/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // A singleton that retrieves objets from an array stored in a Tree on a disk file // 1. AliPHOSDigit from TreeD // //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliPHOSIndexToObject.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSIndexToObject) AliPHOSIndexToObject * AliPHOSIndexToObject::fObjGetter = 0 ; //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSIndexToObject::AliPHOSIndexToObject(AliPHOS * det) { // ctor called once to initialize the detector in use fDetector = det ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSIndexToObject * AliPHOSIndexToObject::GetInstance() { // Returns the pointer of the unique instance already defined AliPHOSIndexToObject * rv = 0 ; if ( fObjGetter ) rv = fObjGetter ; else cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GetInstance ERROR: not yet initialized" << endl ; return rv ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSIndexToObject * AliPHOSIndexToObject::GetInstance(AliPHOS * det) { // Creates and returns the pointer of the unique instance // Must be called only when the environment has changed (a new event for exemple) if ( fObjGetter ) // delete it if already exists delete fObjGetter ; fObjGetter = new AliPHOSIndexToObject(det) ; return fObjGetter ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSDigit * AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeDigit(Int_t index) { // returns the object AliPHOSDigit stored at array position index in TreeD AliPHOSDigit * rv = 0 ; if ( index >= fDetector->Digits()->GetEntries() ) cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeDigit: index " << index << " larger than available entries " << fDetector->Digits()->GetEntries() << endl ; else if ( index != -1) rv = (AliPHOSDigit *) (fDetector->Digits()->At(index) ) ; return rv ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ TParticle * AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimePrimaryParticle(Int_t index) { // returns the object TParticle stored at array position index in TreeK TParticle * rv = 0 ; if ( index >= gAlice->Particles()->GetEntries() ) cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimePrimaryParticles: index " << index << " larger than available entries " << gAlice->Particles()->GetEntries() << endl ; else rv = (TParticle *) (gAlice->Particles()->At(index) ) ; return rv ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSRecParticle * AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeRecParticle(Int_t index) { // returns the object AliPHOSRecParticle stored at array position index in TreeR/PHOSRP // this one takes more work because the detetor object and the objects in TreeR are not saved at the same time // therefore the links are lost AliPHOSRecParticle * rv = 0 ; RecParticlesList * rplist = fDetector->RecParticles() ; Int_t rpentries = 0 ; if (rplist) rpentries = rplist->GetEntries() ; fReconstruct = gAlice->TreeR() ; if (!rpentries) { fReconstruct->SetBranchAddress( "PHOSRP", &rplist ) ; fReconstruct->GetEvent(0) ; rpentries = rplist->GetEntries() ; } if ( index >= rpentries ) // ERROR cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeRecParticle: index " << index << " larger than available entries " << rpentries << endl ; else rv = (AliPHOSRecParticle *) (fDetector->RecParticles()->At(index) ) ; return rv ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliRecPoint * AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeRecPoint(Int_t index, TString type) { // returns the object AliPHOSRecPoint stored at array position index in TreeR/PHOSEmcRP or TreeR/PHOSPpsdRP // this one takes more work because the detetor object and the objects in TreeR are not saved at the same time // therefore the links are lost AliPHOSRecPoint * rv = 0 ; RecPointsList * emclist = fDetector->EmcRecPoints() ; RecPointsList * ppsdlist = fDetector->PpsdRecPoints() ; Int_t emcentries = 0 ; Int_t ppsdentries = 0 ; if (emclist) emcentries = emclist->GetEntries() ; if (ppsdlist) ppsdentries= ppsdlist->GetEntries() ; fReconstruct = gAlice->TreeR() ; if (!emcentries || !ppsdentries) { fReconstruct->SetBranchAddress("PHOSEmcRP",&emclist); fReconstruct->SetBranchAddress("PHOSPpsdRP",&ppsdlist); fReconstruct->GetEvent(0) ; emcentries = emclist->GetEntries() ; ppsdentries= ppsdlist->GetEntries() ; } if ( type == "emc" ) { if ( index >= emcentries ) cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeRecPoint emc: index " << index << " larger than available entries " << emcentries << endl ; else rv = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *) ( emclist->At(index) ) ; } else if ( type == "ppsd" ) { if ( index >= ppsdentries ) cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeRecPoint ppsd: index " << index << " larger than available entries " << ppsdentries << endl ; else if (index != -1) rv = (AliPHOSPpsdRecPoint *) (ppsdlist->At(index) ) ; } else cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeRecPoint: " << type << " is an unknown type " << endl << " valid types are : emc " << endl << " ppsd " << endl ; return rv ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSTrackSegment * AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeTrackSegment(Int_t index) { // returns the object AliPHOSTrackSegment stored at array position index in TreeR/PHOSTS // this one takes more work because the detetor object and the objects in TreeR are not saved at the same time // therefore the links are lost AliPHOSTrackSegment * rv = 0 ; TrackSegmentsList * tslist = fDetector->TrackSegments() ; Int_t tsentries = 0 ; if (tslist) tsentries = tslist->GetEntries() ; fReconstruct = gAlice->TreeR() ; if (!tsentries) { fReconstruct->SetBranchAddress( "PHOSTS", &tslist ) ; fReconstruct->GetEvent(0) ; tsentries = tslist->GetEntries() ; } if ( index >= tsentries ) // ERROR cout << "AliPHOSIndexToObject::GimeTrackSegment: index " << index << " larger than available entries " << tsentries << endl ; else rv = (AliPHOSTrackSegment *) (tslist->At(index) ) ; return rv ; }