/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class intended to perform online monitoring of PHOS beamtests // Being constructed, produces menu with list of available histograms to fill // Once histograms are selected, button "Go" should be pressed to start scan of data. // Prepared histograms will be periodically updated during scan of the data. // Note: // 1. To plot most of histograms, a "Connection Table", relating ADC signal index and AbsId // of PHOS crystal, should be created beforehand. To do this, call macro // $ALICE_ROOT/PHOS/macros/BeamTest/MakeConTableDB.C // with apropriate number of raws and columns of prototype. // 2. To perform reconstruction and e.g. invariant mass analysis, a "Calibration Database" // should be created beforehand. To do this, call macro // $ALICE_ROOT/PHOS/macros/BeamTest/MakeConTableDB.C // to read calibration parameters from file or use AliPHOSCalibrator to calculate // pedestal and gains. // 3. Once histograms are filled with "Go" method, they can be written to file // with WriteHisto("Filename.root") method. // //*-- Author : D.Peressounko (RRC KI) after A.V. Kuryakin, (Sarov) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include "TROOT.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TGroupButton.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TSystem.h" // --- Standard library --- #include "TBenchmark.h" #include "Riostream.h" // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliPHOSOnlineMonitor.h" #include "AliPHOSConTableDB.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "AliRawReaderDateV3.h" #include "AliRawEventHeaderBase.h" #include "AliPHOSRawStream2004.h" #include "AliPHOSDigit.h" #include "AliPHOSGetterLight.h" #include "AliPHOSClusterizerv1.h" #include "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1.h" #include "AliPHOSPIDv1.h" #include "AliPHOSCalibrManager.h" #include "AliPHOSCalibrationDB.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSOnlineMonitor) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::AliPHOSOnlineMonitor(): TDialogCanvas("PHOS","PHOS",150,300), fScanPed(kFALSE), fScanSig(kFALSE), fReconstruct(kFALSE), fNevents(0), fNUpdate(1000), fCanvasList(new TList), fHistosList(new TList), fInputFile(), fGeom(0), fcdb(0) { MakeButtons() ; Modified(kTRUE); Update(); SetEditable(kFALSE); //add this TFitPanel to the list of cleanups such that in case //the referenced object is deleted, its pointer be reset gROOT->GetListOfCleanups()->Add(this); fRefObject = this; fRefPad = (TPad*)gROOT->GetSelectedPad(); fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance("IHEP","") ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::AliPHOSOnlineMonitor(const char * inputfile): TDialogCanvas("PHOS","PHOS",150,300), fScanPed(kFALSE), fScanSig(kFALSE), fReconstruct(kFALSE), fNevents(0), fNUpdate(1000), fCanvasList(new TList), fHistosList(new TList), fInputFile(inputfile), fGeom(0), fcdb(0) { MakeButtons() ; Modified(kTRUE); Update(); SetEditable(kFALSE); //add this TFitPanel to the list of cleanups such that in case //the referenced object is deleted, its pointer be reset gROOT->GetListOfCleanups()->Add(this); fRefObject = this; fRefPad = (TPad*)gROOT->GetSelectedPad(); fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance("IHEP","") ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::AliPHOSOnlineMonitor(const AliPHOSOnlineMonitor & /*rhs*/): TDialogCanvas(), fScanPed(kFALSE), fScanSig(kFALSE), fReconstruct(kFALSE), fNevents(0), fNUpdate(0), fCanvasList(0), fHistosList(0), fInputFile(), fGeom(0), fcdb(0) { Fatal("AliPHOSOnlineMonitor", "not implemented"); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSOnlineMonitor & AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::operator = (const AliPHOSOnlineMonitor &) { Fatal("operator = ", "not implemented"); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::~AliPHOSOnlineMonitor() { //Obvious, but unevoidable comment for destructor: cleans up everething. TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())) delete c ; delete fCanvasList ; TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1D * h ; while((h=(TH1D*)nextHisto())) delete h ; delete fHistosList ; if(fcdb) delete fcdb ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::MakeButtons(void){ //Make buttons on graphical menu Int_t nButtons = 16; TGroupButton * b ; Float_t xmin = 0.0; Float_t ymin = 0.01; Float_t xmax = 0.99; Float_t ymax = 0.99; Float_t dy = (ymax-ymin)/nButtons ; Float_t y2=ymax ; Float_t y1=y2-dy ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY","Triggers","",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->Draw(); y2=y1 ; y1=y1-dy ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY","Pedestals","",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->Draw(); y2=y1 ; y1=y1-dy ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY","Spectrum all","",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->Draw(); y2=y1 ; y1=y1-dy ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY","Spectrum g","",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->Draw(); y2=y1 ; y1=y1-dy ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY","Inv Mass","",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->Draw(); for(Int_t i=1; i<=5; i++){ y2=y1 ; y1=y1-dy ; char name[10] ; sprintf(name,"Edep(ADC) %d",i) ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY",name,"",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->Draw(); } for(Int_t i=1; i<=5; i++){ y2=y1 ; y1=y1-dy ; char name[10] ; sprintf(name,"Edep(Cal) %d",i) ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY",name,"",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->Draw(); } y2=y1 ; y1=y1-dy ; b = new TGroupButton("APPLY","Go","",xmin,y1,xmax,y2); b->SetTextColor(2); b->Draw(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::Apply(const char *action){ //Function to handle button actions TDialogCanvas::Apply() ; TObject *obj; TGroupButton *button; TIter next(fPrimitives); if (!strcmp(action,"Triggers")) { DrawTriggers() ; } if (!strcmp(action,"Pedestals")) { DrawPedestals() ; } if (!strcmp(action,"Spectrum all")) { DrawSpectrum("all") ; } if (!strcmp(action,"Spectrum g")) { DrawSpectrum("gamma") ; } if (!strcmp(action,"Inv Mass")) { DrawMinv() ; } if(strstr(action,"Edep")){ Int_t n ; char tmp[10] ; sscanf(action,"%s %d",tmp,&n) ; char opt[5]="" ; if(strstr(action,"Cal")) sprintf(opt,"Cal") ; DrawEdep(n,opt) ; } if (!strcmp(action,"Go")) { Go() ; } //Mark button as pressed if(strcmp(action,"Go")){ //Do not mark "Go" button while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TGroupButton::Class())) { button = (TGroupButton*)obj; if(!strcmp(button->GetTitle(),action)){ if (button->GetBorderMode() > 0){ button->SetBorderMode(-1) ; button->Modified(kTRUE); } } } } } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::SetInputFile(const char * filename){ //close previously opened fInputFile = filename ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::DrawPedestals(){ //Prepare canvas and histograms for drawing pedestals TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; Bool_t exists = kFALSE ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ if(!strcmp(c->GetName(),"Pedestals")){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ c = new TDialogCanvas("Pedestals","Pedestals",300,200) ; fCanvasList->AddLast(c) ; } TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1D * h ; exists = kFALSE ; while((h=(TH1D*)nextHisto())){ if(!strcmp(h->GetName(),"hPedestals")){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ h = new TH1D("hPedestals","Pedestals per event",fGeom->GetNModules()*fGeom->GetNCristalsInModule(),0., 1.*fGeom->GetNModules()*fGeom->GetNCristalsInModule()) ; fHistosList->AddLast(h) ; } c->cd() ; h->SetStats(0) ; h->Draw() ; fScanPed = kTRUE ; //We will scan pedestals } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::DrawTriggers(){ //Prepare canvas and histogram for drawing triggers TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; Bool_t exists = kFALSE ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ if(!strcmp(c->GetName(),"Triggers")){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ c = new TDialogCanvas("Triggers","Triggers",200,200) ; fCanvasList->AddLast(c) ; } TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1D * h ; exists = kFALSE ; while((h=(TH1D*)nextHisto())){ if(!strcmp(h->GetName(),"hTriggers")){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ h = new TH1D("hTriggers","Triggers",2,0.,2.) ; fHistosList->AddLast(h) ; } //Make Labels h->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); h->Fill("LED",0.0000001) ; h->Fill("PUL",0.0000001) ; h->Fill("PED",0.0000001) ; h->Fill("NEL",0.0000001) ; h->Fill("WEL",0.0000001) ; h->Fill("SOB",0.0000001) ; h->Fill("EOB",0.0000001) ; h->Fill("wrong",0.0000001) ; h->LabelsOption("h"); h->LabelsDeflate(); h->SetStats(0) ; c->cd() ; h->Draw() ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::DrawSpectrum(const char * opt){ //Prepare canvas and histograms for drawing spectra of all reconstructed particles or photons TString name("Spectrum") ; name+=opt ; TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; Bool_t exists = kFALSE ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ if(!strcmp(c->GetName(),name.Data())){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ c = new TDialogCanvas(name,name,250,300) ; fCanvasList->AddLast(c) ; } TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1D * h ; exists = kFALSE ; name.Prepend("h") ; while((h=(TH1D*)nextHisto())){ if(!strcmp(h->GetName(),name.Data())){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ h = new TH1D(name,name,100,0.,100.) ; fHistosList->AddLast(h) ; } h->SetStats(0) ; c->cd() ; h->Draw() ; fReconstruct = kTRUE ; fScanSig = kTRUE ; //We will scan pedestals } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::DrawMinv(){ TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; Bool_t exists = kFALSE ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ if(!strcmp(c->GetName(),"InvMass")){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ c = new TDialogCanvas("InvMass","Invariant mass",300,200) ; fCanvasList->AddLast(c) ; } TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1D * h ; exists = kFALSE ; while((h=(TH1D*)nextHisto())){ if(!strcmp(h->GetName(),"hInvMass")){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ h = new TH1D("hInvMass","hInvMass",1000,0.,1.0) ; fHistosList->AddLast(h) ; } c->cd() ; h->Draw() ; h->SetStats(0) ; fReconstruct = kTRUE ; fScanSig = kTRUE ; //We will scan pedestals } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::DrawEdep(Int_t mod,const char * opt){ char name[15] ; sprintf(name,"Edep%s %d",opt,mod) ; TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; Bool_t exists = kFALSE ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ if(!strcmp(c->GetName(),name)){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ c = new TDialogCanvas(name,name,300,200) ; fCanvasList->AddLast(c) ; } TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH2D * h ; exists = kFALSE ; sprintf(name,"hEdep%s%d",opt,mod) ; while((h=(TH2D*)nextHisto())){ if(!strcmp(h->GetName(),name)){ exists = kTRUE ; break; } } if(!exists){ h = new TH2D(name,name,fGeom->GetNPhi(),0.,1.*fGeom->GetNPhi(),fGeom->GetNZ(),0.,1.*fGeom->GetNZ()) ; fHistosList->AddLast(h) ; } c->cd() ; h->Draw("col") ; h->SetStats(0) ; fScanSig = kTRUE ; //We will scan signal events if(strstr(opt,"Cal")) fReconstruct = kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::ScanPedestals(TClonesArray * digits){ //This method is called for events with PED trigger //We fill bins with ADC values TH1D * h = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("hPedestals"); if(!h){ Error("ScanPedestals","Can not fild histogram hPedestals") ; return ; } for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++){ AliPHOSDigit * dig = static_cast(digits->At(i)) ; h->AddBinContent(dig->GetId(),dig->GetAmp()) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::ScanEdep(TClonesArray * digits){ //Fill 2D distribution of ADC values in NEL and WEL events AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; AliPHOSCalibrationDB *cdb = 0 ; if(gime) cdb = gime->CalibrationDB() ; Int_t mod = 0 ; char name[15] ; TH2D * h = 0 ; TH2D * hCal = 0 ; for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++){ AliPHOSDigit * dig = static_cast(digits->At(i)) ; Int_t relId[4] ; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(dig->GetId(),relId) ; if(mod != relId[0]){ //new module, look for histograms mod = relId[0] ; sprintf(name,"hEdep%d",mod) ; h = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObjectAny(name); sprintf(name,"hEdepCal%d",mod) ; hCal = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObjectAny(name); } if(h) h->Fill(relId[2]-0.1,relId[3]-0.1,1.*dig->GetAmp()) ; if(hCal) hCal->Fill(relId[2]-0.1,relId[3]-0.1,cdb->Calibrate(dig->GetAmp(),dig->GetId())) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::ScanRecon(TClonesArray * recParticles){ if(!recParticles || recParticles->GetEntries()==0) return ; TH1D* hSpectr = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("hSpectrumall"); TH1D* hSpectrGam= (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("hSpectrumgamma"); TH1D* hInvMass = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("hInvMass"); for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast() ; i++){ AliPHOSRecParticle * p = (AliPHOSRecParticle *)recParticles->At(i) ; if(hSpectr)hSpectr->Fill(p->Energy()) ; if(hSpectrGam && p->IsPhoton())hSpectrGam->Fill(p->Energy()) ; if(hInvMass){ for(Int_t j=i+1; jGetEntriesFast() ; j++){ AliPHOSRecParticle * p2 = (AliPHOSRecParticle *)recParticles->At(j) ; Double_t e = p->Energy() + p2->Energy() ; Double_t x = p->Px() + p2->Px() ; Double_t y = p->Py() + p2->Py() ; Double_t z = p->Pz() + p2->Pz() ; Double_t m = e*e-x*x-y*y-z*z ; hInvMass->Fill(m>0?TMath::Sqrt(m): 0. ) ; } } } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::ScanTrigger(Int_t trig){ //Fills trigger distribution TH1D * h = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObjectAny("hTriggers"); if(!h) return ; switch(trig){ case AliPHOSRawStream2004::kLED : h->Fill("LED",1.) ; break ; case AliPHOSRawStream2004::kPUL : h->Fill("PUL",1.) ; break ; case AliPHOSRawStream2004::kPED : h->Fill("PED",1.) ; break ; case AliPHOSRawStream2004::kNEL : h->Fill("NEL",1.) ; break ; case AliPHOSRawStream2004::kWEL : h->Fill("WEL",1.) ; break ; case AliPHOSRawStream2004::kSOB : h->Fill("SOB",1.) ; break ; case AliPHOSRawStream2004::kEOB : h->Fill("EOB",1.) ; break ; default : h->Fill("wrong",1.) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::SetConTableDB(const char * filename){ //Read ConnectionTableDB from file TFile * file = new TFile(filename) ; AliPHOSConTableDB * tmp = (AliPHOSConTableDB*)file->Get("AliPHOSConTableDB") ; fcdb = new AliPHOSConTableDB(*tmp) ; file->Close() ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::Go(){ //Perform scan of curent event gBenchmark->Start("PHOSOnlineMon"); //First test if we need "Connection table" then open it if(!fcdb){ SetConTableDB() ; if(fcdb){ Info("Go","Read Connection table from file \"ConTableDB.root\"") ; }else{ Error("Go","Please, set connection table with SetConTableDB() method") ; return ; } } AliPHOSGetterLight * gime = AliPHOSGetterLight::Instance("PHOS","On Flight") ; //Configure CalibrManager to read data from file //Create calibration database and read it AliPHOSCalibrationDB * calibDB = 0 ; if(fScanSig || fReconstruct){ //We will ned calibration parameters AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance("CalibrDB.root","root") ; //If we configured manager to read from ASCII file, //give him connection table. OK, it will not harm in any case. AliPHOSCalibrManager::GetInstance()->SetConTable(fcdb) ; calibDB = new AliPHOSCalibrationDB("OnLine") ; calibDB->GetParameters() ; //Read parameters using Manager gime->SetCalibrationDB(calibDB) ; } //Now open data file AliRawReaderDateV3 *rawReader = new AliRawReaderDateV3(fInputFile) ; rawReader->RequireHeader(kFALSE); AliPHOSRawStream2004 *rawStream = new AliPHOSRawStream2004(rawReader) ; rawStream->SetConTableDB(fcdb) ; TClonesArray * digits = gime->Digits() ; TClonesArray * recParticles = gime->RecParticles() ; AliPHOSClusterizerv1* clu = 0 ; AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1 * tsm = 0 ; AliPHOSPIDv1 * pid = 0 ; if(fReconstruct){ //We will need calibation parameters clu = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1(gime->PHOSGeometry()) ; clu->SetWriting(0) ; //Do not write to file clu->SetEmcMinE(0.05) ; //Minimal energy of the digit clu->SetEmcLocalMaxCut(0.05) ; //Height of local maximum over environment clu->SetEmcClusteringThreshold(0.2) ; //Minimal energy to start cluster // clu->SetUnfolding(kFALSE) ; //Do not unfold tsm = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1(gime->PHOSGeometry()); tsm->SetWriting(0) ; //Do not write to file pid = new AliPHOSPIDv1(gime->PHOSGeometry()) ; pid->SetWriting(0) ; //Do not write to file } fNevents=0 ; //Scan all event in file printf(" ") ; while(rawReader->NextEvent()){ //Is it PHYSICAL event if(rawReader->GetType() == AliRawEventHeaderBase::kPhysicsEvent){ fNevents++ ; if(fNevents%100 ==0){ printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b%6d",fNevents) ; } if(rawStream->ReadDigits(digits)){ //Test trigger //Pedestal Event ScanTrigger(rawStream->GetTrigger()) ; if(rawStream->IsPEDevent() && fScanPed){ ScanPedestals(digits) ; } if((rawStream->IsNELevent() || rawStream->IsWELevent()) && fScanSig){ ScanEdep(digits) ; if(fReconstruct){ // PLEASE FIX IT !!! // gime->Clusterizer()->Exec("") ; // gime->TrackSegmentMaker()->Exec("") ; // gime->PID()->Exec("") ; ScanRecon(recParticles) ; } } } if(fNevents%fNUpdate == 0 ){ //upate all histograms TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ c->Modified() ; c->Update() ; } } gSystem->ProcessEvents(); } // if(fNevents>=200)break ; } printf("\n") ; gBenchmark->Stop("PHOSOnlineMon"); Float_t time = gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSOnlineMon") ; printf("took %f seconds for scanning, i.e. %f seconds per event %d \n", time,time/fNevents,fNevents) ; //Update canvas with histograms at the end TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ c->Modified(kTRUE) ; } if(clu)delete clu ; if(tsm)delete tsm ; if(pid)delete pid ; printf("delete 1 \n") ; if(calibDB) delete calibDB ; delete rawStream ; delete rawReader ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::Clean(){ //Cleans content of all histograms TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1D * h ; while((h=(TH1D*)nextHisto())){ h->Reset("ISE") ; } TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ c->Modified() ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::Reset(){ //delets all canvas and histograms, //marks buttons as unpressed TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1D * h ; while((h=(TH1D*)nextHisto())){ fHistosList->Remove(h) ; delete h ; } TIter nextCanvas(fCanvasList); TCanvas * c ; while((c=(TCanvas*)nextCanvas())){ fCanvasList->Remove(c) ; delete c ; } TObject *obj; TGroupButton *button; TIter next(fPrimitives); //Mark buttons as anpressed while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TGroupButton::Class())) { button = (TGroupButton*)obj; if (button->GetBorderMode() < 0){ button->SetBorderMode(1) ; button->Modified(kTRUE); } } } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSOnlineMonitor::WriteHistograms(const char * filename){ //Write filled histograms to file TFile * file = new TFile(filename,"Update") ; file->cd() ; TIter nextHisto(fHistosList); TH1 * h ; while((h=(TH1*)nextHisto())){ h->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; } file->Close() ; }