/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class for analysis utils for MC data // stored in stack or event header. // Contains: // - method to check the origin of a given track/cluster // - method to obtain the generated jets // //*-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include "TParticle.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TVector3.h" //---- ANALYSIS system ---- #include "AliMCAnalysisUtils.h" #include "AliCaloTrackReader.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" ClassImp(AliMCAnalysisUtils) //________________________________________ AliMCAnalysisUtils::AliMCAnalysisUtils() : TObject(), fCurrentEvent(-1), fDebug(-1), fJetsList(new TList), fMCGenerator("PYTHIA") { //Ctor } //_______________________________________ AliMCAnalysisUtils::~AliMCAnalysisUtils() { // Remove all pointers. if (fJetsList) { fJetsList->Clear(); delete fJetsList ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckCommonAncestor(Int_t index1, Int_t index2, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Int_t & ancPDG, Int_t & ancStatus, TLorentzVector & momentum, TVector3 & prodVertex) { //Check the first common ancestor of 2 clusters, given the most likely labels of the primaries generating such clusters. Int_t label1[100]; Int_t label2[100]; label1[0]= index1; label2[0]= index2; Int_t counter1 = 0; Int_t counter2 = 0; if(label1[0]==label2[0]) { //printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckCommonAncestor() - Already the same label: %d\n",label1[0]); counter1=1; counter2=1; } else { if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { TClonesArray * mcparticles = reader->GetAODMCParticles(); Int_t label=label1[0]; if(label < 0) return -1; while(label > -1 && counter1 < 99) { counter1++; AliAODMCParticle * mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); if(mom) { label = mom->GetMother() ; label1[counter1]=label; } //printf("\t counter %d, label %d\n", counter1,label); } //printf("Org label2=%d,\n",label2[0]); label=label2[0]; if(label < 0) return -1; while(label > -1 && counter2 < 99) { counter2++; AliAODMCParticle * mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); if(mom) { label = mom->GetMother() ; label2[counter2]=label; } //printf("\t counter %d, label %d\n", counter2,label); } }//AOD MC else { //Kine stack from ESDs AliStack * stack = reader->GetStack(); Int_t label=label1[0]; while(label > -1 && counter1 < 99) { counter1++; TParticle * mom = stack->Particle(label); if(mom) { label = mom->GetFirstMother() ; label1[counter1]=label; } //printf("\t counter %d, label %d\n", counter1,label); } //printf("Org label2=%d,\n",label2[0]); label=label2[0]; while(label > -1 && counter2 < 99) { counter2++; TParticle * mom = stack->Particle(label); if(mom) { label = mom->GetFirstMother() ; label2[counter2]=label; } //printf("\t counter %d, label %d\n", counter2,label); } }// Kine stack from ESDs }//First labels not the same if((counter1==99 || counter2==99) && fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckCommonAncestor() - Genealogy too large c1: %d, c2= %d\n", counter1, counter2); //printf("CheckAncestor:\n"); Int_t commonparents = 0; Int_t ancLabel = -1; //printf("counters %d %d \n",counter1, counter2); for (Int_t c1 = 0; c1 < counter1; c1++) { for (Int_t c2 = 0; c2 < counter2; c2++) { if(label1[c1]==label2[c2] && label1[c1]>-1) { ancLabel = label1[c1]; commonparents++; if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { AliAODMCParticle * mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) reader->GetAODMCParticles()->At(label1[c1]); if (mom) { ancPDG = mom->GetPdgCode(); ancStatus = mom->GetStatus(); momentum.SetPxPyPzE(mom->Px(),mom->Py(),mom->Pz(),mom->E()); prodVertex.SetXYZ(mom->Xv(),mom->Yv(),mom->Zv()); } } else { TParticle * mom = (reader->GetStack())->Particle(label1[c1]); if (mom) { ancPDG = mom->GetPdgCode(); ancStatus = mom->GetStatusCode(); mom->Momentum(momentum); prodVertex.SetXYZ(mom->Vx(),mom->Vy(),mom->Vz()); } } //First ancestor found, end the loops counter1=0; counter2=0; }//Ancestor found }//second cluster loop }//first cluster loop if(ancLabel < 0) { ancPDG = -10000; ancStatus = -10000; momentum.SetXYZT(0,0,0,0); prodVertex.SetXYZ(-10,-10,-10); } return ancLabel; } //________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin(const Int_t * label, Int_t nlabels, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, TString calorimeter) { //Play with the montecarlo particles if available Int_t tag = 0; if(nlabels<=0) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin(nlabel<=0) - No MC labels available, please check!!!\n"); return kMCBadLabel; } TObjArray* arrayCluster = 0; if ( calorimeter == "EMCAL" ) arrayCluster = reader->GetEMCALClusters(); else if ( calorimeter == "PHOS" ) arrayCluster= reader->GetPHOSClusters(); //Select where the information is, ESD-galice stack or AOD mcparticles branch if(reader->ReadStack()){ tag = CheckOriginInStack(label, nlabels, reader->GetStack(), arrayCluster); } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()){ tag = CheckOriginInAOD(label, nlabels, reader->GetAODMCParticles(),arrayCluster); } return tag ; } //____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin(Int_t label, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, TString calorimeter) { //Play with the montecarlo particles if available Int_t tag = 0; if(label<0) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin(label<0) - No MC labels available, please check!!!\n"); return kMCBadLabel; } TObjArray* arrayCluster = 0; if ( calorimeter == "EMCAL" ) arrayCluster = reader->GetEMCALClusters(); else if ( calorimeter == "PHOS" ) arrayCluster= reader->GetPHOSClusters(); Int_t labels[]={label}; //Select where the information is, ESD-galice stack or AOD mcparticles branch if(reader->ReadStack()){ tag = CheckOriginInStack(labels, 1,reader->GetStack(),arrayCluster); } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()){ tag = CheckOriginInAOD(labels, 1,reader->GetAODMCParticles(),arrayCluster); } return tag ; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack(const Int_t *labels, Int_t nlabels, AliStack* stack, const TObjArray* arrayCluster) { // Play with the MC stack if available. Tag particles depending on their origin. // Do same things as in CheckOriginInAOD but different input. //generally speaking, label is the MC label of a reconstructed //entity (track, cluster, etc) for which we want to know something //about its heritage, but one can also use it directly with stack //particles not connected to reconstructed entities if(!stack) { if (fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); return -1; } Int_t tag = 0; Int_t label=labels[0];//Most significant particle contributing to the cluster if(label >= 0 && label < stack->GetNtrack()) { //MC particle of interest is the "mom" of the entity TParticle * mom = stack->Particle(label); Int_t iMom = label; Int_t mPdgSign = mom->GetPdgCode(); Int_t mPdg = TMath::Abs(mPdgSign); Int_t mStatus = mom->GetStatusCode() ; Int_t iParent = mom->GetFirstMother() ; if(fDebug > 0 && label < 8 && fMCGenerator!="") printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Mother is parton %d\n",iParent); //GrandParent of the entity TParticle * parent = NULL; Int_t pPdg = -1; Int_t pStatus =-1; if(iParent >= 0) { parent = stack->Particle(iParent); if(parent) { pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); pStatus = parent->GetStatusCode(); } } else if(fDebug > 0 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Parent with label %d\n",iParent); if(fDebug > 2 ) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Cluster most contributing mother and its parent: \n"); printf("\t Mother label %d, pdg %d, status %d\n",iMom, mPdg, mStatus); printf("\t Parent label %d, pdg %d, status %d\n",iParent, pPdg, pStatus); } //Check if "mother" of entity is converted, if not, get the first non converted mother if((mPdg == 22 || mPdg == 11) && (pPdg == 22 || pPdg == 11) && mStatus == 0) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCConversion); //Check if the mother is photon or electron with status not stable while ((pPdg == 22 || pPdg == 11) && mStatus != 1) { //Mother iMom = mom->GetFirstMother(); mom = stack->Particle(iMom); mPdgSign = mom->GetPdgCode(); mPdg = TMath::Abs(mPdgSign); mStatus = mom->GetStatusCode() ; iParent = mom->GetFirstMother() ; if(fDebug > 0 && label < 8 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Mother is parton %d\n",iParent); //GrandParent if(iParent >= 0) { parent = stack->Particle(iParent); if(parent) { pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); pStatus = parent->GetStatusCode(); } } else {// in case of gun/box simulations pPdg = 0; pStatus = 0; break; } }//while if(fDebug > 2 ) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Converted photon/electron: \n"); printf("\t Mother label %d, pdg %d, status %d\n",iMom, mPdg, mStatus); printf("\t Parent label %d, pdg %d, status %d\n",iParent, pPdg, pStatus); } }//mother and parent are electron or photon and have status 0 else if((mPdg == 22 || mPdg == 11) && mStatus == 0) { //Still a conversion but only one electron/photon generated. Just from hadrons but not decays. if(pPdg == 2112 || pPdg == 211 || pPdg == 321 || pPdg == 2212 || pPdg == 130 || pPdg == 13 ) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCConversion); iMom = mom->GetFirstMother(); mom = stack->Particle(iMom); mPdgSign = mom->GetPdgCode(); mPdg = TMath::Abs(mPdgSign); if(fDebug > 2 ) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Converted hadron: \n"); printf("\t Mother label %d, pdg %d, status %d\n",iMom, mPdg, mStatus); } }//hadron converted //Comment for the next lines, we do not check the parent of the hadron for the moment. //iParent = mom->GetFirstMother() ; //if(fDebug > 0 && label < 8 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Mother is parton %d\n",iParent); //GrandParent //if(iParent >= 0){ // parent = stack->Particle(iParent); // pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); //} } // conversion into electrons/photons checked //first check for typical charged particles if (mPdg == 13) SetTagBit(tag,kMCMuon); else if(mPdg == 211) SetTagBit(tag,kMCPion); else if(mPdg == 321) SetTagBit(tag,kMCKaon); else if(mPdgSign == 2212) SetTagBit(tag,kMCProton); else if(mPdgSign == -2212) SetTagBit(tag,kMCAntiProton); else if(mPdgSign == 2112) SetTagBit(tag,kMCNeutron); else if(mPdgSign == -2112) SetTagBit(tag,kMCAntiNeutron); //check for pi0 and eta (shouldn't happen unless their decays were turned off) else if(mPdg == 111) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0Decay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - First mother is directly pi0, not decayed by generator \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iMom, stack, tag); //set to kMCPi0 if 2 gammas in same cluster } else if(mPdg == 221) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCEtaDecay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - First mother is directly eta, not decayed by generator \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iMom, stack, tag); //set to kMCEta if 2 gammas in same cluster } //Photons else if(mPdg == 22) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPhoton); if(pPdg == 111) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0Decay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - PYTHIA pi0 decay photon, parent pi0 with status 11 \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iParent, stack, tag); //set to kMCPi0 if 2 gammas in same cluster // In case it did not merge, check if the decay companion is lost if(!CheckTagBit(tag, kMCPi0) && !CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairInCalo)) CheckLostDecayPair(arrayCluster,iMom, iParent, stack, tag); //printf("Bit set is Merged %d, Pair in calo %d, Lost %d\n",CheckTagBit(tag, kMCPi0),CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairInCalo),CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairLost)); } else if (pPdg == 221) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCEtaDecay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - PYTHIA eta decay photon, parent pi0 with status 11 \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iParent, stack, tag);//set to kMCEta if 2 gammas in same cluster // In case it did not merge, check if the decay companion is lost if(!CheckTagBit(tag, kMCEta) && !CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairInCalo)) CheckLostDecayPair(arrayCluster,iMom, iParent, stack, tag); } else if(mStatus == 1) { //undecayed particle if(fMCGenerator == "PYTHIA") { if(iParent < 8 && iParent > 5) {//outgoing partons if(pPdg == 22) SetTagBit(tag,kMCPrompt); else SetTagBit(tag,kMCFragmentation); }//Outgoing partons else if(iParent <= 5) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCISR); //Initial state radiation } else SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); }//PYTHIA else if(fMCGenerator == "HERWIG") { if(pStatus < 197) {//Not decay while(1) { if(parent) { if(parent->GetFirstMother()<=5) break; iParent = parent->GetFirstMother(); parent=stack->Particle(iParent); pStatus= parent->GetStatusCode(); pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); } else break; }//Look for the parton if(iParent < 8 && iParent > 5) { if(pPdg == 22) SetTagBit(tag,kMCPrompt); else SetTagBit(tag,kMCFragmentation); } else SetTagBit(tag,kMCISR);//Initial state radiation }//Not decay else SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); }//HERWIG } else SetTagBit(tag,kMCOtherDecay); }//Mother Photon //Electron check. Where did that electron come from? else if(mPdg == 11){ //electron if(pPdg == 11 && parent) { Int_t iGrandma = parent->GetFirstMother(); if(iGrandma >= 0) { TParticle* gma = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(iGrandma); //get mother Int_t gPdg = TMath::Abs(gma->GetPdgCode()); if (gPdg == 23) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCZDecay); } //parent is Z-boson else if (gPdg == 24) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCWDecay); } //parent is W-boson } } SetTagBit(tag,kMCElectron); if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Checking ancestors of electrons\n"); if (pPdg == 111) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0Decay); SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayDalitz) ; } //Pi0 Dalitz decay else if (pPdg == 221) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCEtaDecay); SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayDalitz) ; } //Eta Dalitz decay else if((499 < pPdg && pPdg < 600)||(4999 < pPdg && pPdg < 6000)) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromB); } //b-->e decay else if((399 < pPdg && pPdg < 500)||(3999 < pPdg && pPdg < 5000)) { //check charm decay if(parent) { Int_t iGrandma = parent->GetFirstMother(); if(iGrandma >= 0) { TParticle* gma = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(iGrandma); //get mother of charm Int_t gPdg = TMath::Abs(gma->GetPdgCode()); if((499 < gPdg && gPdg < 600)||(4999 < gPdg && gPdg < 6000)) SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromCFromB); //b-->c-->e else SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromC); //c-->e } else SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromC); //c-->e }//parent } else { //if it is not from any of the above, where is it from? if(pPdg > 10000) SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); else SetTagBit(tag,kMCOtherDecay); if(fDebug > 0 && parent) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - Status %d Electron from other origin: %s (pPdg = %d) %s (mpdg = %d)\n",mStatus,parent->GetName(),pPdg,mom->GetName(),mPdg); } }//electron check //Cluster was made by something else else { if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() - \tSetting kMCUnknown for cluster from %s (pdg = %d, Parent pdg = %d)\n", mom->GetName(),mPdg,pPdg); SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); } }//Good label value else {// Bad label if(label < 0 && (fDebug >= 0)) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() *** bad label or no stack ***: label %d \n", label); if(label >= stack->GetNtrack() && (fDebug >= 0)) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInStack() *** large label ***: label %d, n tracks %d \n", label, stack->GetNtrack()); SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); }//Bad label return tag; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD(const Int_t *labels, Int_t nlabels, const TClonesArray *mcparticles, const TObjArray* arrayCluster) { // Play with the MCParticles in AOD if available. Tag particles depending on their origin. // Do same things as in CheckOriginInStack but different input. if(!mcparticles) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - AODMCParticles is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file!!\n"); return -1; } Int_t tag = 0; Int_t label=labels[0];//Most significant particle contributing to the cluster Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { //Mother AliAODMCParticle * mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); Int_t iMom = label; Int_t mPdgSign = mom->GetPdgCode(); Int_t mPdg = TMath::Abs(mPdgSign); Int_t iParent = mom->GetMother() ; if(fDebug > 0 && label < 8 && fMCGenerator!="") printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Mother is parton %d\n",iParent); //GrandParent AliAODMCParticle * parent = NULL ; Int_t pPdg = -1; if(iParent >= 0) { parent = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iParent); pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); } else if(fDebug > 0 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Parent with label %d\n",iParent); if(fDebug > 2 ) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Cluster most contributing mother and its parent: \n"); printf("\t Mother label %d, pdg %d, Primary? %d, Physical Primary? %d\n", iMom, mPdg, mom->IsPrimary(), mom->IsPhysicalPrimary()); if(parent) printf("\t Parent label %d, pdg %d, Primary? %d, Physical Primary? %d\n", iParent, pPdg, parent->IsPrimary(), parent->IsPhysicalPrimary()); } //Check if mother is converted, if not, get the first non converted mother if((mPdg == 22 || mPdg == 11) && (pPdg == 22 || pPdg == 11) && !mom->IsPrimary()) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCConversion); //Check if the mother is photon or electron with status not stable while ((pPdg == 22 || pPdg == 11) && !mom->IsPhysicalPrimary()) { //Mother iMom = mom->GetMother(); mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iMom); mPdgSign = mom->GetPdgCode(); mPdg = TMath::Abs(mPdgSign); iParent = mom->GetMother() ; if(fDebug > 0 && label < 8 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Mother is parton %d\n",iParent); //GrandParent if(iParent >= 0 && parent) { parent = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iParent); pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); } // printf("\t While Mother label %d, pdg %d, Primary? %d, Physical Primary? %d\n",iMom, mPdg, mom->IsPrimary(), mom->IsPhysicalPrimary()); // printf("\t While Parent label %d, pdg %d, Primary? %d, Physical Primary? %d\n",iParent, pPdg, parent->IsPrimary(), parent->IsPhysicalPrimary()); }//while if(fDebug > 2 ) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Converted photon/electron : \n"); printf("\t Mother label %d, pdg %d, Primary? %d, Physical Primary? %d\n", iMom, mPdg, mom->IsPrimary(), mom->IsPhysicalPrimary()); if(parent) printf("\t Parent label %d, pdg %d, Primary? %d, Physical Primary? %d\n", iParent, pPdg, parent->IsPrimary(), parent->IsPhysicalPrimary()); } }//mother and parent are electron or photon and have status 0 and parent is photon or electron else if((mPdg == 22 || mPdg == 11) && !mom->IsPrimary()) { //Still a conversion but only one electron/photon generated. Just from hadrons if(pPdg == 2112 || pPdg == 211 || pPdg == 321 || pPdg == 2212 || pPdg == 130 || pPdg == 13 ) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCConversion); iMom = mom->GetMother(); mom = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iMom); mPdgSign = mom->GetPdgCode(); mPdg = TMath::Abs(mPdgSign); if(fDebug > 2 ) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Converted hadron : \n"); printf("\t Mother label %d, pdg %d, Primary? %d, Physical Primary? %d\n",iMom, mPdg, mom->IsPrimary(), mom->IsPhysicalPrimary()); } }//hadron converted //Comment for next lines, we do not check the parent of the hadron for the moment. //iParent = mom->GetMother() ; //if(fDebug > 0 && label < 8 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Mother is parton %d\n",iParent); //GrandParent //if(iParent >= 0){ // parent = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iParent); // pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); //} } //printf("Final mother mPDG %d\n",mPdg); // conversion into electrons/photons checked //first check for typical charged particles if (mPdg == 13) SetTagBit(tag,kMCMuon); else if(mPdg == 211) SetTagBit(tag,kMCPion); else if(mPdg == 321) SetTagBit(tag,kMCKaon); else if(mPdgSign == 2212) SetTagBit(tag,kMCProton); else if(mPdgSign == 2112) SetTagBit(tag,kMCNeutron); else if(mPdgSign == -2212) SetTagBit(tag,kMCAntiProton); else if(mPdgSign == -2112) SetTagBit(tag,kMCAntiNeutron); //check for pi0 and eta (shouldn't happen unless their decays were turned off) else if(mPdg == 111) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0Decay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - First mother is directly pi0, not decayed by generator \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iMom, mcparticles, tag); //set to kMCPi0 if 2 gammas in same cluster } else if(mPdg == 221) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCEtaDecay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - First mother is directly eta, not decayed by generator \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iMom, mcparticles, tag); //set to kMCEta if 2 gammas in same cluster } //Photons else if(mPdg == 22) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPhoton); if(pPdg == 111) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0Decay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Generator pi0 decay photon \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iParent, mcparticles, tag); //set to kMCPi0 if 2 gammas in same cluster // In case it did not merge, check if the decay companion is lost if(!CheckTagBit(tag, kMCPi0) && !CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairInCalo) && !CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairLost)) CheckLostDecayPair(arrayCluster,iMom, iParent, mcparticles, tag); //printf("Bit set is Merged %d, Pair in calo %d, Lost %d\n",CheckTagBit(tag, kMCPi0),CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairInCalo),CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairLost)); } else if (pPdg == 221) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCEtaDecay); if(fDebug > 2 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Generator eta decay photon \n"); CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(labels,nlabels, iParent, mcparticles, tag); //set to kMCEta if 2 gammas in same cluster // In case it did not merge, check if the decay companion is lost if(!CheckTagBit(tag, kMCEta) && !CheckTagBit(tag,kMCDecayPairInCalo)) CheckLostDecayPair(arrayCluster,iMom, iParent, mcparticles, tag); } else if(mom->IsPhysicalPrimary() && (fMCGenerator=="PYTHIA" || fMCGenerator=="HERWIG")) //undecayed particle { if(iParent < 8 && iParent > 5 ) {//outgoing partons if(pPdg == 22) SetTagBit(tag,kMCPrompt); else SetTagBit(tag,kMCFragmentation); }//Outgoing partons else if(iParent <= 5 && (fMCGenerator=="PYTHIA" || fMCGenerator=="HERWIG")) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCISR); //Initial state radiation } else SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); }//Physical primary else SetTagBit(tag,kMCOtherDecay); }//Mother Photon //Electron check. Where did that electron come from? else if(mPdg == 11) { //electron if(pPdg == 11 && parent) { Int_t iGrandma = parent->GetMother(); if(iGrandma >= 0) { AliAODMCParticle* gma = (AliAODMCParticle*)mcparticles->At(iGrandma); Int_t gPdg = TMath::Abs(gma->GetPdgCode()); if (gPdg == 23) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCZDecay); } //parent is Z-boson else if (gPdg == 24) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCWDecay); } //parent is W-boson } } SetTagBit(tag,kMCElectron); if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Checking ancestors of electrons"); if (pPdg == 111) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0Decay); SetTagBit(tag,kMCDecayDalitz);} //Pi0 Dalitz decay else if (pPdg == 221) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCEtaDecay); SetTagBit(tag,kMCDecayDalitz);} //Eta Dalitz decay else if((499 < pPdg && pPdg < 600)||(4999 < pPdg && pPdg < 6000)) { SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromB);} //b-hadron decay else if((399 < pPdg && pPdg < 500)||(3999 < pPdg && pPdg < 5000)) { //c-hadron decay check if(parent) { Int_t iGrandma = parent->GetMother(); if(iGrandma >= 0) { AliAODMCParticle* gma = (AliAODMCParticle*)mcparticles->At(iGrandma); //charm's mother Int_t gPdg = TMath::Abs(gma->GetPdgCode()); if((499 < gPdg && gPdg < 600)||(4999 < gPdg && gPdg < 6000)) SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromCFromB); //b-->c-->e decay else SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromC); //c-hadron decay } else SetTagBit(tag,kMCEFromC); //c-hadron decay }//parent } else { //prompt or other decay TParticlePDG* foo = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pPdg); TParticlePDG* foo1 = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(mPdg); if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - Electron from other origin: %s (pPdg = %d) %s (mPdg = %d)\n", foo->GetName(), pPdg,foo1->GetName(),mPdg); if(pPdg > 10000) SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); else SetTagBit(tag,kMCOtherDecay); } }//electron check //cluster was made by something else else { if(fDebug > 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() - \tSetting kMCUnknown for cluster with pdg = %d, Parent pdg = %d\n", mPdg,pPdg); SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); } }//Good label value else {//Bad label if(label < 0 && (fDebug >= 0) ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() *** bad label or no mcparticles ***: label %d \n", label); if(label >= mcparticles->GetEntriesFast() && (fDebug >= 0) ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOriginInAOD() *** large label ***: label %d, n tracks %d \n", label, mcparticles->GetEntriesFast()); SetTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown); }//Bad label return tag; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(const Int_t *labels, Int_t nlabels, Int_t mesonIndex, AliStack *stack, Int_t &tag) { //Check if cluster is formed from the contribution of 2 decay photons from pi0 or eta. Input in stack if(labels[0] < 0 || labels[0] > stack->GetNtrack() || nlabels <= 1) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Exit : label[0] %d, n primaries %d, nlabels %d \n", labels[0],stack->GetNtrack(), nlabels); return; } TParticle * meson = stack->Particle(mesonIndex); Int_t mesonPdg = meson->GetPdgCode(); if(mesonPdg!=111 && mesonPdg!=221) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Wrong pi0/eta PDG : %d \n",mesonPdg); return; } if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - %s, label %d\n",meson->GetName(), mesonIndex); //Check if meson decayed into 2 daughters or if both were kept. if(meson->GetNDaughters() != 2) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Not overalapped. Number of daughters is %d, not 2 \n",meson->GetNDaughters()); return; } //Get the daughters Int_t iPhoton0 = meson->GetDaughter(0); Int_t iPhoton1 = meson->GetDaughter(1); TParticle *photon0 = stack->Particle(iPhoton0); TParticle *photon1 = stack->Particle(iPhoton1); //Check if both daughters are photons if(photon0->GetPdgCode() != 22 || photon1->GetPdgCode()!=22) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Not overalapped. PDG: daughter 1 = %d, of daughter 2 = %d \n",photon0->GetPdgCode(),photon1->GetPdgCode()); return; } if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Daughter labels : photon0 = %d, photon1 = %d \n",iPhoton0,iPhoton1); //Check if both photons contribute to the cluster Bool_t okPhoton0 = kFALSE; Bool_t okPhoton1 = kFALSE; if(fDebug > 3) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Labels loop:\n"); Bool_t conversion = kFALSE; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nlabels; i++) { if(fDebug > 3) printf("\t at begin:label %d/%d: %d, ok? photon1 %d, photon2 %d\n", i+1, nlabels, labels[i], okPhoton0, okPhoton1); //If we already found both, break the loop if(okPhoton0 && okPhoton1) break; Int_t index = labels[i]; if (iPhoton0 == index) { okPhoton0 = kTRUE; continue; } else if (iPhoton1 == index) { okPhoton1 = kTRUE; continue; } //Trace back the mother in case it was a conversion if(index >= stack->GetNtrack()) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) Particle index %d larger than size of list %d !!\n", index,stack->GetNtrack()); continue; } TParticle * daught = stack->Particle(index); Int_t tmpindex = daught->GetFirstMother(); if(fDebug > 3) printf("\t Conversion? : mother %d\n",tmpindex); while(tmpindex>=0) { //MC particle of interest is the mother if(fDebug > 3) printf("\t \t parent index %d\n",tmpindex); daught = stack->Particle(tmpindex); if (iPhoton0 == tmpindex) { conversion = kTRUE; okPhoton0 = kTRUE; break; } else if (iPhoton1 == tmpindex) { conversion = kTRUE; okPhoton1 = kTRUE; break; } tmpindex = daught->GetFirstMother(); }//While to check if pi0/eta daughter was one of these contributors to the cluster if(i == 0 && (!okPhoton0 && !okPhoton1) && fDebug>=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Something happens, first label should be from a photon decay!\n"); }//loop on list of labels //If both photons contribute tag as the corresponding meson. if(okPhoton0 && okPhoton1) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - %s OVERLAPPED DECAY \n", meson->GetName()); if(!CheckTagBit(tag,kMCConversion) && conversion) SetTagBit(tag,kMCConversion) ; if(mesonPdg == 111) SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0); else SetTagBit(tag,kMCEta); } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(const Int_t *labels, Int_t nlabels, Int_t mesonIndex, const TClonesArray *mcparticles, Int_t & tag ) { //Check if cluster is formed from the contribution of 2 decay photons from pi0 or eta. Input in AODMCParticles if(labels[0] < 0 || labels[0] > mcparticles->GetEntriesFast() || nlabels <= 1) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Exit : label[0] %d, n primaries %d, nlabels %d \n", labels[0],mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(), nlabels); return; } AliAODMCParticle * meson = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(mesonIndex); Int_t mesonPdg = meson->GetPdgCode(); if(mesonPdg != 111 && mesonPdg != 221) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Wrong pi0/eta PDG : %d \n",mesonPdg); return; } if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - pdg %d, label %d, ndaughters %d\n", mesonPdg, mesonIndex, meson->GetNDaughters()); //Get the daughters if(meson->GetNDaughters() != 2) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(ESD) - Not overalapped. Number of daughters is %d, not 2 \n",meson->GetNDaughters()); return; } Int_t iPhoton0 = meson->GetDaughter(0); Int_t iPhoton1 = meson->GetDaughter(1); //if((iPhoton0 == -1) || (iPhoton1 == -1)){ // if(fDebug > 2) // printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Exit : Not overlapped. At least a daughter do not exists : d1 %d, d2 %d \n", iPhoton0, iPhoton1); // return; //} AliAODMCParticle *photon0 = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iPhoton0); AliAODMCParticle *photon1 = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(iPhoton1); //Check if both daughters are photons if(photon0->GetPdgCode() != 22 && photon1->GetPdgCode()!=22) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Not overlapped. PDG: daughter 1 = %d, of daughter 2 = %d \n",photon0->GetPdgCode(),photon1->GetPdgCode()); return; } if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Daughter labels : photon0 = %d, photon1 = %d \n",iPhoton0,iPhoton1); //Check if both photons contribute to the cluster Bool_t okPhoton0 = kFALSE; Bool_t okPhoton1 = kFALSE; if(fDebug > 3) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Labels loop:\n"); Bool_t conversion = kFALSE; for(Int_t i = 0; i < nlabels; i++) { if(fDebug > 3) printf("\t label %d/%d: %d, ok? %d, %d\n", i, nlabels, labels[i], okPhoton0, okPhoton1); if(labels[i]<0) continue; //If we already found both, break the loop if(okPhoton0 && okPhoton1) break; Int_t index = labels[i]; if (iPhoton0 == index) { okPhoton0 = kTRUE; continue; } else if (iPhoton1 == index) { okPhoton1 = kTRUE; continue; } //Trace back the mother in case it was a conversion if(index >= mcparticles->GetEntriesFast()) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) Particle index %d larger than size of list %d !!\n",index,mcparticles->GetEntriesFast()); continue; } AliAODMCParticle * daught = (AliAODMCParticle*) mcparticles->At(index); Int_t tmpindex = daught->GetMother(); if(fDebug > 3) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Conversion? : mother %d\n",tmpindex); while(tmpindex>=0){ //MC particle of interest is the mother if(fDebug > 3) printf("\t parent index %d\n",tmpindex); daught = (AliAODMCParticle*) mcparticles->At(tmpindex); //printf("tmpindex %d\n",tmpindex); if (iPhoton0 == tmpindex) { conversion = kTRUE; okPhoton0 = kTRUE; break; } else if (iPhoton1 == tmpindex) { conversion = kTRUE; okPhoton1 = kTRUE; break; } tmpindex = daught->GetMother(); }//While to check if pi0/eta daughter was one of these contributors to the cluster if(i == 0 && (!okPhoton0 && !okPhoton1) && fDebug>=0 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - Something happens, first label should be from a photon decay!\n"); }//loop on list of labels //If both photons contribute tag as the corresponding meson. if(okPhoton0 && okPhoton1) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) - %s OVERLAPPED DECAY \n", (TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(mesonPdg))->GetName()); if(!CheckTagBit(tag,kMCConversion) && conversion) { if(fDebug > 2) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOverlapped2GammaDecay(AOD) Second decay photon produced a conversion \n"); SetTagBit(tag,kMCConversion) ; } if(mesonPdg == 111) SetTagBit(tag,kMCPi0); else SetTagBit(tag,kMCEta); } } //______________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckLostDecayPair(const TObjArray* arrayCluster, Int_t iMom, Int_t iParent, AliStack * stack, Int_t & tag) { // Check on ESDs if the current decay photon has the second photon companion lost if(!arrayCluster || iMom < 0 || iParent < 0|| !stack) return; TParticle * parent= stack->Particle(iParent); if(parent->GetNDaughters()!=2) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairLost); return ; } Int_t pairLabel = -1; if ( iMom != parent->GetDaughter(0) ) pairLabel = parent->GetDaughter(0); else if( iMom != parent->GetDaughter(1) ) pairLabel = parent->GetDaughter(1); if(pairLabel<0) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairLost); return ; } for(Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < arrayCluster->GetEntriesFast(); iclus++) { AliVCluster * cluster = (AliVCluster*) arrayCluster->At(iclus); for(UInt_t ilab = 0; ilab< cluster->GetNLabels(); ilab++) { Int_t label = cluster->GetLabels()[ilab]; if(label==pairLabel) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairInCalo); return ; } else if(label== iParent || label== iMom) { continue; } else // check the ancestry { TParticle * mother = stack->Particle(label); Int_t momPDG = TMath::Abs(mother->GetPdgCode()); if(momPDG!=11 && momPDG!=22) continue; //Check if "mother" of entity is converted, if not, get the first non converted mother Int_t iParentClus = mother->GetFirstMother(); if(iParentClus < 0) continue; TParticle * parentClus = stack->Particle(iParentClus); if(!parentClus) continue; Int_t parentClusPDG = TMath::Abs(parentClus->GetPdgCode()); Int_t parentClusStatus = parentClus->GetStatusCode(); if( parentClusPDG != 22 && parentClusPDG != 11 && parentClusStatus != 0) continue; //printf("Conversion\n"); //Check if the mother is photon or electron with status not stable while ((parentClusPDG == 22 || parentClusPDG == 11) && parentClusStatus != 1) { //New Mother label = iParentClus; momPDG = parentClusPDG; iParentClus = parentClus->GetFirstMother(); if(iParentClus < 0) break; parentClus = stack->Particle(iParentClus); if(!parentClus) break; parentClusPDG = TMath::Abs(parentClus->GetPdgCode()); parentClusStatus = parentClus->GetStatusCode() ; }//while if((momPDG == 22 || parentClusPDG ==22) && (label==pairLabel || iParentClus == pairLabel)) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairInCalo); //printf("Conversion is paired\n"); return ; } else continue; } } } // cluster loop SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairLost); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckLostDecayPair(const TObjArray * arrayCluster,Int_t iMom, Int_t iParent, const TClonesArray* mcparticles, Int_t & tag) { // Check on AODs if the current decay photon has the second photon companion lost if(!arrayCluster || iMom < 0 || iParent < 0|| !mcparticles) return; AliAODMCParticle * parent = (AliAODMCParticle*) mcparticles->At(iParent); //printf("*** Check label %d with parent %d\n",iMom, iParent); if(parent->GetNDaughters()!=2) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairLost); //printf("\t ndaugh = %d\n",parent->GetNDaughters()); return ; } Int_t pairLabel = -1; if ( iMom != parent->GetDaughter(0) ) pairLabel = parent->GetDaughter(0); else if( iMom != parent->GetDaughter(1) ) pairLabel = parent->GetDaughter(1); if(pairLabel<0) { //printf("\t pair Label not found = %d\n",pairLabel); SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairLost); return ; } //printf("\t *** find pair %d\n",pairLabel); for(Int_t iclus = 0; iclus < arrayCluster->GetEntriesFast(); iclus++) { AliVCluster * cluster = (AliVCluster*) arrayCluster->At(iclus); //printf("\t \t ** Cluster %d, nlabels %d\n",iclus,cluster->GetNLabels()); for(UInt_t ilab = 0; ilab< cluster->GetNLabels(); ilab++) { Int_t label = cluster->GetLabels()[ilab]; //printf("\t \t label %d\n",label); if(label==pairLabel) { //printf("\t \t Pair found\n"); SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairInCalo); return ; } else if(label== iParent || label== iMom) { //printf("\t \t skip\n"); continue; } else // check the ancestry { AliAODMCParticle * mother = (AliAODMCParticle*) mcparticles->At(label); Int_t momPDG = TMath::Abs(mother->GetPdgCode()); if(momPDG!=11 && momPDG!=22) { //printf("\t \t skip, pdg %d\n",momPDG); continue; } //Check if "mother" of entity is converted, if not, get the first non converted mother Int_t iParentClus = mother->GetMother(); if(iParentClus < 0) continue; AliAODMCParticle * parentClus = (AliAODMCParticle*) mcparticles->At(iParentClus); if(!parentClus) continue; Int_t parentClusPDG = TMath::Abs(parentClus->GetPdgCode()); Int_t parentClusStatus = parentClus->GetStatus(); if( parentClusPDG != 22 && parentClusPDG != 11 && parentClusStatus != 0) { //printf("\t \t skip, not a conversion, parent: pdg %d, status %d\n",parentClusPDG,parentClusStatus); continue; } //printf("\t \t Conversion\n"); //Check if the mother is photon or electron with status not stable while ((parentClusPDG == 22 || parentClusPDG == 11) && parentClusStatus != 1) { //New Mother label = iParentClus; momPDG = parentClusPDG; iParentClus = parentClus->GetMother(); if(iParentClus < 0) break; parentClus = (AliAODMCParticle*) mcparticles->At(iParentClus); if(!parentClus) break; parentClusPDG = TMath::Abs(parentClus->GetPdgCode()); parentClusStatus = parentClus->GetStatus() ; }//while if((momPDG == 22 || parentClusPDG ==22) && (label==pairLabel || iParentClus == pairLabel)) { SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairInCalo); //printf("\t \t Conversion is paired: mom %d, parent %d\n",label,iParentClus); return ; } else { //printf("\t \t Skip, finally label %d, pdg %d, parent label %d, pdg %d, status %d\n",label,momPDG,iParentClus,parentClusPDG,parentClusStatus); continue; } } } } // cluster loop SetTagBit(tag, kMCDecayPairLost); } //_____________________________________________________________________ TList * AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets(const AliCaloTrackReader * reader) { //Return list of jets (TParticles) and index of most likely parton that originated it. AliStack * stack = reader->GetStack(); Int_t iEvent = reader->GetEventNumber(); AliGenEventHeader * geh = reader->GetGenEventHeader(); if(fCurrentEvent!=iEvent){ fCurrentEvent = iEvent; fJetsList = new TList; Int_t nTriggerJets = 0; Float_t tmpjet[]={0,0,0,0}; //printf("Event %d %d\n",fCurrentEvent,iEvent); //Get outgoing partons if(stack->GetNtrack() < 8) return fJetsList; TParticle * parton1 = stack->Particle(6); TParticle * parton2 = stack->Particle(7); if(fDebug > 2){ printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - parton 6 : %s, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", parton1->GetName(),parton1->Pt(),parton1->Energy(),parton1->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),parton1->Eta()); printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - parton 7 : %s, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", parton2->GetName(),parton2->Pt(),parton2->Energy(),parton2->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),parton2->Eta()); } // //Trace the jet from the mother parton // Float_t pt = 0; // Float_t pt1 = 0; // Float_t pt2 = 0; // Float_t e = 0; // Float_t e1 = 0; // Float_t e2 = 0; // TParticle * tmptmp = new TParticle; // for(Int_t i = 0; i< stack->GetNprimary(); i++){ // tmptmp = stack->Particle(i); // if(tmptmp->GetStatusCode() == 1){ // pt = tmptmp->Pt(); // e = tmptmp->Energy(); // Int_t imom = tmptmp->GetFirstMother(); // Int_t imom1 = 0; // //printf("1st imom %d\n",imom); // while(imom > 5){ // imom1=imom; // tmptmp = stack->Particle(imom); // imom = tmptmp->GetFirstMother(); // //printf("imom %d \n",imom); // } // //printf("Last imom %d %d\n",imom1, imom); // if(imom1 == 6) { // pt1+=pt; // e1+=e; // } // else if (imom1 == 7){ // pt2+=pt; // e2+=e; } // }// status 1 // }// for // printf("JET 1, pt %2.2f, e %2.2f; JET 2, pt %2.2f, e %2.2f \n",pt1,e1,pt2,e2); //Get the jet, different way for different generator //PYTHIA if(fMCGenerator == "PYTHIA") { TParticle * jet = 0x0; AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pygeh= (AliGenPythiaEventHeader*) geh; nTriggerJets = pygeh->NTriggerJets(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - PythiaEventHeader: Njets: %d\n",nTriggerJets); for(Int_t i = 0; i< nTriggerJets; i++) { pygeh->TriggerJet(i, tmpjet); jet = new TParticle(94, 21, -1, -1, -1, -1, tmpjet[0],tmpjet[1],tmpjet[2],tmpjet[3], 0,0,0,0); //Assign an outgoing parton as mother Float_t phidiff1 = TMath::Abs(jet->Phi()-parton1->Phi()); Float_t phidiff2 = TMath::Abs(jet->Phi()-parton2->Phi()); if(phidiff1 > phidiff2) jet->SetFirstMother(7); else jet->SetFirstMother(6); //jet->Print(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - PYTHIA Jet %d: mother %d, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", i, jet->GetFirstMother(),jet->Pt(),jet->Energy(),jet->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),jet->Eta()); fJetsList->Add(jet); } }//Pythia triggered jets //HERWIG else if (fMCGenerator=="HERWIG") { Int_t pdg = -1; //Check parton 1 TParticle * tmp = parton1; if(parton1->GetPdgCode()!=22) { while(pdg != 94){ if(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()==-1) return fJetsList; tmp = stack->Particle(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()); pdg = tmp->GetPdgCode(); }//while //Add found jet to list TParticle *jet1 = new TParticle(*tmp); jet1->SetFirstMother(6); fJetsList->Add(jet1); //printf("jet 1: first daughter %d, last daughter %d\n", tmp->GetFirstDaughter(), tmp->GetLastDaughter()); //tmp = stack->Particle(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()); //tmp->Print(); //jet1->Print(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - HERWIG Jet 1: mother %d, status %d, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", jet1->GetFirstMother(),jet1->GetStatusCode(),jet1->Pt(),jet1->Energy(),jet1->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),jet1->Eta()); }//not photon //Check parton 2 pdg = -1; tmp = parton2; if(parton2->GetPdgCode()!=22) { while(pdg != 94) { if(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()==-1) return fJetsList; tmp = stack->Particle(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()); pdg = tmp->GetPdgCode(); }//while //Add found jet to list TParticle *jet2 = new TParticle(*tmp); jet2->SetFirstMother(7); fJetsList->Add(jet2); //jet2->Print(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - HERWIG Jet 2: mother %d, status %d, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", jet2->GetFirstMother(),jet2->GetStatusCode(),jet2->Pt(),jet2->Energy(),jet2->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),jet2->Eta()); //Int_t first = tmp->GetFirstDaughter(); //Int_t last = tmp->GetLastDaughter(); //printf("jet 2: first daughter %d, last daughter %d, pdg %d\n",first, last, tmp->GetPdgCode()); // for(Int_t d = first ; d < last+1; d++){ // tmp = stack->Particle(d); // if(i == tmp->GetFirstMother()) // printf("Daughter n %d, Mother %d, name %s, status %d, pT %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", // d,tmp->GetFirstMother(), tmp->GetName(), tmp->GetStatusCode(),tmp->Pt(),tmp->Energy(),tmp->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),tmp->Eta()); // } //tmp->Print(); }//not photon }//Herwig generated jets } return fJetsList; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TLorentzVector AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetDaughter(Int_t idaugh, Int_t label, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Int_t & pdg, Int_t & status, Bool_t & ok, Int_t & daughlabel) { //Return the kinematics of the particle that generated the signal, its pdg and its status and its label mother TLorentzVector daughter(0,0,0,0); if(reader->ReadStack()) { if(!reader->GetStack()) { if (fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetDaughter() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return daughter; } Int_t nprimaries = reader->GetStack()->GetNtrack(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { TParticle * momP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(label); daughlabel = momP->GetDaughter(idaugh); if(daughlabel < 0 || daughlabel >= nprimaries) { ok = kFALSE; return daughter; } TParticle * daughP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(daughlabel); daughP->Momentum(daughter); pdg = daughP->GetPdgCode(); status = daughP->GetStatusCode(); } else { ok = kFALSE; return daughter; } } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { TClonesArray* mcparticles = reader->GetAODMCParticles(); if(!mcparticles) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetDaughter() - AODMCParticles is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return daughter; } Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { AliAODMCParticle * momP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); daughlabel = momP->GetDaughter(idaugh); if(daughlabel < 0 || daughlabel >= nprimaries) { ok = kFALSE; return daughter; } AliAODMCParticle * daughP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(daughlabel); daughter.SetPxPyPzE(daughP->Px(),daughP->Py(),daughP->Pz(),daughP->E()); pdg = daughP->GetPdgCode(); status = daughP->GetStatus(); } else { ok = kFALSE; return daughter; } } ok = kTRUE; return daughter; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________________ TLorentzVector AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMother(Int_t label, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Bool_t & ok) { //Return the kinematics of the particle that generated the signal Int_t pdg = -1; Int_t status = -1; Int_t momlabel = -1; return GetMother(label,reader,pdg,status, ok,momlabel); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________ TLorentzVector AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMother(Int_t label, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Int_t & pdg, Int_t & status, Bool_t & ok) { //Return the kinematics of the particle that generated the signal Int_t momlabel = -1; return GetMother(label,reader,pdg,status, ok,momlabel); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________________ TLorentzVector AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMother(Int_t label, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Int_t & pdg, Int_t & status, Bool_t & ok, Int_t & momlabel) { //Return the kinematics of the particle that generated the signal, its pdg and its status and its label mother TLorentzVector mom(0,0,0,0); if(reader->ReadStack()) { if(!reader->GetStack()) { if (fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMother() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return mom; } if(label >= 0 && label < reader->GetStack()->GetNtrack()) { TParticle * momP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(label); momP->Momentum(mom); pdg = momP->GetPdgCode(); status = momP->GetStatusCode(); momlabel = momP->GetFirstMother(); } else { ok = kFALSE; return mom; } } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { TClonesArray* mcparticles = reader->GetAODMCParticles(); if(!mcparticles) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMother() - AODMCParticles is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return mom; } Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { AliAODMCParticle * momP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); mom.SetPxPyPzE(momP->Px(),momP->Py(),momP->Pz(),momP->E()); pdg = momP->GetPdgCode(); status = momP->GetStatus(); momlabel = momP->GetMother(); } else { ok = kFALSE; return mom; } } ok = kTRUE; return mom; } //___________________________________________________________________________________ TLorentzVector AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMotherWithPDG(Int_t label, Int_t pdg, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Bool_t & ok, Int_t & momlabel) { //Return the kinematics of the particle that generated the signal TLorentzVector grandmom(0,0,0,0); if(reader->ReadStack()) { if(!reader->GetStack()) { if (fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMotherWithPDG() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); ok = kFALSE; return grandmom; } if(label >= 0 && label < reader->GetStack()->GetNtrack()) { TParticle * momP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(label); Int_t grandmomLabel = momP->GetFirstMother(); Int_t grandmomPDG = -1; TParticle * grandmomP = 0x0; while (grandmomLabel >=0 ) { grandmomP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(grandmomLabel); grandmomPDG = grandmomP->GetPdgCode(); if(grandmomPDG==pdg) { momlabel = grandmomLabel; grandmom.SetPxPyPzE(grandmomP->Px(),grandmomP->Py(),grandmomP->Pz(),grandmomP->Energy()); break; } grandmomLabel = grandmomP->GetFirstMother(); } if(grandmomPDG!=pdg) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMotherWithPDG(ESD) - mother with PDG %d, not found! \n",pdg); } } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { TClonesArray* mcparticles = reader->GetAODMCParticles(); if(!mcparticles) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMotherWithPDG() - AODMCParticles is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return grandmom; } Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { AliAODMCParticle * momP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); Int_t grandmomLabel = momP->GetMother(); Int_t grandmomPDG = -1; AliAODMCParticle * grandmomP = 0x0; while (grandmomLabel >=0 ) { grandmomP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(grandmomLabel); grandmomPDG = grandmomP->GetPdgCode(); if(grandmomPDG==pdg) { //printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMotherWithPDG(AOD) - mother with PDG %d FOUND! \n",pdg); momlabel = grandmomLabel; grandmom.SetPxPyPzE(grandmomP->Px(),grandmomP->Py(),grandmomP->Pz(),grandmomP->E()); break; } grandmomLabel = grandmomP->GetMother(); } if(grandmomPDG!=pdg) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMotherWithPDG(AOD) - mother with PDG %d, NOT found! \n",pdg); } } ok = kTRUE; return grandmom; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ TLorentzVector AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetGrandMother(Int_t label, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Int_t & pdg, Int_t & status, Bool_t & ok, Int_t & grandMomLabel, Int_t & greatMomLabel) { //Return the kinematics of the particle that generated the signal TLorentzVector grandmom(0,0,0,0); if(reader->ReadStack()) { if(!reader->GetStack()) { if (fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetGrandMother() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); ok = kFALSE; return grandmom; } if(label >= 0 && label < reader->GetStack()->GetNtrack()) { TParticle * momP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(label); grandMomLabel = momP->GetFirstMother(); TParticle * grandmomP = 0x0; if (grandMomLabel >=0 ) { grandmomP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(grandMomLabel); pdg = grandmomP->GetPdgCode(); status = grandmomP->GetStatusCode(); grandmom.SetPxPyPzE(grandmomP->Px(),grandmomP->Py(),grandmomP->Pz(),grandmomP->Energy()); greatMomLabel = grandmomP->GetFirstMother(); } } } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { TClonesArray* mcparticles = reader->GetAODMCParticles(); if(!mcparticles) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetGrandMother() - AODMCParticles is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return grandmom; } Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { AliAODMCParticle * momP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); grandMomLabel = momP->GetMother(); AliAODMCParticle * grandmomP = 0x0; if(grandMomLabel >=0 ) { grandmomP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(grandMomLabel); pdg = grandmomP->GetPdgCode(); status = grandmomP->GetStatus(); grandmom.SetPxPyPzE(grandmomP->Px(),grandmomP->Py(),grandmomP->Pz(),grandmomP->E()); greatMomLabel = grandmomP->GetMother(); } } } ok = kTRUE; return grandmom; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMCDecayAsymmetryAngleForPDG(Int_t label, Int_t pdg, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Float_t & asym, Float_t & angle, Bool_t & ok) { //In case of an eta or pi0 decay into 2 photons, get the asymmetry in the energy of the photons if(reader->ReadStack()) { if(!reader->GetStack()) { if (fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMCDecayAsymmetryForPDG() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); ok = kFALSE; } if(label >= 0 && label < reader->GetStack()->GetNtrack()) { TParticle * momP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(label); Int_t grandmomLabel = momP->GetFirstMother(); Int_t grandmomPDG = -1; TParticle * grandmomP = 0x0; while (grandmomLabel >=0 ) { grandmomP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(grandmomLabel); grandmomPDG = grandmomP->GetPdgCode(); if(grandmomPDG==pdg) break; grandmomLabel = grandmomP->GetFirstMother(); } if(grandmomPDG==pdg && grandmomP->GetNDaughters()==2) { TParticle * d1 = reader->GetStack()->Particle(grandmomP->GetDaughter(0)); TParticle * d2 = reader->GetStack()->Particle(grandmomP->GetDaughter(1)); if(d1->GetPdgCode() == 22 && d1->GetPdgCode() == 22) { asym = (d1->Energy()-d2->Energy())/grandmomP->Energy(); TLorentzVector lvd1, lvd2; d1->Momentum(lvd1); d2->Momentum(lvd2); angle = lvd1.Angle(lvd2.Vect()); } } else { ok=kFALSE; printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMCDecayAsymmetryForPDG(ESD) - mother with PDG %d, not found! \n",pdg); } } // good label } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { TClonesArray* mcparticles = reader->GetAODMCParticles(); if(!mcparticles) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMCDecayAsymmetryForPDG() - AODMCParticles is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return; } Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { AliAODMCParticle * momP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); Int_t grandmomLabel = momP->GetMother(); Int_t grandmomPDG = -1; AliAODMCParticle * grandmomP = 0x0; while (grandmomLabel >=0 ) { grandmomP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(grandmomLabel); grandmomPDG = grandmomP->GetPdgCode(); if(grandmomPDG==pdg) break; grandmomLabel = grandmomP->GetMother(); } if(grandmomPDG==pdg && grandmomP->GetNDaughters()==2) { AliAODMCParticle * d1 = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(grandmomP->GetDaughter(0)); AliAODMCParticle * d2 = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(grandmomP->GetDaughter(1)); if(d1->GetPdgCode() == 22 && d1->GetPdgCode() == 22) { asym = (d1->E()-d2->E())/grandmomP->E(); TLorentzVector lvd1, lvd2; lvd1.SetPxPyPzE(d1->Px(),d1->Py(),d1->Pz(),d1->E()); lvd2.SetPxPyPzE(d2->Px(),d2->Py(),d2->Pz(),d2->E()); angle = lvd1.Angle(lvd2.Vect()); } } else { ok=kFALSE; printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetMCDecayAsymmetryForPDG(AOD) - mother with PDG %d, not found! \n",pdg); } } // good label } ok = kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetNDaughters(Int_t label, const AliCaloTrackReader* reader, Bool_t & ok) { // Return the the number of daughters of a given MC particle if(reader->ReadStack()) { if(!reader->GetStack()) { if (fDebug >=0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetNDaughters() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return -1; } if(label >= 0 && label < reader->GetStack()->GetNtrack()) { TParticle * momP = reader->GetStack()->Particle(label); ok=kTRUE; return momP->GetNDaughters(); } else { ok = kFALSE; return -1; } } else if(reader->ReadAODMCParticles()) { TClonesArray* mcparticles = reader->GetAODMCParticles(); if(!mcparticles) { if(fDebug >= 0) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetNDaughters() - AODMCParticles is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file!!\n"); ok=kFALSE; return -1; } Int_t nprimaries = mcparticles->GetEntriesFast(); if(label >= 0 && label < nprimaries) { AliAODMCParticle * momP = (AliAODMCParticle *) mcparticles->At(label); ok = kTRUE; return momP->GetNDaughters(); } else { ok = kFALSE; return -1; } } ok = kFALSE; return -1; } //_________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetNOverlaps(const Int_t * label, UInt_t nlabels, Int_t mctag, Int_t mesonLabel, AliCaloTrackReader * reader, Int_t *overpdg) { // Compare the primary depositing more energy with the rest, // if no photon/electron (conversion) or neutral meson as comon ancestor, consider it as other particle contributing // Give as input the meson label in case it was a pi0 or eta merged cluster // Init overpdg with nlabels Int_t ancPDG = 0, ancStatus = -1; TLorentzVector momentum; TVector3 prodVertex; Int_t ancLabel = 0; Int_t noverlaps = 0; Bool_t ok = kFALSE; for (UInt_t ilab = 1; ilab < nlabels; ilab++ ) { ancLabel = CheckCommonAncestor(label[0],label[ilab],reader,ancPDG,ancStatus,momentum,prodVertex); //printf("Overlaps, i %d: Main Label %d, second label %d, ancestor: Label %d, pdg %d - tag %d \n", // ilab,label[0],label[ilab],ancLabel,ancPDG, mctag); Bool_t overlap = kFALSE; if ( ancLabel < 0 ) { overlap = kTRUE; //printf("\t \t \t No Label = %d\n",ancLabel); } else if( ( ancPDG==111 || ancPDG==221 ) && ( CheckTagBit(mctag,kMCPi0) || CheckTagBit(mctag,kMCEta)) && mesonLabel != ancLabel) { //printf("\t \t meson Label %d, ancestor Label %d\n",mesonLabel,ancLabel); overlap = kTRUE; } else if( ancPDG!=22 && TMath::Abs(ancPDG)!=11 && ancPDG != 111 && ancPDG != 221 ) { //printf("\t \t \t Non EM PDG = %d\n",ancPDG); overlap = kTRUE ; } if( !overlap ) continue ; // We have at least one overlap //printf("Overlap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); noverlaps++; // What is the origin of the overlap? Bool_t mOK = 0, gOK = 0; Int_t mpdg = -999999, gpdg = -1; Int_t mstatus = -1, gstatus = -1; Int_t gLabel = -1, ggLabel = -1; TLorentzVector mother = GetMother (label[ilab],reader,mpdg,mstatus,mOK); TLorentzVector grandmother = GetGrandMother(label[ilab],reader,gpdg,gstatus,gOK, gLabel,ggLabel); //printf("\t Overlap!, mother pdg %d; grand mother pdg %d",mpdg,gpdg); if( ( mpdg == 22 || TMath::Abs(mpdg==11) ) && ( gpdg == 22 || TMath::Abs(gpdg==11) ) && gLabel >=0 ) { Int_t labeltmp = gLabel; while( ( gpdg == 22 || TMath::Abs(gpdg==11) ) && gLabel >=0 ) { mpdg=gpdg; grandmother = GetGrandMother(labeltmp,reader,gpdg,gstatus,ok, gLabel,ggLabel); labeltmp=gLabel; } } overpdg[noverlaps-1] = mpdg; } return noverlaps ; } //________________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::Print(const Option_t * opt) const { //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis if(! opt) return; printf("***** Print: %s %s ******\n", GetName(), GetTitle() ) ; printf("Debug level = %d\n",fDebug); printf("MC Generator = %s\n",fMCGenerator.Data()); printf(" \n"); } //__________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::PrintMCTag(Int_t tag) const { // print the assigned origins to this particle printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::PrintMCTag() - tag %d \n photon %d, conv %d, prompt %d, frag %d, isr %d, \n pi0 decay %d, eta decay %d, other decay %d pi0 %d, eta %d \n electron %d, muon %d,pion %d, proton %d, neutron %d, \n kaon %d, a-proton %d, a-neutron %d, unk %d, bad %d\n", tag, CheckTagBit(tag,kMCPhoton), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCConversion), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCPrompt), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCFragmentation), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCISR), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCPi0Decay), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCEtaDecay), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCOtherDecay), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCPi0), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCEta), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCElectron), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCMuon), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCPion), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCProton), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCAntiNeutron), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCKaon), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCAntiProton), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCAntiNeutron), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCUnknown), CheckTagBit(tag,kMCBadLabel) ); }