
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class AliPHOSAnalyze : public TObject

AliPHOSAnalyze AliPHOSAnalyze() AliPHOSAnalyze AliPHOSAnalyze(Text_t* name) AliPHOSAnalyze AliPHOSAnalyze(AliPHOSAnalyze&) virtual void ~AliPHOSAnalyze() void AnalyzeManyEvents(Int_t Nevtents = 100, Int_t Module = 0) void AnalyzeOneEvent(Int_t evt = -999) void BookingHistograms() TClass* Class() void DisplayKineEvent(Int_t evt = -999) void DisplayRecParticles() void DisplayRecPoints() void DisplayTrackSegments() Bool_t Init(Int_t evt) virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t OpenRootFile(Text_t* name) void SavingHistograms() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

AliPHOSClusterizer* fClu a clusterizer Int_t fEvt the evt number being processed AliPHOSGeometry* fGeom the PHOS Geometry object AliPHOSv0* fPHOS the PHOS object from the root file AliPHOSPID* fPID a particle identifier AliPHOSReconstructioner* fRec a reconstructioner TFile* fRootFile the root file that contains the data AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker* fTrs a tracksegmentmaker ; TH1F* fhEmcDigit Histo of digit energies in the Emc TH1F* fhVetoDigit Histo of digit energies in the Veto TH1F* fhConvertorDigit Histo of digit energies in the Convertor TH1F* fhEmcCluster Histo of Cluster energies in Emc TH1F* fhVetoCluster Histo of Cluster energies in Veto TH1F* fhConvertorCluster Histo of Cluster energies in Convertor TH2F* fhConvertorEmc 2d Convertor versus Emc energies TH1F* fhPhotonEnergy Spectrum of detected photons TH1F* fhElectronEnergy Spectrum of detected electrons TH1F* fhNeutralHadronEnergy Spectrum of detected neutral hadron TH1F* fhNeutralEMEnergy Spectrum of detected neutral EM TH1F* fhChargedHadronEnergy Spectrum of detected charged TH1F* fhPhotonHadronEnergy Spectrum of detected Photon-Hadron TH1F* fhPhotonPositionX X distribution of detected photons TH1F* fhElectronPositionX X distribution of detected electrons TH1F* fhNeutralHadronPositionX X distribution of detected neutral hadron TH1F* fhNeutralEMPositionX X distribution of detected neutral EM TH1F* fhChargedHadronPositionX X distribution of detected charged TH1F* fhPhotonHadronPositionX X distribution of detected Photon-Hadron TH1F* fhPhotonPositionY Y distribution of detected photons TH1F* fhElectronPositionY Y distribution of detected electrons TH1F* fhNeutralHadronPositionY Y distribution of detected neutral hadron TH1F* fhNeutralEMPositionY Y distribution of detected neutral EM TH1F* fhChargedHadronPositionY Y distribution of detected charged TH1F* fhPhotonHadronPositionY Y distribution of detected Photon-Hadron

Class Description

 Algorythm class to analyze PHOSv0 events:
 Construct histograms and displays them.
 Use the macro EditorBar.C for best access to the functionnalities

*-- Author: Y. Schutz (SUBATECH)

 default ctor (useless)

AliPHOSAnalyze(Text_t * name)
 ctor: analyze events from root file: name


void AnalyzeOneEvent(Int_t evt)
 analyze one single event with id=evt

void AnalyzeManyEvents(Int_t Nevents, Int_t module)
 analyzes Nevents events in a single PHOS module

void BookingHistograms()
 Books the histograms where the results of the analysis are stored (to be changed)

Bool_t Init(Int_t evt)
 Do a few initializations: open the root file
                           get the AliRun object
                           defines the clusterizer, tracksegment maker and particle identifier
                           sets the associated parameters

void DisplayKineEvent(Int_t evt)
 Display particles from the Kine Tree in global Alice (theta, phi) coordinates.
 One PHOS module at the time.
 The particle type can be selected.

void DisplayRecParticles()
 Display reconstructed particles in global Alice(theta, phi) coordinates.
 One PHOS module at the time.
 Click on symbols indicate the reconstructed particle type.

void DisplayRecPoints()
 Display reconstructed points in local PHOS-module (x, z) coordinates.
 One PHOS module at the time.
 Click on symbols displays the EMC cluster, or PPSD information.

void DisplayTrackSegments()
 Display track segments in local PHOS-module (x, z) coordinates.
 One PHOS module at the time.
 One symbol per PHOS subsystem: EMC, upper PPSD, lower PPSD.

Bool_t OpenRootFile(Text_t * name)
 Open the root file named "name"

void SavingHistograms()
 Saves the histograms in a root file named "name.analyzed"

Inline Functions

               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
        AliPHOSAnalyze AliPHOSAnalyze(AliPHOSAnalyze&)

Copyright (c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *

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