/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Base class for reading data: MonteCarlo, ESD or AOD, of PHOS EMCAL and // Central Barrel Tracking detectors (CTS). // Not all MC particles/tracks/clusters are kept, some kinematical/fiducial restrictions are done. // Mother class of : AliCaloTrackESDReader: Fills ESD data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS) // : AliCaloTrackMCReader : Fills Kinematics data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS) // : AliCaloTrackAODReader: Fills AOD data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS) //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include // ---- ANALYSIS system ---- #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenCocktailEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include "AliVParticle.h" #include "AliMixedEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliTriggerAnalysis.h" #include "AliESDVZERO.h" #include "AliVCaloCells.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliStack.h" // ---- Detectors ---- #include "AliPHOSGeoUtils.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEMCALRecoUtils.h" // ---- CaloTrackCorr --- #include "AliCalorimeterUtils.h" #include "AliCaloTrackReader.h" // ---- Jets ---- #include "AliAODJet.h" ClassImp(AliCaloTrackReader) //________________________________________ AliCaloTrackReader::AliCaloTrackReader() : TObject(), fEventNumber(-1), //fCurrentFileName(""), fDataType(0), fDebug(0), fFiducialCut(0x0), fCheckFidCut(kFALSE), fComparePtHardAndJetPt(0), fPtHardAndJetPtFactor(0), fComparePtHardAndClusterPt(0),fPtHardAndClusterPtFactor(0), fCTSPtMin(0), fEMCALPtMin(0), fPHOSPtMin(0), fCTSPtMax(0), fEMCALPtMax(0), fPHOSPtMax(0), fUseEMCALTimeCut(1), fUseParamTimeCut(0), fUseTrackTimeCut(0), fEMCALTimeCutMin(-10000), fEMCALTimeCutMax(10000), fEMCALParamTimeCutMin(), fEMCALParamTimeCutMax(), fTrackTimeCutMin(-10000), fTrackTimeCutMax(10000), fUseTrackDCACut(0), fAODBranchList(0x0), fCTSTracks(0x0), fEMCALClusters(0x0), fPHOSClusters(0x0), fEMCALCells(0x0), fPHOSCells(0x0), fInputEvent(0x0), fOutputEvent(0x0),fMC(0x0), fFillCTS(0), fFillEMCAL(0), fFillPHOS(0), fFillEMCALCells(0), fFillPHOSCells(0), fRecalculateClusters(kFALSE),fCorrectELinearity(kTRUE), fSelectEmbeddedClusters(kFALSE), fTrackStatus(0), fTrackFilterMask(0), fESDtrackCuts(0), fESDtrackComplementaryCuts(0), fConstrainTrack(kFALSE), fSelectHybridTracks(0), fSelectSPDHitTracks(kFALSE), fTrackMult(0), fTrackMultEtaCut(0.9), fReadStack(kFALSE), fReadAODMCParticles(kFALSE), fDeltaAODFileName(""), fFiredTriggerClassName(""), fEventTriggerMask(0), fMixEventTriggerMask(0), fEventTriggerAtSE(0), fEventTrigMinBias(0), fEventTrigCentral(0), fEventTrigSemiCentral(0), fEventTrigEMCALL0(0), fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1(0), fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2(0), fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1(0), fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2(0), fBitEGA(0), fBitEJE(0), fAnaLED(kFALSE), fTaskName(""), fCaloUtils(0x0), fMixedEvent(NULL), fNMixedEvent(0), fVertex(NULL), fListMixedTracksEvents(), fListMixedCaloEvents(), fLastMixedTracksEvent(-1), fLastMixedCaloEvent(-1), fWriteOutputDeltaAOD(kFALSE),fOldAOD(kFALSE), fEMCALClustersListName(""), fZvtxCut(0.), fAcceptFastCluster(kFALSE), fRemoveLEDEvents(kTRUE), //Trigger rejection fRemoveBadTriggerEvents(0), fTriggerPatchClusterMatch(0), fTriggerPatchTimeWindow(), fTriggerEventThreshold(0), fTriggerClusterBC(0), fTriggerClusterIndex(0), fTriggerClusterId(0), fIsExoticEvent(0), fIsBadCellEvent(0), fIsBadMaxCellEvent(0), fIsTriggerMatch(0), fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut(), fTriggerClusterTimeRecal(kTRUE), fRemoveUnMatchedTriggers(kTRUE), fDoEventSelection(kFALSE), fDoV0ANDEventSelection(kFALSE), fDoVertexBCEventSelection(kFALSE), fDoRejectNoTrackEvents(kFALSE), fUseEventsWithPrimaryVertex(kFALSE), fTriggerAnalysis (0x0), fTimeStampEventSelect(0), fTimeStampEventFracMin(0), fTimeStampEventFracMax(0), fTimeStampRunMin(0), fTimeStampRunMax(0), fNPileUpClusters(-1), fNNonPileUpClusters(-1), fNPileUpClustersCut(3), fVertexBC(-200), fRecalculateVertexBC(0), fCentralityClass(""), fCentralityOpt(0), fEventPlaneMethod(""), fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels(0), fNMCProducedMin(0), fNMCProducedMax(0), fFillInputNonStandardJetBranch(kFALSE), fNonStandardJets(new TClonesArray("AliAODJet",100)),fInputNonStandardJetBranchName("jets"), fAcceptEventsWithBit(0), fRejectEventsWithBit(0) { //Ctor //Initialize parameters InitParameters(); } //_______________________________________ AliCaloTrackReader::~AliCaloTrackReader() { //Dtor delete fFiducialCut ; if(fAODBranchList) { fAODBranchList->Delete(); delete fAODBranchList ; } if(fCTSTracks) { if(fDataType!=kMC)fCTSTracks->Clear() ; else fCTSTracks->Delete() ; delete fCTSTracks ; } if(fEMCALClusters) { if(fDataType!=kMC)fEMCALClusters->Clear("C") ; else fEMCALClusters->Delete() ; delete fEMCALClusters ; } if(fPHOSClusters) { if(fDataType!=kMC)fPHOSClusters->Clear("C") ; else fPHOSClusters->Delete() ; delete fPHOSClusters ; } if(fVertex) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNMixedEvent; i++) { delete [] fVertex[i] ; } delete [] fVertex ; } delete fESDtrackCuts; delete fESDtrackComplementaryCuts; delete fTriggerAnalysis; if(fNonStandardJets) { if(fDataType!=kMC) fNonStandardJets->Clear("C") ; else fNonStandardJets->Delete() ; delete fNonStandardJets ; } fRejectEventsWithBit.Reset(); fAcceptEventsWithBit.Reset(); // Pointers not owned, done by the analysis frame // if(fInputEvent) delete fInputEvent ; // if(fOutputEvent) delete fOutputEvent ; // if(fMC) delete fMC ; // Pointer not owned, deleted by maker // if (fCaloUtils) delete fCaloUtils ; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::AcceptDCA(const Float_t pt, const Float_t dca) { // Accept track if DCA is smaller than function Float_t cut = fTrackDCACut[0]+fTrackDCACut[1]/TMath::Power(pt,fTrackDCACut[2]); if(TMath::Abs(dca) < cut) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::AcceptEventWithTriggerBit() { // Accept events that pass the physics selection // depending on an array of trigger bits set during the configuration Int_t nAccept = fAcceptEventsWithBit.GetSize(); //printf("N accept %d\n", nAccept); if( nAccept <= 0 ) return kTRUE ; // accept the event UInt_t trigFired = ((AliInputEventHandler*)(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()))->IsEventSelected(); for(Int_t ibit = 0; ibit < nAccept; ibit++) { Bool_t accept = (trigFired & fAcceptEventsWithBit.At(ibit)); //printf("accept %d, ibit %d, bit %d \n",accept, ibit,fAcceptEventsWithBit.At(ibit)); if(accept) return kTRUE ; // accept the event } return kFALSE ; // reject the event } //_____________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::RejectEventWithTriggerBit() { // Reject events that pass the physics selection // depending on an array of trigger bits set during the configuration Int_t nReject = fRejectEventsWithBit.GetSize(); //printf("N reject %d\n", nReject); if( nReject <= 0 ) return kTRUE ; // accept the event UInt_t trigFired = ((AliInputEventHandler*)(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()))->IsEventSelected(); for(Int_t ibit = 0; ibit < nReject; ibit++) { Bool_t reject = (trigFired & fRejectEventsWithBit.At(ibit)); //printf("reject %d, ibit %d, bit %d \n",reject, ibit,fRejectEventsWithBit.At(ibit)); if(reject) return kFALSE ; // reject the event } return kTRUE ; // accept the event } //________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndJetPt() { // Check the event, if the requested ptHard is much smaller than the jet pT, then there is a problem. // Only for PYTHIA. //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndJetPt() - GenHeaderName : %s\n",GetGenEventHeader()->ClassName()); if(!strcmp(GetGenEventHeader()->ClassName(), "AliGenPythiaEventHeader")) { TParticle * jet = 0; AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pygeh= (AliGenPythiaEventHeader*) GetGenEventHeader(); Int_t nTriggerJets = pygeh->NTriggerJets(); Float_t ptHard = pygeh->GetPtHard(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndJetPt() - Njets: %d, pT Hard %f\n",nTriggerJets, ptHard); Float_t tmpjet[]={0,0,0,0}; for(Int_t ijet = 0; ijet< nTriggerJets; ijet++) { pygeh->TriggerJet(ijet, tmpjet); jet = new TParticle(94, 21, -1, -1, -1, -1, tmpjet[0],tmpjet[1],tmpjet[2],tmpjet[3], 0,0,0,0); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndJetPt() - jet %d; pycell jet pT %f\n",ijet, jet->Pt()); //Compare jet pT and pt Hard if(jet->Pt() > fPtHardAndJetPtFactor * ptHard) { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndJetPt() - Reject jet event with : pT Hard %2.2f, pycell jet pT %2.2f, rejection factor %1.1f\n", ptHard, jet->Pt(), fPtHardAndJetPtFactor); return kFALSE; } } if(jet) delete jet; } return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndClusterPt() { // Check the event, if the requested ptHard is smaller than the calorimeter cluster E, then there is a problem. // Only for PYTHIA. if(!strcmp(GetGenEventHeader()->ClassName(), "AliGenPythiaEventHeader")) { AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pygeh= (AliGenPythiaEventHeader*) GetGenEventHeader(); Float_t ptHard = pygeh->GetPtHard(); Int_t nclusters = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); for (Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < nclusters; iclus++) { AliVCluster * clus = fInputEvent->GetCaloCluster(iclus) ; Float_t ecluster = clus->E(); if(ecluster > fPtHardAndClusterPtFactor*ptHard) { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndClusterPt() - Reject : ecluster %2.2f, calo %d, factor %2.2f, ptHard %f\n",ecluster,clus->GetType(),fPtHardAndClusterPtFactor,ptHard); return kFALSE; } } } return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________ AliStack* AliCaloTrackReader::GetStack() const { //Return pointer to stack if(fMC) return fMC->Stack(); else { if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetStack() - Stack is not available\n"); return 0x0 ; } } //______________________________________________ AliHeader* AliCaloTrackReader::GetHeader() const { //Return pointer to header if(fMC) { return fMC->Header(); } else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Header is not available\n"); return 0x0 ; } } //____________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::SetGeneratorMinMaxParticles() { // In case of access only to hijing particles in cocktail // get the min and max labels // TODO: Check when generator is not the first one ... fNMCProducedMin = 0; fNMCProducedMax = 0; if (ReadStack() && fMC) { AliGenEventHeader * eventHeader = fMC->GenEventHeader(); if(!fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels) return ; // TODO Check if it works from here ... AliGenCocktailEventHeader *cocktail = dynamic_cast(eventHeader); if(!cocktail) return ; TList *genHeaders = cocktail->GetHeaders(); Int_t nGenerators = genHeaders->GetEntries(); //printf("N generators %d \n", nGenerators); for(Int_t igen = 0; igen < nGenerators; igen++) { AliGenEventHeader * eventHeader2 = (AliGenEventHeader*)genHeaders->At(igen) ; TString name = eventHeader2->GetName(); //printf("Generator %d: Class Name %s, Name %s, title %s \n",igen, eventHeader2->ClassName(), name.Data(), eventHeader2->GetTitle()); fNMCProducedMin = fNMCProducedMax; fNMCProducedMax+= eventHeader2->NProduced(); if(name.Contains("Hijing",TString::kIgnoreCase)) return ; } } else if(ReadAODMCParticles() && GetAODMCHeader()) { Int_t nGenerators = GetAODMCHeader()->GetNCocktailHeaders(); //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetGenEventHeader() - N headers %d\n",nGenerators); if( nGenerators <= 0) return ; if(!fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels) return ; for(Int_t igen = 0; igen < nGenerators; igen++) { AliGenEventHeader * eventHeader = GetAODMCHeader()->GetCocktailHeader(igen) ; TString name = eventHeader->GetName(); //printf("Generator %d: Class Name %s, Name %s, title %s \n",igen, eventHeader->ClassName(), name.Data(), eventHeader->GetTitle()); fNMCProducedMin = fNMCProducedMax; fNMCProducedMax+= eventHeader->NProduced(); if(name.Contains("Hijing",TString::kIgnoreCase)) return ; } } } //______________________________________________________________ AliGenEventHeader* AliCaloTrackReader::GetGenEventHeader() const { // Return pointer to Generated event header // If requested and cocktail, search for the hijing generator if (ReadStack() && fMC) { AliGenEventHeader * eventHeader = fMC->GenEventHeader(); if(!fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels) return eventHeader ; // TODO Check if it works from here ... AliGenCocktailEventHeader *cocktail = dynamic_cast(eventHeader); if(!cocktail) return 0x0 ; TList *genHeaders = cocktail->GetHeaders(); Int_t nGenerators = genHeaders->GetEntries(); //printf("N generators %d \n", nGenerators); for(Int_t igen = 0; igen < nGenerators; igen++) { AliGenEventHeader * eventHeader2 = (AliGenEventHeader*)genHeaders->At(igen) ; TString name = eventHeader2->GetName(); //printf("Generator %d: Class Name %s, Name %s, title %s \n",igen, eventHeader2->ClassName(), name.Data(), eventHeader2->GetTitle()); if(name.Contains("Hijing",TString::kIgnoreCase)) return eventHeader2 ; } return 0x0; } else if(ReadAODMCParticles() && GetAODMCHeader()) { Int_t nGenerators = GetAODMCHeader()->GetNCocktailHeaders(); //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetGenEventHeader() - N headers %d\n",nGenerators); if( nGenerators <= 0) return 0x0; if(!fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels) return GetAODMCHeader()->GetCocktailHeader(0); for(Int_t igen = 0; igen < nGenerators; igen++) { AliGenEventHeader * eventHeader = GetAODMCHeader()->GetCocktailHeader(igen) ; TString name = eventHeader->GetName(); //printf("Generator %d: Class Name %s, Name %s, title %s \n",igen, eventHeader->ClassName(), name.Data(), eventHeader->GetTitle()); if(name.Contains("Hijing",TString::kIgnoreCase)) return eventHeader ; } return 0x0; } else { //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetGenEventHeader() - MC header not available! \n"); return 0x0; } } //____________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray* AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCParticles() const { //Return list of particles in AOD. Do it for the corresponding input event. TClonesArray * rv = NULL ; if(fDataType == kAOD) { //Normal input AOD AliAODEvent * evt = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent) ; if(evt) rv = (TClonesArray*)evt->FindListObject("mcparticles"); else printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCParticles() - Null AOD event \n"); } else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCParticles() - Input are not AODs\n"); } return rv ; } //________________________________________________________ AliAODMCHeader* AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCHeader() const { //Return MC header in AOD. Do it for the corresponding input event. AliAODMCHeader *mch = NULL; if(fDataType == kAOD) { AliAODEvent * aod = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent); if(aod) mch = dynamic_cast(aod->FindListObject("mcHeader")); } else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCHeader() - Input are not AODs\n"); } return mch; } //___________________________________________________________ Int_t AliCaloTrackReader::GetVertexBC(const AliVVertex * vtx) { // Get the vertex BC Int_t vertexBC=vtx->GetBC(); if(!fRecalculateVertexBC) return vertexBC; // In old AODs BC not stored, recalculate it // loop over the global track and select those which have small DCA to primary vertex (e.g. primary). // If at least one of these primaries has valid BC != 0, then this vertex is a pile-up candidate. // Execute after CTS Double_t bz = fInputEvent->GetMagneticField(); Bool_t bc0 = kFALSE; Int_t ntr = GetCTSTracks()->GetEntriesFast(); //printf("N Tracks %d\n",ntr); for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < ntr ; i++) { AliVTrack * track = (AliVTrack*) (GetCTSTracks()->At(i)); //Check if has TOF info, if not skip ULong_t status = track->GetStatus(); Bool_t okTOF = (status & AliVTrack::kTOFout) == AliVTrack::kTOFout ; vertexBC = track->GetTOFBunchCrossing(bz); Float_t pt = track->Pt(); if(!okTOF) continue; // Get DCA x, y Double_t dca[2] = {1e6,1e6}; Double_t covar[3] = {1e6,1e6,1e6}; track->PropagateToDCA(vtx,bz,100.,dca,covar); if(AcceptDCA(pt,dca[0])) { if (vertexBC !=0 && fVertexBC != AliVTrack::kTOFBCNA) return vertexBC; else if(vertexBC == 0) bc0 = kTRUE; } } if( bc0 ) vertexBC = 0 ; else vertexBC = AliVTrack::kTOFBCNA ; return vertexBC; } //_____________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::Init() { //Init reader. Method to be called in AliAnaPartCorrMaker //printf(" AliCaloTrackReader::Init() %p \n",gGeoManager); if(fReadStack && fReadAODMCParticles) { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Cannot access stack and mcparticles at the same time, change them \n"); fReadStack = kFALSE; fReadAODMCParticles = kFALSE; } if(!fESDtrackCuts) fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardTPCOnlyTrackCuts(); //initialize with TPC only tracks } //_______________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::InitParameters() { //Initialize the parameters of the analysis. fDataType = kESD ; fCTSPtMin = 0.1 ; fEMCALPtMin = 0.1 ; fPHOSPtMin = 0.1 ; fCTSPtMax = 1000. ; fEMCALPtMax = 1000. ; fPHOSPtMax = 1000. ; //Track DCA cuts // dca_xy cut = 0.0105+0.0350/TMath::Power(pt,1.1); fTrackDCACut[0] = 0.0105; fTrackDCACut[1] = 0.0350; fTrackDCACut[2] = 1.1; //Do not filter the detectors input by default. fFillEMCAL = kFALSE; fFillPHOS = kFALSE; fFillCTS = kFALSE; fFillEMCALCells = kFALSE; fFillPHOSCells = kFALSE; fReadStack = kFALSE; // Check in the constructor of the other readers if it was set or in the configuration file fReadAODMCParticles = kFALSE; // Check in the constructor of the other readers if it was set or in the configuration file fDeltaAODFileName = "deltaAODPartCorr.root"; fFiredTriggerClassName = ""; fEventTriggerMask = AliVEvent::kAny; fMixEventTriggerMask = AliVEvent::kAnyINT; fEventTriggerAtSE = kTRUE; // Use only events that pass event selection at SE base class fAcceptFastCluster = kTRUE; fAnaLED = kFALSE; //We want tracks fitted in the detectors: //fTrackStatus=AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit; //fTrackStatus|=AliESDtrack::kITSrefit; fTrackStatus = 0; fTrackFilterMask = 128; //For AODs, but what is the difference between fTrackStatus and fTrackFilterMask? fESDtrackCuts = 0; fESDtrackComplementaryCuts = 0; fConstrainTrack = kFALSE ; // constrain tracks to vertex fV0ADC[0] = 0; fV0ADC[1] = 0; fV0Mul[0] = 0; fV0Mul[1] = 0; fZvtxCut = 10.; fNMixedEvent = 1; fPtHardAndJetPtFactor = 7.; fPtHardAndClusterPtFactor = 1.; //Centrality fCentralityClass = "V0M"; fCentralityOpt = 10; fCentralityBin[0] = fCentralityBin[1]=-1; fEventPlaneMethod = "V0"; // Allocate memory (not sure this is the right place) fCTSTracks = new TObjArray(); fEMCALClusters = new TObjArray(); fPHOSClusters = new TObjArray(); fTriggerAnalysis = new AliTriggerAnalysis; fAODBranchList = new TList ; fPileUpParamSPD[0] = 3 ; fPileUpParamSPD[1] = 0.8 ; fPileUpParamSPD[2] = 3.0 ; fPileUpParamSPD[3] = 2.0 ; fPileUpParamSPD[4] = 5.0; // Parametrized time cut (LHC11d) fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[0] =-5; fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[1] =-1 ; fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[2] = 3.5 ; fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[3] = 1. ; fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[0] = 5; fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[1] = 50; fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[2] = 0.45; fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[3] = 1.25; // Parametrized time cut (LHC11c) //fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[0] =-5; fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[1] =-1 ; fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[2] = 1.87; fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[3] = 0.4; //fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[0] = 3.5; fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[1] = 50; fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[2] = 0.15; fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[3] = 1.6; fTimeStampRunMin = -1; fTimeStampRunMax = 1e12; fTimeStampEventFracMin = -1; fTimeStampEventFracMax = 2; for(Int_t i = 0; i < 19; i++) { fEMCalBCEvent [i] = 0; fEMCalBCEventCut[i] = 0; fTrackBCEvent [i] = 0; fTrackBCEventCut[i] = 0; } // Trigger match-rejection fTriggerPatchTimeWindow[0] = 8; fTriggerPatchTimeWindow[1] = 9; fTriggerClusterBC = -10000 ; fTriggerEventThreshold = 2.; fTriggerClusterIndex = -1; fTriggerClusterId = -1; //Jets fInputNonStandardJetBranchName = "jets"; fFillInputNonStandardJetBranch = kFALSE; if(!fNonStandardJets) fNonStandardJets = new TClonesArray("AliAODJet",100); } //___________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsEMCALCluster(AliVCluster* cluster) const { // Check if it is a cluster from EMCAL. For old AODs cluster type has // different number and need to patch here if(fDataType==kAOD && fOldAOD) { if (cluster->GetType() == 2) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE; } else { return cluster->IsEMCAL(); } } //___________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPHOSCluster(AliVCluster * cluster) const { //Check if it is a cluster from PHOS.For old AODs cluster type has // different number and need to patch here if(fDataType==kAOD && fOldAOD) { Int_t type = cluster->GetType(); if (type == 0 || type == 1) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE; } else { return cluster->IsPHOS(); } } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsHIJINGLabel(Int_t label) { // Find if cluster/track was generated by HIJING AliGenHijingEventHeader* hijingHeader = dynamic_cast (GetGenEventHeader()); //printf("header %p, label %d\n",hijingHeader,label); if(!hijingHeader || label < 0 ) return kFALSE; //printf("pass a), N produced %d\n",nproduced); if(label >= fNMCProducedMin && label < fNMCProducedMax) { //printf(" accept!, label is smaller than produced, N %d\n",nproduced); return kTRUE; } if(ReadStack()) { if(!GetStack()) return kFALSE; Int_t nprimaries = GetStack()->GetNtrack(); if(label > nprimaries) return kFALSE; TParticle * mom = GetStack()->Particle(label); Int_t iMom = label; Int_t iParent = mom->GetFirstMother(); while(iParent!=-1) { if(iParent >= fNMCProducedMin && iParent < fNMCProducedMax) { //printf("\t accept, mother is %d \n",iParent) return kTRUE; } iMom = iParent; mom = GetStack()->Particle(iMom); iParent = mom->GetFirstMother(); } return kFALSE ; } // ESD else { TClonesArray* mcparticles = GetAODMCParticles(); if(!mcparticles) return kFALSE; Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label > nprimaries) return kFALSE; //printf("pass b) N primaries %d \n",nprimaries); if(label >= fNMCProducedMin && label < fNMCProducedMax) { return kTRUE; } // Find grand parent, check if produced in the good range AliAODMCParticle * mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); Int_t iMom = label; Int_t iParent = mom->GetMother(); while(iParent!=-1) { if(iParent >= fNMCProducedMin && iParent < fNMCProducedMax) { //printf("\t accept, mother is %d, with nProduced %d \n",iParent, nproduced); return kTRUE; } iMom = iParent; mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iMom); iParent = mom->GetMother(); } //printf("pass c), no match found \n"); return kFALSE ; }//AOD } //___________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsInTimeWindow(const Double_t tof, const Float_t energy) const { // Cluster time selection window // Parametrized cut depending on E if(fUseParamTimeCut) { Float_t minCut= fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[0]+fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[1]*TMath::Exp(-(energy-fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[2])/fEMCALParamTimeCutMin[3]); Float_t maxCut= fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[0]+fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[1]*TMath::Exp(-(energy-fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[2])/fEMCALParamTimeCutMax[3]); //printf("tof %f, minCut %f, maxCut %f\n",tof,minCut,maxCut); if( tof < minCut || tof > maxCut ) return kFALSE ; } //In any case, the time should to be larger than the fixed window ... if( tof < fEMCALTimeCutMin || tof > fEMCALTimeCutMax ) return kFALSE ; return kTRUE ; } //________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPileUpFromSPD() const { // Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD // Default values: (3, 0.8, 3., 2., 5.) return fInputEvent->IsPileupFromSPD((Int_t) fPileUpParamSPD[0] , fPileUpParamSPD[1] , fPileUpParamSPD[2] , fPileUpParamSPD[3] , fPileUpParamSPD[4] ); //printf("Param : %d, %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f\n",(Int_t) fPileUpParamSPD[0], fPileUpParamSPD[1], fPileUpParamSPD[2], fPileUpParamSPD[3], fPileUpParamSPD[4]); } //__________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPileUpFromEMCal() const { // Check if event is from pile-up determined by EMCal if(fNPileUpClusters > fNPileUpClustersCut) return kTRUE ; else return kFALSE; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPileUpFromSPDAndEMCal() const { // Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD and EMCal if( IsPileUpFromSPD() && IsPileUpFromEMCal()) return kTRUE ; else return kFALSE; } //_______________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPileUpFromSPDOrEMCal() const { // Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD or EMCal if( IsPileUpFromSPD() || IsPileUpFromEMCal()) return kTRUE ; else return kFALSE; } //___________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPileUpFromSPDAndNotEMCal() const { // Check if event is from pile-up determined by SPD and not by EMCal if( IsPileUpFromSPD() && !IsPileUpFromEMCal()) return kTRUE ; else return kFALSE; } //___________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPileUpFromEMCalAndNotSPD() const { // Check if event is from pile-up determined by EMCal, not by SPD if( !IsPileUpFromSPD() && IsPileUpFromEMCal()) return kTRUE ; else return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::IsPileUpFromNotSPDAndNotEMCal() const { // Check if event not from pile-up determined neither by SPD nor by EMCal if( !IsPileUpFromSPD() && !IsPileUpFromEMCal()) return kTRUE ; else return kFALSE; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent(const Int_t iEntry, const char * /*currentFileName*/) { //Fill the event counter and input lists that are needed, called by the analysis maker. fEventNumber = iEntry; fTriggerClusterIndex = -1; fTriggerClusterId = -1; fIsTriggerMatch = kFALSE; fTriggerClusterBC = -10000; fIsExoticEvent = kFALSE; fIsBadCellEvent = kFALSE; fIsBadMaxCellEvent = kFALSE; fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[0] = kFALSE ; fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[1] = kFALSE ; fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[2] = kFALSE ; //fCurrentFileName = TString(currentFileName); if(!fInputEvent) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - Input event not available, skip event analysis\n"); return kFALSE; } //Select events only fired by a certain trigger configuration if it is provided Int_t eventType = 0; if(fInputEvent->GetHeader()) eventType = ((AliVHeader*)fInputEvent->GetHeader())->GetEventType(); if (GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("FAST") && !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("ALL") && !fAcceptFastCluster) { if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent - Do not count events from fast cluster, trigger name %s\n",fFiredTriggerClassName.Data()); return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reject event if large clusters with large energy // Use only for LHC11a data for the moment, and if input is clusterizer V1 or V1+unfolding // If clusterzer NxN or V2 it does not help //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t run = fInputEvent->GetRunNumber(); if( fRemoveLEDEvents && run > 146857 && run < 146861 ) { Bool_t reject = RejectLEDEvents(); if(reject) return kFALSE; }// Remove LED events if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass LED event rejection \n"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reject or accept events depending on the trigger bit //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - FiredTriggerClass <%s>\n", GetFiredTriggerClasses().Data()); Bool_t okA = AcceptEventWithTriggerBit(); Bool_t okR = RejectEventWithTriggerBit(); //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - Accept event? %d, Reject event %d? \n",okA,okR); if(!okA || !okR) return kFALSE; if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass event bit rejection \n"); //----------------------------------------------------------- // Reject events depending on the trigger name and event type //----------------------------------------------------------- if( fFiredTriggerClassName !="" && !fAnaLED) { //printf("Event type %d\n",eventType); if(eventType!=7) return kFALSE; //Only physics event, do not use for simulated events!!! if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - FiredTriggerClass <%s>, selected class <%s>, compare name %d\n", GetFiredTriggerClasses().Data(),fFiredTriggerClassName.Data(), GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains(fFiredTriggerClassName)); if( !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains(fFiredTriggerClassName) ) return kFALSE; else if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - Accepted triggered event\n"); } else if(fAnaLED) { // kStartOfRun = 1, // START_OF_RUN // kEndOfRun = 2, // END_OF_RUN // kStartOfRunFiles = 3, // START_OF_RUN_FILES // kEndOfRunFiles = 4, // END_OF_RUN_FILES // kStartOfBurst = 5, // START_OF_BURST // kEndOfBurst = 6, // END_OF_BURST // kPhysicsEvent = 7, // PHYSICS_EVENT // kCalibrationEvent = 8, // CALIBRATION_EVENT // kFormatError = 9, // EVENT_FORMAT_ERROR // kStartOfData = 10, // START_OF_DATA // kEndOfData = 11, // END_OF_DATA // kSystemSoftwareTriggerEvent = 12, // SYSTEM_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER_EVENT // kDetectorSoftwareTriggerEvent = 13 // DETECTOR_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER_EVENT if(eventType!=7 && fDebug > 1 )printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - DO LED, Event Type <%d>, 8 Calibration \n", eventType); if(eventType!=8)return kFALSE; } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass Trigger name rejection \n"); //In case of analysis of events with jets, skip those with jet pt > 5 pt hard if(fComparePtHardAndJetPt) { if(!ComparePtHardAndJetPt()) return kFALSE ; } if(fComparePtHardAndClusterPt) { if(!ComparePtHardAndClusterPt()) return kFALSE ; } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass Pt Hard rejection \n"); //Fill Vertex array FillVertexArray(); //Reject events with Z vertex too large, only for SE analysis, if not, cut on the analysis code if(!GetMixedEvent() && TMath::Abs(fVertex[0][2]) > fZvtxCut) return kFALSE; //------------------------------------------------------ //Event rejection depending on vertex, pileup, v0and //------------------------------------------------------ if(fDataType==kESD && fTimeStampEventSelect) { AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent); if(esd) { Int_t timeStamp = esd->GetTimeStamp(); Float_t timeStampFrac = 1.*(timeStamp-fTimeStampRunMin) / (fTimeStampRunMax-fTimeStampRunMin); //printf("stamp0 %d, max0 %d, frac %f\n", timeStamp-fTimeStampRunMin,fTimeStampRunMax-fTimeStampRunMin, timeStampFrac); if(timeStampFrac < fTimeStampEventFracMin || timeStampFrac > fTimeStampEventFracMax) return kFALSE; } //printf("\t accept time stamp\n"); } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass Time Stamp rejection \n"); //------------------------------------------------------ //Event rejection depending on vertex, pileup, v0and //------------------------------------------------------ if(fUseEventsWithPrimaryVertex) { if( !CheckForPrimaryVertex() ) return kFALSE; if( TMath::Abs(fVertex[0][0] ) < 1.e-6 && TMath::Abs(fVertex[0][1] ) < 1.e-6 && TMath::Abs(fVertex[0][2] ) < 1.e-6 ) return kFALSE; } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass primary vertex rejection \n"); //printf("Reader : IsPileUp %d, Multi %d\n",IsPileUpFromSPD(),fInputEvent->IsPileupFromSPDInMultBins()); if(fDoEventSelection) { // Do not analyze events with pileup Bool_t bPileup = IsPileUpFromSPD(); //IsPileupFromSPDInMultBins() // method to try //printf("pile-up %d, %d, %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f, %2.2f\n",bPileup, (Int_t) fPileUpParamSPD[0], fPileUpParamSPD[1], fPileUpParamSPD[2], fPileUpParamSPD[3], fPileUpParamSPD[4]); if(bPileup) return kFALSE; if(fDoV0ANDEventSelection) { Bool_t bV0AND = kTRUE; AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent); if(esd) bV0AND = fTriggerAnalysis->IsOfflineTriggerFired(esd, AliTriggerAnalysis::kV0AND); //else bV0AND = //FIXME FOR AODs if(!bV0AND) return kFALSE; } }// Event selection/AliceSoft/AliRoot/trunk/PWG/CaloTrackCorrBase/AliCaloTrackReader.h if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass Pile-Up, V0AND event rejection \n"); //------------------------------------------------------ //Check if there is a centrality value, PbPb analysis, and if a centrality bin selection is requested //If we need a centrality bin, we select only those events in the corresponding bin. if(GetCentrality() && fCentralityBin[0]>=0 && fCentralityBin[1]>=0 && fCentralityOpt==100) { Int_t cen = GetEventCentrality(); if(cen > fCentralityBin[1] || cen < fCentralityBin[0]) return kFALSE; //reject events out of bin. } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass centrality rejection \n"); //Fill the arrays with cluster/tracks/cells data if(!fEventTriggerAtSE) { // In case of mixing analysis, accept MB events, not only Trigger // Track and cluster arrays filled for MB in order to create the pool in the corresponding analysis // via de method in the base class FillMixedEventPool() AliAnalysisManager *manager = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliInputEventHandler *inputHandler = dynamic_cast(manager->GetInputEventHandler()); if(!inputHandler) return kFALSE ; // to content coverity UInt_t isTrigger = inputHandler->IsEventSelected() & fEventTriggerMask; UInt_t isMB = inputHandler->IsEventSelected() & fMixEventTriggerMask; if(!isTrigger && !isMB) return kFALSE; //printf("Selected triggered event : %s\n",GetFiredTriggerClasses().Data()); } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass uninteresting triggered events rejection in case of mixing analysis \n"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do not count events that where likely triggered by an exotic cluster // or out BC cluster //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set a bit with the event kind, MB, L0, L1 ... SetEventTriggerBit(); //Get Patches that triggered TArrayI patches = GetTriggerPatches(fTriggerPatchTimeWindow[0],fTriggerPatchTimeWindow[1]); MatchTriggerCluster(patches); // If requested, remove badly triggeed events, but only when the EMCal trigger bit is set if(fRemoveBadTriggerEvents && (IsEventEMCALL1() || IsEventEMCALL0())) { if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - ACCEPT triggered event? \n exotic? %d - bad cell %d - bad Max cell %d - BC %d - Matched %d\n", fIsExoticEvent,fIsBadCellEvent, fIsBadMaxCellEvent, fTriggerClusterBC,fIsTriggerMatch); if (fIsExoticEvent) return kFALSE; else if(fIsBadCellEvent) return kFALSE; else if(fRemoveUnMatchedTriggers && !fIsTriggerMatch) return kFALSE ; else if(fTriggerClusterBC != 0) return kFALSE; //printf("\t *** YES\n"); } patches.Reset(); if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass EMCal triggered event rejection \n"); // Get the main vertex BC, in case not available // it is calculated in FillCTS checking the BC of tracks // with DCA small (if cut applied, if open) fVertexBC=fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetBC(); if(fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels) SetGeneratorMinMaxParticles(); //printf("N min %d, N max %d\n",fNMCProducedMin,fNMCProducedMax); if(fFillCTS) { FillInputCTS(); //Accept events with at least one track if(fTrackMult == 0 && fDoRejectNoTrackEvents) return kFALSE ; } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass rejection of null track events \n"); if(fDoVertexBCEventSelection) { if(fVertexBC!=0 && fVertexBC!=AliVTrack::kTOFBCNA) return kFALSE ; } if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent()-Pass rejection of events with vertex at BC!=0 \n"); if(fFillEMCALCells) FillInputEMCALCells(); if(fFillPHOSCells) FillInputPHOSCells(); if(fFillEMCAL) FillInputEMCAL(); if(fFillPHOS) FillInputPHOS(); FillInputVZERO(); //one specified jet branch if(fFillInputNonStandardJetBranch) FillInputNonStandardJets(); return kTRUE ; } //__________________________________________________ Int_t AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventCentrality() const { //Return current event centrality if(GetCentrality()) { if (fCentralityOpt==100) return (Int_t) GetCentrality()->GetCentralityPercentile(fCentralityClass); // 100 bins max else if(fCentralityOpt==10) return GetCentrality()->GetCentralityClass10(fCentralityClass);// 10 bins max else if(fCentralityOpt==20) return GetCentrality()->GetCentralityClass5(fCentralityClass); // 20 bins max else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventCentrality() - Unknown centrality option %d, use 10, 20 or 100\n",fCentralityOpt); return -1; } } else return -1; } //_____________________________________________________ Double_t AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventPlaneAngle() const { //Return current event centrality if(GetEventPlane()) { Float_t ep = GetEventPlane()->GetEventplane(GetEventPlaneMethod(), GetInputEvent()); if(GetEventPlaneMethod()=="Q" && (ep < 0 || ep > TMath::Pi())) { if(fDebug > 0 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventPlaneAngle() - Bad EP for method : %f\n",ep); return -1000; } else if(GetEventPlaneMethod().Contains("V0") ) { if((ep > TMath::Pi()/2 || ep < -TMath::Pi()/2)) { if(fDebug > 0 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventPlaneAngle() - Bad EP for <%s> method : %f\n",GetEventPlaneMethod().Data(), ep); return -1000; } ep+=TMath::Pi()/2; // put same range as for method } //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventPlaneAngle() = %f\n",ep); if(fDebug > 0 ) { if (ep > TMath::Pi()) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventPlaneAngle() - Too large angle = %f\n",ep); else if(ep < 0 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventPlaneAngle() - Negative angle = %f\n" ,ep); } return ep; } else { if(fDataType!=kMC && fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetEventPlaneAngle() - No EP pointer\n"); return -1000; } } //__________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::GetVertex(Double_t vertex[3]) const { //Return vertex position to be used for single event analysis vertex[0]=fVertex[0][0]; vertex[1]=fVertex[0][1]; vertex[2]=fVertex[0][2]; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::GetVertex(Double_t vertex[3], const Int_t evtIndex) const { //Return vertex position for mixed event, recover the vertex in a particular event. vertex[0]=fVertex[evtIndex][0]; vertex[1]=fVertex[evtIndex][1]; vertex[2]=fVertex[evtIndex][2]; } //________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillVertexArray() { //Fill data member with vertex //In case of Mixed event, multiple vertices //Delete previous vertex if(fVertex) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNMixedEvent; i++) { delete [] fVertex[i] ; } delete [] fVertex ; } fVertex = new Double_t*[fNMixedEvent] ; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNMixedEvent; i++) { fVertex[i] = new Double_t[3] ; fVertex[i][0] = 0.0 ; fVertex[i][1] = 0.0 ; fVertex[i][2] = 0.0 ; } if (!fMixedEvent) { //Single event analysis if(fDataType!=kMC) { if(fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()) { fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetXYZ(fVertex[0]); } else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillVertexArray() - NULL primary vertex\n"); fVertex[0][0]=0.; fVertex[0][1]=0.; fVertex[0][2]=0.; }//Primary vertex pointer do not exist } else {//MC read event fVertex[0][0]=0.; fVertex[0][1]=0.; fVertex[0][2]=0.; } if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillVertexArray() - Single Event Vertex : %f,%f,%f\n",fVertex[0][0],fVertex[0][1],fVertex[0][2]); } else { // MultiEvent analysis for (Int_t iev = 0; iev < fNMixedEvent; iev++) { if (fMixedEvent->GetVertexOfEvent(iev)) fMixedEvent->GetVertexOfEvent(iev)->GetXYZ(fVertex[iev]); else { // no vertex found !!!! AliWarning("No vertex found"); } if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillVertexArray() - Multi Event %d Vertex : %f,%f,%f\n",iev,fVertex[iev][0],fVertex[iev][1],fVertex[iev][2]); } } } //_____________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputCTS() { //Return array with Central Tracking System (CTS) tracks if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputCTS()\n"); Double_t pTrack[3] = {0,0,0}; Int_t nTracks = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks() ; fTrackMult = 0; Int_t nstatus = 0; Double_t bz = GetInputEvent()->GetMagneticField(); for(Int_t i = 0; i < 19; i++) { fTrackBCEvent [i] = 0; fTrackBCEventCut[i] = 0; } Bool_t bc0 = kFALSE; if(fRecalculateVertexBC) fVertexBC=AliVTrack::kTOFBCNA; for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < nTracks; itrack++) {////////////// track loop AliVTrack * track = (AliVTrack*)fInputEvent->GetTrack(itrack) ; // retrieve track from esd //Select tracks under certain conditions, TPCrefit, ITSrefit ... check the set bits ULong_t status = track->GetStatus(); if (fTrackStatus && !((status & fTrackStatus) == fTrackStatus)) continue ; nstatus++; Float_t dcaTPC =-999; if (fDataType==kESD) { AliESDtrack* esdTrack = dynamic_cast (track); if(esdTrack) { if(fESDtrackCuts->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) { track->GetPxPyPz(pTrack) ; if(fConstrainTrack) { if(esdTrack->GetConstrainedParam()) { const AliExternalTrackParam* constrainParam = esdTrack->GetConstrainedParam(); esdTrack->Set(constrainParam->GetX(),constrainParam->GetAlpha(),constrainParam->GetParameter(),constrainParam->GetCovariance()); esdTrack->GetConstrainedPxPyPz(pTrack); } else continue; } // use constrained tracks if(fSelectSPDHitTracks) {//Not much sense to use with TPC only or Hybrid tracks if(!esdTrack->HasPointOnITSLayer(0) && !esdTrack->HasPointOnITSLayer(1)) continue ; } } // Complementary track to global : Hybrids (make sure that the previous selection is for Global) else if(fESDtrackComplementaryCuts && fESDtrackComplementaryCuts->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) { // constrain the track if(esdTrack->GetConstrainedParam()) { esdTrack->Set(esdTrack->GetConstrainedParam()->GetX(),esdTrack->GetConstrainedParam()->GetAlpha(),esdTrack->GetConstrainedParam()->GetParameter(),esdTrack->GetConstrainedParam()->GetCovariance()); track->GetPxPyPz(pTrack) ; } else continue; } else continue; } } // ESD else if(fDataType==kAOD) { AliAODTrack *aodtrack = dynamic_cast (track); if(aodtrack) { if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputCTS():AOD track type: %d (primary %d), hybrid? %d \n", aodtrack->GetType(),AliAODTrack::kPrimary, aodtrack->IsHybridGlobalConstrainedGlobal()); if (fSelectHybridTracks) { if (!aodtrack->IsHybridGlobalConstrainedGlobal()) continue ; } else { if ( aodtrack->TestFilterBit(fTrackFilterMask)==kFALSE) continue ; } if(fSelectSPDHitTracks) {//Not much sense to use with TPC only or Hybrid tracks if(!aodtrack->HasPointOnITSLayer(0) && !aodtrack->HasPointOnITSLayer(1)) continue ; } if (aodtrack->GetType()!= AliAODTrack::kPrimary) continue ; if (fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputCTS(): \t accepted track! \n"); //In case of AODs, TPC tracks cannot be propagated back to primary vertex, // info stored here dcaTPC = aodtrack->DCA(); track->GetPxPyPz(pTrack) ; } // aod track exists else continue ; } // AOD TLorentzVector momentum(pTrack[0],pTrack[1],pTrack[2],0); Bool_t okTOF = ( (status & AliVTrack::kTOFout) == AliVTrack::kTOFout ) ; Double_t tof = -1000; Int_t trackBC = -1000 ; if(okTOF) { trackBC = track->GetTOFBunchCrossing(bz); SetTrackEventBC(trackBC+9); tof = track->GetTOFsignal()*1e-3; } if(fUseTrackDCACut) { //normal way to get the dca, cut on dca_xy if(dcaTPC==-999) { Double_t dca[2] = {1e6,1e6}; Double_t covar[3] = {1e6,1e6,1e6}; Bool_t okDCA = track->PropagateToDCA(fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex(),bz,100.,dca,covar); if( okDCA) okDCA = AcceptDCA(momentum.Pt(),dca[0]); if(!okDCA) { //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputCTS() - Reject track pt %2.2f, dca_xy %2.4f, BC %d\n",momentum.Pt(),dca[0],trackBC); continue ; } } }// DCA cuts if(okTOF) { //SetTrackEventBCcut(bc); SetTrackEventBCcut(trackBC+9); //After selecting tracks with small DCA, pointing to vertex, set vertex BC depeding on tracks BC if(fRecalculateVertexBC) { if (trackBC !=0 && trackBC != AliVTrack::kTOFBCNA) fVertexBC = trackBC; else if(trackBC == 0) bc0 = kTRUE; } //In any case, the time should to be larger than the fixed window ... if( fUseTrackTimeCut && (trackBC!=0 || tof < fTrackTimeCutMin || tof > fTrackTimeCutMax) ) { //printf("Remove track time %f and bc = %d\n",tof,trackBC); continue ; } //else printf("Accept track time %f and bc = %d\n",tof,trackBC); } //Count the tracks in eta < 0.9 //printf("Eta %f cut %f\n",TMath::Abs(track->Eta()),fTrackMultEtaCut); if(TMath::Abs(track->Eta())< fTrackMultEtaCut) fTrackMult++; if(fCTSPtMin > momentum.Pt() || fCTSPtMax < momentum.Pt()) continue ; if(fCheckFidCut && !fFiducialCut->IsInFiducialCut(momentum,"CTS")) continue; if(fDebug > 2 && momentum.Pt() > 0.1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputCTS() - Selected tracks E %3.2f, pt %3.2f, phi %3.2f, eta %3.2f\n", momentum.E(),momentum.Pt(),momentum.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),momentum.Eta()); if (fMixedEvent) track->SetID(itrack); if(fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels && !IsHIJINGLabel(track->GetLabel())) continue ; fCTSTracks->Add(track); }// track loop if(fVertexBC ==0 || fVertexBC == AliVTrack::kTOFBCNA) { if( bc0 ) fVertexBC = 0 ; else fVertexBC = AliVTrack::kTOFBCNA ; } if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputCTS() - aod entries %d, input tracks %d, pass status %d, multipliticy %d\n", fCTSTracks->GetEntriesFast(), nTracks, nstatus, fTrackMult);//fCTSTracksNormalInputEntries); } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCALAlgorithm(AliVCluster * clus, const Int_t iclus) { //Fill the EMCAL data in the array, do it Int_t vindex = 0 ; if (fMixedEvent) vindex = fMixedEvent->EventIndexForCaloCluster(iclus); if(fRecalculateClusters) { //Recalibrate the cluster energy if(GetCaloUtils()->IsRecalibrationOn()) { Float_t energy = GetCaloUtils()->RecalibrateClusterEnergy(clus, GetEMCALCells()); clus->SetE(energy); //printf("Recalibrated Energy %f\n",clus->E()); GetCaloUtils()->RecalculateClusterShowerShapeParameters(GetEMCALCells(),clus); GetCaloUtils()->RecalculateClusterPID(clus); } // recalculate E //Recalculate distance to bad channels, if new list of bad channels provided GetCaloUtils()->RecalculateClusterDistanceToBadChannel(GetEMCALCells(),clus); //Recalculate cluster position if(GetCaloUtils()->IsRecalculationOfClusterPositionOn()) { GetCaloUtils()->RecalculateClusterPosition(GetEMCALCells(),clus); //clus->GetPosition(pos); //printf("After Corrections: e %f, x %f, y %f, z %f\n",clus->E(),pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); } // Recalculate TOF if(GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->IsTimeRecalibrationOn()) { Double_t tof = clus->GetTOF(); Float_t frac =-1; Int_t absIdMax = GetCaloUtils()->GetMaxEnergyCell(fEMCALCells, clus,frac); if(fDataType==AliCaloTrackReader::kESD) { tof = fEMCALCells->GetCellTime(absIdMax); } GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->RecalibrateCellTime(absIdMax,fInputEvent->GetBunchCrossNumber(),tof); clus->SetTOF(tof); }// Time recalibration } //Reject clusters with bad channels, close to borders and exotic; if(!GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->IsGoodCluster(clus,GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry(),GetEMCALCells(),fInputEvent->GetBunchCrossNumber())) return; //Mask all cells in collumns facing ALICE thick material if requested if(GetCaloUtils()->GetNMaskCellColumns()) { Int_t absId = -1; Int_t iSupMod = -1; Int_t iphi = -1; Int_t ieta = -1; Bool_t shared = kFALSE; GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->GetMaxEnergyCell(GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry(), GetEMCALCells(),clus,absId,iSupMod,ieta,iphi,shared); if(GetCaloUtils()->MaskFrameCluster(iSupMod, ieta)) return; } if(fSelectEmbeddedClusters) { if(clus->GetNLabels()==0 || clus->GetLabel() < 0) return; //else printf("Embedded cluster, %d, n label %d label %d \n",iclus,clus->GetNLabels(),clus->GetLabel()); } //Float_t pos[3]; //clus->GetPosition(pos); //printf("Before Corrections: e %f, x %f, y %f, z %f\n",clus->E(),pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); //Correct non linearity if(fCorrectELinearity && GetCaloUtils()->IsCorrectionOfClusterEnergyOn()) { GetCaloUtils()->CorrectClusterEnergy(clus) ; //In case of MC analysis, to match resolution/calibration in real data Float_t rdmEnergy = GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->SmearClusterEnergy(clus); // printf("\t Energy %f, smeared %f\n", clus->E(),rdmEnergy); clus->SetE(rdmEnergy); } Double_t tof = clus->GetTOF()*1e9; Int_t bc = TMath::Nint(tof/50) + 9; //printf("tof %2.2f, bc+5=%d\n",tof,bc); SetEMCalEventBC(bc); if(fEMCALPtMin > clus->E() || fEMCALPtMax < clus->E()) return ; TLorentzVector momentum ; clus->GetMomentum(momentum, fVertex[vindex]); if(fCheckFidCut && !fFiducialCut->IsInFiducialCut(momentum,"EMCAL")) return ; SetEMCalEventBCcut(bc); if(!IsInTimeWindow(tof,clus->E())) { fNPileUpClusters++ ; if(fUseEMCALTimeCut) return ; } else fNNonPileUpClusters++; if(fDebug > 2 && momentum.E() > 0.1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCAL() - Selected clusters E %3.2f, pt %3.2f, phi %3.2f, eta %3.2f\n", momentum.E(),momentum.Pt(),momentum.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),momentum.Eta()); if (fMixedEvent) clus->SetID(iclus) ; if(fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels && !IsHIJINGLabel( clus->GetLabel() )) return ; // if(fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels) // { // printf("Accept label %d?\n",clus->GetLabel()); // // if( !IsHIJINGLabel( clus->GetLabel() ) ) { printf("\t Reject label\n") ; return ; } // else printf("\t Accept label\n") ; // } fEMCALClusters->Add(clus); } //_______________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCAL() { //Return array with EMCAL clusters in aod format if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCAL()\n"); // First recalibrate cells, time or energy // if(GetCaloUtils()->IsRecalibrationOn()) // GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->RecalibrateCells(GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry(), // GetEMCALCells(), // fInputEvent->GetBunchCrossNumber()); fNPileUpClusters = 0; // Init counter fNNonPileUpClusters = 0; // Init counter for(Int_t i = 0; i < 19; i++) { fEMCalBCEvent [i] = 0; fEMCalBCEventCut[i] = 0; } //Loop to select clusters in fiducial cut and fill container with aodClusters if(fEMCALClustersListName=="") { Int_t nclusters = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); for (Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < nclusters; iclus++) { AliVCluster * clus = 0; if ( (clus = fInputEvent->GetCaloCluster(iclus)) ) { if (IsEMCALCluster(clus)) { FillInputEMCALAlgorithm(clus, iclus); }//EMCAL cluster }// cluster exists }// cluster loop //Recalculate track matching GetCaloUtils()->RecalculateClusterTrackMatching(fInputEvent); }//Get the clusters from the input event else { TClonesArray * clusterList = 0x0; if (fInputEvent->FindListObject(fEMCALClustersListName)) { clusterList = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent->FindListObject(fEMCALClustersListName)); } else if(fOutputEvent) { clusterList = dynamic_cast (fOutputEvent->FindListObject(fEMCALClustersListName)); } if(!clusterList) { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCAL() - Wrong name of list with clusters? <%s>\n",fEMCALClustersListName.Data()); return; } Int_t nclusters = clusterList->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < nclusters; iclus++) { AliVCluster * clus = dynamic_cast (clusterList->At(iclus)); //printf("E %f\n",clus->E()); if (clus) FillInputEMCALAlgorithm(clus, iclus); else printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCAL() - Null cluster in list!\n"); }// cluster loop // Recalculate the pile-up time, in case long time clusters removed during clusterization //printf("Input event INIT : Pile-up clusters %d, NO pile-up %d\n",fNPileUpClusters,fNNonPileUpClusters); fNPileUpClusters = 0; // Init counter fNNonPileUpClusters = 0; // Init counter for(Int_t i = 0; i < 19; i++) { fEMCalBCEvent [i] = 0; fEMCalBCEventCut[i] = 0; } for (Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < fInputEvent->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); iclus++) { AliVCluster * clus = 0; if ( (clus = fInputEvent->GetCaloCluster(iclus)) ) { if (IsEMCALCluster(clus)) { Float_t frac =-1; Int_t absIdMax = GetCaloUtils()->GetMaxEnergyCell(fEMCALCells, clus,frac); Double_t tof = clus->GetTOF(); GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->RecalibrateCellTime(absIdMax,fInputEvent->GetBunchCrossNumber(),tof); tof*=1e9; //printf("Input event cluster : AbsIdMax %d, E %2.2f, time %2.2f \n", absIdMax,clus->E(),tof); //Reject clusters with bad channels, close to borders and exotic; if(!GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->IsGoodCluster(clus,GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry(),GetEMCALCells(),fInputEvent->GetBunchCrossNumber())) continue; Int_t bc = TMath::Nint(tof/50) + 9; SetEMCalEventBC(bc); if(fEMCALPtMin > clus->E() || fEMCALPtMax < clus->E()) continue ; TLorentzVector momentum ; clus->GetMomentum(momentum, fVertex[0]); if(fCheckFidCut && !fFiducialCut->IsInFiducialCut(momentum,"EMCAL")) return ; SetEMCalEventBCcut(bc); if(!IsInTimeWindow(tof,clus->E())) fNPileUpClusters++ ; else fNNonPileUpClusters++; } } } //printf("Input event : Pile-up clusters %d, NO pile-up %d\n",fNPileUpClusters,fNNonPileUpClusters); // Recalculate track matching, not necessary if already done in the reclusterization task. // in case it was not done ... GetCaloUtils()->RecalculateClusterTrackMatching(fInputEvent,clusterList); } if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCAL() - aod entries %d, n pile-up clusters %d, n non pile-up %d \n", fEMCALClusters->GetEntriesFast(),fNPileUpClusters,fNNonPileUpClusters); } //______________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputPHOS() { //Return array with PHOS clusters in aod format if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputPHOS()\n"); //Loop to select clusters in fiducial cut and fill container with aodClusters Int_t nclusters = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); for (Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < nclusters; iclus++) { AliVCluster * clus = 0; if ( (clus = fInputEvent->GetCaloCluster(iclus)) ) { if (IsPHOSCluster(clus)) { //Check if the cluster contains any bad channel and if close to calorimeter borders Int_t vindex = 0 ; if (fMixedEvent) vindex = fMixedEvent->EventIndexForCaloCluster(iclus); if( GetCaloUtils()->ClusterContainsBadChannel("PHOS",clus->GetCellsAbsId(), clus->GetNCells())) continue; if(!GetCaloUtils()->CheckCellFiducialRegion(clus, fInputEvent->GetPHOSCells(), fInputEvent, vindex)) continue; if(fRecalculateClusters) { //Recalibrate the cluster energy if(GetCaloUtils()->IsRecalibrationOn()) { Float_t energy = GetCaloUtils()->RecalibrateClusterEnergy(clus, (AliAODCaloCells*)GetPHOSCells()); clus->SetE(energy); } } TLorentzVector momentum ; clus->GetMomentum(momentum, fVertex[vindex]); if(fCheckFidCut && !fFiducialCut->IsInFiducialCut(momentum,"PHOS")) continue; if(fPHOSPtMin > momentum.E() || fPHOSPtMax < momentum.E()) continue; if(fDebug > 2 && momentum.E() > 0.1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputPHOS() - Selected clusters E %3.2f, pt %3.2f, phi %3.2f, eta %3.2f\n", momentum.E(),momentum.Pt(),momentum.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),momentum.Eta()); if (fMixedEvent) { clus->SetID(iclus) ; } if(fAcceptOnlyHIJINGLabels && !IsHIJINGLabel(clus->GetLabel())) continue ; fPHOSClusters->Add(clus); }//PHOS cluster }//cluster exists }//esd cluster loop if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputPHOS() - aod entries %d\n", fPHOSClusters->GetEntriesFast()); } //____________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEMCALCells() { //Return array with EMCAL cells in aod format fEMCALCells = fInputEvent->GetEMCALCells(); } //___________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputPHOSCells() { //Return array with PHOS cells in aod format fPHOSCells = fInputEvent->GetPHOSCells(); } //_______________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputVZERO() { //Fill VZERO information in data member, add all the channels information. AliVVZERO* v0 = fInputEvent->GetVZEROData(); //printf("Init V0: ADC (%d,%d), Multiplicity (%d,%d) \n",fV0ADC[0],fV0ADC[1],fV0Mul[0],fV0Mul[1]); if (v0) { AliESDVZERO* esdV0 = dynamic_cast (v0); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(esdV0) {//Only available in ESDs fV0ADC[0] += (Int_t)esdV0->GetAdcV0C(i); fV0ADC[1] += (Int_t)esdV0->GetAdcV0A(i); } fV0Mul[0] += (Int_t)v0->GetMultiplicityV0C(i); fV0Mul[1] += (Int_t)v0->GetMultiplicityV0A(i); } if(fDebug > 0) printf("V0: ADC (%d,%d), Multiplicity (%d,%d) \n",fV0ADC[0],fV0ADC[1],fV0Mul[0],fV0Mul[1]); } else { if(fDebug > 0) printf("Cannot retrieve V0 ESD! Run w/ null V0 charges\n "); } } //_________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputNonStandardJets() { // //fill array with non standard jets // // Adam T. Matyja if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputNonStandardJets()\n"); // //check if branch name is given if(!fInputNonStandardJetBranchName.Length()) { Printf("No non-standard jet branch name specified. Specify among existing ones."); fInputEvent->Print(); abort(); } fNonStandardJets = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->FindListObject(fInputNonStandardJetBranchName.Data())); if(!fNonStandardJets) { //check if jet branch exist; exit if not Printf("%s:%d no reconstructed jet array with name %s in AOD", (char*)__FILE__,__LINE__,fInputNonStandardJetBranchName.Data()); fInputEvent->Print(); abort(); } else { if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputNonStandardJets() - aod input jets %d\n", fNonStandardJets->GetEntriesFast() ); } } //________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::CheckForPrimaryVertex() { //Check if the vertex was well reconstructed, copy from V0Reader of conversion group //Only for ESDs ... AliESDEvent * event = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent); if(!event) return kTRUE; if(event->GetPrimaryVertexTracks()->GetNContributors() > 0) { return kTRUE; } if(event->GetPrimaryVertexTracks()->GetNContributors() < 1) { // SPD vertex if(event->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetNContributors() > 0) { //cout<<"spd vertex type::"<< fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetName() << endl; return kTRUE; } if(event->GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetNContributors() < 1) { // cout<<"bad vertex type::"<< event->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetName() << endl; return kFALSE; } } return kFALSE; } //________________________________________________________________________________ TArrayI AliCaloTrackReader::GetTriggerPatches(const Int_t tmin, const Int_t tmax ) { // Select the patches that triggered // Depend on L0 or L1 // some variables Int_t trigtimes[30], globCol, globRow,ntimes, i; Int_t absId = -1; //[100]; Int_t nPatch = 0; TArrayI patches(0); // get object pointer AliVCaloTrigger *caloTrigger = GetInputEvent()->GetCaloTrigger( "EMCAL" ); // class is not empty if( caloTrigger->GetEntries() > 0 ) { // must reset before usage, or the class will fail caloTrigger->Reset(); // go throuth the trigger channels while( caloTrigger->Next() ) { // get position in global 2x2 tower coordinates caloTrigger->GetPosition( globCol, globRow ); //L0 if(IsEventEMCALL0()) { // get dimension of time arrays caloTrigger->GetNL0Times( ntimes ); // no L0s in this channel // presence of the channel in the iterator still does not guarantee that L0 was produced!! if( ntimes < 1 ) continue; // get timing array caloTrigger->GetL0Times( trigtimes ); //printf("trigger time window %d - %d\n",fTriggerPatchTimeWindow[0],fTriggerPatchTimeWindow[1]); // go through the array for( i = 0; i < ntimes; i++ ) { // check if in cut - 8,9 shall be accepted in 2011 if( trigtimes[i] >= tmin && trigtimes[i] <= tmax ) { //printf("Accepted trigger time %d \n",trigtimes[i]); //if(nTrig > 99) continue; GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetAbsFastORIndexFromPositionInEMCAL(globCol,globRow, absId); //printf("pass the time cut globCol %d, globRow %d absId %d\n",globCol,globRow, absIDTrig[nTrig]); patches.Set(nPatch+1); patches.AddAt(absId,nPatch++); } } // trigger time array }//L0 else if(IsEventEMCALL1()) // L1 { Int_t bit = 0; caloTrigger->GetTriggerBits(bit); Bool_t isEGA = ((bit >> fBitEGA) & 0x1) && IsEventEMCALL1Gamma() ; Bool_t isEJE = ((bit >> fBitEJE) & 0x1) && IsEventEMCALL1Jet () ; if(!isEGA && !isEJE) continue; Int_t patchsize = -1; if (isEGA) patchsize = 2; else if (isEJE) patchsize = 16; // add 2x2 (EGA) or 16x16 (EJE) patches for(Int_t irow=0; irow < patchsize; irow++) { for(Int_t icol=0; icol < patchsize; icol++) { GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetAbsFastORIndexFromPositionInEMCAL(globCol+icol,globRow+irow, absId); //printf("pass the time cut globCol %d, globRow %d absId %d\n",globCol,globRow, absIDTrig[nTrig]); patches.Set(nPatch+1); patches.AddAt(absId,nPatch++); } } } // L1 } // trigger iterator } // go thorough triggers //printf("N patches %d, test %d,first %d, last %d\n",patches.GetSize(), nPatch, patches.At(0), patches.At(patches.GetSize()-1)); return patches; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::MatchTriggerCluster(TArrayI patches) { // Finds the cluster that triggered // Init info from previous event fTriggerClusterIndex = -1; fTriggerClusterId = -1; fTriggerClusterBC = -10000; fIsExoticEvent = kFALSE; fIsBadCellEvent = kFALSE; fIsBadMaxCellEvent = kFALSE; fIsTriggerMatch = kFALSE; fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[0] = kFALSE; fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[1] = kFALSE; fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[2] = kFALSE; // Do only analysis for triggered events if(!IsEventEMCALL1() && !IsEventEMCALL0()) { fTriggerClusterBC = 0; return; } //Recover the list of clusters TClonesArray * clusterList = 0; if (fInputEvent->FindListObject(fEMCALClustersListName)) { clusterList = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent->FindListObject(fEMCALClustersListName)); } else if(fOutputEvent) { clusterList = dynamic_cast (fOutputEvent->FindListObject(fEMCALClustersListName)); } // Get number of clusters and of trigger patches Int_t nclusters = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); if(clusterList) nclusters = clusterList->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t nPatch = patches.GetSize(); Float_t exoDiffTime = GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->GetExoticCellDiffTimeCut(); //Init some variables used in the cluster loop Float_t tofPatchMax = 100000; Float_t ePatchMax =-1; Float_t tofMax = 100000; Float_t eMax =-1; Int_t clusMax =-1; Int_t idclusMax =-1; Bool_t badClMax = kFALSE; Bool_t badCeMax = kFALSE; Bool_t exoMax = kFALSE; Int_t absIdMaxTrig= -1; Int_t absIdMaxMax = -1; Int_t nOfHighECl = 0 ; Float_t minE = fTriggerEventThreshold / 2.; // This method is not really suitable for JET trigger // but in case, reduce the energy cut since we do not trigger on high energy particle if(IsEventEMCALL1()) minE = 1; // Loop on the clusters, check if there is any that falls into one of the patches for (Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < nclusters; iclus++) { AliVCluster * clus = 0; if(clusterList) clus = (AliVCluster*) clusterList->At(iclus); else clus = fInputEvent->GetCaloCluster(iclus); if ( !clus ) continue ; if ( !IsEMCALCluster(clus)) continue ; //Skip clusters with too low energy to be triggering if ( clus->E() < minE ) continue ; Float_t frac = -1; Int_t absIdMax = GetCaloUtils()->GetMaxEnergyCell(fInputEvent->GetEMCALCells(), clus,frac); Bool_t badCluster = GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->ClusterContainsBadChannel(GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry(), clus->GetCellsAbsId(),clus->GetNCells()); UShort_t cellMax[] = {absIdMax}; Bool_t badCell = GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->ClusterContainsBadChannel(GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry(),cellMax,1); // if cell is bad, it can happen that time calibration is not available, // when calculating if it is exotic, this can make it to be exotic by default // open it temporarily for this cluster if(badCell) GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->SetExoticCellDiffTimeCut(10000000); Bool_t exotic = GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->IsExoticCluster(clus, fInputEvent->GetEMCALCells()); // Set back the time cut on exotics if(badCell) GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->SetExoticCellDiffTimeCut(exoDiffTime); // Energy threshold for exotic Ecross typically at 4 GeV, // for lower energy, check that there are more than 1 cell in the cluster if(!exotic && clus->GetNCells() < 2) exotic = kTRUE; Float_t energy = clus->E(); Int_t idclus = clus->GetID(); Double_t tof = clus->GetTOF(); if(GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->IsTimeRecalibrationOn() && fTriggerClusterTimeRecal) GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALRecoUtils()->RecalibrateCellTime(absIdMax,fInputEvent->GetBunchCrossNumber(),tof); tof *=1.e9; //printf("cluster %d, ID %d, E %2.2f, tof %2.2f, AbsId max %d, exotic %d, bad Cluster %d, bad Cell %d\n", // iclus,idclus, energy,tof,absIdMax, exotic, badCluster,badCell); // Find the highest energy cluster, avobe trigger threshold // in the event in case no match to trigger is found if( energy > eMax ) { tofMax = tof; eMax = energy; badClMax = badCluster; badCeMax = badCell; exoMax = exotic; clusMax = iclus; idclusMax = idclus; absIdMaxMax = absIdMax; } // count the good clusters in the event avobe the trigger threshold // to check the exotic events if(!badCluster && !exotic) nOfHighECl++; // Find match to trigger if(fTriggerPatchClusterMatch) { for(Int_t iabsId =0; iabsId < nPatch; iabsId++) { Int_t absIDCell[4]; GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetCellIndexFromFastORIndex(patches.At(iabsId), absIDCell); //if(tof > 75 ) printf("E %2.2f TOF %2.2f Trigger patch %d, cells : %d, %d, %d, %d\n", // clus->E(),tof,patches.At(iabsId), absIDCell[0],absIDCell[1],absIDCell[2],absIDCell[3]); for(Int_t ipatch = 0; ipatch < 4; ipatch++) { if(absIdMax == absIDCell[ipatch]) { //printf("*** Patches : absId %d, E %2.1f, tof %f \n",absIdMax,clus->E(), tof); if(energy > ePatchMax) { tofPatchMax = tof; ePatchMax = energy; fIsBadCellEvent = badCluster; fIsBadMaxCellEvent = badCell; fIsExoticEvent = exotic; fTriggerClusterIndex = iclus; fTriggerClusterId = idclus; fIsTriggerMatch = kTRUE; absIdMaxTrig = absIdMax; } } }// cell patch loop }// trigger patch loop } // Do trigger patch matching }// Cluster loop // If there was no match, assign as trigger // the highest energy cluster in the event if(!fIsTriggerMatch) { tofPatchMax = tofMax; ePatchMax = eMax; fIsBadCellEvent = badClMax; fIsBadMaxCellEvent = badCeMax; fIsExoticEvent = exoMax; fTriggerClusterIndex = clusMax; fTriggerClusterId = idclusMax; } Double_t tofPatchMaxUS = TMath::Abs(tofPatchMax); if (tofPatchMaxUS < 28 ) fTriggerClusterBC = 0 ; else if(tofPatchMaxUS < 75 ) fTriggerClusterBC = 1 ; else if(tofPatchMaxUS < 125) fTriggerClusterBC = 2 ; else if(tofPatchMaxUS < 175) fTriggerClusterBC = 3 ; else if(tofPatchMaxUS < 225) fTriggerClusterBC = 4 ; else if(tofPatchMaxUS < 275) fTriggerClusterBC = 5 ; else { //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::MatchTriggerCluster() - Large BC - tof %2.3f - Index %d\n",tofPatchMaxUS,fTriggerClusterIndex); if(fTriggerClusterIndex >= 0) fTriggerClusterBC = 6 ; else { fTriggerClusterIndex = -2; fTriggerClusterId = -2; } } if(tofPatchMax < 0) fTriggerClusterBC*=-1; // printf("AliCaloTrackReader::MatchTriggerCluster(TArrayI patches) - Trigger cluster: index %d, ID %d, E = %2.2f, tof = %2.2f (BC = %d), bad cluster? %d, bad cell? %d, exotic? %d, patch match? %d, n High E cluster %d, absId Max %d\n", // fTriggerClusterIndex, fTriggerClusterId,ePatchMax, tofPatchMax, // fTriggerClusterBC, fIsBadCellEvent,fIsBadMaxCellEvent,fIsExoticEvent, fIsTriggerMatch, nOfHighECl,absIdMaxMax); // // if(!fIsTriggerMatch) printf("\t highest energy cluster: index %d, ID %d, E = %2.2f, tof = %2.2f, bad cluster? %d, bad cell? %d, exotic? %d\n", // clusMax, idclusMax, eMax,tofMax, badClMax, badCeMax,exoMax); //Redo matching but open cuts if(!fIsTriggerMatch && fTriggerClusterId >= 0) { // Open time patch time TArrayI patchOpen = GetTriggerPatches(7,10); Int_t patchAbsIdOpenTime = -1; for(Int_t iabsId =0; iabsId < patchOpen.GetSize(); iabsId++) { Int_t absIDCell[4]; patchAbsIdOpenTime = patchOpen.At(iabsId); GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetCellIndexFromFastORIndex(patchAbsIdOpenTime, absIDCell); //if(tof > 75 ) printf("E %2.2f TOF %2.2f Trigger patch %d, cells : %d, %d, %d, %d\n", // clus->E(),tof,patches.At(iabsId), absIDCell[0],absIDCell[1],absIDCell[2],absIDCell[3]); for(Int_t ipatch = 0; ipatch < 4; ipatch++) { if(absIdMaxMax == absIDCell[ipatch]) { fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[0] = kTRUE; break; } }// cell patch loop }// trigger patch loop // Check neighbour patches Int_t patchAbsId = -1; Int_t globalCol = -1; Int_t globalRow = -1; GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetFastORIndexFromCellIndex(absIdMaxMax, patchAbsId); GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetPositionInEMCALFromAbsFastORIndex(patchAbsId,globalCol,globalRow); // Check patches with strict time cut Int_t patchAbsIdNeigh = -1; for(Int_t icol = globalCol-1; icol <= globalCol+1; icol++) { if(icol < 0 || icol > 47) continue; for(Int_t irow = globalRow; irow <= globalRow+1; irow++) { if(irow < 0 || irow > 63) continue; GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetAbsFastORIndexFromPositionInEMCAL(icol, irow, patchAbsIdNeigh); if ( patchAbsIdNeigh < 0 ) continue; for(Int_t iabsId =0; iabsId < patches.GetSize(); iabsId++) { if(patchAbsIdNeigh == patches.At(iabsId)) { fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[1] = kTRUE; break; } }// trigger patch loop }// row }// col // Check patches with open time cut Int_t patchAbsIdNeighOpenTime = -1; for(Int_t icol = globalCol-1; icol <= globalCol+1; icol++) { if(icol < 0 || icol > 47) continue; for(Int_t irow = globalRow; irow <= globalRow+1; irow++) { if(irow < 0 || irow > 63) continue; GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetAbsFastORIndexFromPositionInEMCAL(icol, irow, patchAbsIdNeighOpenTime); if ( patchAbsIdNeighOpenTime < 0 ) continue; for(Int_t iabsId =0; iabsId < patchOpen.GetSize(); iabsId++) { if(patchAbsIdNeighOpenTime == patchOpen.At(iabsId)) { fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[2] = kTRUE; break; } }// trigger patch loop }// row }// col // printf("No match, new match: Open time %d-%d, open Neigh %d-%d, both open %d-%d\n",fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[0],patchAbsIdOpenTime, // fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[1],patchAbsIdNeigh, // fIsTriggerMatchOpenCut[2],patchAbsIdNeighOpenTime); patchOpen.Reset(); }// No trigger match found } //________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::Print(const Option_t * opt) const { //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis if(! opt) return; printf("***** Print: %s %s ******\n", GetName(), GetTitle() ) ; printf("Task name : %s\n", fTaskName.Data()) ; printf("Data type : %d\n", fDataType) ; printf("CTS Min pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fCTSPtMin) ; printf("EMCAL Min pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fEMCALPtMin) ; printf("PHOS Min pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fPHOSPtMin) ; printf("CTS Max pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fCTSPtMax) ; printf("EMCAL Max pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fEMCALPtMax) ; printf("PHOS Max pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fPHOSPtMax) ; printf("EMCAL Time Cut: %3.1f < TOF < %3.1f\n", fEMCALTimeCutMin, fEMCALTimeCutMax); printf("Use CTS = %d\n", fFillCTS) ; printf("Use EMCAL = %d\n", fFillEMCAL) ; printf("Use PHOS = %d\n", fFillPHOS) ; printf("Use EMCAL Cells = %d\n", fFillEMCALCells) ; printf("Use PHOS Cells = %d\n", fFillPHOSCells) ; printf("Track status = %d\n", (Int_t) fTrackStatus) ; printf("AODs Track filter mask = %d or hybrid %d, SPD hit %d\n", (Int_t) fTrackFilterMask,fSelectHybridTracks,fSelectSPDHitTracks) ; printf("Track Mult Eta Cut = %d\n", (Int_t) fTrackMultEtaCut) ; printf("Write delta AOD = %d\n", fWriteOutputDeltaAOD) ; printf("Recalculate Clusters = %d, E linearity = %d\n", fRecalculateClusters, fCorrectELinearity) ; printf("Use Triggers selected in SE base class %d; If not what Trigger Mask? %d; MB Trigger Mask for mixed %d \n", fEventTriggerAtSE, fEventTriggerMask,fMixEventTriggerMask); if(fComparePtHardAndClusterPt) printf("Compare jet pt and pt hard to accept event, factor = %2.2f",fPtHardAndJetPtFactor); if(fComparePtHardAndClusterPt) printf("Compare cluster pt and pt hard to accept event, factor = %2.2f",fPtHardAndClusterPtFactor); printf("Read Kine from, stack? %d, AOD ? %d \n", fReadStack, fReadAODMCParticles) ; printf("Delta AOD File Name = %s\n", fDeltaAODFileName.Data()) ; printf("Centrality: Class %s, Option %d, Bin [%d,%d] \n", fCentralityClass.Data(),fCentralityOpt,fCentralityBin[0], fCentralityBin[1]) ; printf(" \n") ; } //__________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::RejectLEDEvents() { // LED Events in period LHC11a contaminated sample, simple method // to reject such events // Count number of cells with energy larger than 0.1 in SM3, cut on this number Int_t ncellsSM3 = 0; for(Int_t icell = 0; icell < fInputEvent->GetEMCALCells()->GetNumberOfCells(); icell++) { Int_t absID = fInputEvent->GetEMCALCells()->GetCellNumber(icell); Int_t sm = GetCaloUtils()->GetEMCALGeometry()->GetSuperModuleNumber(absID); if(fInputEvent->GetEMCALCells()->GetAmplitude(icell) > 0.1 && sm==3) ncellsSM3++; } Int_t ncellcut = 21; if(GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EMC")) ncellcut = 35; if(ncellsSM3 >= ncellcut) { if(fDebug > 0) printf(" AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - reject event with ncells in SM3 %d, cut %d, trig %s\n", ncellsSM3,ncellcut,GetFiredTriggerClasses().Data()); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //_________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::RemapMCLabelForAODs(Int_t & label) { // MC label for Cells not remapped after ESD filtering, do it here. if(label < 0) return ; AliAODEvent * evt = dynamic_cast (fInputEvent) ; if(!evt) return ; TClonesArray * arr = dynamic_cast(evt->FindListObject("mcparticles")) ; if(!arr) return ; if(label < arr->GetEntriesFast()) { AliAODMCParticle * particle = dynamic_cast(arr->At(label)); if(!particle) return ; if(label == particle->Label()) return ; // label already OK //else printf("AliCaloTrackReader::RemapMCLabelForAODs() - Label %d - AOD stack %d \n",label, particle->Label()); } //else printf("AliCaloTrackReader::RemapMCLabelForAODs() - Label %d > AOD labels %d \n",label, arr->GetEntriesFast()); // loop on the particles list and check if there is one with the same label for(Int_t ind = 0; ind < arr->GetEntriesFast(); ind++ ) { AliAODMCParticle * particle = dynamic_cast(arr->At(ind)); if(!particle) continue ; if(label == particle->Label()) { label = ind; //printf("AliAnalysisTaskEMCALClusterize::RemapMCLabelForAODs() - New Label Index %d \n",label); return; } } label = -1; //printf("AliCaloTrackReader::RemapMCLabelForAODs() - Label not found set to -1 \n"); } //___________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::ResetLists() { // Reset lists, called by the analysis maker if(fCTSTracks) fCTSTracks -> Clear(); if(fEMCALClusters) fEMCALClusters -> Clear("C"); if(fPHOSClusters) fPHOSClusters -> Clear("C"); fV0ADC[0] = 0; fV0ADC[1] = 0; fV0Mul[0] = 0; fV0Mul[1] = 0; if(fNonStandardJets) fNonStandardJets -> Clear("C"); } //___________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::SetEventTriggerBit() { // Tag event depeding on trigger name fEventTrigMinBias = kFALSE; fEventTrigCentral = kFALSE; fEventTrigSemiCentral = kFALSE; fEventTrigEMCALL0 = kFALSE; fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1 = kFALSE; fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2 = kFALSE; fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1 = kFALSE; fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2 = kFALSE; if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::SetEventTriggerBit() - Select trigger mask bit %d - Trigger Event %s\n",fEventTriggerMask,GetFiredTriggerClasses().Data()); if(fEventTriggerMask <=0 )// in case no mask set { // EMC triggered event? Which type? if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("-B-") || GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("-S-") || GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("-I-") ) { if ( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EGA" ) || GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG1" ) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1 = kTRUE; if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG1" ) && !fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EG1") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1 = kFALSE; } else if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG2" ) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2 = kTRUE; if( !fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EG2") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2 = kFALSE; } else if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJE" ) || GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ1" ) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1 = kTRUE; if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ1" ) && !fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EJ1") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1 = kFALSE; } else if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ2" ) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2 = kTRUE; if( !fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EJ2") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2 = kFALSE; } else if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("CEMC") && !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EGA" ) && !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJE" ) && !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG1" ) && !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ1" ) && !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG2" ) && !GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ2" ) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL0 = kTRUE; } //Min bias event trigger? if (GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("CCENT_R2-B-NOPF-ALLNOTRD")) { fEventTrigCentral = kTRUE; } else if(GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("CSEMI_R1-B-NOPF-ALLNOTRD")) { fEventTrigSemiCentral = kTRUE; } else if((GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("CINT") || GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("CPBI2_B1") ) && GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("-NOPF-ALLNOTRD") ) { fEventTrigMinBias = kTRUE; } } } else { // EMC L1 Gamma if ( fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kEMCEGA ) { if (GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG1" ) || GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EGA" ) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1 = kTRUE; if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG1" ) && !fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EG1") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1 = kFALSE; } else if(GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EG2" )) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2 = kTRUE; if(!fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EG2") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2 = kFALSE; } } // EMC L1 Jet else if( fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kEMCEJE ) { if (GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ1" )|| GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJE" ) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1 = kTRUE; if( GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ1" ) && !fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EJ1") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1 = kFALSE; } else if(GetFiredTriggerClasses().Contains("EJ2" )) { fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2 = kTRUE; if( !fFiredTriggerClassName.Contains("EJ2") ) fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2 = kFALSE; } } // EMC L0 else if((fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kEMC7) || (fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kEMC1) ) { fEventTrigEMCALL0 = kTRUE; } // Min Bias Pb-Pb else if( fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kCentral ) { fEventTrigSemiCentral = kTRUE; } // Min Bias Pb-Pb else if( fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kSemiCentral ) { fEventTrigCentral = kTRUE; } // Min Bias pp, PbPb, pPb else if((fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kMB ) || (fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kINT7) || (fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kINT8) || (fEventTriggerMask & AliVEvent::kAnyINT) ) { fEventTrigMinBias = kTRUE; } } if(fDebug > 0 ) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::SetEventTriggerBit() - Event bits: \n \t MB %d, Cen %d, Sem %d, L0 %d, L1G1 %d, L1G2 %d, L1J1 %d, L1J2 %d \n", fEventTrigMinBias, fEventTrigCentral, fEventTrigSemiCentral, fEventTrigEMCALL0 , fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma1, fEventTrigEMCALL1Gamma2, fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet1 , fEventTrigEMCALL1Jet2); if(fBitEGA == 0 && fBitEJE ==0) { // Init the trigger bit once, correct depending on version fBitEGA = 4; fBitEJE = 5; TFile* file = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetTree()->GetCurrentFile(); const TList *clist = file->GetStreamerInfoCache(); if(clist) { TStreamerInfo *cinfo = (TStreamerInfo*)clist->FindObject("AliESDCaloTrigger"); if(!cinfo) cinfo = (TStreamerInfo*)clist->FindObject("AliAODCaloTrigger"); if(cinfo) { Int_t classversionid = cinfo->GetClassVersion(); if (classversionid >= 5) { fBitEGA = 6; fBitEJE = 8; } } else printf("AliCaloTrackReader()::Init() - Streamer info for trigger class not available, bit not changed\n"); } else printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Streamer list not available!, bit not changed\n"); } // set once the EJE, EGA trigger bit } //____________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::SetInputEvent(AliVEvent* const input) { fInputEvent = input; fMixedEvent = dynamic_cast(GetInputEvent()) ; if (fMixedEvent) fNMixedEvent = fMixedEvent->GetNumberOfEvents() ; //Delete previous vertex if(fVertex) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNMixedEvent; i++) { delete [] fVertex[i] ; } delete [] fVertex ; } fVertex = new Double_t*[fNMixedEvent] ; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNMixedEvent; i++) { fVertex[i] = new Double_t[3] ; fVertex[i][0] = 0.0 ; fVertex[i][1] = 0.0 ; fVertex[i][2] = 0.0 ; } } //____________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::SetTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts * cuts) { // Set Track cuts if(fESDtrackCuts) delete fESDtrackCuts ; fESDtrackCuts = cuts ; } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::SetTrackComplementaryCuts(AliESDtrackCuts * cuts) { // Set Track cuts for complementary tracks (hybrids) if(fESDtrackComplementaryCuts) delete fESDtrackComplementaryCuts ; fESDtrackComplementaryCuts = cuts ; }