// // Comparison draw // Compare the MC information with the reconstructed // /* after running analysis, read the file, and get component gSystem->Load("libPWG1.so"); TFile f("Output.root"); AliComparisonDraw * comp = (AliComparisonDraw*)f.Get("AliComparisonDraw"); TF1 fl("fl","((min(250./(abs(x+0.000001)),250)-90))",0,2); // length function TF1 fl2("fl2","[0]/((min(250./(abs(x+0.000001)),250)-90))^[1]",0,2); fl2.SetParameter(1,1); fl2.SetParameter(0,1); */ #include "TFile.h" #include "TCint.h" #include "TH3F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TProfile2D.h" #include "TGraph2D.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TGraph.h" // // #include "AliESDEvent.h" // new container #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDfriend.h" #include "AliESDfriendTrack.h" // #include "AliMathBase.h" #include "AliTreeDraw.h" #include "AliMCInfo.h" #include "AliESDRecInfo.h" #include "AliComparisonDraw.h" ClassImp(AliComparisonDraw) Bool_t AliComparisonDraw::fgBDraw=kFALSE; //option draw temporary results AliComparisonDraw::AliComparisonDraw(): TNamed("ComparisonDraw","ComparisonDraw"), fEffTPCPt(0), // TPC efficiency as function of Pt (tan+-1) fEffTPCPtMC(0), // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Pt (tan+-1) fEffTPCPtF(0), // efficiency for findable tracks // fEffTPCTan(0), // TPC efficiency as function of Tan (pt>0.15 fEffTPCTanMC(0), // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Tan (pt>0.15) fEffTPCTanF(0), // efficiency for findable tracks Tan (pt>0.15) // fEffTPCPtTan(0), // TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan fEffTPCPtTanMC(0), // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan fEffTPCPtTanF(0), // TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan // // dEdx resolution // fTPCSignalNormTan(0), // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC fTPCSignalNormSPhi(0), // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC fTPCSignalNormTPhi(0), // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC // fTPCSignalNormTanSPhi(0), // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC fTPCSignalNormTanTPhi(0), // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC fTPCSignalNormTanSPt(0), // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC // // fPtResolLPT(0), // pt resolution - low pt fPtResolHPT(0), // pt resolution - high pt fPtPullLPT(0), // pt resolution - low pt fPtPullHPT(0), // pt resolution - high pt // // Resolution constrained param // fCPhiResolTan(0), // angular resolution - constrained fCTanResolTan(0), // angular resolution - constrained fCPtResolTan(0), // pt resolution - constrained fCPhiPullTan(0), // angular resolution - constrained fCTanPullTan(0), // angular resolution - constrained fCPtPullTan(0), // pt resolution - constrained // // DCA resolution // fD0TanSPtB1(0), // distance to vertex y fD1TanSPtB1(0), // distance to vertex z fD0TanSPtL1(0), // distance to vertex y fD1TanSPtL1(0) // distance to vertex z { InitHisto(); } AliComparisonDraw::~AliComparisonDraw(){ // // // delete fEffTPCPt; // TPC efficiency as function of Pt (tan+-1) delete fEffTPCPtMC; // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Pt (tan+-1) delete fEffTPCPtF; // efficiency for findable tracks // delete fEffTPCTan; // TPC efficiency as function of Tan (pt>0.15 delete fEffTPCTanMC; // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Tan (pt>0.15) delete fEffTPCTanF; // efficiency for findable tracks Tan (pt>0.15) // delete fEffTPCPtTan; // TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan delete fEffTPCPtTanMC; // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan delete fEffTPCPtTanF; // TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan // // dEdx resolution // delete fTPCSignalNormTan; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC delete fTPCSignalNormSPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC delete fTPCSignalNormTPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC // delete fTPCSignalNormTanSPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC delete fTPCSignalNormTanTPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC delete fTPCSignalNormTanSPt; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC // // delete fPtResolLPT; // pt resolution - low pt delete fPtResolHPT; // pt resolution - high pt delete fPtPullLPT; // pt resolution - low pt delete fPtPullHPT; // pt resolution - high pt // // Resolution constrained param // delete fCPhiResolTan; // angular resolution - constrained delete fCTanResolTan; // angular resolution - constrained delete fCPtResolTan; // pt resolution - constrained delete fCPhiPullTan; // angular resolution - constrained delete fCTanPullTan; // angular resolution - constrained delete fCPtPullTan; // pt resolution - constrained // // DCA resolution // delete fD0TanSPtB1; // distance to vertex y delete fD1TanSPtB1; // distance to vertex z delete fD0TanSPtL1; // distance to vertex y delete fD1TanSPtL1; // distance to vertex z } void AliComparisonDraw::InitHisto(){ // // // EFFICIENCY // // Efficiency as function of pt fEffTPCPt = new TProfile("Eff_pt","Eff_Pt",50,0.1,3); // physical fEffTPCPtMC = new TProfile("MC_Eff_pt","MC_Eff_Pt",50,0.1,3); // MC - particles make more than 50 rowdigits fEffTPCPtF = new TProfile("F_Eff_pt","F_Eff_Pt",50,0.1,3); // tracking - under condition more than 50 rdigits // Efficiency as function of pt fEffTPCTan = new TProfile("Eff_tan","Eff_tan",50,-2.5,2.5); // physical fEffTPCTanMC = new TProfile("MC_Eff_tan","MC_Eff_tan",50,-2.5,2.5); // MC - particles make more than 50 rowdigits fEffTPCTanF = new TProfile("F_Eff_tan","F_Eff_tan",50,-2.5,2.5); // tracking - under condition more than 50 rdigits fEffTPCPtTan = new TProfile2D("Eff_pt","Eff_Pt",10,0.1,3,20,-2.,2.); fEffTPCPtTanMC = new TProfile2D("MC_Eff_pt","MC Eff Pt",10,0.1,3,20, -2.,2.); fEffTPCPtTanF = new TProfile2D("MC_Eff_pt","MC Eff Pt",10,0.1,3,20, -2.,2.); // // TPC dEdx // fTPCSignalNormTan = new TH2F("CdEdxTan","CdEdxTan",50, -2,2, 40,30,70); // tpc signal normalized to the MC fTPCSignalNormSPhi = new TH2F("CdEdxSPhi","CdEdxSPhi",10,0.0,1,40,30,70); // tpc signal normalized to the MC fTPCSignalNormTPhi = new TH2F("CdEdxTPhi","CdEdxTPhi",10,0.0,2,40,30,70); // tpc signal normalized to the MC fTPCSignalNormTanSPhi= new TH3F("CdEdxTanSPhi","CdEdxTanSPhi",20, -2,2, 10,0.0 ,1, 40,30,70); // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC fTPCSignalNormTanTPhi= new TH3F("CdEdxTanTPhi","CdEdxTanTPhi",20, -2,2, 10,0.0 ,1, 40,30,70); // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC fTPCSignalNormTanSPt= new TH3F("CdEdxTanSPt","CdEdxTanSPt",20, -2,2, 10,0.3 ,3, 40,30,70); // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC // // RESOLUTION // fCPtResolTan = new TH2F("C Pt resol","C pt resol",50, -2,2,200,-0.2,0.2); fCPtPullTan = new TH2F("C Pt pull","C pt pull",50, -2,2,200,-5,5); // fCPhiResolTan = new TH2F("CPhiResolTan","CPhiResolTan",50, -2,2,200,-0.025,0.025); // angular resolution - constrained fCTanResolTan = new TH2F("CTanResolTan","CTanResolTan",50, -2,2,200,-0.025,0.025); // angular resolution - constrained fCPtResolTan=new TH2F("CPtResol","CPtResol",50, -2,2,200,-0.2,0.2);; // pt resolution - constrained fCPhiPullTan = new TH2F("CPhiPullTan","CPhiPullTan",50, -2,2,200,-5,5); // angular resolution - constrained fCTanPullTan = new TH2F("CTanPullTan","CTanPullTan",50, -2,2,200,-5,5); // angular resolution - constrained fCPtPullTan=new TH2F("CPtPull","CPtPull",50, -2,2,200,-5,5); // pt resolution - constrained // fPtResolLPT = new TH2F("Pt resol","pt resol",10, 0.1,3,200,-0.2,0.2); fPtResolHPT = new TH2F("Pt resol","pt resol",10, 2,100,200,-0.3,0.3); fPtPullLPT = new TH2F("Pt pool","pt pool",10, 0.1,3,200,-6,6); fPtPullHPT = new TH2F("Pt pool","pt pool",10, 2,100,200,-6,6); // fD0TanSPtB1 = new TH3F("DCAyTanSPt","DCAyTanSPt",20,1,2, 10,0.3,2, 100,-4,4); fD1TanSPtB1 = new TH3F("DCAzTanSPt","DCAzTanSPt",20,1,2, 10,0.3,2, 100,-4,4); fD0TanSPtL1 = new TH3F("DCAyTanSPt","DCAyTanSPt",20,0,1, 10,0.3,2, 100,-0.1,0.1); fD1TanSPtL1 = new TH3F("DCAzTanSPt","DCAzTanSPt",20,0,1, 10,0.3,2, 100, -0.1,0.1); } void AliComparisonDraw::ProcessEff(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC){ // // make efficiencies histograms // Float_t kptcut = 0.15; Float_t ktancut=1.; Int_t kmincl =50; Float_t mcpt = infoMC->GetParticle().Pt(); Float_t tantheta = TMath::Tan(infoMC->GetParticle().Theta()-TMath::Pi()*0.5); Bool_t isPrim = infoMC->GetParticle().R()<0.1 && TMath::Abs(infoMC->GetParticle().Vz())<10; //z diamond and if (!isPrim) return; //pt if (TMath::Abs(tantheta)Fill(mcpt, infoRC->GetStatus(1)==3); fEffTPCPtMC->Fill(mcpt, infoMC->GetRowsWithDigits()>kmincl); if (infoMC->GetRowsWithDigits()>kmincl){ fEffTPCPtF->Fill(mcpt, infoRC->GetStatus(1)==3); } } //theta if (TMath::Abs(mcpt)>kptcut){ fEffTPCTan->Fill(tantheta, infoRC->GetStatus(1)==3); fEffTPCTanMC->Fill(tantheta, infoMC->GetRowsWithDigits()>kmincl); if (infoMC->GetRowsWithDigits()>kmincl){ fEffTPCTanF->Fill(tantheta, infoRC->GetStatus(1)==3); } } // // pt-theta // fEffTPCPtTan->Fill(mcpt,tantheta,infoRC->GetStatus(1)==3); fEffTPCPtTanMC->Fill(mcpt,tantheta,infoMC->GetRowsWithDigits()>50); if (infoMC->GetRowsWithDigits()>kmincl){ fEffTPCPtTanF->Fill(mcpt,tantheta,infoRC->GetStatus(1)==3); } } void AliComparisonDraw::ProcessResolConstrained(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC){ // // // Float_t mcpt = infoMC->GetParticle().Pt(); Float_t tantheta = TMath::Tan(infoMC->GetParticle().Theta()-TMath::Pi()*0.5); Bool_t isPrim = infoMC->GetParticle().R()<0.1 && TMath::Abs(infoMC->GetParticle().Vz())<10; //z diamond and if (!isPrim) return; if (infoRC->GetStatus(1)!=3) return; if (!infoRC->GetESDtrack()) return; if (infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetTPCNcls()<10) return; if (!infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetConstrainedParam()) return; // // constrained parameters resolution // const AliExternalTrackParam * cparam = infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetConstrainedParam(); Float_t deltaCPt= (mcpt-cparam->Pt())/mcpt; Float_t pullCPt= (1/mcpt-cparam->OneOverPt())/ TMath::Sqrt(cparam->GetSigma1Pt2()); Float_t deltaPhi = TMath::ATan2(cparam->Py(),cparam->Px())- TMath::ATan2(infoMC->GetParticle().Py(),infoMC->GetParticle().Px()); Float_t pullPhi = deltaPhi/TMath::Sqrt(cparam->GetSigmaSnp2()); Float_t deltaTan = TMath::ATan2(cparam->Pz(),cparam->Pt())- TMath::ATan2(infoMC->GetParticle().Pz(),infoMC->GetParticle().Pt()); Float_t pullTan = deltaPhi/TMath::Sqrt(cparam->GetSigmaSnp2()); fCPtResolTan->Fill(tantheta,deltaCPt); fCPtPullTan->Fill(tantheta,pullCPt); fCPhiResolTan->Fill(tantheta,deltaPhi); fCPhiPullTan->Fill(tantheta,pullPhi); fCTanResolTan->Fill(tantheta,deltaTan); fCTanPullTan->Fill(tantheta,pullTan); } void AliComparisonDraw::ProcessTPCdedx(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC){ // // // Float_t mcpt = infoMC->GetParticle().Pt(); Float_t tantheta = TMath::Tan(infoMC->GetParticle().Theta()-TMath::Pi()*0.5); Bool_t isPrim = infoMC->GetParticle().R()<0.1 && TMath::Abs(infoMC->GetParticle().Vz())<10; //z diamond and if (!isPrim) return; if (infoRC->GetStatus(1)!=3) return; if (!infoRC->GetESDtrack()) return; if (infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetTPCNcls()<10) return; if (!infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetConstrainedParam()) return; Float_t mprim = infoMC->GetPrim(); if (mprim>1.4) return; if (mprim<0.5) return; if (infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetTPCsignalN()<50) return; // Float_t ratio = infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetTPCsignal()/infoMC->GetPrim(); Float_t sphi = infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetInnerParam()->GetSnp(); Float_t tphi = sphi/TMath::Sqrt(1-sphi*sphi); if (TMath::Abs(infoMC->GetParticle().GetPdgCode())!=211) return; if (mcpt>0.5){ fTPCSignalNormTan->Fill(tantheta,ratio); //only subset } if (TMath::Abs(tantheta)<0.5){ fTPCSignalNormSPhi->Fill(sphi,ratio); // only subset fTPCSignalNormTPhi->Fill(tphi,ratio); // only subset } fTPCSignalNormTanSPhi->Fill(tantheta,sphi,ratio); fTPCSignalNormTanTPhi->Fill(tantheta,tphi,ratio); fTPCSignalNormTanSPt->Fill(tantheta,TMath::Sqrt(mcpt),ratio); } void AliComparisonDraw::ProcessDCA(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC){ // // // Float_t mcpt = infoMC->GetParticle().Pt(); Float_t tantheta = TMath::Tan(infoMC->GetParticle().Theta()-TMath::Pi()*0.5); Bool_t isPrim = infoMC->GetParticle().R()<0.1 && TMath::Abs(infoMC->GetParticle().Vz())<10; //z diamond and if (!isPrim) return; if (infoRC->GetStatus(1)!=3) return; if (!infoRC->GetESDtrack()) return; if (infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetTPCNcls()<10) return; if (!infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetConstrainedParam()) return; Float_t spt = TMath::Sqrt(mcpt); Float_t dca[2],cov[3]; infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetImpactParameters(dca,cov); Int_t clusterITS[100]; if (infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetITSclusters(clusterITS)==0){ fD0TanSPtB1->Fill(tantheta,spt,dca[0]); fD1TanSPtB1->Fill(tantheta,spt,dca[1]); } fD0TanSPtL1->Fill(tantheta,spt,dca[0]); fD1TanSPtL1->Fill(tantheta,spt,dca[1]); } void AliComparisonDraw::Process(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC){ // // // ProcessEff(infoMC,infoRC); ProcessResolConstrained(infoMC,infoRC); ProcessTPCdedx(infoMC, infoRC); ProcessDCA(infoMC, infoRC); Float_t mcpt = infoMC->GetParticle().Pt(); Bool_t isPrim = infoMC->GetParticle().R()<0.1 && TMath::Abs(infoMC->GetParticle().Vz())<10; //z diamond and if (!isPrim) return; // // if (infoRC->GetStatus(1)==0) return; if (!infoRC->GetESDtrack()) return; if (infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetTPCNcls()<10) return; // printf("Pt\t%f\t%f\n",mcpt, infoRC->GetESDtrack()->Pt()); Float_t deltaPt= (mcpt-infoRC->GetESDtrack()->Pt())/mcpt; Float_t poolPt= (1/mcpt-infoRC->GetESDtrack()->OneOverPt())/ TMath::Sqrt(infoRC->GetESDtrack()->GetSigma1Pt2()); fPtResolLPT->Fill(mcpt,deltaPt); fPtResolHPT->Fill(mcpt,deltaPt); fPtPullLPT->Fill(mcpt,poolPt); fPtPullHPT->Fill(mcpt,poolPt); } TH1F* AliComparisonDraw::MakeResol(TH2F * his, Int_t integ, Bool_t type){ TH1F *hisr, *hism; if (!gPad) new TCanvas; hisr = AliTreeDraw::CreateResHistoI(his,&hism,integ); if (type) return hism; else return hisr; } TGraph2D * AliComparisonDraw::MakeStat2D(TH3 * his, Int_t delta0, Int_t delta1, Int_t type){ // // // // delta - number of bins to integrate // type - 0 - mean value TAxis * xaxis = his->GetXaxis(); TAxis * yaxis = his->GetYaxis(); // TAxis * zaxis = his->GetZaxis(); Int_t nbinx = xaxis->GetNbins(); Int_t nbiny = yaxis->GetNbins(); char name[1000]; Int_t icount=0; TGraph2D *graph = new TGraph2D(nbinx*nbiny); TF1 f1("f1","gaus"); for (Int_t ix=0; ixGetBinCenter(ix); Float_t ycenter = yaxis->GetBinCenter(iy); sprintf(name,"%s_%d_%d",his->GetName(), ix,iy); TH1 *projection = his->ProjectionZ(name,ix-delta0,ix+delta0,iy-delta1,iy+delta1); Float_t stat= 0; if (type==0) stat = projection->GetMean(); if (type==1) stat = projection->GetRMS(); if (type==2 || type==3){ TVectorD vec(3); AliMathBase::LTM((TH1F*)projection,&vec,0.7); if (type==2) stat= vec[1]; if (type==3) stat= vec[0]; } if (type==4|| type==5){ projection->Fit(&f1); if (type==4) stat= f1.GetParameter(1); if (type==5) stat= f1.GetParameter(2); } //printf("%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", icount,xcenter, ycenter, stat); graph->SetPoint(icount,xcenter, ycenter, stat); icount++; } return graph; } TGraph * AliComparisonDraw::MakeStat1D(TH3 * his, Int_t delta1, Int_t type){ // // // // delta - number of bins to integrate // type - 0 - mean value TAxis * xaxis = his->GetXaxis(); TAxis * yaxis = his->GetYaxis(); // TAxis * zaxis = his->GetZaxis(); Int_t nbinx = xaxis->GetNbins(); Int_t nbiny = yaxis->GetNbins(); char name[1000]; Int_t icount=0; TGraph *graph = new TGraph(nbinx); TF1 f1("f1","gaus"); for (Int_t ix=0; ixGetBinCenter(ix); // Float_t ycenter = yaxis->GetBinCenter(iy); sprintf(name,"%s_%d",his->GetName(), ix); TH1 *projection = his->ProjectionZ(name,ix-delta1,ix+delta1,0,nbiny); Float_t stat= 0; if (type==0) stat = projection->GetMean(); if (type==1) stat = projection->GetRMS(); if (type==2 || type==3){ TVectorD vec(3); AliMathBase::LTM((TH1F*)projection,&vec,0.7); if (type==2) stat= vec[1]; if (type==3) stat= vec[0]; } if (type==4|| type==5){ projection->Fit(&f1); if (type==4) stat= f1.GetParameter(1); if (type==5) stat= f1.GetParameter(2); } //printf("%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", icount,xcenter, ycenter, stat); graph->SetPoint(icount,xcenter, stat); icount++; } return graph; } // // Make derived plots // void AliComparisonDraw::MakePlots(){ // // // AliComparisonDraw * comp=this; TFile *fp = new TFile("picutures.root","recreate"); TH1F *hiss=0, *hism=0; TGraph2D * gr=0, gr2=0; TGraph * gr0 = 0; TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("Phi resol Tan","Phi resol Tan"); // // // hiss = comp->MakeResol(comp->fCPtResolTan,1,0); hiss->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); hiss->SetYTitle("#sigmap_{t}/p_{t}"); hiss->Draw(); hiss->Write("CptResolTan"); // // hiss = comp->MakeResol(comp->fCPhiResolTan,1,0); c->cd(); hiss->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); hiss->SetYTitle("#sigma#phi (rad)"); hiss->Draw(); fp->cd(); hiss->Write("PhiResolTan"); // hiss = comp->MakeResol(comp->fCTanResolTan,1,0); c->cd(); hiss->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); hiss->SetYTitle("#sigma#theta (rad)"); hiss->Draw(); fp->cd(); hiss->Write("ThetaResolTan"); // // hiss = comp->MakeResol(comp->fCTanResolTan,1,0); c->cd(); hiss->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); hiss->SetYTitle("#sigmap_{t}/p_{t} "); hiss->Draw(); fp->cd(); // // // hiss = comp->MakeResol(comp->fTPCSignalNormTan,4,0); hiss->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); hiss->SetYTitle("#sigma_{dEdx}"); hiss->Draw(); fp->cd(); hiss->Write("TPCdEdxResolTan"); // // // hiss = comp->MakeResol(comp->fTPCSignalNormTan,4,1); hiss->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); hiss->SetYTitle(""); hiss->Draw(); hiss->Write("TPCdEdxMeanTan"); // // gr = comp->MakeStat2D(comp->fTPCSignalNormTanSPt,3,1,4); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Tan(#theta)"); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sqrt{p_{t}(GeV)}"); gr->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(""); gr->Draw("colz"); gr->GetHistogram()->Write("TPCdEdxMeanTanPt"); // // gr = comp->MakeStat2D(comp->fTPCSignalNormTanSPt,3,1,5); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Tan(#theta)"); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sqrt{p_{t}(GeV)}"); gr->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{dEdx}"); gr->Draw("colz"); gr->GetHistogram()->Write("TPCdEdxMeanTanPt"); // // // comp->fEffTPCTanF->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); comp->fEffTPCTanF->SetYTitle("eff_{findable}"); comp->fEffTPCTanF->Draw(); comp->fEffTPCTanF->Write("EffTanFindable"); // // comp->fEffTPCTan->SetXTitle("Tan(#theta)"); comp->fEffTPCTan->SetYTitle("eff_{all}"); comp->fEffTPCTan->Draw(); comp->fEffTPCTan->Write("EffTanAll"); // //DCA resolution // gr0 = comp->MakeStat1D(comp->fD0TanSPtB1,2,5); gr0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Tan(#theta)"); gr0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigmaDCA (cm)"); gPad->Clear(); gr0->Draw("al*"); gr->GetHistogram()->Write("DCAResolTan"); // // // gr = comp->MakeStat2D(comp->fD0TanSPtB1,4,2,5); gr0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Tan(#theta)"); gr0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigmaDCA (cm)"); gPad->Clear(); gr0->Draw("al*"); gr->GetHistogram()->Write("DCAResolSPTTan"); fp->Close(); }