PHOS Fast Simulation

At the Offline meeting held during December 1999, it was decided that each sub-detector makes a Use Case for a fast simulation scheme. Here is what we suggest for PHOS.

[Use Case for fast simulation]

Figure 1.: Use Case for fast simulation. Only PHOS is implemented. Other detectors are ignored. Click on image for full scale

This has been implemented in a new class AliPHOSvFast ( inheritance tree ). The synopsis goes as follow :

      CreateGeometry()  {

       describes the coarse outline of PHOS as 5 boxes }

      StepManager() {

       when particle reaches PHOS {
         stop the tracking
         modifiy the attributes (energy, momentum, type) of the primary particle according to the PHOS response
         construct a "virtual" reconstructed particle }
       save the reconstructed particle in a list }

      FinishEvent() {

        write the list in TreeR
        write the TreeR to file }

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Last modified: Fri Mar 24 09:10:01 CET 2000