/* $Id$ */ // ------------------------------------------------------ // // Class to handle 2d-corrections. // // ------------------------------------------------------ // #include #include #include "AliCorrectionMatrix2D.h" //____________________________________________________________________ ClassImp(AliCorrectionMatrix2D) //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix2D::AliCorrectionMatrix2D() : AliCorrectionMatrix() { // default constructor } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix2D::AliCorrectionMatrix2D(const AliCorrectionMatrix2D& c) : AliCorrectionMatrix(c) { // copy constructor ((AliCorrectionMatrix2D &)c).Copy(*this); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix2D &AliCorrectionMatrix2D::operator=(const AliCorrectionMatrix2D &c) { // assigment operator if (this != &c) ((AliCorrectionMatrix2D &) c).Copy(*this); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix2D::AliCorrectionMatrix2D(const Char_t* name, const Char_t* title, Int_t nBinX, Float_t Xmin, Float_t Xmax, Int_t nBinY, Float_t Ymin, Float_t Ymax) : AliCorrectionMatrix(name, title) { // // constructor // // do not add this hists to the directory Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); fhMeas = new TH2F("measured", Form("%s measured", GetTitle()), nBinX, Xmin, Xmax, nBinY, Ymin, Ymax); fhGene = new TH2F("generated", Form("%s generated", GetTitle()), nBinX, Xmin, Xmax, nBinY, Ymin, Ymax); fhCorr = new TH2F("correction", Form("%s correction", GetTitle()), nBinX, Xmin, Xmax, nBinY, Ymin, Ymax); TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus); fhMeas->Sumw2(); fhGene->Sumw2(); fhCorr->Sumw2(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix2D::AliCorrectionMatrix2D(const Char_t* name, const Char_t* title, Int_t nBinX, Float_t *X, Int_t nBinY, Float_t *Y) : AliCorrectionMatrix(name, title) { // // constructor // // do not add this hists to the directory Bool_t oldStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); fhMeas = new TH2F("measured", Form("%s measured",title), nBinX, X, nBinY, Y); fhGene = new TH2F("generated", Form("%s generated",title), nBinX, X, nBinY, Y); fhCorr = new TH2F("correction", Form("%s correction",title), nBinX, X, nBinY, Y); TH1::AddDirectory(oldStatus); fhMeas->Sumw2(); fhGene->Sumw2(); fhCorr->Sumw2(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliCorrectionMatrix2D::~AliCorrectionMatrix2D() { // // destructor // // histograms already deleted in base class } TH2F* AliCorrectionMatrix2D::GetGeneratedHistogram() const { // return generated histogram casted to correct type return dynamic_cast (fhGene); } TH2F* AliCorrectionMatrix2D::GetMeasuredHistogram() const { // return measured histogram casted to correct type return dynamic_cast (fhMeas); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliCorrectionMatrix2D::Get1DCorrectionHistogram(Char_t* opt, Float_t min, Float_t max) { // // integrate the correction over one variable // TH1D* meas1D = 0; TH1D* gene1D = 0; if (strcmp(opt,"x")==0) { Int_t binMin = fhMeas->GetYaxis()->FindBin(min); Int_t binMax = fhGene->GetYaxis()->FindBin(max); if (min>=max) { meas1D = ((TH2F*)fhMeas)->ProjectionX(); gene1D = ((TH2F*)fhGene)->ProjectionX(); } else { Printf("Getting 1D map. Including y-bins %d to %d", binMin, binMax); meas1D = ((TH2F*)fhMeas)->ProjectionX(Form("%s_pm", GetName()),binMin,binMax); gene1D = ((TH2F*)fhGene)->ProjectionX(Form("%s_pg", GetName()),binMin,binMax); } } if (strcmp(opt,"y")==0) { Int_t binMin = fhMeas->GetXaxis()->FindBin(min); Int_t binMax = fhMeas->GetXaxis()->FindBin(max); if (min>=max) { meas1D = ((TH2F*)fhMeas)->ProjectionY(); gene1D = ((TH2F*)fhGene)->ProjectionY(); } else { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("Getting 1D map. Including x-bins %d to %d \n", binMin, binMax)); meas1D = ((TH2F*)fhMeas)->ProjectionY(Form("%s_pm", GetName()), binMin, binMax); gene1D = ((TH2F*)fhGene)->ProjectionY(Form("%s_pg", GetName()), binMin, binMax); } } gene1D->Sumw2(); gene1D->SetName(Form("corr_1D_%s",fName.Data())); gene1D->SetTitle(Form("corr_1D_%s",fName.Data())); gene1D->Divide(gene1D, meas1D, 1, 1, "B"); return (TH1F*)gene1D; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix2D::FillMeas(Float_t ax, Float_t ay) { // add value to measured histogram ((TH2F*)fhMeas)->Fill(ax, ay); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix2D::FillGene(Float_t ax, Float_t ay) { // add value to generated histogram ((TH2F*)fhGene)->Fill(ax, ay); } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliCorrectionMatrix2D::GetCorrection(Float_t ax, Float_t ay) const { // returns a value of the correction map return fhCorr->GetBinContent(fhCorr->FindBin(ax,ay)); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix2D::RemoveEdges(Float_t cut, Int_t nBinsXedge, Int_t nBinsYedge) { // remove edges of correction histogram by removing // - bins with content less than cut // - bins next to bins with zero bin content Int_t nBinsX = fhCorr->GetNbinsX(); Int_t nBinsY = fhCorr->GetNbinsY(); // set bin content to zero for bins with content smaller cut for (Int_t bx=0; bx<=nBinsX; bx++) { for (Int_t by=0; by<=nBinsY; by++) { if (fhCorr->GetBinContent(bx,by)>cut) { fhCorr->SetBinContent(bx,by,0); fhCorr->SetBinError(bx,by,0); } } } // set bin content to zero for bins next to bins with zero TH2F* tmp = (TH2F*)fhCorr->Clone("tmp"); tmp->Reset(); Bool_t done = kFALSE; Int_t nBinsXCount = 0; Int_t nBinsYCount = 0; while (!done) { if (nBinsXCountGetBinContent(bx+1,by)==0)|| (fhCorr->GetBinContent(bx-1,by)==0)) tmp->SetBinContent(bx,by,1); } } if (nBinsYCountGetBinContent(bx,by+1)==0)|| (fhCorr->GetBinContent(bx,by-1)==0)) tmp->SetBinContent(bx,by,1); } } for (Int_t bx=0; bx<=nBinsX; bx++) { for (Int_t by=0; by<=nBinsY; by++) { if (tmp->GetBinContent(bx,by)==1) { fhCorr->SetBinContent(bx,by,0); fhCorr->SetBinError(bx,by,0); } } } nBinsXCount++; nBinsYCount++; if ((nBinsXCount>=nBinsXedge)&&(nBinsYCount>=nBinsYedge)) done=kTRUE; } tmp->Delete(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliCorrectionMatrix2D::Rebin(Int_t x, Int_t y) { // rebins the histograms, recalculates the correction GetGeneratedHistogram()->Rebin2D(x, y); GetMeasuredHistogram()->Rebin2D(x, y); GetCorrectionHistogram()->Rebin2D(x, y); Divide(); }