/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AliGlauberNucleus implementation // support class for Glauber MC // // origin: PHOBOS experiment // alification: Mikolaj Krzewicki, Nikhef, mikolaj.krzewicki@cern.ch // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliGlauberNucleon.h" #include "AliGlauberNucleus.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cerr; ClassImp(AliGlauberNucleus) //______________________________________________________________________________ AliGlauberNucleus::AliGlauberNucleus(Option_t* iname, Int_t iN, Double_t iR, Double_t ia, Double_t iw, TF1* ifunc) : TNamed(iname,""), fN(iN), fR(iR), fA(ia), fW(iw), fMinDist(-1), fF(0), fTrials(0), fFunction(ifunc), fNucleons(NULL) { if (fN==0) { cout << "Setting up nucleus " << iname << endl; Lookup(iname); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliGlauberNucleus::~AliGlauberNucleus() { if (fNucleons) { delete fNucleons; } delete fFunction; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliGlauberNucleus::AliGlauberNucleus(const AliGlauberNucleus& in): TNamed(in), fN(in.fN), fR(in.fR), fA(in.fA), fW(in.fW), fMinDist(in.fMinDist), fF(in.fF), fTrials(in.fTrials), fFunction(in.fFunction), fNucleons(NULL) { //copy ctor if (in.fNucleons) fNucleons=static_cast((in.fNucleons)->Clone()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliGlauberNucleus& AliGlauberNucleus::operator=(const AliGlauberNucleus& in) { //assignment if (&in==this) return *this; fN=in.fN; fR=in.fR; fA=in.fA; fW=in.fW; fMinDist=in.fMinDist; fF=in.fF; fTrials=in.fTrials; fFunction=in.fFunction; delete fNucleons; fNucleons=static_cast((in.fNucleons)->Clone()); fNucleons->SetOwner(); return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliGlauberNucleus::Draw(Double_t xs, Int_t col) { Double_t r = 0.5*sqrt(xs/TMath::Pi()/10.); TEllipse e; e.SetLineColor(col); e.SetFillColor(0); e.SetLineWidth(1); for (Int_t i = 0;iGetEntries();++i) { AliGlauberNucleon* gn = (AliGlauberNucleon*) fNucleons->UncheckedAt(i); e.SetLineStyle(1); if (gn->IsSpectator()) e.SetLineStyle(3); e.DrawEllipse(gn->GetX(),gn->GetY(),r,r,0,360,0,""); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliGlauberNucleus::Lookup(Option_t* name) { SetName(name); if (TString(name) == "p") {fN = 1; fR = 0.6; fA = 0; fW = 0; fF = 0;} else if (TString(name) == "d") {fN = 2; fR = 0.01; fA = 0.5882; fW = 0; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "dh") {fN = 2; fR = 0.01; fA = 0.5882; fW = 0; fF = 3;} else if (TString(name) == "dhh") {fN = 2; fR = 0.01; fA = 0.5882; fW = 0; fF = 4;} else if (TString(name) == "O") {fN = 16; fR = 2.608; fA = 0.513; fW = -0.051; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "Si") {fN = 28; fR = 3.34; fA = 0.580; fW = -0.233; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "S") {fN = 32; fR = 2.54; fA = 2.191; fW = 0.16; fF = 2;} else if (TString(name) == "Ca") {fN = 40; fR = 3.766; fA = 0.586; fW = -0.161; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "Ni") {fN = 58; fR = 4.309; fA = 0.517; fW = -0.1308; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "Cu") {fN = 63; fR = 4.2; fA = 0.596; fW = 0; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "W") {fN = 186; fR = 6.58; fA = 0.480; fW = 0; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "Au") {fN = 197; fR = 6.38; fA = 0.535; fW = 0; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "Pb") {fN = 208; fR = 6.62; fA = 0.546; fW = 0; fF = 1;} else if (TString(name) == "U") {fN = 238; fR = 6.81; fA = 0.6; fW = 0; fF = 1;} else { cout << "Could not find nucleus " << name << endl; return; } switch (fF) { case 0: // Proton fFunction = new TF1("prot","x*x*exp(-x/[0])",0,10); fFunction->SetParameter(0,fR); break; case 1: // 3pF fFunction = new TF1(name,"x*x*(1+[2]*(x/[0])**2)/(1+exp((x-[0])/[1]))",0,15); fFunction->SetParameters(fR,fA,fW); break; case 2: // 3pG fFunction = new TF1("3pg","x*x*(1+[2]*(x/[0])**2)/(1+exp((x**2-[0]**2)/[1]**2))",0,15); fFunction->SetParameters(fR,fA,fW); break; case 3: // Hulthen fFunction = new TF1("f3","x*x*([0]*[1]*([0]+[1]))/(2*pi*(pow([0]-[1],2)))*pow((exp(-[0]*x)-exp(-[1]*x))/x,2)",0,10); fFunction->SetParameters(1/4.38,1/.85); break; case 4: // Hulthen HIJING fFunction = new TF1("f4","x*x*([0]*[1]*([0]+[1]))/(2*pi*(pow([0]-[1],2)))*pow((exp(-[0]*x)-exp(-[1]*x))/x,2)",0,20); fFunction->SetParameters(2/4.38,2/.85); break; default: cerr << "Could not find function type " << fF << endl; return; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliGlauberNucleus::SetR(Double_t ir) { fR = ir; switch (fF) { case 0: // Proton fFunction->SetParameter(0,fR); break; case 1: // 3pF fFunction->SetParameter(0,fR); break; case 2: // 3pG fFunction->SetParameter(0,fR); break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliGlauberNucleus::SetA(Double_t ia) { fA = ia; switch (fF) { case 0: // Proton break; case 1: // 3pF fFunction->SetParameter(1,fA); break; case 2: // 3pG fFunction->SetParameter(1,fA); break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliGlauberNucleus::SetW(Double_t iw) { fW = iw; switch (fF) { case 0: // Proton break; case 1: // 3pF fFunction->SetParameter(2,fW); break; case 2: // 3pG fFunction->SetParameter(2,fW); break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliGlauberNucleus::ThrowNucleons(Double_t xshift) { if (fNucleons==0) { fNucleons=new TObjArray(fN); fNucleons->SetOwner(); for(Int_t i=0;iAdd(nucleon); } } fTrials = 0; Double_t sumx=0; Double_t sumy=0; Double_t sumz=0; Bool_t hulthen = (TString(GetName())=="dh"); if (fN==2 && hulthen) { //special treatmeant for Hulten Double_t r = fFunction->GetRandom()/2; Double_t phi = gRandom->Rndm() * 2 * TMath::Pi() ; Double_t ctheta = 2*gRandom->Rndm() - 1 ; Double_t stheta = sqrt(1-ctheta*ctheta); AliGlauberNucleon *nucleon1=(AliGlauberNucleon*)(fNucleons->UncheckedAt(0)); AliGlauberNucleon *nucleon2=(AliGlauberNucleon*)(fNucleons->UncheckedAt(1)); nucleon1->Reset(); nucleon1->SetXYZ(r * stheta * cos(phi) + xshift, r * stheta * sin(phi), r * ctheta); nucleon2->Reset(); nucleon2->SetXYZ(-nucleon1->GetX() + 2*xshift, -nucleon1->GetY(), -nucleon1->GetZ()); fTrials = 1; return; } for (Int_t i = 0; iUncheckedAt(i)); nucleon->Reset(); while(1) { fTrials++; Double_t r = fFunction->GetRandom(); Double_t phi = gRandom->Rndm() * 2 * TMath::Pi() ; Double_t ctheta = 2*gRandom->Rndm() - 1 ; Double_t stheta = TMath::Sqrt(1-ctheta*ctheta); Double_t x = r * stheta * cos(phi) + xshift; Double_t y = r * stheta * sin(phi); Double_t z = r * ctheta; nucleon->SetXYZ(x,y,z); if(fMinDist<0) break; Bool_t test=1; for (Int_t j = 0; jUncheckedAt(j); Double_t xo=other->GetX(); Double_t yo=other->GetY(); Double_t zo=other->GetZ(); Double_t dist = TMath::Sqrt((x-xo)*(x-xo)+ (y-yo)*(y-yo)+ (z-zo)*(z-zo)); if(distGetX(); sumy += nucleon->GetY(); sumz += nucleon->GetZ(); } if(1) { // set the centre-of-mass to be at zero (+xshift) sumx = sumx/fN; sumy = sumy/fN; sumz = sumz/fN; for (Int_t i = 0; iUncheckedAt(i)); nucleon->SetXYZ(nucleon->GetX()-sumx-xshift, nucleon->GetY()-sumy, nucleon->GetZ()-sumz); } } }