/* contact: Boris.Polishchuk@cern.ch link: see comments in the $ALICE_ROOT/PHOS/AliPHOSRcuDA1.cxx reference run: /castor/cern.ch/alice/phos/2007/10/04/18/07000008249001.1000.root run type: PHYSICS DA type: MON number of events needed: 1000 input files: RCU0.data RCU1.data RCU2.data RCU3.data Output files: PHOS_Module2_Calib.root Trigger types used: PHYSICS */ #include "event.h" #include "monitor.h" extern "C" { #include "daqDA.h" } #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliPHOSRcuDA1.h" #include "AliPHOSRawFitterv0.h" #include "AliCaloAltroMapping.h" #include "AliCaloRawStreamV3.h" /* Main routine Arguments: 1- monitoring data source */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { gROOT->GetPluginManager()->AddHandler("TVirtualStreamerInfo", "*", "TStreamerInfo", "RIO", "TStreamerInfo()"); int status; if (argc!=2) { printf("Wrong number of arguments\n"); return -1; } /* Retrieve ZS parameters from DAQ DB */ const char* zsfile = "zs.txt"; int failZS = daqDA_DB_getFile(zsfile, zsfile); Int_t offset,threshold; if(!failZS) { FILE *f = fopen(zsfile,"r"); int scan = fscanf(f,"%d %d",&offset,&threshold); } /* Retrieve mapping files from DAQ DB */ const char* mapFiles[4] = {"RCU0.data","RCU1.data","RCU2.data","RCU3.data"}; for(Int_t iFile=0; iFile<4; iFile++) { int failed = daqDA_DB_getFile(mapFiles[iFile], mapFiles[iFile]); if(failed) { printf("Cannot retrieve file %s from DAQ DB. Exit.\n",mapFiles[iFile]); return -1; } } /* Open mapping files */ AliAltroMapping *mapping[4]; TString path = "./"; path += "RCU"; TString path2; for(Int_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { path2 = path; path2 += i; path2 += ".data"; mapping[i] = new AliCaloAltroMapping(path2.Data()); } /* define data source : this is argument 1 */ status=monitorSetDataSource( argv[1] ); if (status!=0) { printf("monitorSetDataSource() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } /* declare monitoring program */ status=monitorDeclareMp( __FILE__ ); if (status!=0) { printf("monitorDeclareMp() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); return -1; } /* define wait event timeout - 1s max */ monitorSetNowait(); monitorSetNoWaitNetworkTimeout(1000); /* init some counters */ int nevents_physics=0; int nevents_total=0; AliRawReader *rawReader = NULL; AliPHOSRcuDA1* dAs[5]; for(Int_t iMod=0; iMod<5; iMod++) { dAs[iMod] = 0; } Float_t e[64][56][2]; Float_t t[64][56][2]; for(Int_t iX=0; iX<64; iX++) { for(Int_t iZ=0; iZ<56; iZ++) { for(Int_t iGain=0; iGain<2; iGain++) { e[iX][iZ][iGain] = 0.; t[iX][iZ][iGain] = 0.; } } } Int_t cellX = -1; Int_t cellZ = -1; Int_t nBunches = 0; Int_t sigStart, sigLength; Int_t caloFlag; /* main loop (infinite) */ for(;;) { struct eventHeaderStruct *event; eventTypeType eventT; /* check shutdown condition */ if (daqDA_checkShutdown()) {break;} /* get next event (blocking call until timeout) */ status=monitorGetEventDynamic((void **)&event); if (status==MON_ERR_EOF) { printf ("End of File detected\n"); break; /* end of monitoring file has been reached */ } if (status!=0) { printf("monitorGetEventDynamic() failed : %s\n",monitorDecodeError(status)); break; } /* retry if got no event */ if (event==NULL) { continue; } /* use event - here, just write event id to result file */ eventT=event->eventType; if (eventT==PHYSICS_EVENT) { rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate((void*)event); AliCaloRawStreamV3 stream(rawReader,"PHOS",mapping); AliPHOSRawFitterv0 fitter; fitter.SubtractPedestals(kTRUE); // assume that data is non-ZS if(!failZS) { fitter.SubtractPedestals(kFALSE); fitter.SetAmpOffset(offset); fitter.SetAmpThreshold(threshold); } while (stream.NextDDL()) { while (stream.NextChannel()) { cellX = stream.GetCellX(); cellZ = stream.GetCellZ(); caloFlag = stream.GetCaloFlag(); // 0=LG, 1=HG, 2=TRU // In case of oscillating signals with ZS, //a channel can have several bunches. nBunches = 0; while (stream.NextBunch()) { nBunches++; if (nBunches > 1) continue; sigStart = stream.GetStartTimeBin(); sigLength = stream.GetBunchLength(); fitter.SetSamples(stream.GetSignals(),sigStart,sigLength); } // End of NextBunch() fitter.SetNBunches(nBunches); fitter.SetChannelGeo(stream.GetModule(),cellX,cellZ,caloFlag); fitter.Eval(); if (nBunches>1) continue; e[cellX][cellZ][caloFlag] = fitter.GetEnergy(); t[cellX][cellZ][caloFlag] = fitter.GetTime(); } if(dAs[stream.GetModule()]) dAs[stream.GetModule()]->FillHistograms(e,t); else dAs[stream.GetModule()] = new AliPHOSRcuDA1(stream.GetModule(),-1); for(Int_t iX=0; iX<64; iX++) { for(Int_t iZ=0; iZ<56; iZ++) { for(Int_t iGain=0; iGain<2; iGain++) { e[iX][iZ][iGain] = 0.; t[iX][iZ][iGain] = 0.; } } } } // da1.FillHistograms(e,t); // //da1.UpdateHistoFile(); delete rawReader; nevents_physics++; } nevents_total++; /* free resources */ free(event); /* exit when last event received, no need to wait for TERM signal */ if (eventT==END_OF_RUN) { printf("EOR event detected\n"); break; } } for(Int_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) delete mapping[i]; /* Be sure that all histograms are saved */ char localfile[128]; for(Int_t iMod=0; iMod<5; iMod++) { if(!dAs[iMod]) continue; dAs[iMod]->UpdateHistoFile(); dAs[iMod]->SetWriteToFile(kFALSE); /* Store output files to the File Exchange Server */ sprintf(localfile,"PHOS_Module%d_Calib.root",iMod); daqDA_FES_storeFile(localfile,"AMPLITUDES"); } return status; }