
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class AliPHOSAnalyze : public TObject

AliPHOSAnalyze AliPHOSAnalyze() AliPHOSAnalyze AliPHOSAnalyze(Text_t* name) AliPHOSAnalyze AliPHOSAnalyze(const AliPHOSAnalyze& ana) virtual void ~AliPHOSAnalyze() void AnalyzeCPV(Int_t Nevents) void AnalyzeEMC(Int_t Nevents) void AnalyzeResolutions(Int_t Nevents) void BookingHistograms() void BookResolutionHistograms() static TClass* Class() virtual void Copy(TObject& obj) Float_t CorrectEnergy(Float_t ERecPart) void DrawRecon(Int_t Nevent = 0, Int_t Nmod = 1) void InvariantMass(Int_t Nevents = 100) virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t OpenRootFile(Text_t* name) AliPHOSAnalyze& operator=(const AliPHOSAnalyze& rvalue) void ReadAndPrintCPV(Int_t EvFirst = 0, Int_t EvLast = 0) void ReadAndPrintEMC(Int_t EvFirst = 0, Int_t EvLast = 0) void ResetHistograms() void SaveHistograms() void SetDebugLevel(Int_t flag) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fEvt the evt number being processed AliPHOSGeometry* fGeom the PHOS Geometry object AliPHOSIndexToObject* fObjGetter provides methods to retrieve objects from their index in a list AliPHOSv1* fPHOS the PHOS object from the root file TFile* fRootFile the root file that contains the data Int_t fDebugLevel debug level for analysis TH2F* fhEnergyCorrelations Energy correlations between Eloss in Convertor and PPSD(2) TH1F* fhEmcDigit Histo of digit energies in the Emc TH1F* fhVetoDigit Histo of digit energies in the Veto TH1F* fhConvertorDigit Histo of digit energies in the Convertor TH1F* fhEmcCluster Histo of Cluster energies in Emc TH1F* fhVetoCluster Histo of Cluster energies in Veto TH1F* fhConvertorCluster Histo of Cluster energies in Convertor TH2F* fhConvertorEmc 2d Convertor versus Emc energies TH2F* fhAllEnergy Spectrum of detected photons with photon primary TH2F* fhPhotEnergy Total spectrum of detected photons TH2F* fhEMEnergy Spectrum of detected neutral EM with EM primary TH2F* fhPPSDEnergy Spectrum of particles detected in PPSD with primary particle TH2F* fhAllPosition Position Resolution of photons with photon primary TH2F* fhPhotPosition Position Resolution of photons TH2F* fhEMPosition Position Resolution of neutral EM with EM primary TH2F* fhPPSDPosition Position Resolution of neutral EM TH1F* fhAllPositionX X-Position Resolution of photons with photon primary TH1F* fhAllPositionZ Z-Position Resolution of photons with photon primary TH1F* fhPhotonPositionY Y distribution of detected photons TH1F* fhElectronPositionY Y distribution of detected electrons TH1F* fhNeutralHadronPositionY Y distribution of detected neutral hadron TH1F* fhNeutralEMPositionY Y distribution of detected neutral EM TH1F* fhChargedHadronPositionY Y distribution of detected charged TH1F* fhPhotonHadronPositionY Y distribution of detected Photon-Hadron TH1F* fhPhotReg TH1F* fhAllReg TH1F* fhNReg TH1F* fhNBarReg TH1F* fhChargedReg TH1F* fhPhotEM TH1F* fhAllEM TH1F* fhNEM TH1F* fhNBarEM TH1F* fhChargedEM TH1F* fhPhotPPSD TH1F* fhAllPPSD TH1F* fhNPPSD TH1F* fhNBarPPSD TH1F* fhChargedPPSD TH1F* fhPrimary TH1F* fhAllRP TH1F* fhPPSD TH1F* fhShape TH1F* fhVeto TH1F* fhPhotPhot TH1F* fhPhotElec TH1F* fhPhotNeuH TH1F* fhPhotNuEM TH1F* fhPhotChHa TH1F* fhPhotGaHa

Class Description

 Algorythm class to analyze PHOSv1 events:
 Construct histograms and displays them.
 Use the macro EditorBar.C for best access to the functionnalities
*-- Author: Y. Schutz (SUBATECH) & Gines Martinez (SUBATECH)

 default ctor (useless)

AliPHOSAnalyze(Text_t * name)
 ctor: analyze events from root file "name"

AliPHOSAnalyze(const AliPHOSAnalyze & ana)
 copy ctor

void Copy(TObject & obj)
 copy an analysis into an other one


void DrawRecon(Int_t Nevent,Int_t Nmod)
Draws pimary particles and reconstructed
digits, RecPoints, RecPartices etc
for event Nevent in the module Nmod.

void ReadAndPrintCPV(Int_t EvFirst, Int_t EvLast)
   // Read and print generated and reconstructed hits in CPV
   // for events from EvFirst to Nevent.
   // If only EvFirst is defined, print only this one event.
   // Author: Yuri Kharlov
   // 12 October 2000

void AnalyzeCPV(Int_t Nevents)
   // Analyzes CPV characteristics
   // Author: Yuri Kharlov
   // 9 October 2000

void InvariantMass(Int_t Nevents )
 Calculates Real and Mixed invariant mass distributions

void ReadAndPrintEMC(Int_t EvFirst, Int_t EvLast)
   // Read and print generated and reconstructed hits in EMC
   // for events from EvFirst to Nevent.
   // If only EvFirst is defined, print only this one event.
   // Author: Yuri Kharlov
   // 24 November 2000

void AnalyzeEMC(Int_t Nevents)
   // Read generated and reconstructed hits in EMC for Nevents events.
   // Plots the coordinate and energy resolution histograms.
   // Coordinate resolution is a difference between the reconstructed
   // coordinate and the exact coordinate on the face of the PHOS
   // Author: Yuri Kharlov
   // 27 November 2000

void AnalyzeResolutions(Int_t Nevents )
 analyzes Nevents events and calculate Energy and Position resolution as well as
 probaility of correct indentifiing of the incident particle

void BookingHistograms()
 Books the histograms where the results of the analysis are stored (to be changed)

void BookResolutionHistograms()
 Books the histograms where the results of the Resolution analysis are stored

Bool_t OpenRootFile(Text_t * name)
 Open the root file named "name"

void SaveHistograms()
 Saves the histograms in a root file named "name.analyzed"

Float_t CorrectEnergy(Float_t ERecPart)

void ResetHistograms()

Inline Functions

        AliPHOSAnalyze& operator=(const AliPHOSAnalyze& rvalue)
                   void SetDebugLevel(Int_t flag)
                TClass* Class()
                TClass* IsA() const
                   void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                   void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                   void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Copyright (c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *

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