/* $Id$ */ // This helper macros creates a chain of ESD files for you. // Source can be either a text file with the file paths or // a directory. In the latter case all ESD files in all // subdirectories are considered. // // Author: Jan.Fiete.Grosse-Oetringhaus@cern.ch TChain* CreateESDChain( const char* aDataDir = "ESDfiles.txt", Int_t aRuns = 20, Int_t offset = 0, Bool_t addFileName = kFALSE, Bool_t addFriend = kFALSE, const char* check = 0 ) { // creates chain of files in a given directory or file containing a list. // In case of directory the structure is expected as: // //AliESDs.root // //AliESDs.root // ... // // if addFileName is true the list only needs to contain the directories that contain the AliESDs.root files // if addFriend is true a file AliESDfriends.root is expected in the same directory and added to the chain as friend // if check is != 0 the files that work are written back into the textfile with the name check if (!aDataDir) return 0; Long_t id, size, flags, modtime; if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(aDataDir, &id, &size, &flags, &modtime)) { printf("%s not found.\n", aDataDir); return 0; } TChain* chain = new TChain("esdTree"); TChain* chainFriend = 0; if (addFriend) chainFriend = new TChain("esdFriendTree"); if (flags & 2) { TString execDir(gSystem->pwd()); TSystemDirectory* baseDir = new TSystemDirectory(".", aDataDir); TList* dirList = baseDir->GetListOfFiles(); Int_t nDirs = dirList->GetEntries(); gSystem->cd(execDir); Int_t count = 0; for (Int_t iDir=0; iDirAt(iDir); if (!presentDir || !presentDir->IsDirectory() || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), ".") == 0 || strcmp(presentDir->GetName(), "..") == 0) continue; if (offset > 0) { --offset; continue; } if (count++ == aRuns) break; TString presentDirName(aDataDir); presentDirName += "/"; presentDirName += presentDir->GetName(); chain->Add(presentDirName + "/AliESDs.root/esdTree"); } } else { // Open the input stream ifstream in; in.open(aDataDir); ofstream outfile; if (check) outfile.open(check); Int_t count = 0; // Read the input list of files and add them to the chain TString line; while (in.good()) { in >> line; if (line.Length() == 0) continue; if (offset > 0) { offset--; continue; } if (count++ == aRuns) break; TString esdFile(line); if (addFileName) esdFile += "/AliESDs.root"; if (esdFile.EndsWith(".zip")) esdFile += "#AliESDs.root"; TString esdFileFriend(esdFile); esdFileFriend.ReplaceAll("AliESDs.root", "AliESDfriends.root"); if (check) { TFile* file = TFile::Open(esdFile); if (!file) continue; file->Close(); if (chainFriend) { TFile* file = TFile::Open(esdFileFriend); if (!file) continue; file->Close(); } outfile << line.Data() << endl; printf("%s\n", line.Data()); } // add esd file chain->Add(esdFile); // add file if (chainFriend) chainFriend->Add(esdFileFriend); } in.close(); if (check) outfile.close(); } if (chainFriend) chain->AddFriend(chainFriend); return chain; } void ChainToTextFile(TChain* chain, const char* target) { // write a text list of the files in the chain TObjArray* list = chain->GetListOfFiles(); TIterator* iter = list->MakeIterator(); TObject* obj = 0; ofstream outfile; outfile.open(target); while ((obj = iter->Next())) { TString fileName(obj->GetTitle()); outfile << fileName.Data() << endl; } outfile.close(); delete iter; } TObjArray* Chain2List(TChain* chain) { // returns a TObjArray of TObjStrings of the file names in the chain TObjArray* result = new TObjArray; for (Int_t i=0; iGetListOfFiles()->GetEntries(); i++) result->Add(new TObjString(chain->GetListOfFiles()->At(i)->GetTitle())); return result; } void LookupWrite(TChain* chain, const char* target) { // looks up the chain and writes the remaining files to the text file target chain->Lookup(); ChainToTextFile(chain, target); } TChain* CreateChain(const char* treeName, const char* aDataDir, Int_t aRuns, Int_t offset = 0) { // creates chain of files in a given directory or file containing a list. if (!treeName || !aDataDir) return 0; TChain* chain = new TChain(treeName); // Open the input stream ifstream in; in.open(aDataDir); Int_t count = 0; // Read the input list of files and add them to the chain TString line; while(in.good()) { in >> line; if (line.Length() == 0) continue; if (offset > 0) { --offset; continue; } if (count++ == aRuns) break; if (line.EndsWith(".zip")) line += "#AliESDs.root"; chain->Add(line); } in.close(); return chain; }