How to make a comparison using MC information: 0. Build the MC info tree gSystem->Load("") AliGenInfoMaker *t = new AliGenInfoMaker("galice.root","genTracks.root",0,0) t->Exec(); 1. Build the reconstructed info tree gSystem->Load(""); // AliRecInfoMaker *t2 = new AliRecInfoMaker("genTracks.root","cmpESDTracks.root","galice.root",0,0); t2->Exec(); 2. Make a chain of the information tree gSystem->Load(""); //GSI example .x ~/rootlogon.C .L /u/miranov/macroxrdproof64/AliXRDPROOFtoolkit.cxx+ AliXRDPROOFtoolkit tool; TChain * chain = tool.MakeChain("pp.txt","ESDcmpTracks",0,1000) chain->Lookup(); .L $ALICE_ROOT/PWG1/AliComparisonSelector.cxx+ 3. a.) Use AliTreeDraw for fast prototyping the queries - analysis type: gSystem->Load(""); AliTreeDraw comp; comp.SetTree(tree) b.) Or use Selector chain->Process("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG1/AliComparisonSelector.cxx+") TFile f("Output.root");