) ; fIeventMax->Set(fNinputs+1) ; TTree * te = (TTree *) file->Get("TE") ; fIeventMax->AddAt((Int_t) te->GetEntries(), fNinputs ); fNinputs++ ; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::Print(Option_t* option)const { if(fInitialized){ cout << "------------------- "<< GetName() << " -------------" << endl ; cout << "Digitizing sDigits from file(s): " <At(input))->GetString() << " Branch title:" << ((TObjString *) fSDigitsTitles->At(input))->GetString() << endl ; } cout << endl ; cout << "Writing digits to " << ((TObjString *) fHeaderFiles->At(0))->GetString() << endl ; cout << endl ; cout << "With following parameters: " << endl ; cout << " Electronics noise in EMC (fPinNoise) = " << fPinNoise << endl ; cout << " Threshold in EMC (fEMCDigitThreshold) = " << fEMCDigitThreshold << endl ; ; cout << " Noise in CPV (fCPVNoise) = " << fCPVNoise << endl ; cout << " Threshold in CPV (fCPVDigitThreshold) = " << fCPVDigitThreshold << endl ; cout << " Noise in PPSD (fPPSDNoise) = " << fPPSDNoise << endl ; cout << " Threshold in PPSD (fPPSDDigitThreshold) = " << fPPSDDigitThreshold << endl ; cout << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl ; } else cout << "AliPHOSDigitizer not initialized " << endl ; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::PrintDigits(Option_t * option){ cout << "AliPHOSDigitiser:"<< endl ; cout << " Number of entries in Digits list " << fDigits->GetEntriesFast() << endl ; cout << endl ; if(strstr(option,"all")){ //loop over digits AliPHOSDigit * digit; cout << "Digit Id " << " Amplitude " << " Index " << " Nprim " << " Primaries list " << endl; Int_t index ; for (index = 0 ; index < fDigits->GetEntries() ; index++) { digit = (AliPHOSDigit * ) fDigits->At(index) ; cout << setw(8) << digit->GetId() << " " << setw(3) << digit->GetAmp() << " " << setw(6) << digit->GetIndexInList() << " " << setw(5) << digit->GetNprimary() <<" "; Int_t iprimary; for (iprimary=0; iprimaryGetNprimary(); iprimary++) cout << setw(5) << digit->GetPrimary(iprimary+1) << " "; cout << endl; } } } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::SetSDigitsBranch(const char* title){ // we set title (comment) of the SDigits branch in the first! header file if(!fInitialized) Init() ; ((TObjString*) fSDigitsTitles->At(0) )->SetString((char*)title) ; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSDigitizer::SetDigitsBranch(const char* title){ //Sets the title (comment) of the branch to which Digits branch if(!fInitialized) Init() ; fDigitsTitle = title ; }