/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Count events with different selections // // It produces a histogram with the number of events with 9 bins: // 0: all events (that passed the physics selection if it was on) // 1: same but cross check that event pointer did exist // 2: passes vertex cut // 3: passes track number cut, tracks for eta < 0.8 // 4: 3 && 2 // 5: pass V0AND // 6: 5 && 2 // 7: 5 && 3 // 8: 5 && 3 && 2 // 9: not pileup from SPD // 10: Good vertex // 11: 10 && 5 // 12: 10 && 3 // 13: 10 && 2 // 14: 10 && 2 && 3 && 5 // 15: 10 && 9 // 16: 9 && 5 // // Author: Gustavo Conesa Balbastre (LPSC) // //_________________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliAODHeader.h" //#include "AliTriggerAnalysis.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskCounter.h" ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskCounter) //______________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskCounter::AliAnalysisTaskCounter(const char *name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fAcceptFastCluster(kTRUE), fZVertexCut(10.), fTrackMultEtaCut(0.8), fAvgTrials(-1), fOutputContainer(0x0), fESDtrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010()), //fTriggerAnalysis (new AliTriggerAnalysis), fCurrFileName(0), fCheckMCCrossSection(kFALSE), fhNEvents(0), fhXVertex(0), fhYVertex(0), fhZVertex(0), fhXGoodVertex(0),fhYGoodVertex(0),fhZGoodVertex(0), fhCentrality(0), fhEventPlaneAngle(0), fh1Xsec(0), fh1Trials(0) { //ctor DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } //______________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskCounter::AliAnalysisTaskCounter() : AliAnalysisTaskSE("DefaultAnalysis_AliAnalysisTaskCounter"), fAcceptFastCluster(kTRUE), fZVertexCut(10.), fTrackMultEtaCut(0.8), fAvgTrials(-1), fOutputContainer(0x0), fESDtrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010()), //fTriggerAnalysis (new AliTriggerAnalysis), fCurrFileName(0), fCheckMCCrossSection(kFALSE), fhNEvents(0), fhXVertex(0), fhYVertex(0), fhZVertex(0), fhXGoodVertex(0),fhYGoodVertex(0),fhZGoodVertex(0), fhCentrality(0), fhEventPlaneAngle(0), fh1Xsec(0), fh1Trials(0) { // ctor DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } //__________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskCounter::~AliAnalysisTaskCounter() { //Destructor if (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) return; if(fOutputContainer) { fOutputContainer->Delete() ; delete fOutputContainer ; } if(fESDtrackCuts) delete fESDtrackCuts; //if(fTriggerAnalysis) delete fTriggerAnalysis; } //____________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskCounter::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Init histograms fOutputContainer = new TList(); fh1Xsec = new TH1F("hXsec","xsec from pyxsec.root",1,0,1); fh1Xsec->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"<#sigma>"); fOutputContainer->Add(fh1Xsec); fh1Trials = new TH1F("hTrials","trials root file",1,0,1); fh1Trials->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"#sum{ntrials}"); fOutputContainer->Add(fh1Trials); fhZVertex = new TH1F("hZVertex", " Z vertex distribution" , 200 , -50 , 50 ) ; fhZVertex->SetXTitle("v_{z} (cm)"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhZVertex); fhZGoodVertex = new TH1F("hZGoodVertex", " Good Z vertex distribution" , 200 , -50 , 50 ) ; fhZGoodVertex->SetXTitle("v_{z} (cm)"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhZGoodVertex); fhXVertex = new TH1F("hXVertex", " X vertex distribution" , 200 , -2 , 2 ) ; fhXVertex->SetXTitle("v_{x} (cm)"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhXVertex); fhXGoodVertex = new TH1F("hXGoodVertex", " Good X vertex distribution" , 200 , -2 , 2 ) ; fhXGoodVertex->SetXTitle("v_{x} (cm)"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhXGoodVertex); fhYVertex = new TH1F("hYVertex", " Y vertex distribution" , 200 , -2 , 2 ) ; fhYVertex->SetXTitle("v_{y} (cm)"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhYVertex); fhYGoodVertex = new TH1F("hYGoodVertex", " Good Y vertex distribution" , 200 , -2 , 2 ) ; fhYGoodVertex->SetXTitle("v_{y} (cm)"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhYGoodVertex); fhCentrality = new TH1F("hCentrality","Number of events in centrality bin, |vz|<10 cm, method ",100,0.,100.) ; fhCentrality->SetXTitle("Centrality bin"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhCentrality) ; fhEventPlaneAngle=new TH1F("hEventPlaneAngle","Number of events in event plane, |vz|<10 cm, method ",100,0.,TMath::Pi()) ; fhEventPlaneAngle->SetXTitle("EP angle (rad)"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhEventPlaneAngle) ; fhNEvents = new TH1I("hNEvents", "Number of analyzed events", 21, 0, 21) ; fhNEvents->SetXTitle("Selection"); fhNEvents->SetYTitle("# events"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1 ,"1 = PS"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2 ,"2 = 1 & ESD"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3 ,"3 = 2 & |Z|<10"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4 ,"4 = 2 & |eta|<0.8"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5 ,"5 = 3 & 4"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6 ,"6 = 2 & V0AND"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7 ,"7 = 3 & 6"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8 ,"8 = 4 & 6"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9 ,"9 = 5 & 6"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10,"10 = 2 & not pileup"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(11,"11 = 2 & good vertex"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(12,"12 = 3 & 11"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(13,"13 = 4 & 11"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(14,"14 = 6 & 11"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(15,"15 = 9 & 11"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(16,"16 = 10 & 11"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(17,"17 = 6 & 10"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(17,"17 = 1 & |Z|<50"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(18,"18 = Reject EMCAL 1"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(19,"19 = 18 & 2"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(20,"20 = Reject EMCAL 2"); fhNEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(21,"20 = 20 & 2"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhNEvents); fOutputContainer->SetOwner(kTRUE); PostData(1,fOutputContainer); } //_______________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskCounter::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop // Called for each event //printf("___ Event __ %d __\n",(Int_t)Entry()); Notify(); fhNEvents->Fill(0.5); AliVEvent * event = InputEvent(); AliESDEvent * esdevent = dynamic_cast (event); AliAODEvent * aodevent = dynamic_cast (event); // Init mag field for tracks in case of ESDs, needed, not clear why if (!TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField() && esdevent) esdevent->InitMagneticField(); TString triggerclasses = event->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); //printf("Trigger class fired: %s \n",event->GetFiredTriggerClasses().Data()); if (triggerclasses.Contains("FAST") && !triggerclasses.Contains("ALL") && !fAcceptFastCluster) { //printf("Do not count events from fast cluster, trigger name %s\n",triggerclasses.Data()); return; } fhNEvents->Fill(1.5); //Initialize bools Bool_t bSelectVZ = kFALSE; Bool_t bV0AND = kFALSE; Bool_t bPileup = kFALSE; Bool_t bGoodV = kFALSE; Bool_t bSelectTrack = kFALSE; Int_t trackMult = 0; //--------------------------------- //Get the primary vertex, cut on Z //--------------------------------- Double_t v[3]; event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetXYZ(v) ; fhXVertex->Fill(v[0]); fhYVertex->Fill(v[1]); fhZVertex->Fill(v[2]); if(TMath::Abs(v[2]) < fZVertexCut) { bSelectVZ=kTRUE; fhNEvents->Fill(2.5); } //else printf("Vertex out %f \n",v[2]); //-------------------------------------------------- //Count tracks, cut on number of tracks in eta < 0.8 //-------------------------------------------------- Int_t nTracks = event->GetNumberOfTracks() ; for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < nTracks; itrack++) {////////////// track loop AliVTrack * track = (AliVTrack*)event->GetTrack(itrack) ; // retrieve track from esd //ESDs if(esdevent && !fESDtrackCuts->AcceptTrack((AliESDtrack*)track)) continue; //AODs if(aodevent && !((AliAODTrack*)track)->IsHybridGlobalConstrainedGlobal()) continue ; //Do not count tracks out of acceptance cut if(TMath::Abs(track->Eta())< fTrackMultEtaCut) trackMult++; } //printf("AliAnalysisTaskCounter::UserExec() - Track Mult %d \n",trackMult); //-------------------------------------------------- // At least one track //-------------------------------------------------- if (trackMult > 0) { bSelectTrack = kTRUE; fhNEvents->Fill(3.5); if(bSelectVZ) fhNEvents->Fill(4.5); } //--------------------------------- // V0AND //--------------------------------- //if(esdevent) bV0AND = fTriggerAnalysis->IsOfflineTriggerFired(esdevent, AliTriggerAnalysis::kV0AND); AliVVZERO* v0 = fInputEvent->GetVZEROData(); bV0AND = ((v0->GetV0ADecision()==1) && (v0->GetV0CDecision()==1)); if(bV0AND) { fhNEvents->Fill(5.5); if (bSelectVZ) fhNEvents->Fill(6.5); if (bSelectTrack) fhNEvents->Fill(7.5); if (bSelectVZ && bSelectTrack) fhNEvents->Fill(8.5); } //--------------------------------- // Pileup //--------------------------------- bPileup = event->IsPileupFromSPD(3, 0.8, 3., 2., 5.); //Default values, if not it does not compile //bPileup = event->IsPileupFromSPD(); if (!bPileup) { fhNEvents->Fill(9.5); if(bV0AND) fhNEvents->Fill(16.5); } //--------------------------------- // Good vertex //--------------------------------- bGoodV = CheckForPrimaryVertex(); //Remove events with vertex (0,0,0), bad vertex reconstruction if(TMath::Abs(v[0]) < 1.e-6 && TMath::Abs(v[1]) < 1.e-6 && TMath::Abs(v[2]) < 1.e-6) bGoodV = kFALSE; if(bGoodV) { fhXGoodVertex->Fill(v[0]); fhYGoodVertex->Fill(v[1]); fhZGoodVertex->Fill(v[2]); fhNEvents->Fill(10.5); if(bSelectVZ) fhNEvents->Fill(11.5); if(bSelectTrack) fhNEvents->Fill(12.5); if(bV0AND) fhNEvents->Fill(13.5); if(bSelectVZ && bSelectTrack && bV0AND) fhNEvents->Fill(14.5); if(!bPileup) fhNEvents->Fill(15.5); if(TMath::Abs(v[2]) < 10.) { if(InputEvent()->GetCentrality()) fhCentrality->Fill(InputEvent()->GetCentrality()->GetCentralityPercentile("V0M")); if(InputEvent()->GetEventplane()) { Float_t ep = InputEvent()->GetEventplane()->GetEventplane("V0", InputEvent()); ep+=TMath::Pi()/2.; // put same range as for method, [0,pi] fhEventPlaneAngle->Fill(ep); } } } //printf("AliAnalysisTaskCounter::UserExec() : z vertex %d, good vertex %d, v0and %d, pile up %d, track mult %d\n ", bSelectVZ, bGoodV, bV0AND, bPileup, trackMult); // Events that could be rejected in EMCAL // LHC11a, SM4 and some SM3 events cut with this Bool_t bEMCALRejected = kFALSE; for (Int_t i = 0; i < InputEvent()->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); i++) { AliVCluster *clus = InputEvent()->GetCaloCluster(i); if(clus->IsEMCAL()){ if ((clus->E() > 500 && clus->GetNCells() > 200 ) || clus->GetNCells() > 200) { //printf("Counter: Reject event with cluster: E %f, ncells %d\n",clus->E(),clus->GetNCells()); fhNEvents->Fill(17.5); if(bSelectVZ) fhNEvents->Fill(18.5); bEMCALRejected = kTRUE; break; } } } //LHC11a, 3 last runs, cut with this if(!bEMCALRejected) { // Count number of cells in SM3 with energy larger than 0.1, cut on this number Int_t ncellsSM3 = 0; Int_t ncellsSM4 = 0; for(Int_t icell = 0; icell < event->GetEMCALCells()->GetNumberOfCells(); icell++) { if(event->GetEMCALCells()->GetAmplitude(icell) > 0.1 && event->GetEMCALCells()->GetCellNumber(icell)/(24*48)==3) ncellsSM3++; if(event->GetEMCALCells()->GetAmplitude(icell) > 0.1 && event->GetEMCALCells()->GetCellNumber(icell)/(24*48)==4) ncellsSM4++; } Int_t ncellcut = 21; if(triggerclasses.Contains("EMC")) ncellcut = 35; if( ncellsSM3 >= ncellcut || ncellsSM4 >= 100 ) { //printf("Counter: reject event with ncells in SM3: ncells %d\n",ncells); fhNEvents->Fill(19.5); if(bSelectVZ) fhNEvents->Fill(20.5); } } PostData(1,fOutputContainer); } //____________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskCounter::CheckForPrimaryVertex() { //Check if the vertex was well reconstructed, copy of conversion group AliESDEvent * esdevent = dynamic_cast (InputEvent()); AliAODEvent * aodevent = dynamic_cast (InputEvent()); if(esdevent) { if(esdevent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetNContributors() > 0) { return kTRUE; } if(esdevent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetNContributors() < 1) { // SPD vertex if(esdevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetNContributors() > 0) { return kTRUE; } if(esdevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetNContributors() < 1) { return kFALSE; } } } else if(aodevent) { if (aodevent->GetPrimaryVertex() != NULL) { if(aodevent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetNContributors() > 0) { return kTRUE; } } if(aodevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD() != NULL) { if(aodevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetNContributors() > 0) { return kTRUE; } else { AliWarning(Form("Number of contributors from bad vertex type:: %s",aodevent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetName())); return kFALSE; } } } else return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskCounter::FinishTaskOutput() { // Put in the output some event summary histograms AliAnalysisManager *am = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliInputEventHandler *inputH = dynamic_cast(am->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!inputH) return; TH2F *histStat = dynamic_cast(inputH->GetStatistics()); TH2F *histBin0 = dynamic_cast(inputH->GetStatistics("BIN0")); if(histStat) fOutputContainer->Add(histStat); else if(DebugLevel() > 1) printf("AliAnalysisTaskCounter::FinishTaskOutput() - Stat histogram not available check, \n if ESDs, that AliPhysicsSelection was on, \n if AODs, if EventStat_temp.root exists \n"); if(histBin0) fOutputContainer->Add(histBin0); } //_____________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskCounter::Notify() { // // Implemented Notify() to read the cross sections // and number of trials from pyxsec.root // if(!fCheckMCCrossSection) return kTRUE; // Fetch the aod also from the input in, // have todo it in notify Float_t xsection = 0; Float_t trials = 1; fAvgTrials = -1; TTree *tree = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetTree(); if(!tree) return kFALSE; TFile *curfile = tree->GetCurrentFile(); if(!curfile) return kFALSE; if(fCurrFileName == curfile->GetName()) return kFALSE; fCurrFileName = TString(curfile->GetName()); if(!fh1Xsec||!fh1Trials) { Printf("%s%d No Histogram fh1Xsec",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); return kFALSE; } Bool_t ok = PythiaInfoFromFile(fCurrFileName,xsection,trials); if(!ok) return kFALSE; fh1Xsec->Fill("<#sigma>",xsection); // construct a poor man average trials Float_t nEntries = (Float_t)tree->GetTree()->GetEntries(); if(trials >= nEntries && nEntries > 0.) fAvgTrials = trials/nEntries; fh1Trials->Fill("#sum{ntrials}",trials); printf("AliAnalysisTaskCounter::Notify() - xs %f, trial %f, avg trials %f\n",xsection,trials, fAvgTrials); if(fDebug) Printf("Reading File %s",fInputHandler->GetTree()->GetCurrentFile()->GetName()); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskCounter::PythiaInfoFromFile(TString file,Float_t & xsec,Float_t & trials) { // // get the cross section and the trails either from pyxsec.root or from pysec_hists.root // This is to called in Notify and should provide the path to the AOD/ESD file xsec = 0; trials = 1; if(file.Contains("root_archive.zip#")) { Ssiz_t pos1 = file.Index("root_archive",12,0,TString::kExact); Ssiz_t pos = file.Index("#",1,pos1,TString::kExact); Ssiz_t pos2 = file.Index(".root",5,TString::kExact); file.Replace(pos+1,pos2-pos1,""); } else { // not an archive take the basename.... file.ReplaceAll(gSystem->BaseName(file.Data()),""); } //Printf("%s",file.Data()); TFile *fxsec = TFile::Open(Form("%s%s",file.Data(),"pyxsec.root")); // problem that we cannot really test the existance of a file in a archive so we have to lvie with open error message from root if(!fxsec) { // next trial fetch the histgram file fxsec = TFile::Open(Form("%s%s",file.Data(),"pyxsec_hists.root")); if(!fxsec) { // not a severe condition but inciate that we have no information return kFALSE; } else { // find the tlist we want to be independtent of the name so use the Tkey TKey* key = (TKey*)fxsec->GetListOfKeys()->At(0); if(!key) { fxsec->Close(); return kFALSE; } TList *list = dynamic_cast(key->ReadObj()); if(!list) { fxsec->Close(); return kFALSE; } xsec = ((TProfile*)list->FindObject("h1Xsec")) ->GetBinContent(1); trials = ((TH1F*) list->FindObject("h1Trials"))->GetBinContent(1); fxsec->Close(); } } // no tree pyxsec.root else { TTree *xtree = (TTree*)fxsec->Get("Xsection"); if(!xtree) { fxsec->Close(); return kFALSE; } UInt_t ntrials = 0; Double_t xsection = 0; xtree->SetBranchAddress("xsection",&xsection); xtree->SetBranchAddress("ntrials",&ntrials); xtree->GetEntry(0); trials = ntrials; xsec = xsection; fxsec->Close(); } return kTRUE; }