/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Implementation version 1 of algorithm class to construct PHOS track segments // Track segment for PHOS is list of // EMC RecPoint + (possibly) CPV RecPoint + (possibly) PPSD RecPoint // To find TrackSegments we do the following: // for each EMC RecPoints we look at // CPV/PPSD RecPoints in the radious fRcpv. // If there is such a CPV RecPoint, // we make "Link" it is just indexes of EMC and CPV/PPSD RecPoint and distance // between them in the PHOS plane. // Then we sort "Links" and starting from the // least "Link" pointing to the unassined EMC and CPV RecPoints assing them to // new TrackSegment. // If there is no CPV/PPSD RecPoint we make TrackSegment // consisting from EMC alone. There is no TrackSegments without EMC RecPoint. //// In principle this class should be called from AliPHOSReconstructor, but // one can use it as well in standalone mode. // Use case: // root [0] AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1 * t = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker("galice.root", "tracksegmentsname", "recpointsname") // Warning in : object already instantiated // // reads gAlice from header file "galice.root", uses recpoints stored in the branch names "recpointsname" (default = "Default") // // and saves recpoints in branch named "tracksegmentsname" (default = "recpointsname") // root [1] t->ExecuteTask() // root [2] t->SetMaxEmcPpsdDistance(5) // root [3] t->SetTrackSegmentsBranch("max distance 5 cm") // root [4] t->ExecuteTask("deb all time") // //*-- Author: Dmitri Peressounko (RRC Ki & SUBATECH) & Yves Schutz (SUBATECH) // // --- ROOT system --- #include "TTree.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1.h" #include "AliPHOSTrackSegment.h" #include "AliPHOSLink.h" #include "AliPHOSGetter.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" ClassImp( AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1() : AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker() { // default ctor (to be used mainly by Streamer) InitParameters() ; fDefaultInit = kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1(const TString alirunFileName, const TString eventFolderName) :AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker(alirunFileName, eventFolderName) { // ctor InitParameters() ; Init() ; fDefaultInit = kFALSE ; fESD = 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::~AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1() { // dtor // fDefaultInit = kTRUE if TrackSegmentMaker created by default ctor (to get just the parameters) if (!fDefaultInit) delete fLinkUpArray ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ const TString AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::BranchName() const { return GetName() ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::FillOneModule() { // Finds first and last indexes between which // clusters from one PHOS module are AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; TObjArray * emcRecPoints = gime->EmcRecPoints() ; TObjArray * cpvRecPoints = gime->CpvRecPoints() ; //First EMC clusters Int_t totalEmc = emcRecPoints->GetEntriesFast() ; for(fEmcFirst = fEmcLast; (fEmcLast < totalEmc) && ((dynamic_cast(emcRecPoints->At(fEmcLast)))->GetPHOSMod() == fModule ); fEmcLast ++) ; //Now CPV clusters Int_t totalCpv = cpvRecPoints->GetEntriesFast() ; for(fCpvFirst = fCpvLast; (fCpvLast < totalCpv) && ((dynamic_cast(cpvRecPoints->At(fCpvLast)))->GetPHOSMod() == fModule ); fCpvLast ++) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::GetDistanceInPHOSPlane(AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emcClu,AliPHOSCpvRecPoint * cpvClu, Bool_t &toofar) const { // Calculates the distance between the EMC RecPoint and the PPSD RecPoint // Clusters are sorted in "rows" and "columns" of width 1 cm Float_t delta = 1 ; // Width of the rows in sorting of RecPoints (in cm) // if you change this value, change it as well in xxxRecPoint::Compare() Float_t distance = fRcpv ; TVector3 vecEmc ; // Local position of EMC recpoint TVector3 vecCpv ; // Local position of CPV recpoint propagated to EMC TVector3 vecDist ; // Distance between local positions of two points emcClu->GetLocalPosition(vecEmc) ; cpvClu->GetLocalPosition(vecCpv) ; toofar = kTRUE ; if(emcClu->GetPHOSMod() == cpvClu->GetPHOSMod()){ if (fESD != 0x0) { // Extrapolate the global track direction if any to CPV and find the closest track Int_t nTracks = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks(); Int_t iClosestTrack = -1; Double_t minDistance = 1e6; Double_t pxyz[3], xyz[3]; AliESDtrack *track; for (Int_t iTrack=0; iTrackGetTrack(iTrack); track->GetOuterXYZ(xyz); // track coord on the cylinder of PHOS radius if ((TMath::Abs(xyz[0])+TMath::Abs(xyz[1])+TMath::Abs(xyz[2]))<=0) continue; track->GetOuterPxPyPz(pxyz); // track momentum ibid. vecDist = PropagateToPlane(xyz,pxyz,"CPV",cpvClu->GetPHOSMod()); // Info("GetDistanceInPHOSPlane","Track %d propagation to CPV = (%f,%f,%f)", // iTrack,vecDist.X(),vecDist.Y(),vecDist.Z()); vecDist -= vecCpv; distance = TMath::Sqrt(vecDist.X()*vecDist.X() + vecDist.Z()*vecDist.Z()); // Find the closest track to the EMC recpoint if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; iClosestTrack = iTrack; } } if (iClosestTrack != -1) { track = fESD->GetTrack(iClosestTrack); track->GetOuterPxPyPz(pxyz); // track momentum ibid. TVector3 vecCpvGlobal; // Global position of the CPV recpoint AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; const AliPHOSGeometry * geom = gime->PHOSGeometry() ; geom->GetGlobal((AliRecPoint*)cpvClu,vecCpvGlobal); for (Int_t ixyz=0; ixyz<3; ixyz++) xyz[ixyz] = vecCpvGlobal[ixyz]; vecDist = PropagateToPlane(xyz,pxyz,"EMC",cpvClu->GetPHOSMod()); // Info("GetDistanceInPHOSPlane","Track %d propagation to EMC = (%f,%f,%f)", // iClosestTrack,vecDist.X(),vecDist.Y(),vecDist.Z()); vecDist -= vecEmc; distance = TMath::Sqrt(vecDist.X()*vecDist.X() + vecDist.Z()*vecDist.Z()); } } else { // If no ESD exists, than simply find EMC-CPV distance distance = (vecCpv - vecEmc).Mag() ; } // Info("GetDistanceInPHOSPlane","cpv-emc distance is %f cm", // distance); if(distance < fRcpv + 2*delta ) toofar = kFALSE ; } return distance ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ TVector3 AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::PropagateToPlane(Double_t *x, Double_t *p, char *det, Int_t moduleNumber) const { // Propagate a straight-line track from the origin point x // along the direction p to the CPV or EMC module moduleNumber // Returns a local position of such a propagation AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; const AliPHOSGeometry * geom = gime->PHOSGeometry() ; TVector3 moduleCenter = geom->GetModuleCenter(det,moduleNumber); TVector3 vertex(x); TVector3 direction(p); // Info("PropagateToCPV","Center of the %s module %d is (%f,%f,%f)", // det,moduleNumber,moduleCenter[0],moduleCenter[1],moduleCenter[2]); Double_t time = (moduleCenter.Mag2() - vertex.Dot(moduleCenter)) / (direction.Dot(moduleCenter)); TVector3 globalIntersection = vertex + direction*time; return geom->Global2Local(globalIntersection,moduleNumber); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::Init() { // Make all memory allocations that are not possible in default constructor AliPHOSGetter* gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle(), fEventFolderName.Data()); fLinkUpArray = new TClonesArray("AliPHOSLink", 1000); if ( !gime->TrackSegmentMaker() ) { gime->PostTrackSegmentMaker(this); } } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::InitParameters() { //Initializes parameters fRcpv = 10. ; fEmcFirst = 0 ; fEmcLast = 0 ; fCpvFirst = 0 ; fCpvLast = 0 ; fLinkUpArray = 0 ; fTrackSegmentsInRun = 0 ; SetEventRange(0,-1) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::MakeLinks()const { // Finds distances (links) between all EMC and PPSD clusters, // which are not further apart from each other than fRcpv // and sort them in accordance with this distance AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; TObjArray * emcRecPoints = gime->EmcRecPoints() ; TObjArray * cpvRecPoints = gime->CpvRecPoints() ; fLinkUpArray->Clear() ; AliPHOSCpvRecPoint * cpv ; AliPHOSEmcRecPoint * emcclu ; Int_t iLinkUp = 0 ; Int_t iEmcRP; for(iEmcRP = fEmcFirst; iEmcRP < fEmcLast; iEmcRP++ ) { emcclu = dynamic_cast(emcRecPoints->At(iEmcRP)) ; Bool_t toofar ; Int_t iCpv = 0 ; for(iCpv = fCpvFirst; iCpv < fCpvLast;iCpv++ ) { cpv = dynamic_cast(cpvRecPoints->At(iCpv)) ; Float_t r = GetDistanceInPHOSPlane(emcclu, cpv, toofar) ; if(toofar) break ; if(r < fRcpv) { new ((*fLinkUpArray)[iLinkUp++]) AliPHOSLink(r, iEmcRP, iCpv) ; } } } fLinkUpArray->Sort() ; //first links with smallest distances } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::MakePairs() { // Using the previously made list of "links", we found the smallest link - i.e. // link with the least distance between EMC and CPV and pointing to still // unassigned RecParticles. We assign these RecPoints to TrackSegment and // remove them from the list of "unassigned". AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; TObjArray * emcRecPoints = gime->EmcRecPoints() ; TObjArray * cpvRecPoints = gime->CpvRecPoints() ; TClonesArray * trackSegments = gime->TrackSegments(); //Make arrays to mark clusters already chosen Int_t * emcExist = 0; if(fEmcLast > fEmcFirst) emcExist = new Int_t[fEmcLast-fEmcFirst] ; Int_t index; for(index = 0; index fCpvFirst) cpvExist = new Bool_t[fCpvLast-fCpvFirst] ; for(index = 0; index (nextUp()) ) ){ if(emcExist[linkUp->GetEmc()-fEmcFirst] != -1){ //without ppsd Up yet if(cpvExist[linkUp->GetPpsd()-fCpvFirst]){ //CPV still exist new ((* trackSegments)[fNTrackSegments]) AliPHOSTrackSegment(dynamic_cast(emcRecPoints->At(linkUp->GetEmc())) , dynamic_cast(cpvRecPoints->At(linkUp->GetPpsd()))) ; (dynamic_cast(trackSegments->At(fNTrackSegments)))->SetIndexInList(fNTrackSegments); fNTrackSegments++ ; emcExist[linkUp->GetEmc()-fEmcFirst] = -1 ; //Mark emc that Cpv was found //mark CPV recpoint as already used cpvExist[linkUp->GetPpsd()-fCpvFirst] = kFALSE ; } //if ppsdUp still exist } } //look through emc recPoints left without CPV/PPSD if(emcExist){ //if there is emc rec point Int_t iEmcRP ; for(iEmcRP = 0; iEmcRP < fEmcLast-fEmcFirst ; iEmcRP++ ){ if(emcExist[iEmcRP] > 0 ){ new ((*trackSegments)[fNTrackSegments]) AliPHOSTrackSegment(dynamic_cast(emcRecPoints->At(iEmcRP+fEmcFirst)), nullpointer) ; (dynamic_cast(trackSegments->At(fNTrackSegments)))->SetIndexInList(fNTrackSegments); fNTrackSegments++; } } } delete [] emcExist ; delete [] cpvExist ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::Exec(Option_t *option) { // Steering method to perform track segment construction for events // in the range from fFirstEvent to fLastEvent. // This range is optionally set by SetEventRange(). // if fLastEvent=-1 (by default), then process events until the end. if(strstr(option,"tim")) gBenchmark->Start("PHOSTSMaker"); if(strstr(option,"print")) { Print() ; return ; } AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance(GetTitle()) ; const AliPHOSGeometry * geom = gime->PHOSGeometry() ; if (fLastEvent == -1) fLastEvent = gime->MaxEvent() - 1 ; else fLastEvent = TMath::Min(fFirstEvent,gime->MaxEvent()); Int_t nEvents = fLastEvent - fFirstEvent + 1; Int_t ievent ; for (ievent = fFirstEvent; ievent <= fLastEvent; ievent++) { gime->Event(ievent,"R") ; //Make some initializations fNTrackSegments = 0 ; fEmcFirst = 0 ; fEmcLast = 0 ; fCpvFirst = 0 ; fCpvLast = 0 ; gime->TrackSegments()->Clear(); // if(!ReadRecPoints(ievent)) continue; //reads RecPoints for event ievent for(fModule = 1; fModule <= geom->GetNModules() ; fModule++ ) { FillOneModule() ; MakeLinks() ; MakePairs() ; } WriteTrackSegments() ; if(strstr(option,"deb")) PrintTrackSegments(option); //increment the total number of track segments per run fTrackSegmentsInRun += gime->TrackSegments()->GetEntriesFast() ; } if(strstr(option,"tim")){ gBenchmark->Stop("PHOSTSMaker"); Info("Exec", "took %f seconds for making TS %f seconds per event", gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSTSMaker"), gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("PHOSTSMaker")/nEvents) ; } Unload(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::Unload() { // Unloads the task from the folder AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; gime->PhosLoader()->UnloadRecPoints() ; gime->PhosLoader()->UnloadTracks() ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::Print()const { // Print TrackSegmentMaker parameters TString message("") ; if( strcmp(GetName(), "") != 0 ) { message = "\n======== AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1 ========\n" ; message += "Making Track segments\n" ; message += "with parameters:\n" ; message += " Maximal EMC - CPV (PPSD) distance (cm) %f\n" ; message += "============================================\n" ; Info("Print", message.Data(),fRcpv) ; } else Info("Print", "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1 not initialized ") ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::WriteTrackSegments() { // Writes found TrackSegments to TreeR. Creates branches // "PHOSTS" and "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker" with the same title. // In the former branch found TrackSegments are stored, while // in the latter all parameters, with which TS were made. // ROOT does not allow overwriting existing branches, therefore // first we check, if branches with the same title already exist. // If yes - exits without writing. AliPHOSGetter *gime = AliPHOSGetter::Instance() ; TClonesArray * trackSegments = gime->TrackSegments() ; trackSegments->Expand(trackSegments->GetEntriesFast()) ; TTree * treeT = gime->TreeT(); //First TS Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ; TBranch * tsBranch = treeT->Branch("PHOSTS",&trackSegments,bufferSize); tsBranch->Fill() ; gime->WriteTracks("OVERWRITE"); gime->WriteTrackSegmentMaker("OVERWRITE"); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1::PrintTrackSegments(Option_t * option) { // option deb - prints # of found TrackSegments // option deb all - prints as well indexed of found RecParticles assigned to the TS TClonesArray * trackSegments = AliPHOSGetter::Instance()->TrackSegments() ; Info("PrintTrackSegments", "Results from TrackSegmentMaker:") ; printf("nevent: %d\n", gAlice->GetEvNumber()) ; printf(" Found %d TrackSegments\n", trackSegments->GetEntriesFast() ); if(strstr(option,"all")) { // printing found TS printf("TrackSegment # EMC RP# CPV RP#\n") ; Int_t index; for (index = 0 ; index GetEntriesFast() ; index++) { AliPHOSTrackSegment * ts = (AliPHOSTrackSegment * )trackSegments->At(index) ; printf(" %d %d %d \n", ts->GetIndexInList(), ts->GetEmcIndex(), ts->GetCpvIndex() ) ; } } }