#ifndef ALIMUONPAIRCUTS_H #define ALIMUONPAIRCUTS_H #include "AliAnalysisCuts.h" #include "AliMuonTrackCuts.h" #include "TArrayD.h" class TList; class TVector3; class AliMuonPairCuts : public AliAnalysisCuts { public: enum { kBothMuEta = BIT(0), kBothMuThetaAbs = BIT(1), kBothMuPdca = BIT(2), kBothMuTrackChiSquare = BIT(3), kBothMuMatchApt = BIT(4), kBothMuMatchLpt = BIT(5), kBothMuMatchHpt = BIT(6), kOneMuMatchApt = BIT(7), kOneMuMatchLpt = BIT(8), kOneMuMatchHpt = BIT(9), kDimuUnlikeSign = BIT(30), kDimuRapidity = BIT(31) }; AliMuonPairCuts(); AliMuonPairCuts(const char* name, const char* title); AliMuonPairCuts(const char* name, const char* title, const AliMuonTrackCuts& trackCuts); AliMuonPairCuts(const AliMuonPairCuts& obj); AliMuonPairCuts& operator=(const AliMuonPairCuts& obj); virtual ~AliMuonPairCuts(); virtual UInt_t GetSelectionMask ( const TObject* obj ); virtual Bool_t IsSelected ( TObject* /*obj*/ ); virtual Bool_t IsSelected ( TList* list ); UInt_t GetSelectionMask(const TObject* track1, const TObject* track2); void SetDefaultFilterMask(); Bool_t SetRun(Int_t runNumber); void SetIsMC(Bool_t isMC = kTRUE); void Print ( Option_t* option = "" ) const; Double_t MuonMass2() const; /// Apply also sharp pt cut when matching with trigger void ApplySharpPtCutInMatching ( Bool_t sharpPtCut = kTRUE ) { fMuonTrackCuts.ApplySharpPtCutInMatching(sharpPtCut); } /// Get flag to apply the sharp pt cut when matching with trigger Bool_t IsApplySharpPtCutInMatching () const { return fMuonTrackCuts.IsApplySharpPtCutInMatching(); } /// Return the MuonTrackCuts (normally the standard user do not need to modify this data member) AliMuonTrackCuts& GetMuonTrackCuts () { return fMuonTrackCuts; } private: AliMuonTrackCuts fMuonTrackCuts; ///< Muon track cuts ClassDef(AliMuonPairCuts, 1); // Class for muon pair filters }; #endif