/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class for reading data (Kinematics) in order to do prompt gamma // or other particle identification and correlations // Separates generated particles into charged (CTS) // and neutral (PHOS or EMCAL acceptance) // Now, it only works with data stored in Kinematics.root and // not in filtered Kinematics branch in AODs // //*-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include #include "TParticle.h" //---- ANALYSIS system ---- #include "AliCaloTrackMCReader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliVCluster.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliFiducialCut.h" #include "AliMCAnalysisUtils.h" ClassImp(AliCaloTrackMCReader) //____________________________________________ AliCaloTrackMCReader::AliCaloTrackMCReader() : AliCaloTrackReader(), fDecayPi0(0), fNeutralParticlesArray(0x0), fChargedParticlesArray(0x0), fStatusArray(0x0), fKeepAllStatus(0), fCheckOverlap(0), fEMCALOverlapAngle(0),fPHOSOverlapAngle(0), fIndex2ndPhoton(0), fOnlyGeneratorParticles(kTRUE) { //Ctor //Initialize parameters InitParameters(); } //___________________________________________ AliCaloTrackMCReader::~AliCaloTrackMCReader() { //Dtor if(fChargedParticlesArray) delete fChargedParticlesArray ; if(fNeutralParticlesArray) delete fNeutralParticlesArray ; if(fStatusArray) delete fStatusArray ; } //________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::GetVertex(Double_t v[3]) const { //Return vertex position TArrayF pv; GetGenEventHeader()->PrimaryVertex(pv); v[0]=pv.At(0); v[1]=pv.At(1); v[2]=pv.At(2); } //_________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::InitParameters() { //Initialize the parameters of the analysis. fDecayPi0 = kFALSE; fChargedParticlesArray = new TArrayI(1); fChargedParticlesArray->SetAt(11,0); //Int_t pdgarray[]={12,14,16};// skip neutrinos //fNeutralParticlesArray = new TArrayI(3, pdgarray); fNeutralParticlesArray = new TArrayI(3); fNeutralParticlesArray->SetAt(12,0); fNeutralParticlesArray->SetAt(14,1); fNeutralParticlesArray->SetAt(16,2); fStatusArray = new TArrayI(1); fStatusArray->SetAt(1,0); fOnlyGeneratorParticles = kTRUE; fKeepAllStatus = kTRUE; fCheckOverlap = kFALSE; fEMCALOverlapAngle = 2.5 * TMath::DegToRad(); fPHOSOverlapAngle = 0.5 * TMath::DegToRad(); fIndex2ndPhoton = -1; fDataType = kMC; fReadStack = kTRUE; fReadAODMCParticles = kFALSE; //This class only works with Kinematics.root input. //For this reader we own the objects of the arrays fCTSTracks ->SetOwner(kTRUE); fEMCALClusters->SetOwner(kTRUE); fPHOSClusters ->SetOwner(kTRUE); } //_________________________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::CheckOverlap(const Float_t anglethres, const Int_t imom, Int_t & iPrimary, Int_t & index, TLorentzVector & mom, Int_t & pdg) { //Check overlap of decay photons if( fIndex2ndPhoton==iPrimary ) { fIndex2ndPhoton=-1; return; } else fIndex2ndPhoton=-1; if(pdg!=22) return; TLorentzVector ph1, ph2; TParticle *meson = GetStack()->Particle(imom); Int_t mepdg = meson->GetPdgCode(); Int_t idaug1 = meson->GetFirstDaughter(); if((mepdg == 111 || mepdg == 221 ) && meson->GetNDaughters() == 2) { //Check only decay in 2 photons TParticle * d1 = GetStack()->Particle(idaug1); TParticle *d2 = GetStack()->Particle(idaug1+1); if(d1->GetPdgCode() == 22 && d2->GetPdgCode() == 22 ) { d1->Momentum(ph1); d2->Momentum(ph2); //printf("angle %2.2f\n",ph1.Angle(ph2.Vect())); if(anglethres > ph1.Angle(ph2.Vect())) { //Keep the meson pdg=mepdg; index=imom; meson->Momentum(mom); //printf("Overlap:: pt %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f\n",mom.Pt(),mom.Phi(),mom.Eta()); if(iPrimary == idaug1) iPrimary++; //skip next photon in list } else { //Do not check overlapping for next decay photon from same meson if(iPrimary == idaug1) {fIndex2ndPhoton = idaug1+1; } } } }//Meson Decay with 2 photon daughters } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::FillCalorimeters(Int_t & iParticle, TParticle* particle, TLorentzVector &momentum) { //Fill AODCaloClusters or TParticles lists of PHOS or EMCAL //In PHOS if(fFillPHOS && momentum.Pt() > fPHOSPtMin) { if(fCheckFidCut && !fFiducialCut->IsInFiducialCut(momentum,"PHOS")) return; Int_t index = iParticle ; Int_t pdg = TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode()); if(fCheckOverlap) CheckOverlap(fPHOSOverlapAngle,particle->GetFirstMother(),index, iParticle, momentum, pdg); Char_t ttype= AliVCluster::kPHOSNeutral; Int_t labels[] = {index}; Float_t x[] = {momentum.X(), momentum.Y(), momentum.Z()}; //Create object and write it to file AliAODCaloCluster *calo = new AliAODCaloCluster(index,1,labels,momentum.E(), x, NULL, ttype, 0); SetCaloClusterPID(pdg,calo) ; if(fDebug > 3 && momentum.Pt() > 0.2) printf("AliCaloTrackMCReader::FillCalorimeters() - PHOS : Selected cluster %s E %3.2f, pt %3.2f, phi %3.2f, eta %3.2f\n", particle->GetName(),momentum.E(),momentum.Pt(),momentum.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),momentum.Eta()); fPHOSClusters->Add(calo);//reference the selected object to the list } //In EMCAL if(fFillEMCAL && momentum.Pt() > fEMCALPtMin) { if(fCheckFidCut && !fFiducialCut->IsInFiducialCut(momentum,"EMCAL")) return; Int_t index = iParticle ; Int_t pdg = TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode()); //Int_t pdgorg=pdg; if(fCheckOverlap) CheckOverlap(fEMCALOverlapAngle,particle->GetFirstMother(),iParticle, index, momentum, pdg); Char_t ttype= AliVCluster::kEMCALClusterv1; Int_t labels[] = {index}; Float_t x[] = {momentum.X(), momentum.Y(), momentum.Z()}; //Create object and write it to file AliAODCaloCluster *calo = new AliAODCaloCluster(iParticle,1,labels,momentum.E(), x, NULL, ttype, 0); SetCaloClusterPID(pdg,calo) ; if(fDebug > 3 && momentum.Pt() > 0.2) printf("AliCaloTrackMCReader::FillCalorimeters() - EMCAL : Selected cluster %s E %3.2f, pt %3.2f, phi %3.2f, eta %3.2f\n", particle->GetName(),momentum.E(),momentum.Pt(),momentum.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),momentum.Eta()); fEMCALClusters->Add(calo);//reference the selected object to the list } } //___________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackMCReader::FillInputEvent(const Int_t iEntry, const char * /*currentFileName*/) { //Fill the event counter and input lists that are needed, called by the analysis maker. fEventNumber = iEntry; //fCurrentFileName = TString(currentFileName); fTrackMult = 0; //In case of analysis of events with jets, skip those with jet pt > 5 pt hard if(fComparePtHardAndJetPt && GetStack()) { if(!ComparePtHardAndJetPt()) return kFALSE ; } //Fill Vertex array FillVertexArray(); Int_t iParticle = 0 ; Double_t charge = 0.; Int_t nparticles = GetStack()->GetNtrack() ; if(fOnlyGeneratorParticles) nparticles=GetStack()->GetNprimary(); for (iParticle = 0 ; iParticle < nparticles ; iParticle++) { TParticle * particle = GetStack()->Particle(iParticle); TLorentzVector momentum; Float_t p[3]; Float_t x[3]; Int_t pdg = particle->GetPdgCode(); //Keep particles with a given status if(KeepParticleWithStatus(particle->GetStatusCode()) && (particle->Pt() > 0) ) { //Skip bizarre particles, they crash when charge is calculated // if(TMath::Abs(pdg) == 3124 || TMath::Abs(pdg) > 10000000) continue ; charge = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg)->Charge(); particle->Momentum(momentum); //---------- Charged particles ---------------------- if(charge != 0) { if(TMath::Abs(momentum.Eta())< fTrackMultEtaCut) fTrackMult++; if(fFillCTS && (momentum.Pt() > fCTSPtMin)){ //Particles in CTS acceptance if(fCheckFidCut && !fFiducialCut->IsInFiducialCut(momentum,"CTS")) continue; if(TMath::Abs(pdg) == 11 && GetStack()->Particle(particle->GetFirstMother())->GetPdgCode()==22) continue ; if(fDebug > 3 && momentum.Pt() > 0.2) printf("AliCaloTrackMCReader::FillInputEvent() - CTS : Selected tracks E %3.2f, pt %3.2f, phi %3.2f, eta %3.2f\n", momentum.E(),momentum.Pt(),momentum.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),momentum.Eta()); x[0] = particle->Vx(); x[1] = particle->Vy(); x[2] = particle->Vz(); p[0] = particle->Px(); p[1] = particle->Py(); p[2] = particle->Pz(); //Create object and write it to file AliAODTrack *aodTrack = new AliAODTrack(0, iParticle, p, kTRUE, x, kFALSE,NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0x0,//primary, kFALSE, // No fit performed kFALSE, // No fit performed AliAODTrack::kPrimary, 0); SetTrackChargeAndPID(pdg, aodTrack); fCTSTracks->Add(aodTrack);//reference the selected object to the list } //Keep some charged particles in calorimeters lists if((fFillPHOS || fFillEMCAL) && KeepChargedParticles(pdg)) FillCalorimeters(iParticle, particle, momentum); }//Charged //-------------Neutral particles ---------------------- else if(charge == 0 && (fFillPHOS || fFillEMCAL)) { //Skip neutrinos or other neutral particles //if(SkipNeutralParticles(pdg) || particle->IsPrimary()) continue ; // protection added (MG) if(SkipNeutralParticles(pdg)) continue ; //Fill particle/calocluster arrays if(!fDecayPi0) { FillCalorimeters(iParticle, particle, momentum); } else { //Sometimes pi0 are stable for the generator, if needed decay it by hand if(pdg == 111 ) { if(momentum.Pt() > fPHOSPtMin || momentum.Pt() > fEMCALPtMin) { TLorentzVector lvGamma1, lvGamma2 ; //Double_t angle = 0; //Decay MakePi0Decay(momentum,lvGamma1,lvGamma2);//,angle); //Check if Pi0 is in the acceptance of the calorimeters, if aperture angle is small, keep it TParticle * pPhoton1 = new TParticle(22,1,iParticle,0,0,0,lvGamma1.Px(),lvGamma1.Py(), lvGamma1.Pz(),lvGamma1.E(),0,0,0,0); TParticle * pPhoton2 = new TParticle(22,1,iParticle,0,0,0,lvGamma2.Px(),lvGamma2.Py(), lvGamma2.Pz(),lvGamma2.E(),0,0,0,0); //Fill particle/calocluster arrays FillCalorimeters(iParticle,pPhoton1,lvGamma1); FillCalorimeters(iParticle,pPhoton2,lvGamma2); }//pt cut }//pi0 else FillCalorimeters(iParticle,particle, momentum); //Add the rest } }//neutral particles } //particle with correct status }//particle loop fIndex2ndPhoton = -1; //In case of overlapping studies, reset for each event return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackMCReader::KeepParticleWithStatus(Int_t status) const { //Check if status is equal to one of the list //These particles will be used in analysis. if(!fKeepAllStatus) { for(Int_t i= 0; i < fStatusArray->GetSize(); i++) if(status == fStatusArray->At(i)) return kTRUE ; return kFALSE; } else return kTRUE ; } //________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackMCReader::KeepChargedParticles(Int_t pdg) const { //Check if pdg is equal to one of the charged particles list //These particles will be added to the calorimeters lists. for(Int_t i= 0; i < fChargedParticlesArray->GetSize(); i++) if(TMath::Abs(pdg) == fChargedParticlesArray->At(i)) return kTRUE ; return kFALSE; } //__________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::Print(const Option_t * opt) const { //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis if(! opt) return; AliCaloTrackReader::Print(opt); printf("**** Print **** %s %s ****\n", GetName(), GetTitle() ) ; printf("Decay Pi0? : %d\n", fDecayPi0) ; printf("Check Overlap in Calo? : %d\n", fCheckOverlap) ; printf("Keep all status? : %d\n", fKeepAllStatus) ; if(!fKeepAllStatus) printf("Keep particles with status : "); for(Int_t i= 0; i < fStatusArray->GetSize(); i++) printf(" %d ; ", fStatusArray->At(i)); printf("\n"); printf("Skip neutral particles in calo : "); for(Int_t i= 0; i < fNeutralParticlesArray->GetSize(); i++) printf(" %d ; ", fNeutralParticlesArray->At(i)); printf("\n"); printf("Keep charged particles in calo : "); for(Int_t i= 0; i < fChargedParticlesArray->GetSize(); i++) printf(" %d ; ", fChargedParticlesArray->At(i)); printf("\n"); } //________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::MakePi0Decay(const TLorentzVector p0, TLorentzVector &p1, TLorentzVector &p2) const //, Double_t &angle) { // Perform isotropic decay pi0 -> 2 photons // p0 is pi0 4-momentum (inut) // p1 and p2 are photon 4-momenta (output) // cout<<"Boost vector"<GetParticle(111)->Mass(); TVector3 b = p0.BoostVector(); //cout<<"Parameters"<Rndm(); Double_t cosThe = 2 * gRandom->Rndm() - 1; Double_t cosPhi = TMath::Cos(phi); Double_t sinPhi = TMath::Sin(phi); Double_t sinThe = TMath::Sqrt(1-cosThe*cosThe); Double_t ePi0 = mPi0/2.; //cout<<"ePi0 "<GetSize(); i++) if(TMath::Abs(pdg) == fNeutralParticlesArray->At(i)) return kTRUE ; return kFALSE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::SetTrackChargeAndPID(const Int_t pdgCode, AliAODTrack *track) const { //Give a PID weight for tracks equal to 1 depending on the particle type Float_t pid[10] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}; switch (pdgCode) { case 22: // gamma track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 11: // e- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kElectron] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -11: // e+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kElectron] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 13: // mu- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kMuon] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -13: // mu+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kMuon] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 111: // pi0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 211: // pi+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kPion] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -211: // pi- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kPion] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 130: // K0L track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 321: // K+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kKaon] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -321: // K- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kKaon] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 2112: // n track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 2212: // p track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kProton] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -2212: // anti-p track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kProton] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 310: // K0S track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 311: // K0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -311: // anti-K0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 221: // eta track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 3122: // lambda track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 3222: // Sigma+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 3212: // Sigma0 track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 3112: // Sigma- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 3322: // Xi0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 3312: // Xi- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 3334: // Omega- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -2112: // n-bar track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -3122: // anti-Lambda track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -3222: // anti-Sigma- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -3212: // anti-Sigma0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -3112: // anti-Sigma+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -3322: // anti-Xi0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -3312: // anti-Xi+ track->SetCharge(+1); break; case -3334: // anti-Omega+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 411: // D+ track->SetCharge(+1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -411: // D- track->SetCharge(-1); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case 421: // D0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; case -421: // anti-D0 track->SetCharge(0); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); break; default : // unknown track->SetCharge(-99); pid[AliAODTrack::kUnknown] = 1.; track->SetPID(pid); } track->SetPID(pid); return; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackMCReader::SetCaloClusterPID(const Int_t pdgCode, AliVCluster *calo) const { //Give a PID weight for CaloClusters equal to 1 depending on the particle type Float_t pid[13] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}; switch (pdgCode) { case 22: // gamma pid[AliVCluster::kPhoton] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 11: // e- pid[AliVCluster::kElectron] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -11: // e+ pid[AliVCluster::kElectron] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 13: // mu- pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -13: // mu+ pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 111: // pi0 pid[AliVCluster::kPi0] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 211: // pi+ pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -211: // pi- pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 130: // K0L pid[AliVCluster::kKaon0] = 1.; pid[AliVCluster::kNeutral] = 1; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 321: // K+ pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -321: // K- pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 2112: // n pid[AliVCluster::kNeutron] = 1.; pid[AliVCluster::kNeutral] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 2212: // p pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -2212: // anti-p pid[AliVCluster::kCharged] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 310: // K0S pid[AliVCluster::kKaon0] = 1.; pid[AliVCluster::kNeutral] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 311: // K0 pid[AliVCluster::kKaon0] = 1.; pid[AliVCluster::kNeutral] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -311: // anti-K0 pid[AliVCluster::kKaon0] = 1.; pid[AliVCluster::kNeutral] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 221: // eta pid[AliVCluster::kNeutral] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 3122: // lambda pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 3222: // Sigma+ pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 3212: // Sigma0 pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 3112: // Sigma- pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 3322: // Xi0 pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 3312: // Xi- pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 3334: // Omega- pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -2112: // n-bar pid[AliVCluster::kNeutron] = 1.; pid[AliVCluster::kNeutral] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -3122: // anti-Lambda pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -3222: // anti-Sigma- pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -3212: // anti-Sigma0 pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -3112: // anti-Sigma+ pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -3322: // anti-Xi0 pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -3312: // anti-Xi+ pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -3334: // anti-Omega+ pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 411: // D+ pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -411: // D- pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case 421: // D0 pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; case -421: // anti-D0 pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); break; default : // unknown pid[AliVCluster::kUnknown] = 1.; calo->SetPID(pid); } return; }