/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AliFlowEventSimpleMaker: // // Class to fill the AliFlowEventSimple // with AliFlowTrackSimple objects // Has fill methods for TTree, AliMCEvent, AliESDEvent and AliAODEvent // author: N. van der Kolk (kolk@nikhef.nl) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Riostream.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliFlowEventSimpleMaker.h" #include "AliFlowEventSimple.h" #include "AliFlowTrackSimple.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliCFManager.h" #include "AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts.h" using std::endl; using std::cout; ClassImp(AliFlowEventSimpleMaker) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEventSimpleMaker::AliFlowEventSimpleMaker() : fMCReactionPlaneAngle(0.), fCount(0), fNoOfLoops(1), fEllipticFlowValue(0.), fMultiplicityOfEvent(1000000000), fMinMult(0), fMaxMult(1000000000), fEtaMinA(-1.0), fEtaMaxA(-0.01), fEtaMinB(0.01), fEtaMaxB(1.0) { //constructor } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEventSimpleMaker::~AliFlowEventSimpleMaker() { //destructor } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEventSimple* AliFlowEventSimpleMaker::FillTracks( AliMCEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* intCFManager, const AliCFManager* diffCFManager) { //Fills the event from the MC kinematic information Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ; if (iNumberOfInputTracks==-1) { cout<<"Skipping Event -- No MC information available for this event"<CheckEventCuts(AliCFManager::kEvtGenCuts,anInput)) { // cout<<"iNumberOfInputTracks = "<GetTrack(itrkN); //make new AliFlowTrackSimple AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); //check if pParticle passes the cuts if (intCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pParticle)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); //cout<<"integrated selection. PID = "<Particle()->GetPdgCode()<CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pParticle)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); //cout<<"differential selection. PID = "<Particle()->GetPdgCode()<GetFlowBits(); if (bFlowBits->CountBits() ==0) { delete pTrack; } //track will not be used anymore else { pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack) ; iGoodTracks++; if (pTrack->InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } } itrkN++; } pEvent-> SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if (iSelParticlesRP >= fMinMult && iSelParticlesRP <= fMaxMult) { if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; // cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; //number of good tracks Int_t itrkN = 0; //track counter Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; //number of tracks selected for Int Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; //number of tracks selected for Diff // cut on the multiplicity if (intCFManager->CheckEventCuts(AliCFManager::kEvtRecCuts,anInput)) { // cout<<"iNumberOfInputTracks = "<GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //check if pParticle passes the cuts if (intCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && intCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)) { bPassedRPFlowCuts = kTRUE; } if (diffCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && diffCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)) { bPassedPOIFlowCuts = kTRUE; } if (bPassedRPFlowCuts || bPassedPOIFlowCuts) { //make new AliFLowTrackSimple AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); if (fEllipticFlowValue>0.) { pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi()-fEllipticFlowValue*TMath::Sin(2*(pParticle->Phi()-fMCReactionPlaneAngle))); cout<<"Added flow to particle"<SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); } //marking the particles used for int. flow: if(bPassedRPFlowCuts) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesRP++; // assign particles to subevents if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinA && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxA) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(0); } if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinB && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxB) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(1); } } //marking the particles used for diff. flow: if(bPassedPOIFlowCuts) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesPOI++; } //adding particles which were used either for int. or diff. flow to the list pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack); iGoodTracks++; }//end of if(bPassedIntFlowCuts || bPassedDiffFlowCuts) itrkN++; bPassedRPFlowCuts = kFALSE; bPassedPOIFlowCuts = kFALSE; }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) pEvent->SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if (iSelParticlesRP >= fMinMult && iSelParticlesRP <= fMaxMult) { if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; Int_t iN = iNumberOfInputTracks; //maximum number of tracks in AliFlowEventSimple Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; //number of good tracks Int_t itrkN = 0; //track counter Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; //number of tracks selected for Diff Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; //number of tracks selected for Int // cut on the multiplicity if (intCFManager->CheckEventCuts(AliCFManager::kEvtRecCuts,anInput)) { // cout<<"iNumberOfInputTracks = "<GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //make new AliFlowTrackSimple AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); //check if pParticle passes the cuts if (intCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && intCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); } if (diffCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && diffCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);} //check if any bits are set const TBits* bFlowBits = pTrack->GetFlowBits(); if (bFlowBits->CountBits() ==0) { delete pTrack; } //track will not be used anymore else { pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack) ; iGoodTracks++; if (pTrack->InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } } itrkN++; } pEvent-> SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if (iSelParticlesRP >= fMinMult && iSelParticlesRP <= fMaxMult) { if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; Int_t iNumberOfInputTracksMC = anInputMc->GetNumberOfTracks() ; if (iNumberOfInputTracksMC==-1) { cout<<"Skipping Event -- No MC information available for this event"<CheckEventCuts(AliCFManager::kEvtRecCuts,anInput)) { // cout<<"iNumberOfInputTracks = "<GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //get Label Int_t iLabel = pParticle->GetLabel(); //match to mc particle AliMCParticle* pMcParticle = (AliMCParticle*) anInputMc->GetTrack(TMath::Abs(iLabel)); //check if (TMath::Abs(pParticle->GetLabel())!=pMcParticle->Label()) cout<<"pParticle->GetLabel()!=pMcParticle->Label() "<GetLabel()<<" "<Label()<SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); } else if (anOption == 1) { //take the PID and kinematics from the MC pTrack->SetPt(pMcParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pMcParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pMcParticle->Phi() ); } else { cout<<"Not a valid option"<CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle,"mcGenCuts1") && intCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); } if (diffCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle,"mcGenCuts2") && diffCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);} } else if (anOption == 1) { //cout<<"take the PID and kinematics from the MC"<CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); } if (diffCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);} } else { cout<<"Not a valid option"<GetFlowBits(); if (bFlowBits->CountBits() ==0) { delete pTrack; } //track will not be used anymore else { pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack) ; iGoodTracks++; if (pTrack->InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } } itrkN++; } pEvent->SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if (iSelParticlesRP >= fMinMult && iSelParticlesRP <= fMaxMult) { if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout << " Number of MC input tracks = " << iNumberOfInputTracksMC << endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetPtMax(); Double_t dPtMinRP = rpCuts->GetPtMin(); Double_t dEtaMaxRP = rpCuts->GetEtaMax(); Double_t dEtaMinRP = rpCuts->GetEtaMin(); Double_t dPhiMaxRP = rpCuts->GetPhiMax(); Double_t dPhiMinRP = rpCuts->GetPhiMin(); Int_t iPIDRP = rpCuts->GetPID(); Double_t dPtMaxPOI = poiCuts->GetPtMax(); Double_t dPtMinPOI = poiCuts->GetPtMin(); Double_t dEtaMaxPOI = poiCuts->GetEtaMax(); Double_t dEtaMinPOI = poiCuts->GetEtaMin(); Double_t dPhiMaxPOI = poiCuts->GetPhiMax(); Double_t dPhiMinPOI = poiCuts->GetPhiMin(); Int_t iPIDPOI = poiCuts->GetPID(); Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetEntries() ; TParticle* pParticle = new TParticle(); anInput->SetBranchAddress("Particles",&pParticle); // AliFlowEventSimple* pEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(iNumberOfInputTracks); AliFlowEventSimple* pEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(10); // Int_t fMultiplicityOfEvent = 576; //multiplicity for chi=1.5 // Int_t fMultiplicityOfEvent = 256; //multiplicity for chi=1 // Int_t fMultiplicityOfEvent = 164; //multiplicity for chi=0.8 Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; Int_t itrkN = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) { anInput->GetEntry(itrkN); //get input particle if (pParticle->IsPrimary()) { //checking the cuts for int. and diff. flow if (pParticle->Pt() > dPtMinRP && pParticle->Pt() < dPtMaxRP && pParticle->Eta() > dEtaMinRP && pParticle->Eta() < dEtaMaxRP && pParticle->Phi() > dPhiMinRP && pParticle->Phi() < dPhiMaxRP && TMath::Abs(pParticle->GetPdgCode()) == iPIDRP) { bPassedRPFlowCuts = kTRUE; } if (pParticle->Pt() > dPtMinPOI && pParticle->Pt() < dPtMaxPOI && pParticle->Eta() > dEtaMinPOI && pParticle->Eta() < dEtaMaxPOI && pParticle->Phi() > dPhiMinPOI && pParticle->Phi() < dPhiMaxPOI && TMath::Abs(pParticle->GetPdgCode()) == iPIDPOI){ bPassedPOIFlowCuts = kTRUE; } } if (bPassedRPFlowCuts || bPassedPOIFlowCuts) { for(Int_t d=0;dSetPt(pParticle->Pt()); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta()); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi()-fEllipticFlowValue*TMath::Sin(2*(pParticle->Phi()-fMCReactionPlaneAngle))); //marking the particles used for int. flow: if(bPassedRPFlowCuts && iSelParticlesRP < fMultiplicityOfEvent) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesRP++; } //marking the particles used for diff. flow: if(bPassedPOIFlowCuts && iGoodTracks%fNoOfLoops==0) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesPOI++; } //adding a particles which were used either for int. or diff. flow to the list pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack); iGoodTracks++; }//end of for(Int_t d=0;dSetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<< iGoodTracks << endl; cout<<" # of RP selected tracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; AliFlowEventSimple* pEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(10); //Int_t iN = 256; //multiplicity for chi=1 Int_t iN = iNumberOfInputTracks; Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; Int_t itrkN = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; //normal loop while (iGoodTracks < iN && itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) { AliMCParticle* pParticle = (AliMCParticle*) anInput->GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //cut on tracks if (TMath::Abs(pParticle->Eta()) < 0.9) { if( TMath::Abs(pParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 211 // TMath::Abs(pParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 211 || // TMath::Abs(pParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 321 || // TMath::Abs(pParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 2212 ) { AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); if (pTrack->InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } iGoodTracks++; pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack) ; } /* else if( TMath::Abs(pParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 211 ) { AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kFALSE); pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); if (pTrack->InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } iGoodTracks++; pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack); } */ } itrkN++; } pEvent-> SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; AliFlowEventSimple* pEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(10); //Int_t iN = 256; //multiplicity for chi=1 Int_t iN = iNumberOfInputTracks; Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; Int_t itrkN = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; //normal loop while (iGoodTracks < iN && itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) { AliESDtrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //cut on tracks if (TMath::Abs(pParticle->Eta()) < 0.9) { AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); if (pTrack->InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } iGoodTracks++; pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack) ; } itrkN++; } pEvent-> SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; AliFlowEventSimple* pEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(10); //Int_t iN = 256; //multiplicity for chi=1 Int_t iN = iNumberOfInputTracks; Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; Int_t itrkN = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; //normal loop while (iGoodTracks < iN && itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) { AliAODTrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //cut on tracks if (TMath::Abs(pParticle->Eta()) < 0.9) { AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); if (pTrack->InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } iGoodTracks++; pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack) ; } itrkN++; } pEvent-> SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; AliFlowEventSimple* pEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(10); //Int_t iN = 256; //multiplicity for chi=1 Int_t iN = iNumberOfInputTracks; Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; Int_t itrkN = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; //normal loop while (iGoodTracks < iN && itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) { AliESDtrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //get Label Int_t iLabel = pParticle->GetLabel(); //match to mc particle AliMCParticle* pMcParticle = (AliMCParticle*) anInputMc->GetTrack(TMath::Abs(iLabel)); //check if (TMath::Abs(pParticle->GetLabel())!=pMcParticle->Label()) cout<<"pParticle->GetLabel()!=pMcParticle->Label() "<GetLabel()<<" "<Label()<Eta()) < 0.2) { if( TMath::Abs(pMcParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 211 //pions // TMath::Abs(pMcParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 211 || // TMath::Abs(pMcParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 321 || // TMath::Abs(pMcParticle->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == 2212 ) { AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(); if(anOption == 0) { //take the PID from the MC & the kinematics from the ESD pTrack->SetPt(pParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pParticle->Phi() ); pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); } else if (anOption == 1) { //take the PID and kinematics from the MC pTrack->SetPt(pMcParticle->Pt() ); pTrack->SetEta(pMcParticle->Eta() ); pTrack->SetPhi(pMcParticle->Phi() ); pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); } else { cout<<"Not a valid option"<InRPSelection()) { iSelParticlesRP++; } if (pTrack->InPOISelection()) { iSelParticlesPOI++; } iGoodTracks++; pEvent->AddTrack(pTrack) ; } } itrkN++; } pEvent-> SetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fMCReactionPlaneAngle); if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) { if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<