/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //This class produces PHOS digits of one event //using AliPHOSRawFitter. // // For example: // TClonesArray *digits = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSDigit",100); // AliRawReader* rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate("2006run2211.raw"); // AliPHOSRawDecoder dc(rawReader); // while (rawReader->NextEvent()) { // AliPHOSRawDigiProducer producer; // producer.MakeDigits(digits,&dc); // } // Author: Boris Polichtchouk // --- ROOT system --- #include "TClonesArray.h" // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliPHOSRawDigiProducer.h" #include "AliPHOSRawFitterv0.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "AliPHOSDigit.h" #include "AliPHOSCalibData.h" #include "AliPHOSPulseGenerator.h" #include "AliCaloRawStreamV3.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliPHOSRawDigiProducer) AliPHOSCalibData * AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::fgCalibData = 0 ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::AliPHOSRawDigiProducer(): TObject(), fEmcMinE(0.), fCpvMinE(0.), fSampleQualityCut(1.), fSampleToSec(0.), fEmcCrystals(0), fGeom(0), fPulseGenerator(0), fRawReader(0), fRawStream(0) { // Default constructor fGeom=AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance() ; if(!fGeom) fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance("IHEP"); fEmcCrystals=fGeom->GetNCristalsInModule()*fGeom->GetNModules() ; fPulseGenerator = new AliPHOSPulseGenerator(); GetCalibrationParameters() ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::AliPHOSRawDigiProducer(AliRawReader *rawReader, AliAltroMapping **mapping): TObject(), fEmcMinE(0.), fCpvMinE(0.), fSampleQualityCut(1.), fSampleToSec(0.), fEmcCrystals(0), fGeom(0), fPulseGenerator(0), fRawReader(rawReader), fRawStream(0) { // Default constructor fGeom=AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance() ; if(!fGeom) fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance("IHEP"); fEmcCrystals=fGeom->GetNCristalsInModule()*fGeom->GetNModules() ; fPulseGenerator = new AliPHOSPulseGenerator(); GetCalibrationParameters() ; fRawStream = new AliCaloRawStreamV3(rawReader,"PHOS",mapping); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::AliPHOSRawDigiProducer(const AliPHOSRawDigiProducer &dp): TObject(), fEmcMinE(0.), fCpvMinE(0.), fSampleQualityCut(1.), fSampleToSec(0.), fEmcCrystals(0), fGeom(0), fPulseGenerator(0), fRawReader(0), fRawStream(0) { // Copy constructor fEmcMinE = dp.fEmcMinE ; fCpvMinE = dp.fCpvMinE ; fSampleQualityCut = dp.fSampleQualityCut; fSampleToSec = dp.fSampleToSec ; fEmcCrystals = dp.fEmcCrystals ; fPulseGenerator = new AliPHOSPulseGenerator(); fGeom = dp.fGeom ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSRawDigiProducer& AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::operator= (const AliPHOSRawDigiProducer &dp) { // Assign operator if(&dp == this) return *this; fEmcMinE = dp.fEmcMinE ; fCpvMinE = dp.fCpvMinE ; fSampleQualityCut = dp.fSampleQualityCut ; fSampleToSec = dp.fSampleToSec ; fEmcCrystals = dp.fEmcCrystals ; fGeom = dp.fGeom ; if(fPulseGenerator) delete fPulseGenerator ; fPulseGenerator = new AliPHOSPulseGenerator(); return *this; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::~AliPHOSRawDigiProducer() { // Destructor if(fPulseGenerator) delete fPulseGenerator ; fPulseGenerator=0 ; delete fRawStream; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::MakeDigits(TClonesArray *digits, AliPHOSRawFitterv0* fitter) { //Makes the job. //TClonesArray *digits and raw data fitter should be provided by calling function. digits->Clear(); Int_t iDigit=0 ; Int_t relId[4], absId=-1, caloFlag=-1; const Double_t baseLine=1. ; //Minimal energy of digit in ADC ch. //Calculate conversion coeff. from Sample time step to seconds //If OCDB contains negative or zero value - use one from RCU trailer //Negative value in OCDB is used only for simulation of raw digits if(fgCalibData->GetSampleTimeStep()>0.) fSampleToSec=fgCalibData->GetSampleTimeStep() ; else fSampleToSec=fRawStream->GetTSample() ; //Temporary array for LowGain digits TClonesArray tmpLG("AliPHOSDigit",10000) ; Int_t ilgDigit=0 ; //Let fitter subtract pedestals in case of ZS fitter->SetCalibData(fgCalibData) ; while (fRawStream->NextDDL()) { while (fRawStream->NextChannel()) { relId[0] = 5 - fRawStream->GetModule() ; // counts from 1 to 5 relId[1] = 0; relId[2] = fRawStream->GetCellX() + 1; // counts from 1 to 64 relId[3] = fRawStream->GetCellZ() + 1; // counts from 1 to 56 caloFlag = fRawStream->GetCaloFlag(); // 0=LG, 1=HG, 2=TRU if(caloFlag!=0 && caloFlag!=1) continue; //TRU data! fitter->SetChannelGeo(relId[0],relId[2],relId[3],caloFlag); if(fitter->GetAmpOffset()==0 && fitter->GetAmpThreshold()==0) { short value = fRawStream->GetAltroCFG1(); bool ZeroSuppressionEnabled = (value >> 15) & 0x1; if(ZeroSuppressionEnabled) { short offset = (value >> 10) & 0xf; short threshold = value & 0x3ff; fitter->SubtractPedestals(kFALSE); fitter->SetAmpOffset(offset); fitter->SetAmpThreshold(threshold); } } fGeom->RelToAbsNumbering(relId, absId); Int_t nBunches = 0; while (fRawStream->NextBunch()) { nBunches++; if (nBunches > 1) continue; const UShort_t *sig = fRawStream->GetSignals(); Int_t sigStart = fRawStream->GetStartTimeBin(); Int_t sigLength = fRawStream->GetBunchLength(); fitter->Eval(sig,sigStart,sigLength); } // End of NextBunch() fitter->SetNBunches(nBunches); Double_t energy = fitter->GetEnergy() ; Double_t time = fitter->GetTime() ; if(energy<=baseLine) //in ADC channels continue ; //remove digits with bad shape. Fitter should calculate quality so that //in default case quality [0,1], while larger values of quality mean somehow //corrupted samples, 999 means obviously corrupted sample. //It is difficult to fit samples with overflow (even setting cut on overflow values) //because too few points are left to fit. So we do not evaluate samples with overflow if(fitter->GetSignalQuality() > fSampleQualityCut && !(fitter->IsOverflow())) continue ; energy = CalibrateE(energy,relId,!caloFlag) ; // time = CalibrateT(time,relId,lowGainFlag) ; //convert time from sample bin units to s time*=fSampleToSec ; if(energy <= 0.) continue; if (caloFlag == AliCaloRawStreamV3::kLowGain) { new(tmpLG[ilgDigit]) AliPHOSDigit(-1,absId,(Float_t)energy,(Float_t)time); ilgDigit++ ; } else if (caloFlag == AliCaloRawStreamV3::kHighGain) { if(fitter->IsOverflow()) //Keep this digit to replace it by Low Gain later. //If there is no LogGain it wil be removed by cut on Min E new((*digits)[iDigit]) AliPHOSDigit(-1,absId,-1.f,(Float_t)time); else new((*digits)[iDigit]) AliPHOSDigit(-1,absId,(Float_t)energy,(Float_t)time); iDigit++; } } // End of NextChannel() //Now scan created LG and HG digits and keep only those which appeared in both lists //replace energy of HighGain digits only if there is overflow //negative energy (overflow) digits->Sort() ; tmpLG.Sort() ; Int_t iLG = 0; Int_t nLG1 = tmpLG.GetEntriesFast()-1 ; for(Int_t iDig=0 ; iDig < digits->GetEntriesFast() ; iDig++) { AliPHOSDigit * digHG = dynamic_cast(digits->At(iDig)) ; if (!digHG) continue; AliPHOSDigit * digLG = dynamic_cast(tmpLG.At(iLG)) ; while(digLG && iLGGetId()> digLG->GetId()){ iLG++ ; digLG = dynamic_cast(tmpLG.At(iLG)) ; } absId=digHG->GetId() ; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(absId,relId) ; if(digLG && digHG->GetId() == digLG->GetId()){ //we found pair if(digHG->GetEnergy()<0.){ //This is overflow in HG digHG->SetTime(digLG->GetTime()) ; digHG->SetEnergy(digLG->GetEnergy()) ; } } else{ //no pair - remove if(digHG->GetEnergy()<0.) //no pair, in saturation digits->RemoveAt(iDig) ; } } } // End of NextDDL() CleanDigits(digits) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::CalibrateE(Double_t amp, Int_t* relId, Bool_t isLowGain) { // Convert EMC LG amplitude to HG (multipli by ~16) // Calibration parameters are taken from calibration data base if(fgCalibData){ Int_t module = relId[0]; Int_t column = relId[3]; Int_t row = relId[2]; if(relId[1]==0) { // this is EMC if(isLowGain){ amp*= fgCalibData->GetHighLowRatioEmc(module,column,row); } return amp ; } } return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::CalibrateT(Double_t time, Int_t * relId, Bool_t /* isLowGain */) { //Calibrate time time*=fPulseGenerator->GetRawFormatTimeTrigger() ; if(fgCalibData){ Int_t module = relId[0]; Int_t column = relId[3]; Int_t row = relId[2]; if(relId[1]==0) { // this is EMC time += fgCalibData->GetTimeShiftEmc(module,column,row); return time ; } } return -999.; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::CleanDigits(TClonesArray * digits) { // remove digits with amplitudes below threshold. // remove digits in bad channels // sort digits with icreasing AbsId //remove digits in bad map and below threshold Bool_t isBadMap = 0 ; if(fgCalibData->GetNumOfEmcBadChannels()){ isBadMap=1 ; } for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++){ AliPHOSDigit * digit = static_cast(digits->At(i)) ; if(!digit) continue ; if ( (IsInEMC(digit) && digit->GetEnergy() < fEmcMinE) || (IsInCPV(digit) && digit->GetEnergy() < fCpvMinE) ){ digits->RemoveAt(i) ; continue ; } if(isBadMap){ //check bad map now Int_t relid[4] ; fGeom->AbsToRelNumbering(digit->GetId(), relid) ; if(fgCalibData->IsBadChannelEmc(relid[0],relid[3],relid[2])){ digits->RemoveAt(i) ; } } } //Compress, sort and set indexes digits->Compress() ; // digits->Sort(); already sorted earlier for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < digits->GetEntriesFast() ; i++) { AliPHOSDigit *digit = static_cast( digits->At(i) ) ; digit->SetIndexInList(i) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::IsInEMC(AliPHOSDigit * digit) const { // Tells if (true) or not (false) the digit is in a PHOS-EMC module return digit->GetId() <= fEmcCrystals ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::IsInCPV(AliPHOSDigit * digit) const { // Tells if (true) or not (false) the digit is in a PHOS-CPV module return digit->GetId() > fEmcCrystals ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSRawDigiProducer::GetCalibrationParameters() { // Set calibration parameters: // if calibration database exists, they are read from database, // otherwise, reconstruction stops in the constructor of AliPHOSCalibData // // It is a user responsilibity to open CDB before reconstruction, for example: // AliCDBStorage* storage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("local://CalibDB"); if (!fgCalibData){ fgCalibData = new AliPHOSCalibData(-1); //use AliCDBManager's run number } if (fgCalibData->GetCalibDataEmc() == 0) AliFatal("Calibration parameters for PHOS EMC not found. Stop reconstruction.\n"); if (fgCalibData->GetCalibDataCpv() == 0) AliFatal("Calibration parameters for PHOS CPV not found. Stop reconstruction.\n"); }