#ifndef AliComparisonDraw_h #define AliComparisonDraw_h #include #include using namespace std; #include class TFile; class AliMCInfo; class AliESDRecInfo; class AliESDEvent; class AliESD; class AliESDfriend; class TH1I; class TH3F; class TH3; class TProfile; class TProfile2D; class TGraph2D; class TGraph; class AliComparisonDraw : public TObject { public : AliComparisonDraw(); virtual Bool_t IsFolder(){return kTRUE;} void InitHisto(); void Process(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC); // // void ProcessEff(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC); void ProcessResolConstrained(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC); void ProcessTPCdedx(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC); void ProcessDCA(AliMCInfo* infoMC, AliESDRecInfo *infoRC); void MakePlots(); //TH1F GetPtResol(Float_t pt0, Float_t pt1); static TH1F* MakeResol(TH2F * his, Int_t integ, Bool_t type); static TGraph2D * MakeStat2D(TH3 * his, Int_t delta0, Int_t delta1, Int_t type); static TGraph * MakeStat1D(TH3 * his, Int_t delta1, Int_t type); protected: // // efficiency // static Bool_t fgBDraw; //option draw temporary results TProfile* fEffTPCPt; // TPC efficiency as function of Pt (tan+-1) TProfile* fEffTPCPtMC; // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Pt (tan+-1) TProfile* fEffTPCPtF; // efficiency for findable tracks // TProfile* fEffTPCTan; // TPC efficiency as function of Tan (pt>0.15 TProfile* fEffTPCTanMC; // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Tan (pt>0.15) TProfile* fEffTPCTanF; // efficiency for findable tracks Tan (pt>0.15) // TProfile2D* fEffTPCPtTan; // TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan TProfile2D* fEffTPCPtTanMC; // MC -TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan TProfile2D* fEffTPCPtTanF; // TPC efficiency as function of Pt and tan // // dEdx resolution // TH2F* fTPCSignalNormTan; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC TH2F* fTPCSignalNormSPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC TH2F* fTPCSignalNormTPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC // TH3F* fTPCSignalNormTanSPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC TH3F* fTPCSignalNormTanTPhi; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC TH3F* fTPCSignalNormTanSPt; // tpc signal normalized to the mean signal - MC // // TH2F* fPtResolLPT; // pt resolution - low pt TH2F* fPtResolHPT; // pt resolution - high pt TH2F* fPtPullLPT; // pt resolution - low pt TH2F* fPtPullHPT; // pt resolution - high pt // // Resolution constrained param // TH2F *fCPhiResolTan; // angular resolution - constrained TH2F *fCTanResolTan; // angular resolution - constrained TH2F *fCPtResolTan; // pt resolution - constrained TH2F *fCPhiPullTan; // angular resolution - constrained TH2F *fCTanPullTan; // angular resolution - constrained TH2F *fCPtPullTan; // pt resolution - constrained // // DCA resolution // TH3F *fD0TanSPtB1; // distance to vertex y TH3F *fD1TanSPtB1; // distance to vertex z TH3F *fD0TanSPtL1; // distance to vertex y TH3F *fD1TanSPtL1; // distance to vertex z protected: ClassDef(AliComparisonDraw,1); }; #endif