/* $Id$ */ // ------------------------------------------------------ // // Class to handle corrections. // // ------------------------------------------------------ // #include #include #include #include #include "AliCorrectionMatrix.h" //____________________________________________________________________ ClassImp(AliCorrectionMatrix) //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix::AliCorrectionMatrix() : TNamed(), fhMeas(0), fhGene(0), fhCorr(0) { // default constructor } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix::AliCorrectionMatrix(const Char_t* name, const Char_t* title) : TNamed(name, title), fhMeas(0), fhGene(0), fhCorr(0) { // constructor initializing tnamed } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix::AliCorrectionMatrix(const AliCorrectionMatrix& c) : TNamed(c), fhMeas(0), fhGene(0), fhCorr(0) { // copy constructor ((AliCorrectionMatrix &)c).Copy(*this); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix::~AliCorrectionMatrix() { // // destructor // if (fhMeas) { delete fhMeas; fhMeas = 0; } if (fhGene) { delete fhGene; fhGene = 0; } if (fhCorr) { delete fhCorr; fhCorr = 0; } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix &AliCorrectionMatrix::operator=(const AliCorrectionMatrix &c) { // assigment operator if (this != &c) ((AliCorrectionMatrix &) c).Copy(*this); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix::Copy(TObject& c) const { // copy function AliCorrectionMatrix& target = (AliCorrectionMatrix &) c; if (fhMeas) target.fhMeas = dynamic_cast (fhMeas->Clone()); if (fhGene) target.fhGene = dynamic_cast (fhGene->Clone()); if (fhCorr) target.fhCorr = dynamic_cast (fhCorr->Clone()); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix::SetAxisTitles(const Char_t* titleX, const Char_t* titleY, const Char_t* titleZ) { // // method for setting the axis titles of the histograms // fhMeas ->SetXTitle(titleX); fhMeas ->SetYTitle(titleY); fhMeas ->SetZTitle(titleZ); fhGene ->SetXTitle(titleX); fhGene ->SetYTitle(titleY); fhGene ->SetZTitle(titleZ); fhCorr ->SetXTitle(titleX); fhCorr ->SetYTitle(titleY); fhCorr ->SetZTitle(titleZ); } //____________________________________________________________________ Long64_t AliCorrectionMatrix::Merge(TCollection* list) { // Merge a list of AliCorrectionMatrix objects with this (needed for // PROOF). // Returns the number of merged objects (including this). if (!list) return 0; if (list->IsEmpty()) return 1; TIterator* iter = list->MakeIterator(); TObject* obj; // collections of measured and generated histograms TList* collectionMeas = new TList; TList* collectionGene = new TList; Int_t count = 0; while ((obj = iter->Next())) { AliCorrectionMatrix* entry = dynamic_cast (obj); if (entry == 0) continue; collectionMeas->Add(entry->GetMeasuredHistogram()); collectionGene->Add(entry->GetGeneratedHistogram()); count++; } fhMeas->Merge(collectionMeas); fhGene->Merge(collectionGene); delete collectionMeas; delete collectionGene; return count+1; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix::Divide() { // // divide the histograms to get the correction // if (!fhMeas || !fhGene) return; fhCorr->Divide(fhGene, fhMeas, 1, 1, "B"); Int_t emptyBins = 0; for (Int_t x=1; x<=fhCorr->GetNbinsX(); ++x) for (Int_t y=1; y<=fhCorr->GetNbinsY(); ++y) for (Int_t z=1; z<=fhCorr->GetNbinsZ(); ++z) if (fhCorr->GetBinContent(x, y, z) == 0) ++emptyBins; if (emptyBins > 0) printf("INFO: In %s we have %d empty bins (of %d) in the correction map\n", GetName(), emptyBins, fhCorr->GetNbinsX() * fhCorr->GetNbinsY() * fhCorr->GetNbinsZ()); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCorrectionMatrix::LoadHistograms(const Char_t* fileName, const Char_t* dir) { // // loads the histograms from a file // TFile* fin = TFile::Open(fileName); if(!fin) { //Info("LoadHistograms",Form(" %s file does not exist",fileName)); return kFALSE; } if(fhGene) {delete fhGene; fhGene=0;} if(fhCorr) {delete fhCorr; fhCorr=0;} if(fhMeas) {delete fhMeas; fhMeas=0;} fhMeas = dynamic_cast (fin->Get(Form("%s/meas_%s", dir,GetName()))); if(!fhMeas) Info("LoadHistograms","No meas hist available"); fhGene = dynamic_cast (fin->Get(Form("%s/gene_%s",dir, GetName()))); if(!fhGene) Info("LoadHistograms","No gene hist available"); fhCorr = dynamic_cast (fin->Get(Form("%s/corr_%s",dir, GetName()))); if(!fhCorr) { Info("LoadHistograms","No corr hist available"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix::SaveHistograms() { // // saves the histograms // fhMeas ->Write(); fhGene ->Write(); if (fhCorr) fhCorr->Write(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix::DrawHistograms() { // // draws all the four histograms on one TCanvas // TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas(Form("correction_%s",fName.Data()), Form("correction_%s",fName.Data()), 800, 800); canvas->Divide(2, 2); canvas->cd(1); if (fhMeas) fhMeas->Draw("COLZ"); canvas->cd(2); if (fhGene) fhGene->Draw("COLZ"); canvas->cd(3); if (fhCorr) fhCorr->Draw("COLZ"); canvas->cd(4); // add: draw here the stat. errors of the correction histogram } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix::ReduceInformation() { // this function deletes the measured and generated histograms to reduce the amount of data // in memory if (fhMeas) { delete fhMeas; fhMeas = 0; } if (fhGene) { delete fhGene; fhGene = 0; } }