/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliVAnalysisMuon.cxx 47782 2011-02-24 18:37:31Z martinez $ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \class AliVAnalysisMuon /// Base class with utilities for muon analysis /// /// \author Diego Stocco //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliVAnalysisMuon.h" // ROOT includes #include "TROOT.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TStyle.h" //#include "TMCProcess.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" // STEER includes #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliCentrality.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" //#include "AliStack.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDMuonTrack.h" #include "AliCounterCollection.h" #include "AliVVertex.h" // ANALYSIS includes #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataSlot.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h" // CORRFW includes #include "AliCFGridSparse.h" // PWG3 includes #include "AliMergeableCollection.h" #include "AliMuonEventCuts.h" #include "AliMuonTrackCuts.h" #include "AliMuonPairCuts.h" #include "AliAnalysisMuonUtility.h" /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliVAnalysisMuon) // Class implementation in ROOT context /// \endcond //________________________________________________________________________ AliVAnalysisMuon::AliVAnalysisMuon() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fMuonEventCuts(0x0), fMuonTrackCuts(0x0), fMuonPairCuts(0x0), fESDEvent(0x0), fAODEvent(0x0), fTerminateOptions(0x0), fChargeKeys(0x0), fSrcKeys(0x0), fPhysSelKeys(0x0), fWeights(0x0), fEventCounters(0x0), fMergeableCollection(0x0), fOutputList(0x0), fOutputPrototypeList(0x0) { /// Default ctor. } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVAnalysisMuon::AliVAnalysisMuon(const char *name, const AliMuonTrackCuts& trackCuts, const AliMuonPairCuts& pairCuts) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fMuonEventCuts(new AliMuonEventCuts("stdEventCuts","stdEventCuts")), fMuonTrackCuts(new AliMuonTrackCuts(trackCuts)), fMuonPairCuts(new AliMuonPairCuts(pairCuts)), fESDEvent(0x0), fAODEvent(0x0), fTerminateOptions(0x0), fChargeKeys(0x0), fSrcKeys(0x0), fPhysSelKeys(0x0), fWeights(new THashList()), fEventCounters(0x0), fMergeableCollection(0x0), fOutputList(0x0), fOutputPrototypeList(0x0) { // /// Constructor. // InitKeys(); SetTrigClassPatterns(""); SetCentralityClasses(); fWeights->SetOwner(); DefineOutput(1, TObjArray::Class()); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVAnalysisMuon::AliVAnalysisMuon(const char *name, const AliMuonTrackCuts& trackCuts) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fMuonEventCuts(new AliMuonEventCuts("stdEventCuts","stdEventCuts")), fMuonTrackCuts(new AliMuonTrackCuts(trackCuts)), fMuonPairCuts(0x0), fESDEvent(0x0), fAODEvent(0x0), fTerminateOptions(0x0), fChargeKeys(0x0), fSrcKeys(0x0), fPhysSelKeys(0x0), fWeights(new THashList()), fEventCounters(0x0), fMergeableCollection(0x0), fOutputList(0x0), fOutputPrototypeList(0x0) { // /// Constructor. // InitKeys(); SetTrigClassPatterns(""); SetCentralityClasses(); fWeights->SetOwner(); DefineOutput(1, TObjArray::Class()); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVAnalysisMuon::AliVAnalysisMuon(const char *name, const AliMuonPairCuts& pairCuts) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fMuonEventCuts(new AliMuonEventCuts("stdEventCuts","stdEventCuts")), fMuonTrackCuts(0x0), fMuonPairCuts(new AliMuonPairCuts(pairCuts)), fESDEvent(0x0), fAODEvent(0x0), fTerminateOptions(0x0), fChargeKeys(0x0), fSrcKeys(0x0), fPhysSelKeys(0x0), fWeights(new THashList()), fEventCounters(0x0), fMergeableCollection(0x0), fOutputList(0x0), fOutputPrototypeList(0x0) { // /// Constructor. // InitKeys(); SetTrigClassPatterns(""); SetCentralityClasses(); fWeights->SetOwner(); DefineOutput(1, TObjArray::Class()); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliVAnalysisMuon::~AliVAnalysisMuon() { // /// Destructor // delete fMuonEventCuts; delete fMuonTrackCuts; delete fMuonPairCuts; delete fTerminateOptions; delete fChargeKeys; delete fSrcKeys; delete fPhysSelKeys; delete fWeights; delete fOutputPrototypeList; // For proof: do not delete output containers if ( ! AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager() || ! AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode() ) { delete fOutputList; } } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::FinishTaskOutput() { // /// Remove empty histograms to reduce the number of histos to be merged // fMergeableCollection->PruneEmptyObjects(); // Add stat. info from physics selection // (usefull when running on AODs) if ( fInputHandler ) { for ( Int_t istat=0; istat<2; istat++ ) { TString statType = ( istat == 0 ) ? "ALL" : "BIN0"; TH2* hStat = dynamic_cast(fInputHandler->GetStatistics(statType.Data())); if ( hStat ) { TString objectName = Form("%s_%s", hStat->GetName(), GetName()); TH2* cloneStat = static_cast(hStat->Clone(objectName.Data())); cloneStat->SetDirectory(0); fOutputList->Add(cloneStat); } else { AliWarning("Stat histogram not available"); break; } } // loop on stat type } } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::NotifyRun() { /// Set run number for cuts if ( fMuonTrackCuts ) fMuonTrackCuts->SetRun(fInputHandler); if ( fMuonPairCuts ) fMuonPairCuts->SetRun(fInputHandler); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // /// Create output objects // AliInfo(Form(" CreateOutputObjects of task %s\n", GetName())); fOutputList = new TObjArray(); fOutputList->SetOwner(); fEventCounters = new AliCounterCollection("eventCounters"); if ( ! GetCentralityClasses() ) SetCentralityClasses(); TString centralityClasses = ""; for ( Int_t icent=1; icent<=GetCentralityClasses()->GetNbins(); ++icent ) { if ( ! centralityClasses.IsNull() ) centralityClasses += "/"; centralityClasses += GetCentralityClasses()->GetBinLabel(icent); } fEventCounters->AddRubric("selected", "yes/no"); fEventCounters->AddRubric("trigger", 100); fEventCounters->AddRubric("centrality", centralityClasses); fEventCounters->AddRubric("run", 10000); fEventCounters->Init(); fOutputList->Add(fEventCounters); fMergeableCollection = new AliMergeableCollection("outputObjects"); fOutputList->Add(fMergeableCollection); PostData(1, fOutputList); fMuonEventCuts->Print(); MyUserCreateOutputObjects(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::UserExec(Option_t * /*option*/) { // /// Main loop /// Called for each event // fAODEvent = dynamic_cast (InputEvent()); if ( ! fAODEvent ) fESDEvent = dynamic_cast (InputEvent()); if ( ! fAODEvent && ! fESDEvent ) { AliError ("AOD or ESD event not found. Nothing done!"); return; } if ( ! fMuonEventCuts->IsSelected(fInputHandler) ) return; Int_t physSel = ( fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kAny ) ? kPhysSelPass : kPhysSelReject; // // Global event info // const TObjArray* selectTrigClasses = fMuonEventCuts->GetSelectedTrigClassesInEvent(InputEvent()); Double_t centrality = fMuonEventCuts->GetCentrality(InputEvent()); Int_t centralityBin = GetCentralityClasses()->FindBin(centrality); TString centralityBinLabel = GetCentralityClasses()->GetBinLabel(centralityBin); TString selKey = ( physSel == kPhysSelPass ) ? "yes" : "no"; for ( Int_t itrig=0; itrigGetEntries(); ++itrig ) { TString trigName = selectTrigClasses->At(itrig)->GetName(); fEventCounters->Count(Form("trigger:%s/selected:%s/centrality:%s/run:%i", trigName.Data(), selKey.Data(), centralityBinLabel.Data(),fCurrentRunNumber)); } ProcessEvent(fPhysSelKeys->At(physSel)->GetName(), *selectTrigClasses, centralityBinLabel); // Post final data. It will be written to a file with option "RECREATE" PostData(1, fOutputList); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::Terminate(Option_t *) { // /// Draw some histogram at the end. // if ( ! fTerminateOptions ) SetTerminateOptions(); if ( gROOT->IsBatch() ) return; fOutputList = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if ( ! fOutputList ) return; fEventCounters = static_cast(fOutputList->FindObject("eventCounters")); fMergeableCollection = static_cast(fOutputList->FindObject("outputObjects")); if ( ! fMergeableCollection ) return; AliInfo(Form("Mergeable collection size %g MB", fMergeableCollection->EstimateSize()/1024.0/1024.0)); if ( fTerminateOptions->At(3) ) { TString sopt = fTerminateOptions->At(3)->GetName(); if ( sopt.Contains("verbose") ) fMergeableCollection->Print("*"); } SetCentralityClassesFromOutput(); } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliVAnalysisMuon::GetParticleType ( AliVParticle* track, Bool_t forceReachFirstAncestor ) { // /// Get particle type from mathced MC track // Int_t trackSrc = kUnidentified; Int_t trackLabel = track->GetLabel(); if ( trackLabel >= 0 ) { AliVParticle* matchedMCTrack = MCEvent()->GetTrack(trackLabel); if ( matchedMCTrack ) trackSrc = RecoTrackMother(matchedMCTrack,forceReachFirstAncestor); } // track has MC label return trackSrc; } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliVAnalysisMuon::RecoTrackMother ( AliVParticle* mcParticle, Bool_t forceReachFirstAncestor ) { // /// Find track mother from kinematics /// The flag forceReachFirstAncestor affects the heavy flavor chains. /// For example the case D -> K -> mu is seen as: /// - kDecayMu if forceReachFirstAncestor = kFALSE /// - kCharmMu if forceReachFirstAncestor = kTRUE // Int_t recoPdg = mcParticle->PdgCode(); // Track is not a muon if ( TMath::Abs(recoPdg) != 13 ) return kRecoHadron; Int_t imother = AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetMotherIndex(mcParticle); //Int_t den[3] = {100, 1000, 1}; Int_t den[2] = {100, 1000}; Int_t motherType = kDecayMu; while ( imother >= 0 ) { AliVParticle* part = MCEvent()->GetTrack(imother); TParticlePDG* partPdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(part->PdgCode()); //if ( ! part ) return motherType; Int_t absPdg = TMath::Abs(part->PdgCode()); Bool_t isPrimary = AliAnalysisMuonUtility::IsPrimary(part, MCEvent()); if ( isPrimary ) { if ( absPdg == 24 ) return kWbosonMu; if ( absPdg < 10 ) break; // particle loop // Check heavy flavours for ( Int_t idec=0; idec<2; idec++ ) { Int_t flv = (absPdg%100000)/den[idec]; if ( flv > 0 && flv < 4 ) { if ( ! forceReachFirstAncestor ) return kDecayMu; } else if ( flv == 0 || flv > 5 ) continue; // if ( flv < 4 || flv > 5 ) continue; else { if ( den[idec] == 100 && partPdg && ! partPdg->AntiParticle() ) motherType = kQuarkoniumMu; else if ( flv == 4 ) motherType = kCharmMu; else motherType = kBeautyMu; break; // break loop on pdg code // but continue the global loop to find higher mass HF } } // loop on pdg code //if ( absPdg < 10 ) break; // particle loop } // is primary else { if ( part->Zv() < -90. ) { // If hadronic process => secondary //if ( part->GetUniqueID() == kPHadronic ) { return kSecondaryMu; //} } } // is secondary imother = AliAnalysisMuonUtility::GetMotherIndex(part); } // loop on mothers return motherType; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliVAnalysisMuon::AddObjectToCollection(TObject* object, Int_t index) { // /// Add object to collection // if ( ! fOutputPrototypeList ) { fOutputPrototypeList = new TObjArray(); fOutputPrototypeList->SetOwner(); } if ( fOutputPrototypeList->FindObject(object->GetName() ) ) { AliWarning(Form("Object with name %s already in the list", object->GetName())); return kFALSE; } if ( index < 0 ) fOutputPrototypeList->Add(object); else fOutputPrototypeList->AddAtAndExpand(object, index); return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliVAnalysisMuon::GetMergeableObject(TString physSel, TString trigClassName, TString centrality, TString objectName) { // /// Get mergeable object /// (create collection if necessary) // TString identifier = Form("/%s/%s/%s/", physSel.Data(), trigClassName.Data(), centrality.Data()); TObject* obj = fMergeableCollection->GetObject(identifier.Data(), objectName.Data()); if ( ! obj ) { CreateMergeableObjects(physSel, trigClassName, centrality); obj = fMergeableCollection->GetObject(identifier.Data(), objectName.Data()); AliInfo(Form("Mergeable object collection size %g MB", fMergeableCollection->EstimateSize()/1024.0/1024.0)); } return obj; } //________________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliVAnalysisMuon::GetSum(TString physSel, TString trigClassNames, TString centrality, TString objectPattern) { // /// Sum objects /// - physSel, trigClassNames must be in the form: key1,key2 /// - centrality must be in the form minValue_maxValue /// - objectPattern must be in the form match1,match2 /// meaning that the object name must contain match1 or match2 /// wildcard * is allowed if ( ! fMergeableCollection ) return 0x0; // Get centrality range Int_t firstCentrality = 1; Int_t lastCentrality = GetCentralityClasses()->GetNbins(); TObjArray* centralityRange = centrality.Tokenize("_"); Float_t range[2] = {0., 100.}; if ( centralityRange->GetEntries() >= 2 ) { for ( Int_t irange=0; irange<2; ++irange ) { range[irange] = ((TObjString*)centralityRange->At(irange))->GetString().Atof(); } firstCentrality = GetCentralityClasses()->FindBin(range[0]+0.0001); lastCentrality = GetCentralityClasses()->FindBin(range[1]-0.0001); } delete centralityRange; TString sumCentralityString = ""; for ( Int_t icent=firstCentrality; icent<=lastCentrality; ++icent ) { if ( ! sumCentralityString.IsNull() ) sumCentralityString += ","; sumCentralityString += GetCentralityClasses()->GetBinLabel(icent); } // objectPattern.ReplaceAll(" ",""); // TObjArray* objPatternList = objectPattern.Tokenize("&"); // TObjArray objPatternMatrix(objPatternList->GetEntries()); // objPatternMatrix.SetOwner(); // for ( Int_t ikey=0; ikeyGetEntries(); ikey++ ) { // TObjArray* subKeyList = ((TObjString*)objPatternList->At(ikey))->GetString().Tokenize(","); // objPatternMatrix.AddAt(subKeyList, ikey); // } // delete objPatternList; TObjArray objectNameInCollection; objectNameInCollection.SetOwner(); TObjArray* physSelList = physSel.Tokenize(","); TObjArray* trigClassList = trigClassNames.Tokenize(","); TObjArray* centralityList = sumCentralityString.Tokenize(","); for ( Int_t isel=0; iselGetEntries(); isel++ ) { for ( Int_t itrig = 0; itrigGetEntries(); itrig++ ) { for ( Int_t icent=0; icentGetEntries(); icent++ ) { TString currId = Form("/%s/%s/%s/", physSelList->At(isel)->GetName(), trigClassList->At(itrig)->GetName(),centralityList->At(icent)->GetName()); TList* objNameList = fMergeableCollection->CreateListOfObjectNames(currId.Data()); for ( Int_t iobj=0; iobjGetEntries(); iobj++ ) { TString objName = objNameList->At(iobj)->GetName(); if ( ! objectNameInCollection.FindObject(objName.Data()) ) objectNameInCollection.Add(new TObjString(objName.Data())); } delete objNameList; } } } delete physSelList; delete trigClassList; delete centralityList; TObjArray* objPatternList = objectPattern.Tokenize(","); TString matchingObjectNames = ""; for ( Int_t iobj=0; iobjGetName(); for ( Int_t ipat=0; ipatGetEntries(); ipat++ ) { TString currPattern = ((TObjString*)objPatternList->At(ipat))->GetString(); if ( currPattern.Contains("*") ) { if ( ! objName.Contains(TRegexp(currPattern.Data(),kTRUE)) ) continue; } else if ( objName != currPattern ) continue; if ( ! matchingObjectNames.IsNull() ) matchingObjectNames.Append(","); matchingObjectNames += objName; } } delete objPatternList; // for ( Int_t iobj=0; iobjGetName(); // Bool_t matchAnd = kTRUE; // for ( Int_t ikey=0; ikeyGetEntries(); isub++ ) { // TString subKeyString = ((TObjString*)subKeyList->At(isub))->GetString(); // if ( subKeyString.Contains("*") ) { // if ( objName.Contains(TRegexp(subKeyString.Data())) ) { // matchOr = kTRUE; // break; // } // } // else if ( objName == subKeyString ) { // matchOr = kTRUE; // break; // } // } // if ( ! matchOr ) { // matchAnd = kFALSE; // break; // } // } // if ( ! matchAnd ) continue; // if ( ! matchingObjectNames.IsNull() ) matchingObjectNames.Append(","); // matchingObjectNames += objName; // } TString idPattern = Form("/%s/%s/%s/%s", physSel.Data(), trigClassNames.Data(), sumCentralityString.Data(), matchingObjectNames.Data()); idPattern.ReplaceAll(" ",""); AliDebug(1,Form("Sum pattern %s", idPattern.Data())); return fMergeableCollection->GetSum(idPattern.Data()); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::CreateMergeableObjects(TString physSel, TString trigClassName, TString centrality) { TObject* obj = 0x0; TString objectName = ""; TString identifier = Form("/%s/%s/%s/", physSel.Data(), trigClassName.Data(), centrality.Data()); for ( Int_t iobj=0; iobjGetEntries(); ++iobj ) { objectName = fOutputPrototypeList->At(iobj)->GetName(); obj = fOutputPrototypeList->At(iobj)->Clone(objectName.Data()); fMergeableCollection->Adopt(identifier, obj); } // loop on histos } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliVAnalysisMuon::SetSparseRange(AliCFGridSparse* gridSparse, Int_t ivar, TString labelName, Double_t varMin, Double_t varMax, TString option) { // /// Set range in a smart way. /// Allows to select a bin from the label. /// Check the bin limits. // // Keep for backward compatibility return AliAnalysisMuonUtility::SetSparseRange(gridSparse,ivar,labelName,varMin, varMax,option); } //________________________________________________________________________ TString AliVAnalysisMuon::GetDefaultTrigClassPatterns() const { /// Get default trigger class patterns return fMuonEventCuts->GetDefaultTrigClassPatterns(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::SetTrigClassPatterns(const TString pattern) { /// Set trigger classes TString currPattern = pattern; if ( currPattern.IsNull() ) { currPattern = GetDefaultTrigClassPatterns(); currPattern.Append(",!CMUP*"); // by default do not account for UltraPeripheral events } fMuonEventCuts->SetTrigClassPatterns(currPattern); } //________________________________________________________________________ TList* AliVAnalysisMuon::GetAllSelectedTrigClasses() const { /// Get trigger classes return fMuonEventCuts->GetAllSelectedTrigClasses(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::SetCentralityClasses(Int_t nCentralityBins, Double_t* centralityBins) { // /// Set centrality classes // fMuonEventCuts->SetCentralityClasses(nCentralityBins, centralityBins); } //________________________________________________________________________ TAxis* AliVAnalysisMuon::GetCentralityClasses() const { // /// Set centrality classes // return fMuonEventCuts->GetCentralityClasses(); } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliVAnalysisMuon::SetCentralityClassesFromOutput() { // /// Get axis of centrality classes from output key // if ( ! fMergeableCollection ) return kFALSE; TList* centrKeyList = fMergeableCollection->CreateListOfKeys(2); TObjArray centrLimitsList; centrLimitsList.SetOwner(); if ( ! centrKeyList ) return kFALSE; for ( Int_t ikey=0; ikeyGetEntries(); ikey++ ) { TString centr = static_cast(centrKeyList->At(ikey))->GetString(); TObjArray* array = centr.Tokenize("_"); for ( Int_t ilim=0; ilimGetEntries(); ilim++ ) { TString currLim = static_cast(array->At(ilim))->GetString(); if ( ! centrLimitsList.FindObject(currLim.Data()) ) centrLimitsList.Add(new TObjString(currLim)); } delete array; } delete centrKeyList; // Get unsorted array TArrayD bins(centrLimitsList.GetEntries()); for ( Int_t ibin=0; ibin(centrLimitsList.At(ibin))->GetString().Atof(); } // Sort it Int_t index[bins.GetSize()]; TMath::Sort(bins.GetSize(),bins.GetArray(),index, kFALSE); TArrayD sortedBins(bins.GetSize()); for ( Int_t ibin=0; ibinSetOwner(); } fTerminateOptions->AddAt(new TObjString(physSel), 0); fTerminateOptions->AddAt(new TObjString(trigClass), 1); fTerminateOptions->AddAt(new TObjString(centralityRange),2); fTerminateOptions->AddLast(new TObjString(furtherOpts)); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::InitKeys() { // /// Init keys // TString chargeKeys = "MuMinus MuPlus"; fChargeKeys = chargeKeys.Tokenize(" "); TString srcKeys = "CharmMu BeautyMu QuarkoniumMu WbosonMu DecayMu SecondaryMu Hadron Unidentified"; fSrcKeys = srcKeys.Tokenize(" "); TString physSelKeys = "PhysSelPass PhysSelReject"; fPhysSelKeys = physSelKeys.Tokenize(" "); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliVAnalysisMuon::SetWeight ( TObject* wgtObj ) { /// Set weight if ( fWeights->FindObject(wgtObj->GetName()) ) { AliWarning(Form("Weight object %s is already in the list",wgtObj->GetName())); return; } fWeights->Add(wgtObj); } //________________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliVAnalysisMuon::GetWeight ( const Char_t* wgtName ) { /// Get weight return fWeights->FindObject(wgtName); }