*CMZ : 17/07/98 15.49.05 by Federico Carminati *-- Author : c c Federico Antinori Productions is proud to present... c c S H A K E R c c Central Rapidity Phase Space Cocktail Event Generator c c ===================================================== c version 0/05 c 09.12.91, FA: 0/03 Pre-release c 28.02.92, FA: 0/04 SH2BOD and SHMTSC SUBROUTINE SH2BOD(AMP,AMDA,AMDB,PP,PDA,PDB) c =========================================== c Two-body decay of a parent of mass AMP and lab 4-momentum PP to c a daughter of mass AMDA and one of mass AMDB. c PDA and PDB contain the lab 4-momenta of the daughters DIMENSION PP(4),PDA(4),PDB(4) DIMENSION PACM(4),PBCM(4) IF ((AMDA+AMDB).GT.AMP) RETURN PACM(4) = (AMP**2+AMDA**2-AMDB**2)/2./AMP PBCM(4) = (AMP**2+AMDB**2-AMDA**2)/2./AMP PCM = SQRT(PACM(4)**2-AMDA**2) CT = 2.*RLU(0.)-1. ST = SQRT(1.-CT**2) PHI = 2.*3.14159*RLU(0.) PACM(1) = PCM*ST*COS(PHI) PACM(2) = PCM*ST*SIN(PHI) PACM(4) = PCM*CT PBCM(1) = -PACM(1) PBCM(2) = -PACM(2) PBCM(3) = -PACM(3) CALL LORENB(AMP,PP,PACM,PDA) CALL LORENB(AMP,PP,PBCM,PDB) RETURN END