// Root #include "TH2.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TBranch.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TFormula.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TObjArray.h" //AliRoot #include "AliPHOSHit.h" #include "AliPHOSGetter.h" #include "AliPHOSGeometry.h" #include "AliPHOSDigit.h" #include "AliPHOSSDigitizer.h" #include "AliPHOSDigitizer.h" #include "AliPHOSClusterizer.h" #include "AliPHOSClusterizerv1.h" #include "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker.h" #include "AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1.h" #include "AliPHOSPID.h" #include "AliPHOSPIDv1.h" Bool_t sim_exam() ; Bool_t sdigit() ; Bool_t digit() ; Bool_t recpoint() ; Bool_t track() ; Bool_t particle() ; void write_info(TString) ; //____________________________________________________________________________ void testsimglobal() { gSystem->SetIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include -I$ALICE_ROOT/include -I."); Bool_t error = kFALSE ; TString mess("") ; if ( sim_exam() ){ mess = "Examination ended successfully." ; write_info(mess) ; } else error = kTRUE ; if (!error){ mess = "Beginning of the PHOS reconstruction." ; write_info(mess) ; if(sdigit()){ mess = "SDigits process ended successfully." ; write_info(mess) ; } else error = kTRUE ; } if (!error){ if (digit()){ mess = "Digits process ended successfully." ; write_info(mess) ; } else error = kTRUE ; } if (!error){ if (recpoint()){ mess = "Cluster process ended successfully." ; write_info(mess) ; } else error = kTRUE ; } if (!error){ if (track()){ mess = "TrackSegments process ended successfully." ; write_info(mess) ; } else error = kTRUE ; } if (!error){ if (particle()){ mess = "RecParticles process ended successfully." ; write_info(mess) ; } else error = kTRUE ; } if(!error){ mess = "reconstruction ended successfully." ; write_info(mess) ; } else { gSystem->Exec("uuencode $ALICE_ROOT/PHOS/testPHOS.root testPHOS.root | mail -s 'PHOS INSTALLATION ERROR' schutz@in2p3.fr") ; mess = "Error message to PHOS director has been sent, please wait for his answer before launching the whole simulation again." ; write_info(mess) ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t sim_exam() { // Definition of the alarm bounds for the examination const Float_t maxAlaHitsM = 12.79 ; // total multiplicity const Float_t maxAlaTotEn = 19.34 ; // total energy const Float_t maxAlaTotEnB = 18.35 ; // per block multiplicity const Float_t maxAlaHitsMB = 11.1 ; // per block energy TString mess("") ; mess = "Beginning of the simulation examination." ; write_info(mess) ; // define the array in which the events that have not reach th EMCA will be put. Bool_t error = kFALSE ; TStopwatch timer ; timer.Start() ; // Get the number of events generated in the simulation AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance("testPHOS.root") ; Int_t maxevent = gime->MaxEvent() ; gime->Event(0,"Q") ; // Examine the alarms TObjArray * alahm = dynamic_cast(gime->Alarms()->FindObject("HitsM")) ; Float_t ratiohm = 100.0*static_cast(alahm->GetEntries())/static_cast(maxevent) ; TObjArray * alaet = dynamic_cast(gime->Alarms()->FindObject("TotEn")) ; Float_t ratioet = 100.0*static_cast(alaet->GetEntries())/static_cast(maxevent) ; // Define the alarms per block and examine them char namemul[80], namen[80] ; TObjArray* alahmb[5] ; TObjArray* alaenb[5] ; Float_t ratiohmb[5], ratioenb[5] ; Int_t i = 0 ; for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++){ sprintf(namemul,"HitsMB%d",i+1) ; sprintf(namen,"TotEnB%d",i+1) ; alahmb[i] = (TObjArray*) (gime->Alarms()->FindObject(namemul)) ; ratiohmb[i] = 100.0*(Float_t)alahmb[i]->GetEntries()/(Float_t)maxevent ; alaenb[i] = (TObjArray*)(gime->Alarms()->FindObject(namen)) ; ratioenb[i] = 100.0*(Float_t)alaenb[i]->GetEntries()/(Float_t)maxevent ; if (ratiohmb[i] > maxAlaHitsMB){ error = kTRUE ; mess = "Examination detected an error in " + TString(namemul) ; write_info(mess) ; } if (ratioenb[i] > maxAlaTotEnB) { error = kTRUE ; mess = "Examination detected an error in " + TString(namen) ; write_info(mess) ; } } timer.Stop() ; timer.Print() ; if (ratiohm > maxAlaHitsM){ error = kTRUE ; mess = "Examination detected an error in HitsM." ; write_info(mess) ; } if (ratioet>maxAlaTotEn){ error = kTRUE ; mess = "Examination detected an error in TotEn." ; write_info(mess) ; } // Condition that will launch the general loop that builds the histograms in order to allow a further analysis. if (!error) return kTRUE ; else { mess = "Examination sets up the file that will be sent to PHOS director (30s)." ; write_info(mess) ; Int_t index = 0 ; Int_t nhits = 0 ; TH1F * his = new TH1F("Total Multiplicity", "Total Multiplicity in PHOS", 200, 0., 200.) ; TH1F * hisnrg = new TH1F("Total Energy", "Total energy in PHOS", 200, 0., 12.) ; // name and define the different histograms per block involved in the analysis TClonesArray hisba("TH1F") ; TClonesArray hisbanrg("TH1F") ; Int_t i = 0 ; char name[80], title[80] ; for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) { sprintf(name,"multiplicity for block %d",i) ; sprintf(title,"multiplicity per blocks, block %d",i) ; new(hisba[i]) TH1F(name, title, 100, 0., 100.) ; sprintf(name,"total energy for block %d",i) ; sprintf(title,"total energy per block, block %d",i) ; new(hisbanrg[i]) TH1F(name, title, 200, 0., 12.) ; } // define the global histograms, the hit pointer and give the means to get the actual block reached by the photon AliPHOSHit * hit ; TH1F * hist ; TH1F * histnrg ; TH2F * hbiz = new TH2F ("hbiz","hbiz", 200, 0., 200., 200, 0., 12.) ; const AliPHOSGeometry * geom = gime->PHOSGeometry() ; // the very general loop for (index = 0 ; index < maxevent ; index++) { //get the number of the event gime->Event(index) ; // get the number of cells reached during this event and fill the total multiplicity histogram Int_t n = gime->Hits()->GetEntries() ; nhits += n ; his->Fill(n) ; // Get the data per block TClonesArray * hita = static_cast(gime -> Hits()) ; TIter next(hita) ; Float_t Et = 0. ; Int_t id = 0, block = 0 ; Int_t nhit[6], rid[4] ; Float_t etblock[6] ; Int_t i = 0 ; for ( i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) { nhit[i] = 0 ; etblock[i] = 0 ; } while ( (hit = static_cast(next())) ) { id = hit->GetId() ; if (geom->IsInEMC(id) ) { Et += ( hit -> GetEnergy()) ; geom->AbsToRelNumbering(id,rid) ; block = rid[0] ; nhit[block]++ ; etblock[block] += ( hit -> GetEnergy()) ; } } //Fill all the histograms but total multiplicity, already done hist = static_cast(hisba.At(block)) ; hist->Fill(nhit[block]) ; histnrg = static_cast(hisbanrg.At(block)) ; histnrg->Fill(etblock[block]) ; hisnrg -> Fill(Et) ; hbiz->Fill(n,Et) ; } TFile * file = gROOT -> GetFile("testPHOS.root") ; file -> Write() ; file->Close() ; return kFALSE ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t sdigit() { //SDigits process const Float_t maxSDigits = 62.89 ; const Float_t widSDigits = TMath::Sqrt(maxSDigits) ; TString mess("") ; TString reconame = "test suite" ; AliPHOSSDigitizer *sd = new AliPHOSSDigitizer("testPHOS.root",reconame.Data()) ; AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance() ; sd->ExecuteTask("deb") ; Float_t nSDigits = static_cast(gime->SDigitizer()->GetSDigitsInRun()) / static_cast(gime->MaxEvent()) ; if ( nSDigits < maxSDigits-widSDigits || nSDigits > maxSDigits+widSDigits ) { mess = "Error detected in the SDigits process. Sending error file to PHOS director." ; write_info(mess) ; return kFALSE ; } else return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t digit() { //Digits process AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance("testPHOS.root") ; TString reconame = "test suite" ; const Float_t maxDigits = 2860. ; const Float_t widDigits = TMath::Sqrt(maxDigits) ; TString mess("") ; AliPHOSDigitizer *d = new AliPHOSDigitizer("testPHOS.root",reconame.Data()) ; d->ExecuteTask("deb") ; Float_t nDigits = static_cast(gime->Digitizer()->GetDigitsInRun()) / static_cast(gime->MaxEvent()) ; if ( nDigits < maxDigits-widDigits || nDigits > maxDigits+widDigits ) { mess = "Error detected in the Digits process. Sending error file to PHOS director." ; write_info(mess) ; return kFALSE ; } else return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t recpoint() { //RecPoints process AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance("testPHOS.root") ; TString reconame = "test suite" ; const Float_t maxRecPoints = 1.0 ; const Float_t widRecPoints = TMath::Sqrt(maxRecPoints) ; TString mess("") ; AliPHOSClusterizer * cluster = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1("testPHOS.root", reconame.Data()) ; cluster->ExecuteTask("deb") ; Float_t nRecPoints = static_cast(gime->Clusterizer(reconame.Data())->GetRecPointsInRun()) / static_cast(gime->MaxEvent()) ; if ( nRecPoints < maxRecPoints-widRecPoints || nRecPoints > maxRecPoints+widRecPoints ) { mess = "Error detected in the Clusterizing process. Sending error file to PHOS director." ; write_info(mess) ; return kFALSE ; } else return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t track() { //TrackSegments process AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance("testPHOS.root") ; const Float_t maxTrackSegments = 1 ; TString mess("") ; TString reconame = "test suite" ; AliPHOSTrackSegmentMaker * tracks = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1("testPHOS.root",reconame.Data()) ; tracks->ExecuteTask("deb") ; Float_t nTrackSegments = static_cast (gime->TrackSegmentMaker(reconame.Data())->GetTrackSegmentsInRun()) / static_cast(gime->MaxEvent()) ; if ( nTrackSegments < maxTrackSegments-0.25 || nTrackSegments > maxTrackSegments+0.25 ) { mess = "Error detected in the TrackSegments process. Sending error file to PHOS director." ; write_info(mess) ; return kFALSE ; } else return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t particle() { //RecParticles process AliPHOSGetter * gime = AliPHOSGetter::GetInstance("testPHOS.root") ; const Float_t maxRecParticles = 1 ; TString mess("") ; TString reconame = "test suite" ; AliPHOSPID * pid = new AliPHOSPIDv1("testPHOS.root",reconame.Data()) ; pid->ExecuteTask("deb") ; Float_t nRecParticles = static_cast (gime->PID(reconame.Data())->GetRecParticlesInRun()) / static_cast(gime->MaxEvent()) ; if ( nRecParticles < maxRecParticles-0.25 || nRecParticles > maxRecParticles+0.25 ) { mess = "Error detected in the RecParticles process. Sending error file to PHOS director.Stop reconstruction." ; write_info(mess) ; return kFALSE ; } else return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void write_info(TString mess) { cerr << " _____________________________________________________________ " << endl << " " << endl << "MESS ==> " << mess <