//******************************************************************** // Example (very naive for the moment) of the data analysis // using the ESD classes // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch // Modified by Basanta K. Nandi for PMD analysis //******************************************************************** #if !defined( __CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include #include "TKey.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "AliESD.h" #endif extern TStyle *gStyle; Int_t AliPMDesdanal() { TStopwatch timer; gStyle->SetOptStat(111110); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); //****** File with the ESD TFile *ef=TFile::Open("AliESDcheck.root"); if (!ef || !ef->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't AliESDs.root !\n"; return 1;} Int_t n=0; TKey *key=0; TIter next(ef->GetListOfKeys()); //******* The loop over events while ((key=(TKey*)next())!=0) { cout<ReadObj(); Int_t npmdcl=event->GetNumberOfPmdTracks(); cout<<"Number of PMD tracks : "<GetPmdTrack(npmdcl); Int_t det = pmdtr->GetDetector(); Float_t theta = pmdtr->GetTheta(); Float_t phi = pmdtr->GetPhi(); Float_t adc = pmdtr->GetClusterADC(); Float_t pid = pmdtr->GetClusterPID(); } } timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); return 0; }