#ifndef ALIHELPERPID_H #define ALIHELPERPID_H class AliAODEvent; class AliVEvent; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TList; class AliVTrack; class AliVParticle; class AliStack; class TParticle; class AliPIDResponse; class AliPIDCombined; #include "TNamed.h" namespace AliHelperPIDNameSpace { enum PIDType_t { kNSigmaTPC = 0, kNSigmaTOF, kNSigmaTPCTOF, // squared sum kBayes }; const Int_t kNSigmaPIDType=kNSigmaTPCTOF;//number of Nsigma PID types enum AliHelperDetectorType_t { kITS = 0, kTPC, kTOF, kNDetectors }; enum AliHelperParticleSpecies_t { kSpPion = 0, kSpKaon, kSpProton, kNSpecies, kSpUndefined=999 }; // Particle species used in plotting enum AliHelperCharge_t { kChPos = 0, kChNeg, kNCharge }; } using namespace AliHelperPIDNameSpace; class AliHelperPID : public TNamed { public: AliHelperPID(); virtual ~AliHelperPID() {} //MC or data Bool_t GetisMC(){return fisMC;} void SetisMC(Bool_t mc){fisMC=mc;} //PID Type void SetPIDType(PIDType_t PIDType) { fPIDType = PIDType; } PIDType_t GetPIDType() {return fPIDType; } //NSigma cut void SetNSigmaCut(Double_t nsigma) { fNSigmaPID = nsigma; } Double_t GetNSigmaCut() {return fNSigmaPID; } //TOF PID void SetfRequestTOFPID(Bool_t tof){fRequestTOFPID=tof;}//fRequestTOFPID Bool_t GetfRequestTOFPID(){return fRequestTOFPID;}//fRequestTOFPID void SetfRemoveTracksT0Fill(Bool_t tof){fRemoveTracksT0Fill=tof;}//fRemoveTracksT0Fill Bool_t GetfRemoveTracksT0Fill(){return fRemoveTracksT0Fill;}//fRemoveTracksT0Fill //Exclusive NSIgma void SetfUseExclusiveNSigma(Bool_t nsigEx){fUseExclusiveNSigma=nsigEx;}//fUseExclusiveNSigma Bool_t GetfUseExclusiveNSigma(){return fUseExclusiveNSigma;}//fUseExclusiveNSigma //lower pt fot TOF PID Double_t SetPtTOFPID(){return fPtTOFPID;} void SetfPtTOFPID(Double_t pttof){fPtTOFPID=pttof;} //set PID Combined void SetPIDCombined(AliPIDCombined *obj){fPIDCombined=obj;} AliPIDCombined *GetPIDCombined(){return fPIDCombined;} //set cut on beyesian probability void SetBayesCut(Double_t cut){fBayesCut=cut;} Double_t GetBayesCut(){return fBayesCut;} //getters of the other data members TList * GetOutputList() {return fOutputList;}//get the TList with histos Double_t* GetNSigmas(AliHelperParticleSpecies_t species) {return fnsigmas[species];}//get nsigma[ipart][idet], calculated in CalculateNSigmas(trk) Bool_t* GetfHasDoubleCounting() {return fHasDoubleCounting;}//get fHasDoubleCounting[ipart], calculated in GetDoubleCounting(trk) //getter of histo "name" from fOutput TH2F* GetHistogram2D(const char * name);//return histogram "name" from fOutputList //PID functions // User should call ONLY the function GetParticleSpecies and set the PID strategy in the steering macro! Int_t GetParticleSpecies(AliVTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//calculate the PID according to the slected method. Int_t GetParticleSpecies(AliVParticle * part); Int_t GetIDBayes(AliVTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//calculate the PID according to bayesian PID UInt_t CalcPIDCombined(const AliVTrack *track,const AliPIDResponse *PIDResponse, Int_t detMask, Double_t* prob) const; void CalculateNSigmas(AliVTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//Calcuate nsigma[ipart][idet], fill NSigma histos Int_t FindMinNSigma(AliVTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//retun the minimum Nsigma Bool_t* GetDoubleCounting(AliVTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//if a particle has double counting set fHasDoubleCounting[ipart]=kTRUE (only for the second or third identity) Bool_t* GetAllCompatibleIdentitiesNSigma(AliVTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//All the identities are true Int_t GetMCParticleSpecie(AliVEvent* event, AliVTrack * trk, Bool_t FIllQAHistos);//calculate the PID according to MC truth void CheckTOF(AliVTrack * trk);//check the TOF matching and set fHasTOFPID Double_t TOFBetaCalc(AliVTrack *track) const; Double_t GetMass(AliHelperParticleSpecies_t id) const; Long64_t Merge(TCollection* list); private: Bool_t fisMC; PIDType_t fPIDType; // PID type Double_t fNSigmaPID; // number of sigma for PID cut Double_t fBayesCut; // Cut on Bayesian probability AliPIDResponse *fPIDResponse; // ! PID response object AliPIDCombined *fPIDCombined; // PIDCombined TList *fOutputList; // List Histo's Double_t fnsigmas[kNSpecies][kNSigmaPIDType+1]; //nsigma values Bool_t fHasDoubleCounting[kNSpecies];//array with compatible identities Bool_t fRequestTOFPID;//if true returns kSpUndefined if the TOF signal is missing Bool_t fRemoveTracksT0Fill;//if true remove tracks for which only StartTime from To-Fill is available (worst resolution) Bool_t fUseExclusiveNSigma;//if true returns the identity only if no double counting Double_t fPtTOFPID; //lower pt bound for the TOF pid Bool_t fHasTOFPID; AliHelperPID(const AliHelperPID&); AliHelperPID& operator=(const AliHelperPID&); ClassDef(AliHelperPID, 4); }; #endif