// $Id$ // // Emcal base analysis task. // // Author: S.Aiola, M. Verweij #include "AliAnalysisTaskEmcal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliCentrality.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliEmcalParticle.h" #include "AliEventplane.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" #include "AliVCluster.h" #include "AliVEventHandler.h" #include "AliVParticle.h" #include "AliVCaloTrigger.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliAnalysisUtils.h" #include "AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo.h" #include "AliParticleContainer.h" #include "AliClusterContainer.h" ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskEmcal) //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::AliAnalysisTaskEmcal() : AliAnalysisTaskSE("AliAnalysisTaskEmcal"), fForceBeamType(kNA), fGeneralHistograms(kFALSE), fInitialized(kFALSE), fCreateHisto(kTRUE), fCaloCellsName(), fCaloTriggersName(), fCaloTriggerPatchInfoName(), fMinCent(-999), fMaxCent(-999), fMinVz(-999), fMaxVz(-999), fTrackPtCut(0), fMinNTrack(0), fUseAliAnaUtils(kFALSE), fAliAnalysisUtils(0x0), fOffTrigger(AliVEvent::kAny), fTrigClass(), fTriggerTypeSel(kND), fNbins(500), fMinBinPt(0), fMaxBinPt(250), fMinPtTrackInEmcal(0), fEventPlaneVsEmcal(-1), fMinEventPlane(-1e6), fMaxEventPlane(1e6), fCentEst("V0M"), fIsEmbedded(kFALSE), fIsPythia(kFALSE), fSelectPtHardBin(-999), fMinMCLabel(0), fMCLabelShift(0), fNcentBins(4), fNeedEmcalGeom(kTRUE), fGeom(0), fTracks(0), fCaloClusters(0), fCaloCells(0), fCaloTriggers(0), fTriggerPatchInfo(0), fCent(0), fCentBin(-1), fEPV0(-1.0), fEPV0A(-1.0), fEPV0C(-1.0), fNVertCont(0), fBeamType(kNA), fPythiaHeader(0), fPtHard(0), fPtHardBin(0), fNTrials(0), fXsection(0), fParticleCollArray(), fClusterCollArray(), fMainTriggerPatch(0x0), fTriggerType(kND), fOutput(0), fHistTrialsAfterSel(0), fHistEventsAfterSel(0), fHistXsectionAfterSel(0), fHistTrials(0), fHistEvents(0), fHistXsection(0), fHistPtHard(0), fHistCentrality(0), fHistZVertex(0), fHistEventPlane(0), fHistEventRejection(0) { // Default constructor. fVertex[0] = 0; fVertex[1] = 0; fVertex[2] = 0; fParticleCollArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); fClusterCollArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::AliAnalysisTaskEmcal(const char *name, Bool_t histo) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fForceBeamType(kNA), fGeneralHistograms(kFALSE), fInitialized(kFALSE), fCreateHisto(histo), fCaloCellsName(), fCaloTriggersName(), fCaloTriggerPatchInfoName(), fMinCent(-999), fMaxCent(-999), fMinVz(-999), fMaxVz(-999), fTrackPtCut(0), fMinNTrack(0), fUseAliAnaUtils(kFALSE), fAliAnalysisUtils(0x0), fOffTrigger(AliVEvent::kAny), fTrigClass(), fTriggerTypeSel(kND), fNbins(500), fMinBinPt(0), fMaxBinPt(250), fMinPtTrackInEmcal(0), fEventPlaneVsEmcal(-1), fMinEventPlane(-1e6), fMaxEventPlane(1e6), fCentEst("V0M"), fIsEmbedded(kFALSE), fIsPythia(kFALSE), fSelectPtHardBin(-999), fMinMCLabel(0), fMCLabelShift(0), fNcentBins(4), fNeedEmcalGeom(kTRUE), fGeom(0), fTracks(0), fCaloClusters(0), fCaloCells(0), fCaloTriggers(0), fTriggerPatchInfo(0), fCent(0), fCentBin(-1), fEPV0(-1.0), fEPV0A(-1.0), fEPV0C(-1.0), fNVertCont(0), fBeamType(kNA), fPythiaHeader(0), fPtHard(0), fPtHardBin(0), fNTrials(0), fXsection(0), fParticleCollArray(), fClusterCollArray(), fMainTriggerPatch(0x0), fTriggerType(kND), fOutput(0), fHistTrialsAfterSel(0), fHistEventsAfterSel(0), fHistXsectionAfterSel(0), fHistTrials(0), fHistEvents(0), fHistXsection(0), fHistPtHard(0), fHistCentrality(0), fHistZVertex(0), fHistEventPlane(0), fHistEventRejection(0) { // Standard constructor. fVertex[0] = 0; fVertex[1] = 0; fVertex[2] = 0; fParticleCollArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); fClusterCollArray.SetOwner(kTRUE); if (fCreateHisto) { DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } } //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::~AliAnalysisTaskEmcal() { // Destructor } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::SetClusPtCut(Double_t cut, Int_t c) { AliClusterContainer *cont = GetClusterContainer(c); if (cont) cont->SetClusPtCut(cut); else AliError(Form("%s in SetClusPtCut(...): container %d not found",GetName(),c)); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::SetClusTimeCut(Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t c) { AliClusterContainer *cont = GetClusterContainer(c); if (cont) cont->SetClusTimeCut(min,max); else AliError(Form("%s in SetClusTimeCut(...): container %d not found",GetName(),c)); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::SetTrackPtCut(Double_t cut, Int_t c) { AliParticleContainer *cont = GetParticleContainer(c); if (cont) cont->SetParticlePtCut(cut); else AliError(Form("%s in SetTrackPtCut(...): container %d not found",GetName(),c)); fTrackPtCut = cut; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::SetTrackEtaLimits(Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t c) { AliParticleContainer *cont = GetParticleContainer(c); if (cont) cont->SetParticleEtaLimits(min,max); else AliError(Form("%s in SetTrackPtCut(...): container %d not found",GetName(),c)); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::SetTrackPhiLimits(Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t c) { AliParticleContainer *cont = GetParticleContainer(c); if (cont) cont->SetParticlePhiLimits(min,max); else AliError(Form("%s in SetTrackPhiLimits(...): container %d not found",GetName(),c)); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create user output. if (!fCreateHisto) return; OpenFile(1); fOutput = new TList(); fOutput->SetOwner(); if (fForceBeamType == kpp) fNcentBins = 1; if (!fGeneralHistograms) return; if (fIsPythia) { fHistTrialsAfterSel = new TH1F("fHistTrialsAfterSel", "fHistTrialsAfterSel", 11, 0, 11); fHistTrialsAfterSel->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} hard bin"); fHistTrialsAfterSel->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("trials"); fOutput->Add(fHistTrialsAfterSel); fHistEventsAfterSel = new TH1F("fHistEventsAfterSel", "fHistEventsAfterSel", 11, 0, 11); fHistEventsAfterSel->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} hard bin"); fHistEventsAfterSel->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("total events"); fOutput->Add(fHistEventsAfterSel); fHistXsectionAfterSel = new TProfile("fHistXsectionAfterSel", "fHistXsectionAfterSel", 11, 0, 11); fHistXsectionAfterSel->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} hard bin"); fHistXsectionAfterSel->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("xsection"); fOutput->Add(fHistXsectionAfterSel); fHistTrials = new TH1F("fHistTrials", "fHistTrials", 11, 0, 11); fHistTrials->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} hard bin"); fHistTrials->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("trials"); fOutput->Add(fHistTrials); fHistEvents = new TH1F("fHistEvents", "fHistEvents", 11, 0, 11); fHistEvents->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} hard bin"); fHistEvents->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("total events"); fOutput->Add(fHistEvents); fHistXsection = new TProfile("fHistXsection", "fHistXsection", 11, 0, 11); fHistXsection->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} hard bin"); fHistXsection->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("xsection"); fOutput->Add(fHistXsection); const Int_t ptHardLo[11] = { 0, 5,11,21,36,57, 84,117,152,191,234}; const Int_t ptHardHi[11] = { 5,11,21,36,57,84,117,152,191,234,1000000}; for (Int_t i = 1; i < 12; i++) { fHistTrialsAfterSel->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, Form("%d-%d",ptHardLo[i-1],ptHardHi[i-1])); fHistEventsAfterSel->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, Form("%d-%d",ptHardLo[i-1],ptHardHi[i-1])); fHistTrials->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, Form("%d-%d",ptHardLo[i-1],ptHardHi[i-1])); fHistXsection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, Form("%d-%d",ptHardLo[i-1],ptHardHi[i-1])); fHistEvents->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, Form("%d-%d",ptHardLo[i-1],ptHardHi[i-1])); } fHistPtHard = new TH1F("fHistPtHard", "fHistPtHard", fNbins*2, fMinBinPt, fMaxBinPt*4); fHistPtHard->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T,hard} (GeV/c)"); fHistPtHard->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistPtHard); } fHistCentrality = new TH1F("fHistCentrality","Event centrality distribution", 200, 0, 100); fHistCentrality->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Centrality (%)"); fHistCentrality->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistCentrality); fHistZVertex = new TH1F("fHistZVertex","Z vertex position", 60, -30, 30); fHistZVertex->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z"); fHistZVertex->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistZVertex); fHistEventPlane = new TH1F("fHistEventPlane","Event plane", 120, -TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi()); fHistEventPlane->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("event plane"); fHistEventPlane->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistEventPlane); fHistEventRejection = new TH1I("fHistEventRejection","Reasons to reject event",20,0,20); fHistEventRejection->Fill("PhysSel",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("trigger",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("trigTypeSel",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("Cent",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("vertex contr.",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("Vz",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("trackInEmcal",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("minNTrack",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("VtxSel2013pA",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("PileUp",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("EvtPlane",0); fHistEventRejection->Fill("SelPtHardBin",0); fHistEventRejection->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("counts"); fOutput->Add(fHistEventRejection); PostData(1, fOutput); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::FillGeneralHistograms() { if (fIsPythia) { fHistEventsAfterSel->Fill(fPtHardBin, 1); fHistTrialsAfterSel->Fill(fPtHardBin, fNTrials); fHistXsectionAfterSel->Fill(fPtHardBin, fXsection); fHistPtHard->Fill(fPtHard); } fHistCentrality->Fill(fCent); fHistZVertex->Fill(fVertex[2]); fHistEventPlane->Fill(fEPV0); return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop, called for each event. fMainTriggerPatch = NULL; if (!fInitialized) ExecOnce(); if (!fInitialized) return; if (!RetrieveEventObjects()) return; if (!IsEventSelected()) return; if (fGeneralHistograms && fCreateHisto) { if (!FillGeneralHistograms()) return; } if (!Run()) return; if (fCreateHisto) { if (!FillHistograms()) return; } if (fCreateHisto && fOutput) { // information for this iteration of the UserExec in the container PostData(1, fOutput); } } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::AcceptCluster(AliVCluster *clus, Int_t c) const { // Return true if cluster is accepted. if (!clus) return kFALSE; AliClusterContainer *cont = GetClusterContainer(c); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s:Container %d not found",GetName(),c)); return 0; } return cont->AcceptCluster(clus); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::AcceptTrack(AliVParticle *track, Int_t c) const { // Return true if track is accepted. if (!track) return kFALSE; AliParticleContainer *cont = GetParticleContainer(c); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s:Container %d not found",GetName(),c)); return 0; } return cont->AcceptParticle(track); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::PythiaInfoFromFile(const char* currFile, Float_t &fXsec, Float_t &fTrials, Int_t &pthard) { // // Get the cross section and the trails either from pyxsec.root or from pysec_hists.root // Get the pt hard bin from the file path // This is to called in Notify and should provide the path to the AOD/ESD file // (Partially copied from AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks) TString file(currFile); fXsec = 0; fTrials = 1; if (file.Contains(".zip#")) { Ssiz_t pos1 = file.Index("root_archive",12,0,TString::kExact); Ssiz_t pos = file.Index("#",1,pos1,TString::kExact); Ssiz_t pos2 = file.Index(".root",5,TString::kExact); file.Replace(pos+1,pos2-pos1,""); } else { // not an archive take the basename.... file.ReplaceAll(gSystem->BaseName(file.Data()),""); } AliDebug(1,Form("File name: %s",file.Data())); // Get the pt hard bin TString strPthard(file); strPthard.Remove(strPthard.Last('/')); strPthard.Remove(strPthard.Last('/')); if (strPthard.Contains("AOD")) strPthard.Remove(strPthard.Last('/')); strPthard.Remove(0,strPthard.Last('/')+1); if (strPthard.IsDec()) pthard = strPthard.Atoi(); else AliWarning(Form("Could not extract file number from path %s", strPthard.Data())); // problem that we cannot really test the existance of a file in a archive so we have to live with open error message from root TFile *fxsec = TFile::Open(Form("%s%s",file.Data(),"pyxsec.root")); if (!fxsec) { // next trial fetch the histgram file fxsec = TFile::Open(Form("%s%s",file.Data(),"pyxsec_hists.root")); if (!fxsec) { // not a severe condition but inciate that we have no information return kFALSE; } else { // find the tlist we want to be independtent of the name so use the Tkey TKey* key = (TKey*)fxsec->GetListOfKeys()->At(0); if (!key) { fxsec->Close(); return kFALSE; } TList *list = dynamic_cast(key->ReadObj()); if (!list) { fxsec->Close(); return kFALSE; } fXsec = ((TProfile*)list->FindObject("h1Xsec"))->GetBinContent(1); fTrials = ((TH1F*)list->FindObject("h1Trials"))->GetBinContent(1); fxsec->Close(); } } else { // no tree pyxsec.root TTree *xtree = (TTree*)fxsec->Get("Xsection"); if (!xtree) { fxsec->Close(); return kFALSE; } UInt_t ntrials = 0; Double_t xsection = 0; xtree->SetBranchAddress("xsection",&xsection); xtree->SetBranchAddress("ntrials",&ntrials); xtree->GetEntry(0); fTrials = ntrials; fXsec = xsection; fxsec->Close(); } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::UserNotify() { // Called when file changes. if (!fIsPythia || !fGeneralHistograms || !fCreateHisto) return kTRUE; TTree *tree = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetTree(); if (!tree) { AliError(Form("%s - UserNotify: No current tree!",GetName())); return kFALSE; } Float_t xsection = 0; Float_t trials = 0; Int_t pthardbin = 0; TFile *curfile = tree->GetCurrentFile(); if (!curfile) { AliError(Form("%s - UserNotify: No current file!",GetName())); return kFALSE; } TChain *chain = dynamic_cast(tree); if (chain) tree = chain->GetTree(); Int_t nevents = tree->GetEntriesFast(); PythiaInfoFromFile(curfile->GetName(), xsection, trials, pthardbin); // TODO: Workaround if ((pthardbin < 0) || (pthardbin > 10)) pthardbin = 0; fHistTrials->Fill(pthardbin, trials); fHistXsection->Fill(pthardbin, xsection); fHistEvents->Fill(pthardbin, nevents); return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::ExecOnce() { // Init the analysis. if (!InputEvent()) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve event! Returning!", GetName())); return; } if (fNeedEmcalGeom) { fGeom = AliEMCALGeometry::GetInstance(); if (!fGeom) { AliError(Form("%s: Can not create geometry", GetName())); return; } } if (fEventPlaneVsEmcal >= 0) { if (fGeom) { Double_t ep = (fGeom->GetArm1PhiMax() + fGeom->GetArm1PhiMin()) / 2 * TMath::DegToRad() + fEventPlaneVsEmcal - TMath::Pi(); fMinEventPlane = ep - TMath::Pi() / 4; fMaxEventPlane = ep + TMath::Pi() / 4; } else { AliWarning("Could not set event plane limits because EMCal geometry was not loaded!"); } } //Load all requested track branches - each container knows name already for (Int_t i =0; i(fParticleCollArray.At(i)); cont->SetArray(InputEvent()); } if (fParticleCollArray.GetEntriesFast()>0) { fTracks = GetParticleArray(0); if (!fTracks) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve first track branch!", GetName())); return; } } //Load all requested cluster branches - each container knows name already for (Int_t i =0; i(fClusterCollArray.At(i)); cont->SetArray(InputEvent()); } if (fClusterCollArray.GetEntriesFast()>0) { fCaloClusters = GetClusterArray(0); if (!fCaloClusters) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve first cluster branch!", GetName())); return; } } if (!fCaloCellsName.IsNull() && !fCaloCells) { fCaloCells = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()->FindListObject(fCaloCellsName)); if (!fCaloCells) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve cells %s!", GetName(), fCaloCellsName.Data())); return; } } if (!fCaloTriggersName.IsNull() && !fCaloTriggers) { fCaloTriggers = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()->FindListObject(fCaloTriggersName)); if (!fCaloTriggers) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve calo triggers %s!", GetName(), fCaloTriggersName.Data())); return; } } if (!fCaloTriggerPatchInfoName.IsNull() && !fTriggerPatchInfo) { fTriggerPatchInfo = GetArrayFromEvent(fCaloTriggerPatchInfoName.Data(),"AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo"); if (!fTriggerPatchInfo) { AliError(Form("%s: Could not retrieve calo trigger patch info %s!", GetName(), fCaloTriggerPatchInfoName.Data())); return; } } fInitialized = kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::BeamType AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetBeamType() { // Get beam type : pp-AA-pA // ESDs have it directly, AODs get it from hardcoded run number ranges if (fForceBeamType != kNA) return fForceBeamType; AliESDEvent *esd = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (esd) { const AliESDRun *run = esd->GetESDRun(); TString beamType = run->GetBeamType(); if (beamType == "p-p") return kpp; else if (beamType == "A-A") return kAA; else if (beamType == "p-A") return kpA; else return kNA; } else { Int_t runNumber = InputEvent()->GetRunNumber(); if ((runNumber >= 136851 && runNumber <= 139517) || // LHC10h (runNumber >= 166529 && runNumber <= 170593)) { // LHC11h return kAA; } else if ((runNumber>=188365 && runNumber <= 188366) || // LHC12g (runNumber >= 195344 && runNumber <= 196608)) { // LHC13b-f return kpA; } else { return kpp; } } } //_____________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::TriggerType AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetTriggerType() { // Get trigger type: kND, kJ1, kJ2 if (!fTriggerPatchInfo) return kND; //number of patches in event Int_t nPatch = fTriggerPatchInfo->GetEntries(); //loop over patches to define trigger type of event Int_t nJ1 = 0; Int_t nJ2 = 0; AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo *patch; for (Int_t iPatch = 0; iPatch < nPatch; iPatch++) { patch = (AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo*)fTriggerPatchInfo->At( iPatch ); if (patch->IsJetHigh()) nJ1++; if (patch->IsJetLow()) nJ2++; } if (nJ1>0) return kJ1; else if (nJ2>0) return kJ2; else return kND; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::IsEventSelected() { // Check if event is selected if (fOffTrigger != AliVEvent::kAny) { UInt_t res = 0; const AliESDEvent *eev = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (eev) { res = ((AliInputEventHandler*)(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()))->IsEventSelected(); } else { const AliAODEvent *aev = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (aev) { res = aev->GetHeader()->GetOfflineTrigger(); } } if ((res & fOffTrigger) == 0) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("PhysSel",1); return kFALSE; } } if (!fTrigClass.IsNull()) { TString fired; const AliESDEvent *eev = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (eev) { fired = eev->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); } else { const AliAODEvent *aev = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (aev) { fired = aev->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); } } if (!fired.Contains("-B-")) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("trigger",1); return kFALSE; } TObjArray *arr = fTrigClass.Tokenize("|"); if (!arr) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("trigger",1); return kFALSE; } Bool_t match = 0; for (Int_t i=0;iGetEntriesFast();++i) { TObject *obj = arr->At(i); if (!obj) continue; if (fired.Contains(obj->GetName())) { match = 1; break; } } delete arr; if (!match) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("trigger",1); return kFALSE; } } if (fTriggerTypeSel != kND) { if (fTriggerType != fTriggerTypeSel) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("trigTypeSel",1); return kFALSE; } } if ((fMinCent != -999) && (fMaxCent != -999)) { if (fCentfMaxCent) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("Cent",1); return kFALSE; } } if (fUseAliAnaUtils) { if (!fAliAnalysisUtils) fAliAnalysisUtils = new AliAnalysisUtils(); fAliAnalysisUtils->SetMinVtxContr(2); fAliAnalysisUtils->SetMaxVtxZ(999); if(fMinVz<-10.) fMinVz = -10.; if(fMinVz>10.) fMaxVz = 10.; if (!fAliAnalysisUtils->IsVertexSelected2013pA(InputEvent())) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("VtxSel2013pA",1); return kFALSE; } if (fAliAnalysisUtils->IsPileUpEvent(InputEvent())) { fHistEventRejection->Fill("PileUp",1); return kFALSE; } } if ((fMinVz != -999) && (fMaxVz != -999)) { if (fNVertCont == 0 ) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("vertex contr.",1); return kFALSE; } Double_t vz = fVertex[2]; if (vzfMaxVz) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("Vz",1); return kFALSE; } } if (fMinPtTrackInEmcal > 0 && fGeom) { Bool_t trackInEmcalOk = kFALSE; Int_t ntracks = GetNParticles(0); for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) { AliVParticle *track = GetAcceptParticleFromArray(i,0); if (!track) continue; Double_t phiMin = fGeom->GetArm1PhiMin() * TMath::DegToRad(); Double_t phiMax = fGeom->GetArm1PhiMax() * TMath::DegToRad(); Int_t runNumber = InputEvent()->GetRunNumber(); if (runNumber>=177295 && runNumber<=197470) { //small SM masked in 2012 and 2013 phiMin = 1.4; phiMax = TMath::Pi(); } if (track->Eta() < fGeom->GetArm1EtaMin() || track->Eta() > fGeom->GetArm1EtaMax() || track->Phi() < phiMin || track->Phi() > phiMax) continue; if (track->Pt() > fMinPtTrackInEmcal) { trackInEmcalOk = kTRUE; break; } } if (!trackInEmcalOk) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("trackInEmcal",1); return kFALSE; } } if (fMinNTrack > 0) { Int_t nTracksAcc = 0; Int_t ntracks = GetNParticles(0); for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) { AliVParticle *track = GetAcceptParticleFromArray(i,0); if (!track) continue; if (track->Pt() > fTrackPtCut) { nTracksAcc++; if (nTracksAcc>=fMinNTrack) break; } } if (nTracksAccFill("minNTrack",1); return kFALSE; } } if (!(fEPV0 > fMinEventPlane && fEPV0 <= fMaxEventPlane) && !(fEPV0 + TMath::Pi() > fMinEventPlane && fEPV0 + TMath::Pi() <= fMaxEventPlane) && !(fEPV0 - TMath::Pi() > fMinEventPlane && fEPV0 - TMath::Pi() <= fMaxEventPlane)) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("EvtPlane",1); return kFALSE; } if (fSelectPtHardBin != -999 && fSelectPtHardBin != fPtHardBin) { if (fGeneralHistograms) fHistEventRejection->Fill("SelPtHardBin",1); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray *AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetArrayFromEvent(const char *name, const char *clname) { // Get array from event. TClonesArray *arr = 0; TString sname(name); if (!sname.IsNull()) { arr = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()->FindListObject(sname)); if (!arr) { AliWarning(Form("%s: Could not retrieve array with name %s!", GetName(), name)); return 0; } } else { return 0; } if (!clname) return arr; TString objname(arr->GetClass()->GetName()); TClass cls(objname); if (!cls.InheritsFrom(clname)) { AliWarning(Form("%s: Objects of type %s in %s are not inherited from %s!", GetName(), cls.GetName(), name, clname)); return 0; } return arr; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::RetrieveEventObjects() { // Retrieve objects from event. fVertex[0] = 0; fVertex[1] = 0; fVertex[2] = 0; fNVertCont = 0; const AliVVertex *vert = InputEvent()->GetPrimaryVertex(); if (vert) { vert->GetXYZ(fVertex); fNVertCont = vert->GetNContributors(); } fBeamType = GetBeamType(); if (fBeamType == kAA || fBeamType == kpA ) { AliCentrality *aliCent = InputEvent()->GetCentrality(); if (aliCent) { fCent = aliCent->GetCentralityPercentile(fCentEst.Data()); if (fNcentBins==4) { if (fCent >= 0 && fCent < 10) fCentBin = 0; else if (fCent >= 10 && fCent < 30) fCentBin = 1; else if (fCent >= 30 && fCent < 50) fCentBin = 2; else if (fCent >= 50 && fCent <= 100) fCentBin = 3; else { AliWarning(Form("%s: Negative centrality: %f. Assuming 99", GetName(), fCent)); fCentBin = fNcentBins-1; } } else { Double_t centWidth = (fMaxCent-fMinCent)/(Double_t)fNcentBins; fCentBin = TMath::FloorNint(fCent/centWidth); if (fCentBin>=fNcentBins) { AliWarning(Form("%s: fCentBin too large: cent = %f fCentBin = %d. Assuming 99", GetName(),fCent,fCentBin)); fCentBin = fNcentBins-1; } } } else { AliWarning(Form("%s: Could not retrieve centrality information! Assuming 99", GetName())); fCentBin = 3; } AliEventplane *aliEP = InputEvent()->GetEventplane(); if (aliEP) { fEPV0 = aliEP->GetEventplane("V0" ,InputEvent()); fEPV0A = aliEP->GetEventplane("V0A",InputEvent()); fEPV0C = aliEP->GetEventplane("V0C",InputEvent()); } else { AliWarning(Form("%s: Could not retrieve event plane information!", GetName())); } } else { fCent = 99; fCentBin = 0; } if (fIsPythia) { if (MCEvent()) { fPythiaHeader = dynamic_cast(MCEvent()->GenEventHeader()); if (!fPythiaHeader) { // Check if AOD AliAODMCHeader* aodMCH = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()->FindListObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName())); if (aodMCH) { for (UInt_t i = 0;iGetNCocktailHeaders();i++) { fPythiaHeader = dynamic_cast(aodMCH->GetCocktailHeader(i)); if (fPythiaHeader) break; } } } } if (fPythiaHeader) { fPtHard = fPythiaHeader->GetPtHard(); const Int_t ptHardLo[11] = { 0, 5,11,21,36,57, 84,117,152,191,234}; const Int_t ptHardHi[11] = { 5,11,21,36,57,84,117,152,191,234,1000000}; for (fPtHardBin = 0; fPtHardBin < 11; fPtHardBin++) { if (fPtHard >= ptHardLo[fPtHardBin] && fPtHard < ptHardHi[fPtHardBin]) break; } fXsection = fPythiaHeader->GetXsection(); fNTrials = fPythiaHeader->Trials(); } } fTriggerType = GetTriggerType(); return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliParticleContainer* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::AddParticleContainer(const char *n) { // Add particle container // will be called in AddTask macro TString tmp = TString(n); if (tmp.IsNull()) return 0; AliParticleContainer *cont = 0x0; cont = new AliParticleContainer(); cont->SetArrayName(n); TString contName = cont->GetArrayName(); fParticleCollArray.Add(cont); return cont; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliClusterContainer* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::AddClusterContainer(const char *n) { // Add cluster container // will be called in AddTask macro TString tmp = TString(n); if (tmp.IsNull()) return 0; AliClusterContainer *cont = 0x0; cont = new AliClusterContainer(); cont->SetArrayName(n); fClusterCollArray.Add(cont); return cont; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliParticleContainer* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetParticleContainer(Int_t i) const { // Get i^th particle container if (i<0 || i>fParticleCollArray.GetEntriesFast()) return 0; AliParticleContainer *cont = static_cast(fParticleCollArray.At(i)); return cont; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliClusterContainer* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetClusterContainer(Int_t i) const { // Get i^th cluster container if (i<0 || i>fClusterCollArray.GetEntriesFast()) return 0; AliClusterContainer *cont = static_cast(fClusterCollArray.At(i)); return cont; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliParticleContainer* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetParticleContainer(const char *name) const { // Get particle container with name AliParticleContainer *cont = static_cast(fParticleCollArray.FindObject(name)); return cont; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliClusterContainer* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetClusterContainer(const char *name) const { // Get cluster container with name AliClusterContainer *cont = static_cast(fClusterCollArray.FindObject(name)); return cont; } //________________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetParticleArray(Int_t i) const { // Get i^th TClonesArray with AliVParticle AliParticleContainer *cont = GetParticleContainer(i); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s: Particle container %d not found",GetName(),i)); return 0; } TString contName = cont->GetArrayName(); return cont->GetArray(); } //________________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetClusterArray(Int_t i) const { // Get i^th TClonesArray with AliVCluster AliClusterContainer *cont = GetClusterContainer(i); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s:Cluster container %d not found",GetName(),i)); return 0; } return cont->GetArray(); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVParticle* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetAcceptParticleFromArray(Int_t p, Int_t c) const { // Get particle p if accepted from container c // If particle not accepted return 0 AliParticleContainer *cont = GetParticleContainer(c); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s: Particle container %d not found",GetName(),c)); return 0; } AliVParticle *vp = cont->GetAcceptParticle(p); return vp; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetAcceptClusterFromArray(Int_t cl, Int_t c) const { // Get particle p if accepted from container c // If particle not accepted return 0 AliClusterContainer *cont = GetClusterContainer(c); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s: Cluster container %d not found",GetName(),c)); return 0; } AliVCluster *vc = cont->GetAcceptCluster(cl); return vc; } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetNParticles(Int_t i) const { // Get number of entries in particle array i AliParticleContainer *cont = GetParticleContainer(i); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s: Particle container %d not found",GetName(),i)); return 0; } return cont->GetNEntries(); } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetNClusters(Int_t i) const { // Get number of entries in cluster array i AliClusterContainer *cont = GetClusterContainer(i); if (!cont) { AliError(Form("%s: Cluster container %d not found",GetName(),i)); return 0; } return cont->GetNEntries(); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GetMainTriggerPatch() { //get main trigger match; if not known yet, look for it and cache if (fMainTriggerPatch) return fMainTriggerPatch; if (!fTriggerPatchInfo) { AliError(Form("%s: fTriggerPatchInfo not available",GetName())); return 0; } //number of patches in event Int_t nPatch = fTriggerPatchInfo->GetEntries(); //extract main trigger patch AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo *patch; for (Int_t iPatch = 0; iPatch < nPatch; iPatch++) { patch = (AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo*)fTriggerPatchInfo->At( iPatch ); if (patch->IsMainTrigger()) { fMainTriggerPatch = patch; break; } } return fMainTriggerPatch; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::AddObjectToEvent(TObject *obj) { // Add object to event if (!(InputEvent()->FindListObject(obj->GetName()))) { InputEvent()->AddObject(obj); } else { AliFatal(Form("%s: Container with name %s already present. Aborting", GetName(), obj->GetName())); } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GenerateFixedBinArray(Int_t n, Double_t min, Double_t max, Double_t* array) const { Double_t binWidth = (max-min)/n; array[0] = min; for (Int_t i = 1; i <= n; i++) { array[i] = array[i-1]+binWidth; } } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t* AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::GenerateFixedBinArray(Int_t n, Double_t min, Double_t max) const { Double_t *array = new Double_t[n+1]; GenerateFixedBinArray(n, min, max, array); return array; }