// ----------------------------------------------------// // // // This macro reads the PMD clusters which // // are stored in the file "PMD.RecPoints.root" // // // // ----------------------------------------------------// #include #include "TBranch.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" extern AliRun *gAlice; Int_t AliPMDRecpointRead(Int_t nevent = 1) { if (gAlice) { delete AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice;//if everything was OK here it is already NULL gAlice = 0x0; } AliRunLoader *fRunLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root","Event","update"); if (!fRunLoader) { cerr<<"Can't load RunLoader"<GetLoader("PMDLoader"); Int_t nevent = fRunLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); cout << " * *********** nevent = " << nevent << endl; if (pmdloader == 0x0) { cerr<<" ===> Can not find PMD or PMDLoader <===\n"; delete fRunLoader; return 2; } pmdloader->LoadRecPoints("READ"); TClonesArray *fRecpoints; AliPMDUtility *cc = new AliPMDUtility(); TH2F *h2 = new TH2F("h2"," ",100,-100.,100.,100,-100.,100.); FILE *fpw = fopen("junk_rec.dat","w"); for (Int_t ievt = 0; ievt < nevent; ievt++) { fRunLoader->GetEvent(ievt); TTree *treeR = pmdloader->TreeR(); if (treeR == 0x0) { cout << " Can not get TreeR" << endl; return 3; } AliPMDrecpoint1 *pmdrecpoint; TBranch *branch1 = treeR->GetBranch("PMDRecpoint"); branch1->SetAddress(&fRecpoints); /********************************************************************** * det : Detector, 0: PRE & 1:CPV * * smn : Serial Module Number from 0 to 23 for both detector * * xpos : x-position of the cluster * * ypos : y-position of the cluster * * THESE xpos & ypos are not the true xpos and ypos * * for some of the unit modules. They are rotated. * * adc : ADC contained in the cluster * * ncell : Number of cells contained in the cluster * * rad : radius of the cluster (1d fit) * * xpad : TRUE x-position of the cluster * * ypad : TRUE y-position of the cluster * **********************************************************************/ Int_t det,smn; Float_t xpos,ypos, xpad, ypad; Float_t adc, ncell, sigx, sigy; Float_t xx, yy; Int_t nmodules = branch1->GetEntries(); cout << " nmodules = " << nmodules << endl; for (Int_t imodule = 0; imodule < nmodules; imodule++) { branch1->GetEntry(imodule); Int_t nentries = fRecpoints->GetLast(); for(Int_t ient = 0; ient < nentries+1; ient++) { pmdrecpoint = (AliPMDrecpoint1*)fRecpoints->UncheckedAt(ient); det = (Int_t) pmdrecpoint->GetDetector(); smn = (Int_t) pmdrecpoint->GetSMNumber(); xpos = pmdrecpoint->GetClusX(); ypos = pmdrecpoint->GetClusY(); adc = pmdrecpoint->GetClusADC(); ncell = pmdrecpoint->GetClusCells(); sigx = pmdrecpoint->GetClusSigmaX(); sigy = pmdrecpoint->GetClusSigmaY(); // // User has to plug in his analysis code here // fprintf(fpw,"%d %d %d %d\n", det,smn,xpos,ypos); // // Plot the cluster centroid to see the PMD geometry // using the PMD Utility class // if (det == 0) { // Draw only for PRE plane //cc->RectGeomCellPos(ism,xpad,ypad,xx,yy); cc->RectGeomCellPos(smn,xpos,ypos,xx,yy); h2->Fill(xx,yy); } // // End of the User code // } } } h2->Draw(); fclose(fpw); return 0; }