/* $Id$ */ // // Script to run the AliGenTriggerMapSelector // #include "../CreateESDChain.C" #include "../PWG0Helper.C" void runGenTriggerMapSelector(Char_t* data, Int_t nRuns=20, Int_t offset=0, Bool_t aDebug = kFALSE, Bool_t aProof = kFALSE, const char* option = "", const char* proofServer = "lxb6046") { if (aProof) connectProof(proofServer); TString libraries("libPWG0base"); TString packages("PWG0base"); if (!prepareQuery(libraries, packages, 1)) return; if (aProof) ProofAddAliRootIncludePath(1, "ITS"); TChain* chain = CreateESDChain(data, nRuns, offset); TList inputList; TString selectorName = "AliGenTriggerMapSelector"; AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel(selectorName, AliLog::kInfo); selectorName += ".cxx+"; if (aDebug != kFALSE) selectorName += "+g"; executeQuery(chain, &inputList, selectorName, option); } void generateTriggerMap(Bool_t clean = kFALSE) { gSystem->Load("libPWG0base"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L AliGenTriggerMapSelector.cxx+"); AliGenTriggerMapSelector selector; selector.ReadHistograms(); selector.GenerateTriggerMap(clean); }