/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ /* Author: Redmer Alexander Bertens, rbertens@cern.ch, rbertens@nikhef.nl, r.a.bertens@uu.nl * see implementation for additional information */ #ifndef AliJetFlowTools_H #define AliJetFlowTools_H // root forward declarations class TF1; class TF2; class TH1D; class TH2D; class TCanvas; class TString; class TArrayD; class TGraph; class TGraphErrors; class TObjArray; // aliroot forward declarations class AliAnaChargedJetResponseMaker; class AliUnfolding; // root includes #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TDirectoryFile.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TLatex.h" //_____________________________________________________________________________ class AliJetFlowTools { public: AliJetFlowTools(); protected: ~AliJetFlowTools(); // not implemented (deliberately). object ownership is a bit messy in this class // since most (or all) of the objects are owned by the input and output files public: // enumerators enum unfoldingAlgorithm { // type of unfolding alrogithm kChi2, // chi^2 unfolding, implemented in AliUnfolding kBayesian, // Bayesian unfolding, implemented in RooUnfold kBayesianAli, // Bayesian unfolding, implemented in AliUnfolding kSVD, // SVD unfolding, implemented in RooUnfold kNone }; // no unfolding enum prior { // prior that is used for unfolding kPriorChi2, // prior from chi^2 method kPriorMeasured, // use measured spectrum as prior kPriorPythia }; // use pythia spectrum as prior enum histoType { // histogram identifier, only used internally kInPlaneSpectrum, // default style for spectrum kOutPlaneSpectrum, kUnfoldedSpectrum, kFoldedSpectrum, kMeasuredSpectrum, kBar, // default style for bar histogram kRatio, // default style for ratio kV2, // default style for v2 kEmpty }; // default style // setters, interface to the class void SetSaveFull(Bool_t b) {fSaveFull = b;} void SetInputList(TList* list) { fInputList = list; fRefreshInput = kTRUE; } void SetOutputFileName(TString name) {fOutputFileName = name;} void CreateOutputList(TString name) { // create a new output list and add it to the full output if(!fOutputFile) fOutputFile = new TFile(fOutputFileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); fOutputFile->cd(); // avoid nested dirs if(name.EqualTo(fActiveString)) { printf(Form(" > Warning, duplicate output list, renaming %s to %s_2 ! < \n", name.Data(), name.Data())); name+="_2"; } fActiveString = name; fActiveDir = new TDirectoryFile(fActiveString.Data(), fActiveString.Data()); fActiveDir->cd(); } void SetCentralityBin(Int_t bin) { // in case of one centraltiy fCentralityArray = new TArrayI(1); fCentralityArray->AddAt(bin, 0); // for one centrality there's no need for weights fCentralityWeights = new TArrayD(1); fCentralityWeights->AddAt(1., 0); } void SetMergeSpectrumBins(TArrayI* a) {fMergeBinsArray = a;} void SetCentralityBin(TArrayI* bins) { fCentralityArray = bins; } void SetCentralityWeight(TArrayD* weights) { fCentralityWeights = weights; if(!fCentralityArray) printf(" > Warning: centrality weights set, but bins are not defined! \n"); } void SetDetectorResponse(TH2D* dr) {fDetectorResponse = dr;} void SetJetFindingEfficiency(TH1D* e) {fJetFindingEff = e;} void SetBinsTrue(TArrayD* bins) {fBinsTrue = bins;} void SetBinsRec(TArrayD* bins) {fBinsRec = bins;} void SetBinsTruePrior(TArrayD* bins) {fBinsTruePrior = bins;} void SetBinsRecPrior(TArrayD* bins) {fBinsRecPrior = bins;} void SetSVDReg(Int_t r) {fSVDRegIn = r; fSVDRegOut = r;} void SetSVDReg(Int_t in, Int_t out) {fSVDRegIn = in; fSVDRegOut = out;} void SetSVDToy(Bool_t b, Float_t r) {fSVDToy = b; fJetRadius = r;} void SetBeta(Double_t b) {fBetaIn = b; fBetaOut = b;} void SetBeta(Double_t i, Double_t o) {fBetaIn = i; fBetaOut = o;} void SetBayesianIter(Int_t i) {fBayesianIterIn = i; fBayesianIterOut = i;} void SetBayesianIter(Int_t i, Int_t o) {fBayesianIterIn = i; fBayesianIterOut = o;} void SetBayesianSmooth(Float_t s) {fBayesianSmoothIn = s; fBayesianSmoothOut = s;} void SetBayesianSmooth(Float_t i, Float_t o) {fBayesianSmoothIn = i; fBayesianSmoothOut = o;} void SetAvoidRoundingError(Bool_t r) {fAvoidRoundingError = r;} void SetUnfoldingAlgorithm(unfoldingAlgorithm ua) {fUnfoldingAlgorithm = ua;} void SetPrior(prior p) {fPrior = p;} void SetPrior(prior p, TH1D* spectrum) {fPrior = p; fPriorUser = spectrum;} void SetNormalizeSpectra(Bool_t b) {fNormalizeSpectra = b;} void SetNormalizeSpectra(Int_t e) { // use to normalize to this no of events fEventCount = e; fNormalizeSpectra = kFALSE; } void SetSmoothenPrior(Bool_t b, Float_t min = 50., Float_t max = 100., Float_t start= 75., Bool_t counts = kTRUE) { fSmoothenPrior = b; fFitMin = min; fFitMax = max; fFitStart = start; fSmoothenCounts = counts; } void SetTestMode(Bool_t t) {fTestMode = t;} void SetEventPlaneResolution(Double_t r) {fEventPlaneRes = r;} void SetUseDetectorResponse(Bool_t r) {fUseDetectorResponse = r;} void SetUseDptResponse(Bool_t r) {fUseDptResponse = r;} void SetTrainPowerFit(Bool_t t) {fTrainPower = t;} void SetDphiUnfolding(Bool_t i) {fDphiUnfolding = i;} void SetDphiDptUnfolding(Bool_t i) {fDphiDptUnfolding = i;} void SetExLJDpt(Bool_t i) {fExLJDpt = i;} void SetWeightFunction(TF1* w) {fResponseMaker->SetRMMergeWeightFunction(w);} void SetRMS(Bool_t r) {fRMS = r;} void SetSymmRMS(Bool_t r) {fSymmRMS = r; fRMS = r;} void Make(); void MakeAU(); // test function, use with caution (09012014) void Finish() { fOutputFile->cd(); if(fRMSSpectrumIn) fRMSSpectrumIn->Write(); if(fRMSSpectrumOut) fRMSSpectrumOut->Write(); if(fRMSRatio) fRMSRatio->Write(); fOutputFile->Close();} void PostProcess( TString def, Int_t columns = 4, Float_t rangeLow = 20, Float_t rangeUp = 80, TString in = "UnfoldedSpectra.root", TString out = "ProcessedSpectra.root") const; void GetNominalValues( TH1D*& ratio, TGraphErrors*& v2, TArrayI* in, TArrayI* out, TString inFile = "UnfoldedSpectra.root", TString outFile = "Nominal.root") const; void GetCorrelatedUncertainty( TGraphAsymmErrors*& corrRatio, TGraphAsymmErrors*& corrV2, TArrayI* variationsIn, TArrayI* variationsOut, Bool_t sym, TArrayI* variantions2ndIn, TArrayI* variantions2ndOut, Bool_t sym2nd, TString type = "", TString type2 = "", Int_t columns = 4, Float_t rangeLow = 20, Float_t rangeUp = 80, Float_t corr = .5, TString in = "UnfoldedSpectra.root", TString out = "CorrelatedUncertainty.root") const; void GetShapeUncertainty( TGraphAsymmErrors*& shapeRatio, TGraphAsymmErrors*& shapeV2, TArrayI* regularizationIn, TArrayI* regularizationOut, TArrayI* trueBinIn = 0x0, TArrayI* trueBinOut = 0x0, TArrayI* recBinIn = 0x0, TArrayI* recBinOut = 0x0, TArrayI* methodIn = 0x0, TArrayI* methodOut = 0x0, Int_t columns = 4, Float_t rangeLow = 20, Float_t rangeUp = 80, TString in = "UnfoldedSpectra.root", TString out = "ShapeUncertainty.root") const; Bool_t SetRawInput ( TH2D* detectorResponse, // detector response matrix TH1D* jetPtIn, // in plane jet spectrum TH1D* jetPtOut, // out of plane jet spectrum TH1D* dptIn, // in plane delta pt distribution TH1D* dptOut, // out of plane delta pt distribution Int_t eventCount = 0); // event count (optional) // static const helper functions, mainly histogram manipulation static TH1D* ResizeXaxisTH1D(TH1D* histo, Int_t low, Int_t up, TString suffix = ""); static TH2D* ResizeYaxisTH2D(TH2D* histo, TArrayD* x, TArrayD* y, TString suffix = ""); static TH2D* NormalizeTH2D(TH2D* histo, Bool_t noError = kTRUE); static TH1D* RebinTH1D(TH1D* histo, TArrayD* bins, TString suffix = "", Bool_t kill = kTRUE); TH2D* RebinTH2D(TH2D* histo, TArrayD* binsTrue, TArrayD* binsRec, TString suffix = ""); static TH2D* MatrixMultiplication(TH2D* a, TH2D* b, TString name = "CombinedResponse"); static TH1D* NormalizeTH1D(TH1D* histo, Double_t scale = 1.); static TH1D* MergeSpectrumBins(TArrayI* bins, TH1D* spectrum, TH2D* corr); static TGraphErrors* GetRatio(TH1 *h1 = 0x0, TH1* h2 = 0x0, TString name = "", Bool_t appendFit = kFALSE, Int_t xmax = -1); static TGraphErrors* GetV2(TH1* h1 = 0x0, TH1* h2 = 0x0, Double_t r = 0., TString name = ""); void ReplaceBins(TArrayI* array, TGraphAsymmErrors* graph); void ReplaceBins(TArrayI* array, TGraphErrors* graph); TGraphAsymmErrors* GetV2WithSystematicErrors( TH1* h1, TH1* h2, Double_t r, TString name, TH1* relativeErrorInUp, TH1* relativeErrorInLow, TH1* relativeErrorOutUp, TH1* relativeErrorOutLow, Float_t rho = 0.) const; static void GetSignificance( TGraphErrors* n, // points with stat error TGraphAsymmErrors* shape, // points with shape error TGraphAsymmErrors* corr, // points with stat error Int_t low, // pt lower level Int_t up // pt upper level ); static void MinimizeChi22d(); static Double_t PhenixChi22d(const Double_t *xx ); static Double_t ConstructFunction2d(Double_t *x, Double_t *par); static TF2* ReturnFunction2d(); static void MinimizeChi2nd(); static Double_t PhenixChi2nd(const Double_t *xx ); static Double_t ConstructFunctionnd(Double_t *x, Double_t *par); static void MinimizeChi2(); static TF2* ReturnFunctionnd(); static Double_t PhenixChi2(const Double_t *xx ); static Double_t ConstructFunction(Double_t *x, Double_t *par); static TF1* ReturnFunction(); static void WriteObject(TObject* object, TString suffix = "", Bool_t kill = kTRUE); static TH2D* ConstructDPtResponseFromTH1D(TH1D* dpt, Bool_t AvoidRoundingError); static TH2D* GetUnityResponse(TArrayD* binsTrue, TArrayD* binsRec, TString suffix = ""); void SaveConfiguration(Bool_t convergedIn, Bool_t convergedOut) const; static TMatrixD* CalculatePearsonCoefficients(TMatrixD* covmat); static TH1D* SmoothenPrior(TH1D* spectrum, TF1* function, Double_t min, Double_t max, Double_t start, Bool_t kill = kTRUE, Bool_t counts = kTRUE); // set style void SetTitleFontSize(Double_t s) {fTitleFontSize = s;} static void Style(Bool_t legacy = kFALSE); static void Style(TCanvas* c, TString style = "PEARSON"); static void Style(TVirtualPad* c, TString style = "SPECTRUM", Bool_t legacy = kFALSE); static void Style(TLegend* l); static void Style(TH1* h, EColor col = kBlue, histoType = kEmpty, Bool_t legacy = kFALSE); static void Style(TGraph* h, EColor col = kBlue, histoType = kEmpty, Bool_t legacy = kFALSE); static TLegend* AddLegend(TVirtualPad* p, Bool_t style = kFALSE) { if(!style) return p->BuildLegend(.565, .663, .882, .883); else { TLegend* l = AddLegend(p, kFALSE); Style(l); return l; } } static TPaveText* AddTPaveText( // this text appears under the logo TString text, Int_t r = 2, Double_t a = .587, Double_t b = .695, Double_t c = .872, Double_t d = .801) { TPaveText* t(new TPaveText(a, b, c, d, "NDC")); t->SetFillColor(0); t->SetBorderSize(0); t->AddText(0.,0.,text.Data()); t->AddText(0., 0., Form("#it{R} = 0.%i anti-#it{k}_{T}, |#eta_{jet}|<%.1f", r, .9-r/10.)); t->SetTextColor(kBlack); t->SetTextFont(42); t->SetTextSize(gStyle->GetTextSize()*.8); t->Draw("same"); return t; } static TPaveText* AddText( TString text, EColor col, Double_t a = .2098, Double_t b = .5601, Double_t c = .613, Double_t d = .6211) { TPaveText* t(new TPaveText(a, b, c, d, "NDC")); t->SetFillColor(0); t->SetBorderSize(0); t->AddText(0.,0.,text.Data()); t->SetTextColor(col); t->SetTextFont(42); t->SetTextSize(gStyle->GetTextSize()*.8); t->Draw("same"); return t; } static TLatex* AddLogo(Int_t logo, Double_t xmin = .59, Double_t ymax = .81) { if(logo == 0) return AddTLatex(xmin, ymax, "ALICE"); else if (logo == 1) return AddTLatex(xmin, ymax, "ALICE Preliminary"); else if (logo == 2) return AddTLatex(xmin, ymax, "ALICE Simulation"); return 0x0; } static TLatex* AddSystem() { return AddTLatex(0.55, 87, "Pb-Pb #sqrt{#it{s}}}_{NN} = 2.76 TeV"); } static TLatex* AddTLatex(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymax, TString string) { TLatex* tex = new TLatex(xmin, ymax, string.Data()); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextFont(42); tex->Draw("same"); return tex; } static void SavePadToPDF(TVirtualPad* pad) {pad->SaveAs(Form("%s.pdf", pad->GetName()));} // interface to AliUnfolding, not necessary but nice to have all parameters in one place static void SetMinuitStepSize(Float_t s) {AliUnfolding::SetMinuitStepSize(s);} static void SetMinuitPrecision(Float_t s) {AliUnfolding::SetMinuitPrecision(s);} static void SetMinuitPrecision(Int_t i) {AliUnfolding::SetMinuitMaxIterations(i);} static void SetMinuitStrategy(Double_t s) {AliUnfolding::SetMinuitStrategy(s);} static void SetDebug(Int_t d) {AliUnfolding::SetDebug(d);} private: Bool_t PrepareForUnfolding(); Bool_t PrepareForUnfolding(Int_t low, Int_t up); TH1D* GetPrior( const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrum, const TH2D* resizedResponse, const TH1D* kinematicEfficiency, const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrumTrueBins, const TString suffix, const TH1D* jetFindingEfficiency); TH1D* UnfoldWrapper( const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrum, const TH2D* resizedResponse, const TH1D* kinematicEfficiency, const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrumTrueBins, const TString suffix, const TH1D* jetFindingEfficiency = 0x0); TH1D* UnfoldSpectrumChi2( const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrum, const TH2D* resizedResponse, const TH1D* kinematicEfficiency, const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrumTrueBins, const TString suffix, const TH1D* jetFindingEfficiency = 0x0); TH1D* UnfoldSpectrumSVD( const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrum, const TH2D* resizedResponse, const TH1D* kinematicEfficiency, const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrumTrueBins, const TString suffix, const TH1D* jetFindingEfficiency = 0x0); TH1D* UnfoldSpectrumBayesianAli( const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrum, const TH2D* resizedResponse, const TH1D* kinematicEfficiency, const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrumTrueBins, const TString suffix, const TH1D* jetFindingEfficiency = 0x0); TH1D* UnfoldSpectrumBayesian( const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrum, const TH2D* resizedResponse, const TH1D* kinematicEfficiency, const TH1D* measuredJetSpectrumTrueBins, const TString suffix, const TH1D* jetFindingEfficiency = 0x0); void DoIntermediateSystematics( TArrayI* variationsIn, TArrayI* variationsOut, TH1D*& relativeErrorInUp, TH1D*& relativeErrorInLow, TH1D*& relativeErrorOutUp, TH1D*& relativeErrorOutLow, TH1D*& relativeSystematicIn, TH1D*& relativeSystematicOut, TH1D*& nominal, TH1D*& nominalIn, TH1D*& nominalOut, Int_t columns, Float_t rangeLow, Float_t rangeUp, TFile* readMe, TString source = "", Bool_t RMS = kFALSE) const; static void ResetAliUnfolding(); // give object a unique name via the 'protect heap' functions. // may seem redundant, but some internal functions of root (e.g. // ProjectionY()) check for existing objects by name and re-use them TH1D* ProtectHeap(TH1D* protect, Bool_t kill = kTRUE, TString suffix = "") const; TH2D* ProtectHeap(TH2D* protect, Bool_t kill = kTRUE, TString suffix = "") const; TGraphErrors* ProtectHeap(TGraphErrors* protect, Bool_t kill = kTRUE, TString suffix = "") const; // members, accessible via setters AliAnaChargedJetResponseMaker* fResponseMaker; // utility object Bool_t fRMS; // systematic method Bool_t fSymmRMS; // symmetric systematic method TF1* fPower; // smoothening fit Bool_t fSaveFull; // save all generated histograms to file TString fActiveString; // identifier of active output TDirectoryFile* fActiveDir; // active directory TList* fInputList; // input list Bool_t fRefreshInput; // re-read the input (called automatically if input list changes) TString fOutputFileName; // output file name TFile* fOutputFile; // output file TArrayI* fCentralityArray; // array of centrality bins that are merged TArrayI* fMergeBinsArray; // array of pt bins that are merged TArrayD* fCentralityWeights; // array of centrality weights TH2D* fDetectorResponse; // detector response TH1D* fJetFindingEff; // jet finding efficiency Double_t fBetaIn; // regularization strength, in plane unfolding Double_t fBetaOut; // regularization strength, out of plane unfoldign Int_t fBayesianIterIn; // bayesian regularization parameter, in plane unfolding Int_t fBayesianIterOut; // bayesian regularization parameter, out plane unfolding Float_t fBayesianSmoothIn; // bayesian smoothening parameter (AliUnfolding) Float_t fBayesianSmoothOut; // bayesian smoothening parameter (AliUnfolding) Bool_t fAvoidRoundingError; // set dpt to zero for small values far from the diagonal unfoldingAlgorithm fUnfoldingAlgorithm; // algorithm used for unfolding prior fPrior; // prior for unfolding TH1D* fPriorUser; // user supplied prior (e.g. pythia spectrum) TArrayD* fBinsTrue; // pt true bins TArrayD* fBinsRec; // pt rec bins TArrayD* fBinsTruePrior; // holds true bins for the chi2 prior for SVD. setting this is optional TArrayD* fBinsRecPrior; // holds rec bins for the chi2 prior for SVD. setting this is optional Int_t fSVDRegIn; // svd regularization (a good starting point is half of the number of bins) Int_t fSVDRegOut; // svd regularization out of plane Bool_t fSVDToy; // use toy to estimate coveriance matrix for SVD method Float_t fJetRadius; // jet radius (for SVD toy) Int_t fEventCount; // number of events Bool_t fNormalizeSpectra; // normalize spectra to event count Bool_t fSmoothenPrior; // smoothen the tail of the measured spectrum using a powerlaw fit Float_t fFitMin; // lower bound of smoothening fit Float_t fFitMax; // upper bound of smoothening fit Float_t fFitStart; // from this value, use smoothening Bool_t fSmoothenCounts; // fill smoothened spectrum with counts Bool_t fTestMode; // unfold with unity response for testing Bool_t fRawInputProvided; // input histograms provided, not read from file Double_t fEventPlaneRes; // event plane resolution for current centrality Bool_t fUseDetectorResponse; // add detector response to unfolding Bool_t fUseDptResponse; // add dpt response to unfolding Bool_t fTrainPower; // don't clear the params of fPower for call to Make // might give more stable results, but possibly introduces // a bias / dependency on previous iterations Bool_t fDphiUnfolding; // do the unfolding in in and out of plane orientation Bool_t fDphiDptUnfolding; // do the unfolding in dphi and dpt bins (to fit v2) Bool_t fExLJDpt; // exclude randon cones with leading jet Double_t fTitleFontSize; // title font size // members, set internally TProfile* fRMSSpectrumIn; // rms of in plane spectra of converged unfoldings TProfile* fRMSSpectrumOut; // rms of out of plane spectra of converged unfoldings TProfile* fRMSRatio; // rms of ratio of converged unfolded spectra TProfile* fRMSV2; // rms of v2 of converged unfolded spectra TH2D* fDeltaPtDeltaPhi; // delta pt delta phi distribution TH2D* fJetPtDeltaPhi; // jet pt delta phi distribution TH1D* fSpectrumIn; // in plane jet pt spectrum TH1D* fSpectrumOut; // out of plane jet pt spectrum TH1D* fDptInDist; // in plane dpt distribution TH1D* fDptOutDist; // out of plane dpt distribution TH2D* fDptIn; // in plane dpt matrix TH2D* fDptOut; // out plane dpt matrix TH2D* fFullResponseIn; // full response matrix, in plane TH2D* fFullResponseOut; // full response matrix, out of plane // copy and assignment AliJetFlowTools(const AliJetFlowTools&); // not implemented AliJetFlowTools& operator=(const AliJetFlowTools&); // not implemented }; #endif //_____________________________________________________________________________