/* $Id$ */ #include "AliMultiplicityTask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliPWG0Helper.h" #include "multiplicity/AliMultiplicityCorrection.h" #include "AliCorrection.h" #include "AliCorrectionMatrix3D.h" #include "AliPhysicsSelection.h" #include "AliTriggerAnalysis.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" ClassImp(AliMultiplicityTask) AliMultiplicityTask::AliMultiplicityTask(const char* opt) : AliAnalysisTask("AliMultiplicityTask", ""), fESD(0), fOption(opt), fAnalysisMode((AliPWG0Helper::AnalysisMode) (AliPWG0Helper::kSPD | AliPWG0Helper::kFieldOn)), fTrigger(AliTriggerAnalysis::kMB1), fDeltaPhiCut(-1), fDiffTreatment(AliPWG0Helper::kMCFlags), fReadMC(kFALSE), fUseMCVertex(kFALSE), fMultiplicity(0), fEsdTrackCuts(0), fSystSkipParticles(kFALSE), fSelectProcessType(0), fParticleSpecies(0), fdNdpT(0), fPtSpectrum(0), fTemp1(0), fTemp2(0), fVertex(0), fEtaPhi(0), fOutput(0) { // // Constructor. Initialization of pointers // for (Int_t i = 0; i<8; i++) fParticleCorrection[i] = 0; for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) fEta[i] = 0; // Define input and output slots here DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); DefineOutput(0, TList::Class()); if (fOption.Contains("only-process-type-nd")) fSelectProcessType = 1; if (fOption.Contains("only-process-type-sd")) fSelectProcessType = 2; if (fOption.Contains("only-process-type-dd")) fSelectProcessType = 3; if (fSelectProcessType != 0) AliInfo(Form("WARNING: Systematic study enabled. Only considering process type %d", fSelectProcessType)); } AliMultiplicityTask::~AliMultiplicityTask() { // // Destructor // // histograms are in the output list and deleted when the output // list is deleted by the TSelector dtor if (fOutput&& !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) { delete fOutput; fOutput = 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliMultiplicityTask::ConnectInputData(Option_t *) { // Connect ESD // Called once Printf("AliMultiplicityTask::ConnectInputData called"); TTree* tree = dynamic_cast (GetInputData(0)); if (!tree) { Printf("ERROR: Could not read tree from input slot 0"); } else { // Disable all branches and enable only the needed ones /* tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0); tree->SetBranchStatus("AliESDHeader*", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("*Vertex*", 1); if (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kSPD) { tree->SetBranchStatus("AliMultiplicity*", 1); } if (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPC || fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCITS) { //AliESDtrackCuts::EnableNeededBranches(tree); tree->SetBranchStatus("Tracks*", 1); } */ AliESDInputHandler *esdH = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!esdH) { Printf("ERROR: Could not get ESDInputHandler"); } else fESD = esdH->GetEvent(); } // disable info messages of AliMCEvent (per event) AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliMCEvent", AliLog::kWarning - AliLog::kDebug + 1); } void AliMultiplicityTask::CreateOutputObjects() { // create result objects and add to output list fOutput = new TList; fOutput->SetOwner(); fMultiplicity = new AliMultiplicityCorrection("Multiplicity", "Multiplicity"); fOutput->Add(fMultiplicity); fdNdpT = new TH1F("fdNdpT", "fdNdpT", 1000, 0, 10); fdNdpT->Sumw2(); fOutput->Add(fdNdpT); if (fOption.Contains("particle-efficiency")) for (Int_t i = 0; i<8; i++) { fParticleCorrection[i] = new AliCorrection(Form("correction_%d", i), Form("correction_%d", i)); fOutput->Add(fParticleCorrection[i]); } if (fOption.Contains("pt-spectrum-hist")) { TFile* file = TFile::Open("ptspectrum_fit.root"); if (file) { TString subStr(fOption(fOption.Index("pt-spectrum")+17, 3)); TString histName(Form("ptspectrum_%s", subStr.Data())); AliInfo(Form("Pt-Spectrum modification. Using %s.", histName.Data())); fPtSpectrum = (TH1D*) file->Get(histName); if (!fPtSpectrum) AliError("Histogram not found"); } else AliError("Could not open ptspectrum_fit.root. Pt Spectrum study could not be enabled."); } if (fOption.Contains("pt-spectrum-func")) { if (fPtSpectrum) { Printf("Using function for systematic p_t study"); } else { Printf("ERROR: Could not find function for systematic p_t study"); fPtSpectrum = new TH1D("fPtSpectrum", "fPtSpectrum", 1, 0, 100); fPtSpectrum->SetBinContent(1, 1); } } if (fPtSpectrum) Printf("WARNING: Systematic study enabled. Pt spectrum will be modified"); if (fOption.Contains("particle-species")) { fParticleSpecies = new TNtuple("fParticleSpecies", "fParticleSpecies", "vtx:Pi_True:K_True:p_True:o_True:Pi_Rec:K_Rec:p_Rec:o_Rec:nolabel:doublePrim:doubleCount"); fOutput->Add(fParticleSpecies); } fTemp1 = new TH2F("fTemp1", "fTemp1", 100, -0.5, 99.5, 100, -0.5, 99.5); fOutput->Add(fTemp1); for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { fEta[i] = new TH1F(Form("fEta_%d", i), ";#eta", 100, -2, 2); fOutput->Add(fEta[i]); } fVertex = new TH3F("vertex_check", "vertex_check;x;y;z", 100, -1, 1, 100, -1, 1, 100, -30, 30); fOutput->Add(fVertex); fEtaPhi = new TH2F("fEtaPhi", "fEtaPhi;#eta;#phi in rad.;count", 80, -4, 4, 18*20, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi()); fOutput->Add(fEtaPhi); // TODO set seed for random generator } void AliMultiplicityTask::Exec(Option_t*) { // process the event // Check prerequisites if (!fESD) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "ESD not available"); return; } AliInputEventHandler* inputHandler = (AliInputEventHandler*) AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler(); if (!inputHandler) { Printf("ERROR: Could not receive input handler"); return; } Bool_t eventTriggered = inputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kMB; static AliTriggerAnalysis* triggerAnalysis = 0; if (!triggerAnalysis) { AliPhysicsSelection* physicsSelection = dynamic_cast (inputHandler->GetEventSelection()); triggerAnalysis = physicsSelection->GetTriggerAnalysis(); } if (eventTriggered) eventTriggered = triggerAnalysis->IsTriggerFired(fESD, fTrigger); const AliESDVertex* vtxESD = AliPWG0Helper::GetVertex(fESD, fAnalysisMode); if (vtxESD && !AliPWG0Helper::TestVertex(vtxESD, fAnalysisMode)) vtxESD = 0; // remove vertices outside +- 15 cm if (vtxESD && TMath::Abs(vtxESD->GetZv()) > 15) vtxESD = 0; Bool_t eventVertex = (vtxESD != 0); Double_t vtx[3]; if (vtxESD) { vtxESD->GetXYZ(vtx); fVertex->Fill(vtxESD->GetXv(), vtxESD->GetYv(), vtxESD->GetZv()); } // post the data already here PostData(0, fOutput); //const Float_t kPtCut = 0.3; // create list of (label, eta) tuples Int_t inputCount = 0; Int_t* labelArr = 0; Float_t* etaArr = 0; Int_t nGoodTracks = 0; // number of total good tracks is needed both in SPD and TPC loops if the mode is kTPCSPD Int_t nESDTracks = 0; // Total number of ESD tracks (including those not passing the cuts); const int kRejBit = BIT(15); // set this bit in ESD tracks if it is rejected by a cut if (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPC || fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCITS || fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCSPD) { if (!fEsdTrackCuts) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "fESDTrackCuts not available"); return; } if (vtxESD) { // get multiplicity from ESD tracks TObjArray* list = fEsdTrackCuts->GetAcceptedTracks(fESD, (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPC)); nGoodTracks = list->GetEntries(); Int_t arraySize = nGoodTracks; // if we're also using tracklets, we need to increase this if (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCSPD) { // if I have to also count clusters later on, I have to make sure the arrays are big enough // Moreover, we need to keep track of rejected tracks to avoid double-counting Printf( "Processing tracks"); const AliMultiplicity* mult = fESD->GetMultiplicity(); if (!mult) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "AliMultiplicity not available"); return; } arraySize += mult->GetNumberOfTracklets(); // allocate and fill array for rejected tracks nESDTracks = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks(); for(Int_t itracks = 0; itracks < nESDTracks; itracks++){ AliESDtrack* track = fESD->GetTrack(itracks); if( itracks!=track->GetID() ){ AliFatal("Track ID not matching track index!"); } if (!fEsdTrackCuts->AcceptTrack(track)) { track->SetBit(kRejBit); } } } labelArr = new Int_t[arraySize]; etaArr = new Float_t[arraySize]; // loop over esd tracks for (Int_t i=0; i (list->At(i)); if (!esdTrack) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("ERROR: Could not retrieve track %d.", i)); continue; } if (esdTrack->Pt() < 0.15){ esdTrack->SetBit(kRejBit); continue; } if (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCSPD) { // Cuts by ruben to flag secondaries if (esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kMultSec) ) continue; if (esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kMultInV0)) continue; } Float_t d0z0[2],covd0z0[3]; esdTrack->GetImpactParameters(d0z0,covd0z0); Float_t sigma= 0.0050+0.0060/TMath::Power(esdTrack->Pt(),0.9); Float_t d0max = 7.*sigma; if (TMath::Abs(d0z0[0]) > d0max) { // rejLabelArr[irejCount++] = esdTrack->GetID(); // We // don't count the tracklet if the track is a // secondary, so this must be commented out continue; } if (vtxESD && TMath::Abs(vtx[2]) < 10) fEtaPhi->Fill(esdTrack->Eta(), esdTrack->Phi()); etaArr[inputCount] = esdTrack->Eta(); labelArr[inputCount] = TMath::Abs(esdTrack->GetLabel()); ++inputCount; } delete list; } } // SPD tracklets are used either in SPD standalone mode or in TPC+SPD mode (tracks + tracklets not using any cluster already used in tracks) if (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kSPD || fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCSPD) { if (vtxESD) { AliDebug(AliLog::kInfo, "Processing tracklets"); // get tracklets const AliMultiplicity* mult = fESD->GetMultiplicity(); if (!mult) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "AliMultiplicity not available"); return; } Bool_t foundInEta10 = kFALSE; if (!(fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCSPD)) { // if we are counting both tracks and tracklets, these arrays were already initialized above AliDebug(AliLog::kInfo, "Booking arrays"); labelArr = new Int_t[mult->GetNumberOfTracklets()]; etaArr = new Float_t[mult->GetNumberOfTracklets()]; } if (inputCount) foundInEta10 = kTRUE; // by definition, if we found a track. // get multiplicity from ITS tracklets for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfTracklets(); ++i) { //printf("%d %f %f %f\n", i, mult->GetTheta(i), mult->GetPhi(i), mult->GetDeltaPhi(i)); Float_t deltaPhi = mult->GetDeltaPhi(i); if (fDeltaPhiCut > 0 && TMath::Abs(deltaPhi) > fDeltaPhiCut) continue; if (fSystSkipParticles && gRandom->Uniform() < (0.0153)) { Printf("Skipped tracklet!"); continue; } // if counting tracks+tracklets, check if clusters where already used in tracks if (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kTPCSPD) { Int_t id1,id2; mult->GetTrackletTrackIDs(i,0,id1,id2); if ( (id1>=0&& !fESD->GetTrack(id1)->TestBit(kRejBit) ) || (id2>=0&& !fESD->GetTrack(id2)->TestBit(kRejBit) ) ) { printf ("Skipping tracklet: already used in track"); continue; } // Ruben also had this, but we're not using pure ITSSA tracks here: // if (fSPDMult->FreeClustersTracklet(itr,1)) trITSSApure++; // not used in ITS_SA_Pure track } etaArr[inputCount] = mult->GetEta(i); if (mult->GetLabel(i, 0) == mult->GetLabel(i, 1)) { labelArr[inputCount] = mult->GetLabel(i, 0); } else labelArr[inputCount] = -1; for (Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) { if (vtx[2] > fMultiplicity->GetVertexBegin(j) && vtx[2] < fMultiplicity->GetVertexEnd(j)) fEta[j]->Fill(etaArr[inputCount]); } if (vtxESD && TMath::Abs(vtx[2]) < 10) fEtaPhi->Fill(etaArr[inputCount], mult->GetPhi(i)); // we have to repeat the trigger here, because the tracklet might have been kicked out fSystSkipParticles if (TMath::Abs(etaArr[inputCount]) < 1) foundInEta10 = kTRUE; ++inputCount; } if (fSystSkipParticles && (fTrigger & AliTriggerAnalysis::kOneParticle) && !foundInEta10) eventTriggered = kFALSE; } } // eta range for nMCTracksSpecies, nESDTracksSpecies Float_t etaRange = 1.0; // switch (fAnalysisMode) { // case AliPWG0Helper::kInvalid: break; // case AliPWG0Helper::kTPC: // case AliPWG0Helper::kTPCITS: // etaRange = 1.0; break; // case AliPWG0Helper::kSPD: etaRange = 1.0; break; // default: break; // } if (!fReadMC) // Processing of ESD information { Int_t nESDTracks05 = 0; Int_t nESDTracks10 = 0; Int_t nESDTracks14 = 0; for (Int_t i=0; i= 20 || nESDTracks10 >= 30 || nESDTracks14 >= 32) // Printf("File: %s, IEV: %d, TRG: ---, Orbit: 0x%x, Period: %d, BC: %d; Tracks: %d %d %d", ((TTree*) GetInputData(0))->GetCurrentFile()->GetName(), fESD->GetEventNumberInFile(), fESD->GetOrbitNumber(),fESD->GetPeriodNumber(),fESD->GetBunchCrossNumber(), nESDTracks05, nESDTracks10, nESDTracks14); if (eventTriggered) fMultiplicity->FillTriggeredEvent(nESDTracks05, nESDTracks10, nESDTracks14); if (eventTriggered && eventVertex) fMultiplicity->FillMeasured(vtx[2], nESDTracks05, nESDTracks10, nESDTracks14); } else if (fReadMC) // Processing of MC information { AliMCEventHandler* eventHandler = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler()); if (!eventHandler) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event handler"); return; } AliMCEvent* mcEvent = eventHandler->MCEvent(); if (!mcEvent) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event"); return; } AliStack* stack = mcEvent->Stack(); if (!stack) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "Stack not available"); return; } AliHeader* header = mcEvent->Header(); if (!header) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, "Header not available"); return; } if (fUseMCVertex) { Printf("WARNING: Replacing vertex by MC vertex. This is for systematical checks only."); // get the MC vertex AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader(); TArrayF vtxMC(3); genHeader->PrimaryVertex(vtxMC); vtx[2] = vtxMC[2]; } // get process information AliPWG0Helper::MCProcessType processType = AliPWG0Helper::GetEventProcessType(fESD, header, stack, fDiffTreatment); Bool_t processEvent = kTRUE; if (fSelectProcessType > 0) { processEvent = kFALSE; // non diffractive if (fSelectProcessType == 1 && processType == AliPWG0Helper::kND) processEvent = kTRUE; // single diffractive if (fSelectProcessType == 2 && processType == AliPWG0Helper::kSD) processEvent = kTRUE; // double diffractive if (fSelectProcessType == 3 && processType == AliPWG0Helper::kDD) processEvent = kTRUE; if (!processEvent) Printf("Skipping this event, because it is not of the requested process type (%d)", (Int_t) processType); } if (processEvent) { // get the MC vertex AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader(); TArrayF vtxMC(3); genHeader->PrimaryVertex(vtxMC); // get number of tracks from MC // loop over mc particles Int_t nPrim = stack->GetNprimary(); Int_t nMCPart = stack->GetNtrack(); // tracks in different eta ranges Int_t nMCTracks05 = 0; Int_t nMCTracks10 = 0; Int_t nMCTracks14 = 0; Int_t nMCTracksAll = 0; // tracks per particle species, in |eta| < 2 (systematic study) Int_t nMCTracksSpecies[4]; // (pi, K, p, other) for (Int_t i = 0; i<4; ++i) nMCTracksSpecies[i] = 0; for (Int_t iMc = 0; iMc < nPrim; ++iMc) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("MC Loop: Processing particle %d.", iMc)); TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(iMc); if (!particle) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("UNEXPECTED: particle with label %d not found in stack (mc loop).", iMc)); continue; } Bool_t debug = kFALSE; if (AliPWG0Helper::IsPrimaryCharged(particle, nPrim, debug) == kFALSE) { //printf("%d) DROPPED ", iMC); //particle->Print(); continue; } //printf("%d) OK ", iMC); //particle->Print(); //if (particle->Pt() < kPtCut) // continue; Int_t particleWeight = 1; Float_t pt = particle->Pt(); // in case of systematic study, weight according to the change of the pt spectrum // it cannot be just multiplied because we cannot count "half of a particle" // instead a random generator decides if the particle is counted twice (if value > 1) // or not (if value < 0) if (fPtSpectrum) { Int_t bin = fPtSpectrum->FindBin(pt); if (bin > 0 && bin <= fPtSpectrum->GetNbinsX()) { Float_t factor = fPtSpectrum->GetBinContent(bin); if (factor > 0) { Float_t random = gRandom->Uniform(); if (factor > 1 && random < factor - 1) { particleWeight = 2; } else if (factor < 1 && random < 1 - factor) particleWeight = 0; } } } //Printf("MC weight is: %d", particleWeight); if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 0.5) nMCTracks05 += particleWeight; if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 1.0) nMCTracks10 += particleWeight; if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 1.3) nMCTracks14 += particleWeight; nMCTracksAll += particleWeight; if (particle->Pt() > 0 && TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < 1.0) fdNdpT->Fill(particle->Pt(), 1.0 / particle->Pt()); if (fParticleCorrection[0] || fParticleSpecies) { Int_t id = -1; switch (TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())) { case 211: id = 0; break; case 321: id = 1; break; case 2212: id = 2; break; default: id = 3; break; } if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) < etaRange) nMCTracksSpecies[id]++; if (fParticleCorrection[id]) fParticleCorrection[id]->GetTrackCorrection()->FillGene(vtxMC[2], particle->Eta(), particle->Pt()); } } // end of mc particle fMultiplicity->FillGenerated(vtxMC[2], eventTriggered, eventVertex, processType, (Int_t) nMCTracks05, (Int_t) nMCTracks10, (Int_t) nMCTracks14, (Int_t) nMCTracksAll); // ESD processing Int_t nESDTracks05 = 0; Int_t nESDTracks10 = 0; Int_t nESDTracks14 = 0; // tracks per particle species, in |eta| < 2 (systematic study) Int_t nESDTracksSpecies[7]; // (pi, K, p, other, nolabel, doublecount_prim, doublecount_all) for (Int_t i = 0; i<7; ++i) nESDTracksSpecies[i] = 0; Bool_t* foundPrimaries = new Bool_t[nPrim]; // to prevent double counting for (Int_t i=0; i= 0) labelCopy = AliPWG0Helper::FindPrimaryMotherLabel(stack, labelCopy); if (labelCopy >= 0) mother = stack->Particle(labelCopy); // in case of pt study we do not count particles w/o label, because they cannot be scaled if (!mother) continue; // it cannot be just multiplied because we cannot count "half of a particle" // instead a random generator decides if the particle is counted twice (if value > 1) // or not (if value < 0) Int_t bin = fPtSpectrum->FindBin(mother->Pt()); if (bin > 0 && bin <= fPtSpectrum->GetNbinsX()) { Float_t factor = fPtSpectrum->GetBinContent(bin); if (factor > 0) { Float_t random = gRandom->Uniform(); if (factor > 1 && random < factor - 1) { particleWeight = 2; } else if (factor < 1 && random < 1 - factor) particleWeight = 0; } } } //Printf("ESD weight is: %d", particleWeight); if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 0.5) nESDTracks05 += particleWeight; if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 1.0) nESDTracks10 += particleWeight; if (TMath::Abs(eta) < 1.3) nESDTracks14 += particleWeight; if (fParticleSpecies) { Int_t motherLabel = -1; TParticle* mother = 0; // find mother if (label >= 0) motherLabel = AliPWG0Helper::FindPrimaryMotherLabel(stack, label); if (motherLabel >= 0) mother = stack->Particle(motherLabel); if (!mother) { // count tracks that did not have a label if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange) nESDTracksSpecies[4]++; } else { // get particle type (pion, proton, kaon, other) of mother Int_t idMother = -1; switch (TMath::Abs(mother->GetPdgCode())) { case 211: idMother = 0; break; case 321: idMother = 1; break; case 2212: idMother = 2; break; default: idMother = 3; break; } // double counting is ok for particle ratio study if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange) nESDTracksSpecies[idMother]++; // double counting is not ok for efficiency study // check if we already counted this particle, this way distinguishes double counted particles (bug/artefact in tracking) or double counted primaries due to secondaries (physics) if (foundTracks[label]) { if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange) nESDTracksSpecies[6]++; } else { foundTracks[label] = kTRUE; // particle (primary) already counted? if (foundPrimaries[motherLabel]) { if (TMath::Abs(eta) < etaRange) nESDTracksSpecies[5]++; } else foundPrimaries[motherLabel] = kTRUE; } } } if (fParticleCorrection[0]) { if (label >= 0 && stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(label)) { TParticle* particle = stack->Particle(label); // get particle type (pion, proton, kaon, other) Int_t id = -1; switch (TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())) { case 211: id = 0; break; case 321: id = 1; break; case 2212: id = 2; break; default: id = 3; break; } // todo check if values are not completely off?? // particle (primary) already counted? if (!foundPrimaries2[label]) { foundPrimaries2[label] = kTRUE; fParticleCorrection[id]->GetTrackCorrection()->FillMeas(vtxMC[2], particle->Eta(), particle->Pt()); } } } } if (fParticleCorrection[0]) { // if the particle decays/stops before this radius we do not see it // 8cm larger than SPD layer 2 // 123cm TPC radius where a track has about 50 clusters (cut limit) const Float_t endRadius = (fAnalysisMode & AliPWG0Helper::kSPD) ? 8. : 123; // loop over all primaries that have not been found for (Int_t i=0; iGetParticleAndTR(i, particle, trackrefs); // true primary and charged if (!AliPWG0Helper::IsPrimaryCharged(particle, nPrim)) continue; //skip particles with larger |eta| than 3, to keep the log clean, is anyway not included in correction map if (TMath::Abs(particle->Eta()) > 3) continue; // skipping checking of process type of daughter: Neither kPBrem, kPDeltaRay nor kPCerenkov should appear in the event generation // get particle type (pion, proton, kaon, other) Int_t id = -1; switch (TMath::Abs(particle->GetPdgCode())) { case 211: id = 4; break; case 321: id = 5; break; case 2212: id = 6; break; default: id = 7; break; } if (!fParticleCorrection[id]) continue; // get last track reference AliTrackReference* trackref = dynamic_cast (trackrefs->Last()); if (!trackref) { Printf("ERROR: Could not get trackref of %d (count %d)", i, trackrefs->GetEntries()); particle->Print(); continue; } // particle in tracking volume long enough... if (trackref->R() > endRadius) continue; if (particle->GetLastDaughter() >= 0) { Int_t uID = stack->Particle(particle->GetLastDaughter())->GetUniqueID(); //if (uID != kPBrem && uID != kPDeltaRay && uID < kPCerenkov) if (uID == kPDecay) { // decayed Printf("Particle %d (%s) decayed at %f, daugher uniqueID: %d:", i, particle->GetName(), trackref->R(), uID); particle->Print(); Printf("Daugthers:"); for (Int_t d = particle->GetFirstDaughter(); d <= particle->GetLastDaughter(); d++) stack->Particle(d)->Print(); Printf(" "); fParticleCorrection[id]->GetTrackCorrection()->FillGene(vtxMC[2], particle->Eta(), particle->Pt()); continue; } } if (trackref->DetectorId() == -1) { // stopped Printf("Particle %d stopped at %f:", i, trackref->R()); particle->Print(); Printf(" "); fParticleCorrection[id]->GetTrackCorrection()->FillMeas(vtxMC[2], particle->Eta(), particle->Pt()); continue; } Printf("Particle %d simply not tracked", i); particle->Print(); Printf(" "); } } delete[] foundTracks; delete[] foundPrimaries; delete[] foundPrimaries2; // if ((Int_t) nMCTracks14 > 10 && nESDTracks14 <= 3) // { // TTree* tree = dynamic_cast (GetInputData(0)); // printf("WARNING: Event %lld %s (vtx-z = %f, recon: %f, contrib: %d, res: %f) has %d generated and %d reconstructed...\n", tree->GetReadEntry(), tree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName(), vtxMC[2], vtx[2], vtxESD->GetNContributors(), vtxESD->GetZRes(), nMCTracks14, nESDTracks14); // } if (eventTriggered) { fMultiplicity->FillTriggeredEvent(nESDTracks05, nESDTracks10, nESDTracks14); fMultiplicity->FillNoVertexEvent(vtxMC[2], eventVertex, nMCTracks05, nMCTracks10, nMCTracks14, nESDTracks05, nESDTracks10, nESDTracks14); // if (!eventVertex) // { // if (nESDTracks05 == 0) // fTemp1->Fill(nMCTracks05, nESDTracks05); // } } if (eventTriggered && eventVertex) { // fill response matrix using vtxMC (best guess) fMultiplicity->FillCorrection(vtxMC[2], nMCTracks05, nMCTracks10, nMCTracks14, nMCTracksAll, nESDTracks05, nESDTracks10, nESDTracks14); fMultiplicity->FillMeasured(vtx[2], nESDTracks05, nESDTracks10, nESDTracks14); if (fParticleSpecies) fParticleSpecies->Fill(vtxMC[2], nMCTracksSpecies[0], nMCTracksSpecies[1], nMCTracksSpecies[2], nMCTracksSpecies[3], nESDTracksSpecies[0], nESDTracksSpecies[1], nESDTracksSpecies[2], nESDTracksSpecies[3], nESDTracksSpecies[4], nESDTracksSpecies[5], nESDTracksSpecies[6]); } } } if (etaArr) delete[] etaArr; if (labelArr) delete[] labelArr; } void AliMultiplicityTask::Terminate(Option_t *) { // The Terminate() function is the last function to be called during // a query. It always runs on the client, it can be used to present // the results graphically or save the results to file. fOutput = dynamic_cast (GetOutputData(0)); if (!fOutput) { Printf("ERROR: fOutput not available"); return; } fMultiplicity = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("Multiplicity")); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) fParticleCorrection[i] = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject(Form("correction_%d", i))); fParticleSpecies = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("fParticleSpecies")); fdNdpT = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("fdNdpT")); if (!fMultiplicity) { AliDebug(AliLog::kError, Form("ERROR: Histograms not available %p", (void*) fMultiplicity)); return; } TString fileName("multiplicity"); if (fSelectProcessType == 1) fileName += "ND"; if (fSelectProcessType == 2) fileName += "SD"; if (fSelectProcessType == 3) fileName += "DD"; fileName += ".root"; TFile* file = TFile::Open(fileName, "RECREATE"); fMultiplicity->SaveHistograms(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) if (fParticleCorrection[i]) fParticleCorrection[i]->SaveHistograms(); if (fParticleSpecies) fParticleSpecies->Write(); if (fdNdpT) fdNdpT->Write(); fTemp1 = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("fTemp1")); if (fTemp1) fTemp1->Write(); fEtaPhi = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("fEtaPhi")); if (fEtaPhi) fEtaPhi->Write(); fVertex = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject("vertex_check")); if (fVertex) fVertex->Write(); for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { fEta[i] = dynamic_cast (fOutput->FindObject(Form("fEta_%d", i))); if (fEta[i]) { fEta[i]->Sumw2(); Float_t events = fMultiplicity->GetMultiplicityESD(i)->Integral(1, fMultiplicity->GetMultiplicityESD(i)->GetNbinsX()); if (events > 0) fEta[i]->Scale(1.0 / events); fEta[i]->Scale(1.0 / fEta[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1)); fEta[i]->Write(); } } TObjString option(fOption); option.Write(); file->Close(); Printf("Written result to %s", fileName.Data()); }