//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Helper class for PWG1 TRD train // // // // Authors: // // Markus Fasel // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TError.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliTRDpwg1Helper.h" const Char_t * AliTRDpwg1Helper::fgkTRDtaskClassName[AliTRDpwg1Helper::kNTRDTASKS] = { "AliTRDcheckESD" ,"AliTRDinfoGen" ,"AliTRDcheckDET" ,"AliTRDefficiency" ,"AliTRDresolution" ,"AliTRDcheckPID" ,"AliTRDv0Monitor" ,"AliTRDcheckTRK" ,"AliTRDcalibration" ,"AliTRDefficiencyMC" ,"AliTRDalignmentTask" ,"AliTRDpidRefMaker" ,"AliTRDclusterResolution" ,"AliTRDmultiplicity" }; const Char_t * AliTRDpwg1Helper::fgkTRDtaskOpt[AliTRDpwg1Helper::kNTRDTASKS+1] = { "ESD" ,"GEN" ,"DET" ,"EFF" ,"RES" ,"PID" ,"V0" ,"TRK" ,"CAL" ,"EFFC" ,"ALGN" ,"PIDR" ,"CLRES" ,"MULT" ,"ALL" }; //______________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDpwg1Helper::DoTask(Int_t idx, Int_t map) { return TESTBIT(map, idx); } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDpwg1Helper::ParseOptions(Char_t *trd) { // Parse space separated options. // Possible options are: // "ALL" : [default] all performance (no calibration) tasks // ------- Performance tasks ---------- // "ESD" : Basic TRD Detector checks on ESD only (no TRD tracks analysed) // "DET" : Basic TRD Detector checks // "RES" : TRD tracking Resolution // "EFF" : TRD Tracking Efficiency // "PID" : TRD PID - pion efficiency // "V0" : monitor V0 performance for use in TRD PID calibration // ------- Calibration tasks ---------- // "TRK" : multidimensional tracking performance resolution // "EFFC" : TRD Tracking Efficiency Combined (barrel + stand alone) - only in case of simulations // "MULT" : TRD single track selection // "CLRES": clusters Resolution // "CAL" : TRD calibration // "ALGN" : TRD alignment // "PIDR" : TRD PID - reference data // ------- SPECIAL OPTIONS ----------- // "NOFR" : Data set does not have AliESDfriends.root // "NOMC" : Data set does not have Monte Carlo Informations (default have MC), Int_t fSteerTask = 0; TObjArray *tasksArray = TString(trd).Tokenize(" "); for(Int_t isel = 0; isel < tasksArray->GetEntriesFast(); isel++){ TString s = (dynamic_cast(tasksArray->UncheckedAt(isel)))->String(); if(s.CompareTo("ALL") == 0){ for(Int_t itask = 0; itask < kNTRDQATASKS; itask++) SETBIT(fSteerTask, itask); continue; } else if(s.CompareTo("NOMC") == 0 || s.CompareTo("NOFR") == 0){ continue; // taken care by special functions } else { Bool_t foundOpt = kFALSE; for(Int_t itask = 0; itask < kNTRDTASKS; itask++){ if(s.CompareTo(fgkTRDtaskOpt[itask]) != 0) continue; SETBIT(fSteerTask, itask); if(itask>1) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kInfoGen); foundOpt = kTRUE; break; } if(!foundOpt) Warning("AliTRDpwg1Helper::ParseOptions()", Form("TRD task %s not implemented (yet).", s.Data())); } } // extra rules for calibration tasks // if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kCheckTRK)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kResolution); if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kCalibration)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kCheckDET); if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kMultiplicity)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kEfficiency); if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kEfficiencyMC)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kEfficiency); if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kClErrParam)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kResolution); if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kAlignment)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kResolution); if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kPIDRefMaker)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kCheckPID); if(TESTBIT(fSteerTask, kV0Monitor)) SETBIT(fSteerTask, kCheckPID); return fSteerTask; } //______________________________________________________ void AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeProd(const Char_t *mark, const Char_t *files, const Int_t nBatch, Int_t level) { // Recursively merge files named "mark" from list in "files" in groups of "nBatch" files. // parameter "level" is used to index recurent calls of this function. Char_t lMERGE[8]; snprintf(lMERGE, 8, "%04d.lst", (Int_t)gRandom->Uniform(9999.)); Char_t lPURGE[8]; snprintf(lPURGE, 8, "%04d.lst", (Int_t)gRandom->Uniform(9999.)); // purge file list std::string filename; std::ifstream file(files); Int_t iline(0); while(getline(file, filename)){ if(Int_t(filename.find(mark)) < 0) continue; gSystem->Exec(Form("echo %s >> %s", filename.c_str(), lPURGE)); iline++; } Int_t nBatches=Int_t(TMath::Ceil(Double_t(iline)/nBatch)); Info("MergeProd()", Form("Merge %d files in %d batches.", iline, nBatches)); Int_t first(0); for(Int_t ibatch(0); ibatchExec(Form("aliroot -b -q \'$ALICE_ROOT/PWG1/TRD/macros/mergeBatch.C(\"%s\", \"%s\", %d, %d)\'", mark, lPURGE, nBatch, first))) continue; gSystem->Exec(Form("mv %d_%s merge/%d_%d_%s", first, mark, level, first, mark)); gSystem->Exec(Form("echo %s/merge/%d_%d_%s >> %s", gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PWD"), level, first, mark, lMERGE)); } if(nBatches==1){ Info("AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeProd()", "Rename 1 merged file."); gSystem->Exec(Form("mv merge/%d_%d_%s %s", level, first, mark, mark)); } else if(nBatches<=nBatch){ Info("AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeProd()", Form("Merge %d files in 1 batch.", nBatches)); if(!gSystem->Exec(Form("aliroot -b -q \'$ALICE_ROOT/PWG1/TRD/macros/mergeBatch.C(\"%s\", \"%s\", %d, 0, kFALSE)\'", mark, lMERGE, nBatches))) return; gSystem->Exec(Form("mv 0_%s %s", mark, mark)); } else { level++; Info("AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeProd()", Form("Merge level %d.", level)); MergeProd(mark, lMERGE, nBatch, level); } gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -fv %s %s", lMERGE, lPURGE)); } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeBatch(const Char_t *mark, const Char_t *files, const Int_t nfiles, const Int_t first, Bool_t kSVN, Bool_t kCLEAR) { // Merge files specified in the file list "files" by the token "mark". // The script will merge "nfiles" files starting from the "first" file. // If the file "svnInfo.log" is found together with the files to be merged it is copied locally // if option "kSVN". The input files are removed from disk if option "kCLEAR". // // On return the name of the merged file is return or NULL in case of failure. // TObjArray arr(nfiles); arr.SetOwner(kTRUE); TFileMerger fFM(kTRUE); fFM.OutputFile(Form("%s/%d_%s", gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PWD"), first, mark)); Int_t iline(0), nbatch(0); std::string filename; std::ifstream file(files); while(getline(file, filename)){ if(Int_t(filename.find(mark)) < 0) continue; if(ilineExec(Form("if [ ! -f svnInfo.log ]; then cp -v %s/svnInfo.log %s; fi", Dirname(filename.c_str()), gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PWD"))) == 0) kSVN=kFALSE; } Info("AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeBatch()", filename.c_str()); if(!fFM.AddFile(filename.c_str())) return NULL; arr.Add(new TObjString(filename.c_str())); nbatch++; if(nbatch==nfiles) break; } if(!nbatch){ Warning("AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeBatch()", "NOTHING TO MERGE"); return NULL; } else { Info("AliTRDpwg1Helper::MergeBatch()", "MERGING FILES[%d] START[%d] %s ... ", nbatch, first, ((nbatchExec(Form("rm -fv %s", ((TObjString*)arr.At(ifile))->GetString().Data())); } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________ const Char_t* AliTRDpwg1Helper::Basename(const char* filepath) { // Implementation of shell "basename" builtin TString s(filepath); Int_t idx(s.Last('/')+1); s=s(idx, idx+100); return s; } //______________________________________________________ const Char_t* AliTRDpwg1Helper::Dirname(const char* filepath) { // Implementation of shell "dirname" builtin TString s(filepath); Int_t idx(s.Last('/')); s=s(0, idx); return s; } //______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDpwg1Helper::GetTaskIndex(const Char_t *name) { // Give index in TRD train of task class "name" for(Int_t it(0); it