// $Id$ // // Container with name, TClonesArray and cuts for particles // // Author: M. Verweij #include #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliClusterContainer.h" ClassImp(AliClusterContainer) //________________________________________________________________________ AliClusterContainer::AliClusterContainer(): AliEmcalContainer("AliClusterContainer"), fClusPtCut(0.15), fClusTimeCutLow(-10), fClusTimeCutUp(10), fClusterBitMap(0), fMCClusterBitMap(0), fMinMCLabel(0) { // Default constructor. fClassName = "AliVCluster"; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliClusterContainer::AliClusterContainer(const char *name): AliEmcalContainer(name), fClusPtCut(0.15), fClusTimeCutLow(-10), fClusTimeCutUp(10), fClusterBitMap(0), fMCClusterBitMap(0), fMinMCLabel(0) { // Standard constructor. fClassName = "AliVCluster"; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliClusterContainer::GetLeadingCluster(const char* opt) { // Get the leading cluster; use e if "e" is contained in opt (otherwise et) TString option(opt); option.ToLower(); Int_t tempID = fCurrentID; AliVCluster *clusterMax = GetNextAcceptCluster(0); AliVCluster *cluster = 0; if (option.Contains("e")) { while ((cluster = GetNextAcceptCluster())) { if (cluster->E() > clusterMax->E()) clusterMax = cluster; } } else { Double_t et = 0; Double_t etmax = 0; while ((cluster = GetNextAcceptCluster())) { TLorentzVector mom; cluster->GetMomentum(mom,const_cast(fVertex)); et = mom.Et(); if (et > etmax) { clusterMax = cluster; etmax = et; } } } fCurrentID = tempID; return clusterMax; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliClusterContainer::GetCluster(Int_t i) const { //Get i^th cluster in array if(i<0 || i>fClArray->GetEntriesFast()) return 0; AliVCluster *vp = static_cast(fClArray->At(i)); return vp; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliClusterContainer::GetAcceptCluster(Int_t i) const { //return pointer to cluster if cluster is accepted AliVCluster *vc = GetCluster(i); if(!vc) return 0; if(AcceptCluster(vc)) return vc; else { AliDebug(2,"Cluster not accepted."); return 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliClusterContainer::GetClusterWithLabel(Int_t lab) const { //Get particle with label lab in array Int_t i = GetIndexFromLabel(lab); return GetCluster(i); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliClusterContainer::GetAcceptClusterWithLabel(Int_t lab) const { //Get particle with label lab in array Int_t i = GetIndexFromLabel(lab); return GetAcceptCluster(i); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliClusterContainer::GetNextAcceptCluster(Int_t i) { //Get next accepted cluster; if i >= 0 (re)start counter from i; return 0 if no accepted cluster could be found if (i>=0) fCurrentID = i; const Int_t n = GetNEntries(); AliVCluster *c = 0; while (fCurrentID < n && !c) { c = GetAcceptCluster(fCurrentID); fCurrentID++; } return c; } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVCluster* AliClusterContainer::GetNextCluster(Int_t i) { //Get next cluster; if i >= 0 (re)start counter from i; return 0 if no cluster could be found if (i>=0) fCurrentID = i; const Int_t n = GetNEntries(); AliVCluster *c = 0; while (fCurrentID < n && !c) { c = GetCluster(fCurrentID); fCurrentID++; } return c; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliClusterContainer::GetMomentum(TLorentzVector &mom, Int_t i) const { //Get momentum of the i^th cluster in array AliVCluster *vc = GetCluster(i); if(vc) vc->GetMomentum(mom,const_cast(fVertex)); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliClusterContainer::AcceptCluster(AliVCluster *clus) const { // Return true if cluster is accepted. if (!clus) return kFALSE; if (!clus->IsEMCAL()) return kFALSE; if (clus->GetLabel() > fMinMCLabel) { if (clus->TestBits(fMCClusterBitMap) != (Int_t)fMCClusterBitMap) { AliDebug(2,"MC Cluster not accepted because of MC bit map."); return kFALSE; } } else { if (clus->TestBits(fClusterBitMap) != (Int_t)fClusterBitMap) { AliDebug(2,"Cluster not accepted because of bit map."); return kFALSE; } } if (clus->GetTOF() > fClusTimeCutUp || clus->GetTOF() < fClusTimeCutLow) return kFALSE; TLorentzVector nPart; clus->GetMomentum(nPart, const_cast(fVertex)); if (nPart.Et() < fClusPtCut) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliClusterContainer::SetClassName(const char *clname) { // Set the class name TClass cls(clname); if (cls.InheritsFrom("AliVCluster")) fClassName = clname; else AliError(Form("Unable to set class name %s for a AliClusterContainer, it must inherits from AliVCluster!",clname)); }