#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKVNV0_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKVNV0_H // ROOT includes #include #include #include "TTree.h" #include #include // AliRoot includes #include #include #include "AliFlowBayesianPID.h" #include "AliFlowVZEROResults.h" #include "AliFlowVZEROQA.h" class TH2F; class AliESDtrackCuts; class TProfile2D; class AliAnalysisTaskVnV0 : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskVnV0(); AliAnalysisTaskVnV0(const char *name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskVnV0(); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); Double_t GetVtxCut() { return fVtxCut; } Double_t GetEtaCut() { return fEtaCut; } Double_t GetMinPt() { return fMinPt; } virtual void SetVtxCut(Double_t vtxCut){fVtxCut = vtxCut;} virtual void SetEtaCut(Double_t etaCut){fEtaCut = etaCut;} virtual void SetMinPt(Double_t value) {fMinPt = value;} virtual void SetMinDistV0(Double_t value){fMinDistV0=value;} virtual void SetMaxDistV0(Double_t value){fMaxDistV0=value;} virtual void SetV2(Bool_t val){fV2 = val;}; virtual void SetV3(Bool_t val){fV3 = val;}; virtual void SetMC(Bool_t flag = kTRUE){fIsMC = flag;}; virtual void SetQA(Bool_t flag = kTRUE){fQAsw = flag;}; void OpenInfoCalbration(Int_t run); void SetFillDCAinfo(Bool_t flag=kTRUE){fFillDCA = flag;}; void SetModulationDEDx(Bool_t flag=kTRUE){fModulationDEDx=flag;}; void SetAfter2011(Bool_t stat=kTRUE){fIsAfter2011=stat;}; Bool_t GetAfter2011() const {return fIsAfter2011;}; void SetTPCclusterN(Int_t ncl){fNcluster=ncl;}; static Bool_t IsPsiComputed(){return fgIsPsiComputed;}; static Float_t GetPsi2V0A(){return fgPsi2v0a;}; static Float_t GetPsi2V0C(){return fgPsi2v0c;}; static Float_t GetPsi2TPC(){return fgPsi2tpc;}; static Float_t GetPsi3V0A(){return fgPsi3v0a;}; static Float_t GetPsi3V0C(){return fgPsi3v0c;}; static Float_t GetPsi3TPC(){return fgPsi3tpc;}; static Float_t GetPsi2V0AMC(){return fgPsi2v0aMC;}; static Float_t GetPsi2V0CMC(){return fgPsi2v0cMC;}; static Float_t GetPsi2TPCMC(){return fgPsi2tpcMC;}; static Float_t GetPsi3V0AMC(){return fgPsi3v0aMC;}; static Float_t GetPsi3V0CMC(){return fgPsi3v0cMC;}; static Float_t GetPsi3TPCMC(){return fgPsi3tpcMC;}; private: AliAnalysisTaskVnV0(const AliAnalysisTaskVnV0 &old); AliAnalysisTaskVnV0& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskVnV0 &source); Int_t PassesAODCuts(AliAODv0 *myV0, AliAODEvent *tAOD,Int_t specie); static Bool_t fgIsPsiComputed; // flag which return if event was processed static Float_t fgPsi2v0a,fgPsi2v0c,fgPsi2tpc; // current Psi2 static Float_t fgPsi3v0a,fgPsi3v0c,fgPsi3tpc; // current Psi3 static Float_t fgPsi2v0aMC,fgPsi2v0cMC,fgPsi2tpcMC; // current Psi2 static Float_t fgPsi3v0aMC,fgPsi3v0cMC,fgPsi3tpcMC; // current Psi3 virtual Float_t GetVertex(AliAODEvent* aod) const; virtual void Analyze(AliAODEvent* aodEvent, Float_t v0Centr); virtual void SelectK0s(); Double_t fVtxCut; // Vtx cut on z position in cm Double_t fEtaCut; // Eta cut used to select particles Double_t fMinPt; // Min pt - for histogram limits Double_t fMinDistV0; // Minimal distance for V0s Double_t fMaxDistV0; // Maximal distance for V0s Bool_t fV2; // switch to set the armonics Bool_t fV3; // switch to set the armonics Bool_t fIsMC; // if MC Bool_t fQAsw; // if QA Bool_t fIsAfter2011; // switch for 2011 and later runs static const Int_t nCentrBin = 9; //! # cenrality bins // // Cuts and options // Int_t fRun; //! current run checked to load VZERO calibrations Int_t fNcluster; // Numer of TPC cluster required TList *fList; //! List for output objects TList *fList2; //! List for output objects TList *fList3; //! List for output objects TList *fList4; //! List for output objects // // Output objects TProfile *fMultV0; //! object containing VZERO calibration information Float_t fV0Cpol; //! loaded by OADB Float_t fV0Apol; //! loaded by OADB Float_t fMeanQ[nCentrBin][2][2]; //! and recentering Float_t fWidthQ[nCentrBin][2][2]; //! ... Float_t fMeanQv3[nCentrBin][2][2]; //! also for v3 Float_t fWidthQv3[nCentrBin][2][2]; //! ... TProfile *fHResTPCv0A2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output) TProfile *fHResTPCv0C2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output) TProfile *fHResv0Cv0A2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output) TProfile *fHResTPCv0A3; //! also for v3 TProfile *fHResTPCv0C3; //! also for v3 TProfile *fHResv0Cv0A3; //! also for v3 TH2F *fPhiRPv0A; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v2) TH2F *fPhiRPv0C; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v2) TH2F *fPhiRPv0Av3; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v3) TH2F *fPhiRPv0Cv3; //! EP distribution vs. centrality (v3) AliFlowVZEROQA *fQA; //! QA histos (v2) AliFlowVZEROQA *fQA2; //! QA histos (v2) AliFlowVZEROQA *fQAv3; //! QA histos (v3) AliFlowVZEROQA *fQA2v3; //! QA histos (v3) AliFlowBayesianPID *fPID; //! PID class for the Bayesian probabilities TTree *fTree; //! tree to debug EP (if needed) Float_t fCentrality; //! current centrality for the tree Float_t evPlAngV0ACor2; //! subevent EPs (v2) Float_t evPlAngV0CCor2; //! subevent EPs (v2) Float_t evPlAng2; //! subevent EPs (v2) Float_t evPlAngV0ACor3; //! subevent EPs (v3) Float_t evPlAngV0CCor3; //! subevent EPs (v3) Float_t evPlAng3; //! subevent EPs (v3) AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesV0A; //! results AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesV0C; //! results AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesV0Av3; //! results AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesV0Cv3; //! results AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesMC; //! results // MC TProfile *fHResMA2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output) TProfile *fHResMC2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output) TProfile *fHResAC2; //! TProfile for subevent resolution (output) TProfile *fHResMA3; //! also for v3 TProfile *fHResMC3; //! also for v3 TProfile *fHResAC3; //! also for v3 AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesMCA; //! results AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesMCC; //! results AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesMCAv3; //! results AliFlowVZEROResults *fContAllChargesMCCv3; //! results Bool_t fFillDCA; // require to fill also DCA info TH2D *fHdcaPt[nCentrBin][7]; //! DCA distribution (for MC primary) TH2D *fHdcaPtSec[nCentrBin][7]; //! DCA distribution (for MC secondary, not used for data) AliFlowVZEROResults *fContQApid; //! QA pid object Bool_t fModulationDEDx; //add a modulation on the dE/dx response w.r.t. EP (kFALSE default) Float_t fZvtx; //! primary vertex z coordinate Int_t fNK0s; //! number of K0s in my private selection Float_t fPhiK0s[1000]; //! phi of K0s in my private selection Float_t fPtK0s[1000];//! pt of K0s in my private selection Int_t fNpiPos; //! number of positive pions for K0s selection Int_t fNpiNeg; //! number of negative pions for K0s selection Int_t fIPiPos[1000]; //! position in the AOD stack of positive pions for K0s Int_t fIPiNeg[1000]; //! position in the AOD stack of negative pions for K0s TH2D *fHKsPhi; //! Ks phi distribution TH2D *fHKsPhiEP; //! EP distribution TH2D *fHK0sMass; //! K0s mass vs. pt (private selection) TH2D *fHK0sMass2; //! K0s mass vs. pt (standard selection) TH2D *fHK0vsLambda; //! K0s vs lambda mass (in private K0s selection) TProfile2D *fHctauPtEP; //! ctau vs DeltaPhi,pt TH2F *fHctauAt1EP; //! ctau vs. DeltaPhi at 1 GeV/c AliESDtrackCuts *fCutsDaughter; // daughter cut for K0s standard selection ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskVnV0, 8); //Analysis task v2 and v3 analysis on AOD }; #endif