/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Basic class for Performance/Calibration TRD tasks // // It performs generic tasks like : // - data file manegment // - reference container management // - debug container management // - interaction with AliAnalysisManager // - Plot functor loop // // Author: Alexandru Bercuci , 10/09/2008 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TClass.h" #include "TMethod.h" #include "TMethodCall.h" #include "TMethodArg.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TChain.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TDirectory.h" #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h" #include "info/AliTRDeventInfo.h" #include "AliTRDrecoTask.h" #include "AliTRDtrackV1.h" #include "AliTRDpidUtil.h" ClassImp(AliTRDrecoTask) TList* AliTRDrecoTask::fgTrendPoint(NULL); TTreeSRedirector* AliTRDrecoTask::fgDebugStream(NULL); //_______________________________________________________ AliTRDrecoTask::AliTRDrecoTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE() ,fNRefFigures(0) ,fContainer(NULL) ,fEvent(NULL) ,fTracks(NULL) ,fkTrack(NULL) ,fkMC(NULL) ,fkESD(NULL) ,fSpecies(-6) ,fPt(-1.) ,fPhi(0.) ,fEta(0.) ,fPlotFuncList(NULL) ,fRunTerminate(kFALSE) { // Default constructor snprintf(fNameId, 10, "no name"); } //_______________________________________________________ AliTRDrecoTask::AliTRDrecoTask(const char *name, const char *title) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name) ,fNRefFigures(0) ,fContainer(NULL) ,fEvent(NULL) ,fTracks(NULL) ,fkTrack(NULL) ,fkMC(NULL) ,fkESD(NULL) ,fSpecies(-6) ,fPt(-1.) ,fPhi(0.) ,fEta(0.) ,fPlotFuncList(NULL) ,fRunTerminate(kFALSE) { // Constructor for all derived performance tasks SetTitle(title); snprintf(fNameId, 10, "no name"); DefineInput (1, TObjArray::Class()); // track list DefineInput (2, AliTRDeventInfo::Class()); // event info object DefineOutput(1, TObjArray::Class()); // histogram list } //_______________________________________________________ AliTRDrecoTask::~AliTRDrecoTask() { // Generic task destructor AliDebug(2, Form(" Ending task %s[%s]", GetName(), GetTitle())); if(fgDebugStream){ delete fgDebugStream; fgDebugStream = NULL; } if(fPlotFuncList){ fPlotFuncList->Delete(); delete fPlotFuncList; fPlotFuncList = NULL; } if(fContainer){ if(fContainer->IsOwner()) fContainer->Delete(); delete fContainer; fContainer = NULL; } if(fgTrendPoint){ TFile::Open("TRD.PerformanceTrend.root", "UPDATE"); fgTrendPoint->Write(); delete fgTrendPoint; fgTrendPoint=NULL; gFile->Close(); } } //_______________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDrecoTask::GetNRefFigures() const { if(!fNRefFigures) AliWarning("No reference plots available."); return fNRefFigures; } //_______________________________________________________ void AliTRDrecoTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { if(!HasFunctorList()) InitFunctorList(); fContainer = Histos(); PostData(1, fContainer); } //_______________________________________________________ void AliTRDrecoTask::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Loop over Plot functors published by particular tasks fTracks = dynamic_cast(GetInputData(1)); fEvent = dynamic_cast(GetInputData(2)); if(!fPlotFuncList){ AliWarning("No functor list defined for the reference plots"); return; } if(!fTracks) return; if(!fTracks->GetEntriesFast()) return; else AliDebug(2, Form("Tracks[%d] for %s", fTracks->GetEntriesFast(), GetName())); AliTRDtrackInfo *trackInfo = NULL; TIter plotIter(fPlotFuncList); TObjArrayIter trackIter(fTracks); while((trackInfo = dynamic_cast(trackIter()))){ fkTrack = trackInfo->GetTrack(); fkMC = trackInfo->GetMCinfo(); fkESD = trackInfo->GetESDinfo(); // cache properties of the track at TRD entrance // check input track status AliExternalTrackParam *tin(NULL); fPt=-1; fEta=0.; fPhi=0.; fSpecies=-6; if(!fkTrack || !(tin = fkTrack->GetTrackIn())) AliDebug(2, "Track did not entered TRD fiducial volume."); else { fPt = tin->Pt(); fEta = tin->Eta(); Double_t xyz[3]; if(!tin->GetXYZ(xyz)) AliDebug(2, "Failed getting global track postion"); else fPhi = TMath::ATan2(xyz[1], xyz[0]); fSpecies= fkTrack->Charge()*(AliTRDpidUtil::Mass2Pid(fkTrack->GetMass())+1); } TMethodCall *plot = NULL; plotIter.Reset(); while((plot=dynamic_cast(plotIter()))){ plot->Execute(this); } } } //_______________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDrecoTask::GetRefFigure(Int_t /*ifig*/) { AliWarning("Retrieving reference figures not implemented."); return kFALSE; } //_______________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDrecoTask::PutTrendValue(const Char_t *name, Double_t val) { // Generic publisher for trend values if(!fgTrendPoint){ fgTrendPoint = new TList(); fgTrendPoint->SetOwner(); } fgTrendPoint->AddLast(new TNamed(Form("%s_%s", GetName(), name), Form("%f", val))); return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________ void AliTRDrecoTask::InitFunctorList() { // Initialize list of functors TClass *c = this->IsA(); if(fPlotFuncList) fPlotFuncList->Clear(); TMethod *m = NULL; TIter methIter(c->GetListOfMethods()); while((m=dynamic_cast(methIter()))){ TString name(m->GetName()); if(!name.BeginsWith("Plot")) continue; if(!fPlotFuncList) fPlotFuncList = new TList(); fPlotFuncList->AddLast(new TMethodCall(c, (const char*)name, "")); } } //_______________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDrecoTask::Load(const Char_t *file, const Char_t *dir) { // Generic container loader if(!TFile::Open(file)){ AliWarning(Form("Couldn't open file %s.", file)); return kFALSE; } if(!gFile->cd(dir)){ AliWarning(Form("Couldn't cd to %s in %s.", dir, file)); return kFALSE; } TObjArray *o = NULL; if(!(o = (TObjArray*)gDirectory->Get(GetName()))){ AliWarning("Missing histogram container."); return kFALSE; } fContainer = (TObjArray*)o->Clone(GetName()); gFile->Close(); return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDrecoTask::Save(TObjArray * const results){ // // Store the output graphs in a ROOT file // Input TObject array will not be written as Key to the file, // only content itself // TDirectory *cwd = gDirectory; if(!TFile::Open(Form("TRD.Result%s.root", GetName()), "RECREATE")) return kFALSE; TIterator *iter = results->MakeIterator(); TObject *inObject = NULL, *outObject = NULL; while((inObject = iter->Next())){ outObject = inObject->Clone(); outObject->Write(NULL, TObject::kSingleKey); } delete iter; gFile->Close(); delete gFile; cwd->cd(); return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDrecoTask::PostProcess() { // To be implemented by particular tasks AliWarning("Post processing of reference histograms not implemented."); return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________ void AliTRDrecoTask::MakeSummary() { // To be implemented by particular tasks AliWarning("Summary not available"); } //_______________________________________________________ void AliTRDrecoTask::SetDebugLevel(Int_t level) { // Generic debug handler AliAnalysisTaskSE::SetDebugLevel(level); if(DebugLevel()>=1){ AliInfo(Form("Debug Level for Task %s set to %d", GetName(), level)); TDirectory *savedir = gDirectory; fgDebugStream = new TTreeSRedirector("TRD.DebugPerformance.root"); savedir->cd(); } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDrecoTask::Terminate(Option_t *) { // // Terminate // if(fgDebugStream){ delete fgDebugStream; fgDebugStream = NULL; } fContainer = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if(fContainer && fRunTerminate){ PostProcess(); MakeSummary(); } } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDrecoTask::Adjust(TF1 *f, TH1 * const h) { // Helper function to avoid duplication of code // Make first guesses on the fit parameters // find the intial parameters of the fit !! (thanks George) Int_t nbinsy = Int_t(.5*h->GetNbinsX()); Double_t sum = 0.; for(Int_t jbin=nbinsy-4; jbin<=nbinsy+4; jbin++) sum+=h->GetBinContent(jbin); sum/=9.; f->SetParLimits(0, 0., 3.*sum); f->SetParameter(0, .9*sum); f->SetParLimits(1, -.2, .2); f->SetParameter(1, -0.1); f->SetParLimits(2, 0., 4.e-1); f->SetParameter(2, 2.e-2); if(f->GetNpar() <= 4) return; f->SetParLimits(3, 0., sum); f->SetParameter(3, .1*sum); f->SetParLimits(4, -.3, .3); f->SetParameter(4, 0.); f->SetParLimits(5, 0., 1.e2); f->SetParameter(5, 2.e-1); }