/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Implementation version v1 of the PHOS particle identifier // Particle identification based on the // - CPV information, // - Preshower information (in MIXT or GPS2 geometries) // - shower width. // // CPV or Preshower clusters should be closer in PHOS plane than fCpvEmcDistance (in cm). // This parameter can be set by method SetCpvtoEmcDistanceCut(Float_t cut) // // One can set desirable ID method by the function SetIdentificationMethod(option). // Presently the following options can be used together or separately : // - "disp": use dispersion cut on shower width // (width can be set by method SetDispersionCut(Float_t cut) // - "ell" : use cut on the axis of the ellipse, drawn around shower // (this cut can be changed by SetShowerProfileCut(char* formula), // where formula - any function of two variables f(lambda[0],lambda[1]). // Shower is considered as EM if f() > 0 ) // One can visualize current cuts calling method PlotDispersionCuts(). // // use case: // root [0] AliPHOSPIDv1 * p1 = new AliPHOSPIDv1("galice.root") // Warning in : object already instantiated // root [1] p1->SetIdentificationMethod("disp ellipse") // root [2] p1->ExecuteTask() // root [3] AliPHOSPIDv1 * p2 = new AliPHOSPIDv1("galice1.root","ts1") // Warning in : object already instantiated // // reading headers from file galice1.root and TrackSegments // // with title "ts1" // root [4] p2->SetRecParticlesBranch("rp1") // // set file name for the branch RecParticles // root [5] p2->ExecuteTask("deb all time") // // available options // // "deb" - prints # of reconstructed particles // // "deb all" - prints # and list of RecParticles // // "time" - prints benchmarking results // //*-- Author: Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) & Gines Martinez (SUBATECH) & // Dmitri Peressounko (SUBATECH & Kurchatov Institute) // Complitely redesined by Dmitri Peressounko, March 2001 // --- ROOT system --- #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TF2.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" // --- Standard library --- #include #include // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliGenerator.h" #include "AliPHOS.h" #include "AliPHOSPIDv1.h" #include "AliPHOSClusterizerv1.h" #include "AliPHOSTrackSegment.h" #include "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1.h" #include "AliPHOSRecParticle.h" ClassImp( AliPHOSPIDv1) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSPIDv1::AliPHOSPIDv1():AliPHOSPID() { // default ctor fIsInitialized = kFALSE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSPIDv1::AliPHOSPIDv1(const char * headeFile,const char * tsBranchTitle):AliPHOSPID() { //ctor with the indication on where to look for the track segments fHeaderFileName = headeFile ; fTSTitle = tsBranchTitle ; SetName("AliPHOSPID") ; SetTitle("version1") ; fIsInitialized = kFALSE ; Init() ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSPIDv1::~AliPHOSPIDv1() { //dtor } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1::Init() { // Make all memory allocations that are not possible in default constructor // Add the PID task to the list of PHOS tasks if(!fIsInitialized){ if(fHeaderFileName.IsNull()) fHeaderFileName = "galice.root" ; TFile * file = (TFile*) gROOT->GetFile(fHeaderFileName.Data() ) ; if(file == 0){ if(fHeaderFileName.Contains("rfio")) // if we read file using HPSS file = TFile::Open(fHeaderFileName.Data(),"update") ; else file = new TFile(fHeaderFileName.Data(),"update") ; gAlice = (AliRun *) file->Get("gAlice") ; } AliPHOS * phos = (AliPHOS *) gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ; fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance(phos->GetGeometry()->GetName(),phos->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() ); fTrackSegments = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSTrackSegment",1) ; fTSMaker = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1() ; fEmcRecPoints = new TObjArray(1) ; fCpvRecPoints = new TObjArray(1) ; fClusterizer = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ; fRecParticles = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSRecParticle",100) ; fFormula = new TFormula("LambdaCuts","(x>1)*(x<2.5)*(y>0)*(yGetListOfBrowsables()->FindObject("YSAlice") ; TTask * aliceRe = (TTask*)alice->FindObject("tasks/Reconstructioner") ; TTask * phosRe = (TTask*)aliceRe->GetListOfTasks()->FindObject("PHOS") ; phosRe->Add(this) ; fIsInitialized = kTRUE ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliPHOSPIDv1::ReadTrackSegments() { // Reads TrackSegments an extracts the title of the RecPoints // branch from which TS were made of. // Then reads both TrackSegments and RecPoints. //Fist read Track Segment Branch and extract RecPointsBranch from fTSMaker fTrackSegments->Clear() ; fEmcRecPoints->Clear() ; fCpvRecPoints->Clear() ; fRecParticles->Clear() ; gAlice->GetEvent(fNEvent) ; TTree * treeR = gAlice->TreeR() ; if(treeR==0){ char treeName[20]; sprintf(treeName,"TreeR%d",fNEvent); cout << "Error in AliPHOSClusterizerv1 : no "<GetListOfBranches() ; Int_t ibranch; Bool_t tsMakerNotFound = kTRUE ; Bool_t tsNotFound = kTRUE ; for(ibranch = 0;(ibranch GetEntries())&&(tsMakerNotFound||tsNotFound);ibranch++){ if(tsMakerNotFound){ tsMakerBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( fTSTitle.CompareTo(tsMakerBranch->GetTitle())==0 ) if( strcmp(tsMakerBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker") == 0) tsMakerNotFound = kFALSE ; } if(tsNotFound){ tsBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( fTSTitle.CompareTo(tsBranch->GetTitle())==0 ) if( strcmp(tsBranch->GetName(),"PHOSTS") == 0) tsNotFound = kFALSE ; } } if(tsMakerNotFound ||tsNotFound ){ cout << "Can't find Branch with TrackSegmentMaker and TrackSegments " ; cout << "Do nothing" <SetAddress(&fTSMaker) ; tsBranch->SetAddress(&fTrackSegments) ; tsMakerBranch->GetEntry(0) ; tsBranch->GetEntry(0) ; fRecPointsTitle = fTSMaker->GetRecPointsBranch() ; //reading now recponts branches TBranch * emcBranch = 0; TBranch * cpvBranch = 0; TBranch * cluBranch = 0; Bool_t emcNotFound = kTRUE ; Bool_t cpvNotFound = kTRUE ; Bool_t cluNotFound = kTRUE ; for(ibranch = 0;(ibranch GetEntries())&&(emcNotFound||cpvNotFound||cluNotFound);ibranch++){ if(emcNotFound){ emcBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( fRecPointsTitle.CompareTo(emcBranch->GetTitle())==0 ) if( strcmp(emcBranch->GetName(),"PHOSEmcRP") == 0) emcNotFound = kFALSE ; } if(cpvNotFound){ cpvBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( fRecPointsTitle.CompareTo(cpvBranch->GetTitle())==0 ) if( strcmp(cpvBranch->GetName(),"PHOSCpvRP") == 0) cpvNotFound = kFALSE ; } if(cluNotFound){ cluBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( fRecPointsTitle.CompareTo(cluBranch->GetTitle())==0 ) if( strcmp(cluBranch->GetName(),"AliPHOSClusterizer") == 0) cluNotFound = kFALSE ; } } if(emcNotFound ||cpvNotFound ||cluNotFound ){ cout << "Can't find Branch with RecPoints or AliPHOSClusterizer " ; cout << "Do nothing" <SetAddress(&fEmcRecPoints) ; cpvBranch->SetAddress(&fCpvRecPoints) ; cluBranch->SetAddress(&fClusterizer) ; emcBranch->GetEntry(0) ; cpvBranch->GetEntry(0) ; cluBranch->GetEntry(0) ; return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliPHOSPIDv1::GetDistance(AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emc,AliPHOSRecPoint * cpv, Option_t * Axis)const { // Calculates the distance between the EMC RecPoint and the PPSD RecPoint TVector3 vecEmc ; TVector3 vecCpv ; emc->GetLocalPosition(vecEmc) ; cpv->GetLocalPosition(vecCpv) ; if(emc->GetPHOSMod() == cpv->GetPHOSMod()){ // Correct to difference in CPV and EMC position due to different distance to center. // we assume, that particle moves from center Float_t dCPV = fGeom->GetIPtoOuterCoverDistance(); Float_t dEMC = fGeom->GetIPtoCrystalSurface() ; dEMC = dEMC / dCPV ; vecCpv = dEMC * vecCpv - vecEmc ; if (Axis == "X") return vecCpv.X(); if (Axis == "Y") return vecCpv.Y(); if (Axis == "Z") return vecCpv.Z(); if (Axis == "R") return vecCpv.Mag(); } return 100000000 ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1::Exec(Option_t * option) { //Steering method if(!fIsInitialized) Init() ; if(strstr(option,"tim")) gBenchmark->Start("PHOSPID"); Int_t nEvents = (Int_t) gAlice->TreeE()->GetEntries() ; for(fNEvent = 0 ;fNEvent Stop("PHOSPID"); cout << "AliPHOSPID:" << endl ; cout << " took " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSPID") << " seconds for PID " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSPID")/nEvents << " seconds per event " << endl ; cout << endl ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1::MakeRecParticles(){ // Makes a RecParticle out of a TrackSegment TIter next(fTrackSegments) ; AliPHOSTrackSegment * ts ; Int_t index = 0 ; AliPHOSRecParticle * rp ; Bool_t ellips = fIDOptions.Contains("ell",TString::kIgnoreCase ) ; Bool_t disp = fIDOptions.Contains("dis",TString::kIgnoreCase ) ; while ( (ts = (AliPHOSTrackSegment *)next()) ) { new( (*fRecParticles)[index] ) AliPHOSRecParticle() ; rp = (AliPHOSRecParticle *)fRecParticles->At(index) ; rp->SetTraskSegment(index) ; AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emc = 0 ; if(ts->GetEmcIndex()>=0) emc = (AliPHOSEmcRecPoint *) fEmcRecPoints->At(ts->GetEmcIndex()) ; AliPHOSRecPoint * cpv = 0 ; if(ts->GetCpvIndex()>=0) cpv = (AliPHOSRecPoint *) fCpvRecPoints->At(ts->GetCpvIndex()) ; AliPHOSRecPoint * ppsd = 0 ; if(ts->GetPpsdIndex()>=0) ppsd= (AliPHOSRecPoint *) fCpvRecPoints->At(ts->GetPpsdIndex()) ; //set momentum and energy first Float_t e = emc->GetEnergy() ; TVector3 dir = GetMomentumDirection(emc,cpv,ppsd) ; dir.SetMag(e) ; rp->SetMomentum(dir.X(),dir.Y(),dir.Z(),e) ; rp->SetCalcMass(0); //now set type (reconstructed) of the particle Int_t showerprofile = 0; // 0 narrow and 1 wide if(ellips){ Float_t lambda[2] ; emc->GetElipsAxis(lambda) ; if(fFormula->Eval(lambda[0],lambda[1]) <= 0 ) showerprofile = 1 ; // not narrow } if(disp) if(emc->GetDispersion() > fDispersion ) showerprofile = 1 ; // not narrow // Looking at the photon conversion detector Int_t pcdetector= 0 ; //1 hit and 0 no hit if(ppsd) if(GetDistance(emc, ppsd, "R") < fCpvEmcDistance) pcdetector = 1 ; // Looking at the CPV detector Int_t cpvdetector= 0 ; //1 hit and 0 no hit if(cpv) if(GetDistance(emc, cpv, "R") < fCpvEmcDistance) cpvdetector = 1 ; Int_t type = showerprofile + 2 * pcdetector + 4 * cpvdetector ; rp->SetType(type) ; index++ ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1:: Print(Option_t * option) const { // Print the parameters used for the particle type identification cout << "=============== AliPHOSPID1 ================" << endl ; cout << "Making PID "<< endl ; cout << " Headers file: " << fHeaderFileName.Data() << endl ; cout << " RecPoints branch title: " << fRecPointsTitle.Data() << endl ; cout << " TrackSegments Branch title: " << fTSTitle.Data() << endl ; cout << " RecParticles Branch title " << fRecparticlesTitle.Data() << endl; cout << "with parameters: " << endl ; cout << " Maximal EMC - CPV (PPSD) distance (cm) " << fCpvEmcDistance << endl ; if(fIDOptions.Contains("dis",TString::kIgnoreCase )) cout << " dispersion cut " << fDispersion << endl ; if(fIDOptions.Contains("ell",TString::kIgnoreCase )){ cout << "Eliptic cuts function: " << endl ; cout << fFormula->GetTitle() << endl ; } cout << "============================================" << endl ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1::SetShowerProfileCut(char * formula) { //set shape of the cut on the axis of ellipce, drown around shouer //shower considered "narrow" if Formula(lambda[0],lambda[1]) > 0. if(fFormula) delete fFormula; fFormula = new TFormula("Lambda Cut",formula) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1::WriteRecParticles() { //check, if these branches already exist TBranch * pidBranch = 0; TBranch * rpBranch = 0; TObjArray * branches = gAlice->TreeR()->GetListOfBranches() ; Int_t ibranch; Bool_t pidNotFound = kTRUE ; Bool_t rpNotFound = kTRUE ; for(ibranch = 0;(ibranch GetEntries())&& pidNotFound && rpNotFound;ibranch++){ if(pidNotFound){ pidBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( (strcmp(pidBranch->GetName(),"PHOSPID") == 0) && (fRecparticlesTitle.CompareTo(pidBranch->GetTitle()) == 0) ) pidNotFound = kFALSE ; } if(rpNotFound){ rpBranch=(TBranch *) branches->At(ibranch) ; if( (strcmp(rpBranch->GetName(),"PHOSRP") == 0) && (fRecparticlesTitle.CompareTo(rpBranch->GetTitle())==0 )) rpNotFound = kFALSE ; } } if(!pidNotFound || !rpNotFound) { cout << "AliPHOSPIDv1 error: " << endl ; cout << " Branch PHOSRP and PHOSPID with title '"<Getenv("CONFIG_SPLIT_FILE")!=0){ //generating file name filename = new char[strlen(gAlice->GetBaseFile())+20] ; sprintf(filename,"%s/PHOS.Reco.root",gAlice->GetBaseFile()) ; } TDirectory *cwd = gDirectory; //First rp Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ; rpBranch = gAlice->TreeR()->Branch("PHOSRP",&fRecParticles,bufferSize); rpBranch->SetTitle(fRecparticlesTitle.Data()); if (filename) { rpBranch->SetFile(filename); TIter next( rpBranch->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch * sb ; while ((sb=(TBranch*)next())) { sb->SetFile(filename); } cwd->cd(); } //second, pid Int_t splitlevel = 0 ; AliPHOSPIDv1 * pid = this ; pidBranch = gAlice->TreeR()->Branch("AliPHOSPID","AliPHOSPIDv1",&pid,bufferSize,splitlevel); pidBranch->SetTitle(fRecparticlesTitle.Data()); if (filename) { pidBranch->SetFile(filename); TIter next( pidBranch->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch * sb ; while ((sb=(TBranch*)next())) { sb->SetFile(filename); } cwd->cd(); } rpBranch->Fill() ; pidBranch->Fill() ; gAlice->TreeR()->Write(0,kOverwrite) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1::PlotDispersionCuts()const { // produces a plot of the dispersion cut TCanvas* lambdas = new TCanvas("lambdas","Cuts on the ellipse axis",200,10,700,500); if(fIDOptions.Contains("ell",TString::kIgnoreCase ) ){ TF2 * ell = new TF2("Elliptic Cuts",fFormula->GetName(),0,3,0,3) ; ell->SetMinimum(0.0000001) ; ell->SetMaximum(0.001) ; ell->SetLineStyle(1) ; ell->SetLineWidth(2) ; ell->Draw() ; } if( fIDOptions.Contains("dis",TString::kIgnoreCase ) ){ TF2 * dsp = new TF2("dispersion","(ySetParameter(0,fDispersion) ; dsp->SetMinimum(0.0000001) ; dsp->SetMaximum(0.001) ; dsp->SetLineStyle(1) ; dsp->SetLineColor(2) ; dsp->SetLineWidth(2) ; dsp->SetNpx(200) ; dsp->SetNpy(200) ; if(fIDOptions.Contains("ell",TString::kIgnoreCase ) ) dsp->Draw("same") ; else dsp->Draw() ; } lambdas->Update(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ TVector3 AliPHOSPIDv1::GetMomentumDirection(AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emc, AliPHOSRecPoint * cpv,AliPHOSRecPoint * ppsd)const { // Calculates the momentum direction: // 1. if only a EMC RecPoint, direction is given by IP and this RecPoint // 2. if a EMC RecPoint and one PPSD RecPoint, direction is given by the line through the 2 recpoints // 3. if a EMC RecPoint and two PPSD RecPoints, dirrection is given by the average line through // the 2 pairs of recpoints // However because of the poor position resolution of PPSD the direction is always taken as if we were // in case 1. TVector3 dir(0,0,0) ; TVector3 emcglobalpos ; TMatrix dummy ; emc->GetGlobalPosition(emcglobalpos, dummy) ; // The following commented code becomes valid once the PPSD provides // a reasonable position resolution, at least as good as EMC ! // TVector3 ppsdlglobalpos ; // TVector3 ppsduglobalpos ; // if( fPpsdLowRecPoint ){ // certainly a photon that has concerted // fPpsdLowRecPoint->GetGlobalPosition(ppsdlglobalpos, mdummy) ; // dir = emcglobalpos - ppsdlglobalpos ; // if( fPpsdUpRecPoint ){ // not looks like a charged // fPpsdUpRecPoint->GetGlobalPosition(ppsduglobalpos, mdummy) ; // dir = ( dir + emcglobalpos - ppsduglobalpos ) * 0.5 ; // } // } // else { // looks like a neutral // dir = emcglobalpos ; // } dir = emcglobalpos ; dir.SetZ( -dir.Z() ) ; // why ? dir.SetMag(1.) ; //account correction to the position of IP Float_t xo,yo,zo ; //Coordinates of the origin gAlice->Generator()->GetOrigin(xo,yo,zo) ; TVector3 origin(xo,yo,zo); dir = dir - origin ; return dir ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSPIDv1::PrintRecParticles(Option_t * option) { // Print table of reconstructed particles cout << "AliPHOSPIDv1: " << endl ; cout << " found " << fRecParticles->GetEntriesFast() << " RecParticles " << endl ; if(strstr(option,"all")) { // printing found TS cout << " PARTICLE " << " Index " << endl ; // << " X " // << " Y " // << " Z " // << " # of primaries " // << " Primaries list " << endl; Int_t index ; for (index = 0 ; index < fRecParticles->GetEntries() ; index++) { AliPHOSRecParticle * rp = (AliPHOSRecParticle * ) fRecParticles->At(index) ; Text_t particle[11]; switch(rp->GetType()) { case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kNEUTRALEM: strcpy( particle, "NEUTRAL_EM"); break; case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kNEUTRALHA: strcpy(particle, "NEUTRAL_HA"); break; case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kGAMMA: strcpy(particle, "GAMMA"); break ; case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kGAMMAHA: strcpy(particle, "GAMMA_H"); break ; case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kABSURDEM: strcpy(particle, "ABSURD_EM") ; break ; case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kABSURDHA: strcpy(particle, "ABSURD_HA") ; break ; case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kELECTRON: strcpy(particle, "ELECTRON") ; break ; case AliPHOSFastRecParticle::kCHARGEDHA: strcpy(particle, "CHARGED_HA") ; break ; } // Int_t * primaries; // Int_t nprimaries; // primaries = rp->GetPrimaries(nprimaries); cout << setw(15) << particle << " " << setw(3) << rp->GetIndexInList() << " " ; // << setw(4) << nprimaries << " "; // for (Int_t iprimary=0; iprimary