// // Class to check the reconstruction versus the generated // // TODO: // - add a lot of histograms (much more on tracks vs mc particle) // - add documentation // #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include "TObject.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TTree #include "TTree.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TH3 #include "TH3.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TParticle #include "TParticle.h" #endif #include "AliESDtrack.h" class AliRecoVsGeneCheck : public TObject { public: AliRecoVsGeneCheck(); void Event(Double_t* vtx, Double_t* vtx_res, Double_t* mcvtx, Int_t n_part=-1); void Track(AliESDtrack* esdTrack, TParticle* mcParticle); void SetNPartAxisTitle(Char_t* t) {fhVtxZResVsNPart ->SetXTitle(t); fhVtxDzNormVsNPart->SetXTitle(t); fhNPart->SetXTitle(t);} void SaveHistograms(Char_t* dir="reco_vs_gene"); protected: // event specific histograms TH2F* fhVtzZRecoVsMC; // z pos of vertex reco vs MC TH1F* fhVtxZRes; // estimated z res. of vertex TH2F* fhVtxZResVsZ; // estimated z res. of vertex vs z TH2F* fhVtxZResVsNPart; // estimated z res. of vertex vs n part TH1F* fhVtxDzNorm; // (z_mc - z_reco)/estimated res. TH2F* fhVtxDzNormVsZ; // (z_mc - z_reco)/estimated res. vs vtx z TH2F* fhVtxDzNormVsNPart; // (z_mc - z_reco)/estimated res. vs n part. TH1F* fhVtxZMC; // vtz z mc TH1F* fhVtxZReco; // vtx z reco TH1F* fhNPart; // n charged primary particles // track specific histograms TH3F* fhDPtVsPtVsEta; TH3F* fhDEtaVsPtVsEta; ClassDef(AliRecoVsGeneCheck, 1) };