/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercialf purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliTRDresolution.cxx 27496 2008-07-22 08:35:45Z cblume $ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRD tracking resolution // // // The class performs resolution and residual studies // of the TRD tracks for the following quantities : // - spatial position (y, [z]) // - angular (phi) tracklet // - momentum at the track level // // The class has to be used for regular detector performance checks using the official macros: // - $ALICE_ROOT/TRD/qaRec/run.C // - $ALICE_ROOT/TRD/qaRec/makeResults.C // // For stand alone usage please refer to the following example: // { // gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS.so"); // gSystem->Load("libTRDqaRec.so"); // AliTRDresolution *res = new AliTRDresolution(); // //res->SetMCdata(); // //res->SetVerbose(); // //res->SetVisual(); // res->Load(); // if(!res->PostProcess()) return; // res->GetRefFigure(0); // } // // Authors: // // Alexandru Bercuci // // Markus Fasel // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliPID.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliMathBase.h" #include "AliTrackPointArray.h" #include "AliTRDresolution.h" #include "AliTRDgeometry.h" #include "AliTRDtransform.h" #include "AliTRDpadPlane.h" #include "AliTRDcluster.h" #include "AliTRDseedV1.h" #include "AliTRDtrackV1.h" #include "AliTRDReconstructor.h" #include "AliTRDrecoParam.h" #include "AliTRDpidUtil.h" #include "AliTRDinfoGen.h" #include "info/AliTRDclusterInfo.h" ClassImp(AliTRDresolution) //ClassImp(AliTRDresolution::AliTRDresolutionProjection) Int_t const AliTRDresolution::fgkNbins[kNdim] = { Int_t(kNbunchCross)/*bc*/, 180/*phi*/, 50/*eta*/, 50/*dy*/, 40/*dphi*/, 50/*dz*/, Int_t(kNcharge)*AliPID::kSPECIES+1/*chg*species*/, kNpt/*pt*/ }; //! no of bins/projection Double_t const AliTRDresolution::fgkMin[kNdim] = { -0.5, -TMath::Pi(), -1., -1.5, -10., -2.5, -AliPID::kSPECIES-0.5, -0.5 }; //! low limits for projections Double_t const AliTRDresolution::fgkMax[kNdim] = { Int_t(kNbunchCross)-0.5, TMath::Pi(), 1., 1.5, 10., 2.5, AliPID::kSPECIES+0.5, kNpt-0.5 }; //! high limits for projections Char_t const *AliTRDresolution::fgkTitle[kNdim] = { "bunch cross", "#phi [rad]", "#eta", "#Deltay [cm]", "#Delta#phi [deg]", "#Deltaz [cm]", "chg*spec*rc", "bin_p_{t}" }; //! title of projection Char_t const * AliTRDresolution::fgPerformanceName[kNclasses] = { "Cluster2Track" ,"Tracklet2Track" ,"Tracklet2TRDin" ,"Cluster2MC" ,"Tracklet2MC" ,"TRDin2MC" ,"TRD2MC" // ,"Tracklet2TRDout" // ,"TRDout2MC" }; Float_t AliTRDresolution::fgPtBin[kNpt+1]; //________________________________________________________ AliTRDresolution::AliTRDresolution() :AliTRDrecoTask() ,fIdxPlot(0) ,fIdxFrame(0) ,fPtThreshold(1.) ,fDyRange(0.75) ,fProj(NULL) ,fDBPDG(NULL) ,fCl(NULL) ,fMCcl(NULL) { // // Default constructor // SetNameTitle("TRDresolution", "TRD spatial and momentum resolution"); MakePtSegmentation(); } //________________________________________________________ AliTRDresolution::AliTRDresolution(char* name, Bool_t xchange) :AliTRDrecoTask(name, "TRD spatial and momentum resolution") ,fIdxPlot(0) ,fIdxFrame(0) ,fPtThreshold(1.) ,fDyRange(0.75) ,fProj(NULL) ,fDBPDG(NULL) ,fCl(NULL) ,fMCcl(NULL) { // // Default constructor // InitFunctorList(); MakePtSegmentation(); if(xchange){ SetUseExchangeContainers(); DefineOutput(kClToTrk, TObjArray::Class()); // cluster2track DefineOutput(kClToMC, TObjArray::Class()); // cluster2mc } } //________________________________________________________ AliTRDresolution::~AliTRDresolution() { // // Destructor // if(fProj){fProj->Delete(); delete fProj;} if(fCl){fCl->Delete(); delete fCl;} if(fMCcl){fMCcl->Delete(); delete fMCcl;} } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // spatial resolution AliTRDrecoTask::UserCreateOutputObjects(); if(UseExchangeContainers()) InitExchangeContainers(); } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::InitExchangeContainers() { // Init containers for subsequent tasks (AliTRDclusterResolution) fCl = new TObjArray(200); fCl->SetOwner(kTRUE); fMCcl = new TObjArray(); fMCcl->SetOwner(kTRUE); PostData(kClToTrk, fCl); PostData(kClToMC, fMCcl); } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::UserExec(Option_t *opt) { // // Execution part // if(fCl) fCl->Delete(); if(fMCcl) fMCcl->Delete(); AliTRDrecoTask::UserExec(opt); } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::Pulls(Double_t* /*dyz[2]*/, Double_t* /*cov[3]*/, Double_t /*tilt*/) const { // Helper function to calculate pulls in the yz plane // using proper tilt rotation // Uses functionality defined by AliTRDseedV1. return kTRUE; /* Double_t t2(tilt*tilt); // exit door until a bug fix is found for AliTRDseedV1::GetCovSqrt // rotate along pad Double_t cc[3]; cc[0] = cov[0] - 2.*tilt*cov[1] + t2*cov[2]; cc[1] = cov[1]*(1.-t2) + tilt*(cov[0] - cov[2]); cc[2] = t2*cov[0] + 2.*tilt*cov[1] + cov[2]; // do sqrt Double_t sqr[3]={0., 0., 0.}; if(AliTRDseedV1::GetCovSqrt(cc, sqr)) return kFALSE; Double_t invsqr[3]={0., 0., 0.}; if(AliTRDseedV1::GetCovInv(sqr, invsqr)<1.e-40) return kFALSE; Double_t tmp(dyz[0]); dyz[0] = invsqr[0]*tmp + invsqr[1]*dyz[1]; dyz[1] = invsqr[1]*tmp + invsqr[2]*dyz[1]; return kTRUE; */ } //________________________________________________________ TH1* AliTRDresolution::PlotCluster(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track) { // // Plot the cluster distributions // if(track) fkTrack = track; if(!fkTrack){ AliDebug(4, "No Track defined."); return NULL; } if(TMath::Abs(fkESD->GetTOFbc()) > 1){ AliDebug(4, Form("Track with BC_index[%d] not used.", fkESD->GetTOFbc())); return NULL; } if(fPtAt(kCluster)))){ AliWarning("No output container defined."); return NULL; } AliTRDgeometry *geo(AliTRDinfoGen::Geometry()); Double_t val[kNdim]; //Float_t exb, vd, t0, s2, dl, dt; TObjArray *clInfoArr(NULL); AliTRDseedV1 *fTracklet(NULL); AliTRDcluster *c(NULL), *cc(NULL); for(Int_t ily=0; ilyGetTracklet(ily))) continue; if(!fTracklet->IsOK()) continue; //fTracklet->GetCalibParam(exb, vd, t0, s2, dl, dt); val[kBC] = ily; val[kPhi] = fPhi; val[kEta] = fEta; val[kPt] = TMath::ATan(fTracklet->GetYref(1))*TMath::RadToDeg(); Float_t corr = 1./TMath::Sqrt(1.+fTracklet->GetYref(1)*fTracklet->GetYref(1)+fTracklet->GetZref(1)*fTracklet->GetZref(1)); Int_t row0(-1); Float_t padCorr(fTracklet->GetTilt()*fTracklet->GetPadLength()); fTracklet->ResetClusterIter(kTRUE); while((c = fTracklet->NextCluster())){ Float_t xc(c->GetX()), q(TMath::Abs(c->GetQ())); if(row0<0) row0 = c->GetPadRow(); val[kYrez] = c->GetY() + padCorr*(c->GetPadRow() - row0) -fTracklet->GetYat(xc); val[kPrez] = fTracklet->GetX0()-xc; val[kZrez] = 0.; Int_t ic(0), tb(c->GetLocalTimeBin());; if((cc = fTracklet->GetClusters(tb-1))) {val[kZrez] += TMath::Abs(cc->GetQ()); ic++;} if((cc = fTracklet->GetClusters(tb-2))) {val[kZrez] += TMath::Abs(cc->GetQ()); ic++;} if(ic) val[kZrez] /= (ic*q); val[kSpeciesChgRC]= fTracklet->IsRowCross()?0.:(TMath::Max(q*corr, Float_t(3.))); H->Fill(val); /* // tilt rotation of covariance for clusters Double_t sy2(c->GetSigmaY2()), sz2(c->GetSigmaZ2()); cov[0] = (sy2+t2*sz2)*corr; cov[1] = tilt*(sz2 - sy2)*corr; cov[2] = (t2*sy2+sz2)*corr; // sum with track covariance cov[0]+=covR[0]; cov[1]+=covR[1]; cov[2]+=covR[2]; Double_t dyz[2]= {dy[1], dz[1]}; Pulls(dyz, cov, tilt);*/ // Get z-position with respect to anode wire Float_t yt(fTracklet->GetYref(0)-val[kZrez]*fTracklet->GetYref(1)), zt(fTracklet->GetZref(0)-val[kZrez]*fTracklet->GetZref(1)); Int_t istk = geo->GetStack(c->GetDetector()); AliTRDpadPlane *pp = geo->GetPadPlane(ily, istk); Float_t rowZ = pp->GetRow0(); Float_t d = rowZ - zt + pp->GetAnodeWireOffset(); d -= ((Int_t)(2 * d)) / 2.0; if (d > 0.25) d = 0.5 - d; AliTRDclusterInfo *clInfo(NULL); clInfo = new AliTRDclusterInfo; clInfo->SetCluster(c); //Float_t covF[] = {cov[0], cov[1], cov[2]}; clInfo->SetGlobalPosition(yt, zt, fTracklet->GetYref(1), fTracklet->GetZref(1)/*, covF*/); clInfo->SetResolution(val[kYrez]); clInfo->SetAnisochronity(d); clInfo->SetDriftLength(val[kZrez]); clInfo->SetTilt(fTracklet->GetTilt()); if(fCl) fCl->Add(clInfo); //else AliDebug(1, "Cl exchange container missing. Activate by calling \"InitExchangeContainers()\""); if(DebugLevel()>=2){ if(!clInfoArr){ clInfoArr=new TObjArray(AliTRDseedV1::kNclusters); clInfoArr->SetOwner(kFALSE); } clInfoArr->Add(clInfo); } } if(DebugLevel()>=2 && clInfoArr){ ULong_t status = fkESD->GetStatus(); (*DebugStream()) << "cluster" <<"status=" << status <<"clInfo.=" << clInfoArr << "\n"; clInfoArr->Clear(); } } if(clInfoArr) delete clInfoArr; return NULL;//H->Projection(kEta, kPhi); } //________________________________________________________ TH1* AliTRDresolution::PlotTracklet(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track) { // Plot normalized residuals for tracklets to track. // // We start from the result that if X=N(|m|, |Cov|) // BEGIN_LATEX // (Cov^{-1})^{1/2}X = N((Cov^{-1})^{1/2}*|m|, |1|) // END_LATEX // in our case X=(y_trklt - y_trk z_trklt - z_trk) and |Cov| = |Cov_trklt| + |Cov_trk| at the radial // reference position. if(track) fkTrack = track; if(!fkTrack){ AliDebug(4, "No Track defined."); return NULL; } if(TMath::Abs(fkESD->GetTOFbc())>1){ AliDebug(4, Form("Track with BC_index[%d] not used.", fkESD->GetTOFbc())); return NULL; } THnSparse *H(NULL); if(!fContainer || !(H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(kTracklet))){ AliWarning("No output container defined."); return NULL; } // return NULL; Double_t val[kNdim+1]; AliTRDseedV1 *fTracklet(NULL); for(Int_t il(0); ilGetTracklet(il))) continue; if(!fTracklet->IsOK()) continue; val [kBC] = il; val[kPhi] = fPhi; val[kEta] = fEta; val[kSpeciesChgRC]= fSpecies; val[kPt] = GetPtBin(fTracklet->GetMomentum()); Double_t dyt(fTracklet->GetYref(0) - fTracklet->GetYfit(0)), dzt(fTracklet->GetZref(0) - fTracklet->GetZfit(0)), dydx(fTracklet->GetYfit(1)), tilt(fTracklet->GetTilt()); // correct for tilt rotation val[kYrez] = dyt - dzt*tilt; val[kZrez] = dzt + dyt*tilt; dydx+= tilt*fTracklet->GetZref(1); val[kPrez] = TMath::ATan((fTracklet->GetYref(1) - dydx)/(1.+ fTracklet->GetYref(1)*dydx)) * TMath::RadToDeg(); if(fTracklet->IsRowCross()){ val[kSpeciesChgRC]= 0.; // val[kPrez] = fkTrack->Charge(); // may be better defined }/* else { Float_t exb, vd, t0, s2, dl, dt; fTracklet->GetCalibParam(exb, vd, t0, s2, dl, dt); val[kZrez] = TMath::ATan((fTracklet->GetYref(1) - exb)/(1+fTracklet->GetYref(1)*exb)); }*/ val[kNdim] = fTracklet->GetdQdl(); if(DebugLevel()>=1) H->Fill(val); // // compute covariance matrix // fTracklet->GetCovAt(x, cov); // fTracklet->GetCovRef(covR); // cov[0] += covR[0]; cov[1] += covR[1]; cov[2] += covR[2]; // Double_t dyz[2]= {dy[1], dz[1]}; // Pulls(dyz, cov, tilt); // ((TH3S*)arr->At(1))->Fill(sgm[fSegmentLevel], dyz[0], dyz[1]); // ((TH3S*)arr->At(3))->Fill(tht, dyz[1], rc); if(DebugLevel()>=3){ Bool_t rc(fTracklet->IsRowCross()); UChar_t err(fTracklet->GetErrorMsg()); Double_t x(fTracklet->GetX()), pt(fTracklet->GetPt()), yt(fTracklet->GetYref(0)), zt(fTracklet->GetZref(0)), phi(fTracklet->GetYref(1)), tht(fTracklet->GetZref(1)); Int_t ncl(fTracklet->GetN()), det(fTracklet->GetDetector()); (*DebugStream()) << "tracklet" <<"pt=" << pt <<"x=" << x <<"yt=" << yt <<"zt=" << zt <<"phi=" << phi <<"tht=" << tht <<"det=" << det <<"n=" << ncl <<"dy0=" << dyt <<"dz0=" << dzt <<"dy=" << val[kYrez] <<"dz=" << val[kZrez] <<"dphi="<< val[kPrez] <<"dQ ="<< val[kNdim] <<"rc=" << rc <<"err=" << err << "\n"; } } return NULL;//H->Projection(kEta, kPhi); } //________________________________________________________ TH1* AliTRDresolution::PlotTrackIn(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track) { // Store resolution/pulls of Kalman before updating with the TRD information // at the radial position of the first tracklet. The following points are used // for comparison // - the (y,z,snp) of the first TRD tracklet // - the (y, z, snp, tgl, pt) of the MC track reference // // Additionally the momentum resolution/pulls are calculated for usage in the // PID calculation. //printf("AliTRDresolution::PlotTrackIn() :: track[%p]\n", (void*)track); if(track) fkTrack = track; if(!fkTrack){ AliDebug(4, "No Track defined."); return NULL; } //fkTrack->Print(); // check container THnSparseI *H=(THnSparseI*)fContainer->At(kTrackIn); if(!H){ AliError(Form("Missing container @ %d", Int_t(kTrackIn))); return NULL; } // check input track status AliExternalTrackParam *tin(NULL); if(!(tin = fkTrack->GetTrackIn())){ AliError("Track did not entered TRD fiducial volume."); return NULL; } // check first tracklet AliTRDseedV1 *fTracklet(fkTrack->GetTracklet(0)); if(!fTracklet){ AliDebug(3, "No Tracklet in ly[0]. Skip track."); return NULL; } // check radial position Double_t x = tin->GetX(); if(TMath::Abs(x-fTracklet->GetX())>1.e-3){ AliDebug(1, Form("Tracklet did not match Track. dx[cm]=%+4.1f", x-fTracklet->GetX())); return NULL; } //printf("USE y[%+f] dydx[%+f]\n", fTracklet->GetYfit(0), fTracklet->GetYfit(1)); Int_t bc(TMath::Abs(fkESD->GetTOFbc())%2); const Double_t *parR(tin->GetParameter()); Double_t dyt(parR[0] - fTracklet->GetYfit(0)), dzt(parR[1] - fTracklet->GetZfit(0)), phit(fTracklet->GetYfit(1)), tilt(fTracklet->GetTilt()); // correct for tilt rotation Double_t dy = dyt - dzt*tilt, dz = dzt + dyt*tilt; phit += tilt*parR[3]; Double_t dphi = TMath::ASin(parR[2])-TMath::ATan(phit); Double_t val[kNdim]; val[kBC] = bc; val[kPhi] = fPhi; val[kEta] = fEta; val[kSpeciesChgRC]= fTracklet->IsRowCross()?0:fSpecies; val[kPt] = GetPtBin(fPt); val[kYrez] = dy; val[kZrez] = dz; val[kPrez] = dphi*TMath::RadToDeg(); H->Fill(val); if(DebugLevel()>=3){ (*DebugStream()) << "trackIn" <<"tracklet.=" << fTracklet <<"trackIn.=" << tin << "\n"; } return NULL; // H->Projection(kEta, kPhi); } /* //________________________________________________________ TH1* AliTRDresolution::PlotTrackOut(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track) { // Store resolution/pulls of Kalman after last update with the TRD information // at the radial position of the first tracklet. The following points are used // for comparison // - the (y,z,snp) of the first TRD tracklet // - the (y, z, snp, tgl, pt) of the MC track reference // // Additionally the momentum resolution/pulls are calculated for usage in the // PID calculation. if(track) fkTrack = track; return NULL; } */ //________________________________________________________ TH1* AliTRDresolution::PlotMC(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track) { // // Plot MC distributions // if(!HasMCdata()){ AliDebug(2, "No MC defined. Results will not be available."); return NULL; } if(track) fkTrack = track; if(!fkTrack){ AliDebug(4, "No Track defined."); return NULL; } Int_t bc(TMath::Abs(fkESD->GetTOFbc())); THnSparse *H(NULL); if(!fContainer){ AliWarning("No output container defined."); return NULL; } // retriev track characteristics Int_t pdg = fkMC->GetPDG(), sIdx(AliTRDpidUtil::Pdg2Pid(TMath::Abs(pdg))+1), // species index sign(0), // sgm[3], label(fkMC->GetLabel()); // fSegmentLevel(0); if(!fDBPDG) fDBPDG=TDatabasePDG::Instance(); TParticlePDG *ppdg(fDBPDG->GetParticle(pdg)); if(ppdg) sign = ppdg->Charge() > 0. ? 1 : -1; TH1 *h(NULL); AliTRDgeometry *geo(AliTRDinfoGen::Geometry()); AliTRDseedV1 *fTracklet(NULL); TObjArray *clInfoArr(NULL); UChar_t s; Double_t x, y, z, pt, dydx, dzdx, dzdl; Float_t pt0, x0, y0, z0, dx, dy, dz, dydx0, dzdx0; Double_t covR[7]/*, cov[3]*/; /* if(DebugLevel()>=3){ // get first detector Int_t det = -1; for(Int_t ily=0; ilyGetTracklet(ily))) continue; det = fTracklet->GetDetector(); break; } if(det>=0){ TVectorD X(12), Y(12), Z(12), dX(12), dY(12), dZ(12), vPt(12), dPt(12), budget(12), cCOV(12*15); Double_t m(-1.); m = fkTrack->GetMass(); if(fkMC->PropagateKalman(&X, &Y, &Z, &dX, &dY, &dZ, &vPt, &dPt, &budget, &cCOV, m)){ (*DebugStream()) << "MCkalman" << "pdg=" << pdg << "det=" << det << "x=" << &X << "y=" << &Y << "z=" << &Z << "dx=" << &dX << "dy=" << &dY << "dz=" << &dZ << "pt=" << &vPt << "dpt=" << &dPt << "bgt=" << &budget << "cov=" << &cCOV << "\n"; } } }*/ AliTRDcluster *c(NULL); Double_t val[kNdim+1]; for(Int_t ily=0; ilyGetTracklet(ily)))/* || !fTracklet->IsOK())*/ continue; x= x0 = fTracklet->GetX(); Bool_t rc(fTracklet->IsRowCross()); Float_t eta, phi; if(!fkMC->GetDirections(x0, y0, z0, dydx0, dzdx0, pt0, eta, phi, s)) continue; // MC track position at reference radial position dx = x0 - x; Float_t ymc = y0 - dx*dydx0; Float_t zmc = z0 - dx*dzdx0; phi -= TMath::Pi(); val[kBC] = ily; val[kPhi] = phi; val[kEta] = eta; val[kSpeciesChgRC]= rc?0.:sign*sIdx; val[kPt] = GetPtBin(pt0); Double_t tilt(fTracklet->GetTilt()); // ,t2(tilt*tilt) // ,corr(1./(1. + t2)) // ,cost(TMath::Sqrt(corr)); AliExternalTrackParam *tin(fkTrack->GetTrackIn()); if(ily==0 && tin){ // trackIn residuals // check radial position if(TMath::Abs(tin->GetX()-x)>1.e-3) AliDebug(1, Form("TrackIn radial mismatch. dx[cm]=%+4.1f", tin->GetX()-x)); else{ // Float_t phi = TMath::ATan2(y0, x0); val[kBC] = (bc>=kNbunchCross)?(kNbunchCross-1):bc; val[kYrez] = tin->GetY()-ymc; val[kZrez] = tin->GetZ()-zmc; val[kPrez] = (TMath::ASin(tin->GetSnp())-TMath::ATan(dydx0))*TMath::RadToDeg(); if((H = (THnSparseI*)fContainer->At(kMCtrackIn))) H->Fill(val); } } if(bc>1) break; // do nothing for the rest of TRD objects if satellite bunch // track residuals dydx = fTracklet->GetYref(1); dzdx = fTracklet->GetZref(1); dzdl = fTracklet->GetTgl(); y = fTracklet->GetYref(0); dy = y - ymc; z = fTracklet->GetZref(0); dz = z - zmc; pt = TMath::Abs(fTracklet->GetPt()); fTracklet->GetCovRef(covR); val[kYrez] = dy; val[kPrez] = TMath::ATan((dydx - dydx0)/(1.+ dydx*dydx0))*TMath::RadToDeg(); val[kZrez] = dz; val[kNdim] = 1.e2*(pt/pt0-1.); if((H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(kMCtrack))) H->Fill(val); /* // theta resolution/ tgl pulls Double_t dzdl0 = dzdx0/TMath::Sqrt(1.+dydx0*dydx0), dtgl = (dzdl - dzdl0)/(1.- dzdl*dzdl0); ((TH2I*)arr->At(6))->Fill(dzdl0, TMath::ATan(dtgl)); ((TH2I*)arr->At(7))->Fill(dzdl0, (dzdl - dzdl0)/TMath::Sqrt(covR[4])); // pt resolution \\ 1/pt pulls \\ p resolution for PID Double_t p0 = TMath::Sqrt(1.+ dzdl0*dzdl0)*pt0, p = TMath::Sqrt(1.+ dzdl*dzdl)*pt; ((TH3S*)((TObjArray*)arr->At(8)))->Fill(pt0, pt/pt0-1., sign*sIdx); ((TH3S*)((TObjArray*)arr->At(9)))->Fill(1./pt0, (1./pt-1./pt0)/TMath::Sqrt(covR[6]), sign*sIdx); ((TH3S*)((TObjArray*)arr->At(10)))->Fill(p0, p/p0-1., sign*sIdx);*/ // Fill Debug stream for MC track if(DebugLevel()>=4){ Int_t det(fTracklet->GetDetector()); (*DebugStream()) << "MC" << "det=" << det << "pdg=" << pdg << "sgn=" << sign << "pt=" << pt0 << "x=" << x0 << "y=" << y0 << "z=" << z0 << "dydx=" << dydx0 << "dzdx=" << dzdx0 << "\n"; // Fill Debug stream for Kalman track (*DebugStream()) << "MCtrack" << "pt=" << pt << "x=" << x << "y=" << y << "z=" << z << "dydx=" << dydx << "dzdx=" << dzdx << "s2y=" << covR[0] << "s2z=" << covR[2] << "\n"; } // tracklet residuals dydx = fTracklet->GetYfit(1) + tilt*dzdx0; dzdx = fTracklet->GetZfit(1); y = fTracklet->GetYfit(0); dy = y - ymc; z = fTracklet->GetZfit(0); dz = z - zmc; val[kYrez] = dy - dz*tilt; val[kPrez] = TMath::ATan((dydx - dydx0)/(1.+ dydx*dydx0))*TMath::RadToDeg(); val[kZrez] = dz + dy*tilt; // val[kNdim] = pt/pt0-1.; if((H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(kMCtracklet))) H->Fill(val); // Fill Debug stream for tracklet if(DebugLevel()>=4){ Float_t s2y = fTracklet->GetS2Y(); Float_t s2z = fTracklet->GetS2Z(); (*DebugStream()) << "MCtracklet" << "rc=" << rc << "x=" << x << "y=" << y << "z=" << z << "dydx=" << dydx << "s2y=" << s2y << "s2z=" << s2z << "\n"; } AliTRDpadPlane *pp = geo->GetPadPlane(ily, AliTRDgeometry::GetStack(fTracklet->GetDetector())); Float_t zr0 = pp->GetRow0() + pp->GetAnodeWireOffset(); //Double_t exb = AliTRDCommonParam::Instance()->GetOmegaTau(1.5); H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(kMCcluster); val[kPt] = TMath::ATan(dydx0)*TMath::RadToDeg(); //Float_t corr = 1./TMath::Sqrt(1.+dydx0*dydx0+dzdx0*dzdx0); Int_t row0(-1); Float_t padCorr(tilt*fTracklet->GetPadLength()); fTracklet->ResetClusterIter(kTRUE); while((c = fTracklet->NextCluster())){ if(row0<0) row0 = c->GetPadRow(); x = c->GetX();//+fXcorr[c->GetDetector()][c->GetLocalTimeBin()]; y = c->GetY() + padCorr*(c->GetPadRow() - row0); z = c->GetZ(); dx = x0 - x; ymc= y0 - dx*dydx0; zmc= z0 - dx*dzdx0; dy = y - ymc; dz = z - zmc; val[kYrez] = dy - dz*tilt; val[kPrez] = dx; val[kZrez] = 0.; AliTRDcluster *cc(NULL); Int_t ic(0), tb(c->GetLocalTimeBin()); Float_t q(TMath::Abs(c->GetQ())); if((cc = fTracklet->GetClusters(tb-1))) {val[kZrez] += TMath::Abs(cc->GetQ()); ic++;} if((cc = fTracklet->GetClusters(tb-2))) {val[kZrez] += TMath::Abs(cc->GetQ()); ic++;} if(ic) val[kZrez] /= (ic*q); if(H) H->Fill(val); // Fill calibration container Float_t d = zr0 - zmc; d -= ((Int_t)(2 * d)) / 2.0; if (d > 0.25) d = 0.5 - d; AliTRDclusterInfo *clInfo = new AliTRDclusterInfo; clInfo->SetCluster(c); clInfo->SetMC(pdg, label); clInfo->SetGlobalPosition(ymc, zmc, dydx0, dzdx0); clInfo->SetResolution(dy); clInfo->SetAnisochronity(d); clInfo->SetDriftLength(dx); clInfo->SetTilt(tilt); if(fMCcl) fMCcl->Add(clInfo); else AliDebug(1, "MCcl exchange container missing. Activate by calling \"InitExchangeContainers()\""); if(DebugLevel()>=5){ if(!clInfoArr){ clInfoArr=new TObjArray(AliTRDseedV1::kNclusters); clInfoArr->SetOwner(kFALSE); } clInfoArr->Add(clInfo); } } // Fill Debug Tree if(DebugLevel()>=5 && clInfoArr){ (*DebugStream()) << "MCcluster" <<"clInfo.=" << clInfoArr << "\n"; clInfoArr->Clear(); } } if(clInfoArr) delete clInfoArr; return h; } //__________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDresolution::GetPtBin(Float_t pt) { // Find pt bin according to local pt segmentation Int_t ipt(-1); while(ipt" : consider only entries greater than "cut" //Int_t dim(h->GetDimension()); Int_t nbx(h->GetNbinsX()), nby(h->GetNbinsY()), nbz(h->GetNbinsZ()); Double_t sum(0.); Int_t n(0); for(Int_t ix(1); ix<=nbx; ix++) for(Int_t iy(1); iy<=nby; iy++) for(Int_t iz(1); iz<=nbz; iz++){ if(strcmp(opt, "")==0){sum += h->GetBinContent(ix, iy, iz); n++;} else{ if(strcmp(opt, "<")==0) { if(h->GetBinContent(ix, iy, iz)GetBinContent(ix, iy, iz); n++;} } else if(strcmp(opt, ">")==0){ if(h->GetBinContent(ix, iy, iz)>cut) {sum += h->GetBinContent(ix, iy, iz); n++;} } else {sum += h->GetBinContent(ix, iy, iz); n++;} } } return n>0?sum/n:0.; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::GetRefFigure(Int_t ifig) { // // Get the reference figures // if(!gPad){ AliWarning("Please provide a canvas to draw results."); return kFALSE; } /* Int_t selection[100], n(0), selStart(0); // Int_t ly0(0), dly(5); TList *l(NULL); TVirtualPad *pad(NULL); */ switch(ifig){ case 0: break; } AliWarning(Form("Reference plot [%d] missing result", ifig)); return kFALSE; } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::MakePtSegmentation(Float_t pt0, Float_t dpt) { // Build pt segments for(Int_t j(0); j<=kNpt; j++){ pt0+=(TMath::Exp(j*j*dpt)-1.); fgPtBin[j]=pt0; } } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::MakeSummary() { // Build summary plots if(!fProj){ AliError("Missing results"); return; } TVirtualPad *p(NULL); TCanvas *cOut(NULL); TObjArray *arr(NULL); TH2 *h2(NULL); // cluster resolution // define palette gStyle->SetPalette(1); const Int_t nClViews(11); const Char_t *vClName[nClViews] = {"ClY", "ClYn", "ClYp", "ClQn", "ClQp", "ClYXTCp", "ClYXTCn", "ClYXPh", "ClYXPh", "ClY", "ClYn"}; const UChar_t vClOpt[nClViews] = {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}; const Int_t nTrkltViews(10); const Char_t *vTrkltName[nTrkltViews] = {"TrkltY", "TrkltYn", "TrkltYp", "TrkltPhn", "TrkltPhp", "TrkltZ", "TrkltQn", "TrkltQp", "TrkltPn", "TrkltPp"}; const Int_t nTrkInViews(6); const Char_t *vTrkInName[nTrkInViews] = {"TrkInY", "TrkInYn", "TrkInYp", "TrkInZ", "TrkInPhn", "TrkInPhp"}; const Int_t nTrkViews(10); const Char_t *vTrkName[nTrkViews] = {"TrkY", "TrkYn", "TrkYp", "TrkPhn", "TrkPhp", "TrkZ", "TrkQn", "TrkQp", "TrkPn", "TrkPp"}; const Char_t *typName[] = {"", "MC"}; for(Int_t ityp(0); ityp<(HasMCdata()?2:1); ityp++){ if((arr = (TObjArray*)fProj->At(ityp?kMCcluster:kCluster))){ for(Int_t iview(0); iviewDivide(3,2, 1.e-5, 1.e-5); Int_t nplot(0); for(Int_t iplot(0); iplot<6; iplot++){ p=cOut->cd(iplot+1); p->SetRightMargin(0.1572581);p->SetTopMargin(0.08262712); if(!(h2 = (TH2*)arr->FindObject(Form("H%s%s%d_2D", typName[ityp], vClName[iview], iplot)))) continue; nplot++; if(vClOpt[iview]==0) h2->Draw("colz"); else if(vClOpt[iview]==1) DrawSigma(h2, 1.e4, 2.e2, 6.5e2, "#sigma(#Deltay) [#mum]"); } if(nplot) cOut->SaveAs(Form("%s.gif", cOut->GetName())); else delete cOut; } } // tracklet systematic if((arr = (TObjArray*)fProj->At(ityp?kMCtracklet:kTracklet))){ for(Int_t iview(0); iviewDivide(3,2, 1.e-5, 1.e-5); Int_t nplot(0); for(Int_t iplot(0); iplot<6; iplot++){ p=cOut->cd(iplot+1); p->SetRightMargin(0.1572581); p->SetTopMargin(0.08262712); if(!(h2 = (TH2*)arr->FindObject(Form("H%s%s%d_2D", typName[ityp], vTrkltName[iview], iplot)))) continue; h2->Draw("colz"); nplot++; } if(nplot) cOut->SaveAs(Form("%s.gif", cOut->GetName())); else delete cOut; } } // trackIn systematic if((arr = (TObjArray*)fProj->At(ityp?kMCtrackIn:kTrackIn))){ cOut = new TCanvas(Form("TRDsummary%s_%sTrkIn", GetName(), typName[ityp]), "Track IN Resolution", 1024, 768); cOut->Divide(3,2, 1.e-5, 1.e-5); Int_t nplot(0); for(Int_t iplot(0); iplotcd(iplot+1); p->SetRightMargin(0.1572581);p->SetTopMargin(0.08262712); if(!(h2 = (TH2*)arr->FindObject(Form("H%s%s_2D", typName[ityp], vTrkInName[iplot])))) continue; h2->Draw("colz"); nplot++; } if(nplot) cOut->SaveAs(Form("%s.gif", cOut->GetName())); else delete cOut; } } // track MC systematic if((arr = (TObjArray*)fProj->At(kMCtrack))) { for(Int_t iview(0); iviewDivide(3,2, 1.e-5, 1.e-5); Int_t nplot(0); for(Int_t iplot(0); iplot<6; iplot++){ p=cOut->cd(iplot+1); p->SetRightMargin(0.1572581); p->SetTopMargin(0.08262712); if(!(h2 = (TH2*)arr->FindObject(Form("H%s%d_2D", vTrkName[iview], iplot)))) continue; h2->Draw("colz"); nplot++; } if(nplot) cOut->SaveAs(Form("%s.gif", cOut->GetName())); else delete cOut; } } gStyle->SetPalette(1); } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::DrawSigma(TH2 *h2, Float_t scale, Float_t m, Float_t M, const Char_t *title) { // Draw error bars scaled with "scale" instead of content values //use range [m,M] if limits are specified if(!h2) return; TH2 *h2e = (TH2F*)h2->Clone(Form("%s_E", h2->GetName())); h2e->SetContour(10); if(M>m) h2e->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(m, M); if(title) h2e->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(title); for(Int_t ix(1); ix<=h2->GetNbinsX(); ix++){ for(Int_t iy(1); iy<=h2->GetNbinsY(); iy++){ if(h2->GetBinContent(ix, iy)<-100.) continue; Float_t v(scale*h2->GetBinError(ix, iy)); if(M>m && vSetBinContent(ix, iy, v); } } h2e->Draw("colz"); } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::GetRange(TH2 *h2, Char_t mod, Float_t *range) { // Returns the range of the bulk of data in histogram h2. Removes outliers. // The "range" vector should be initialized with 2 elements // Option "mod" can be any of // - 0 : gaussian like distribution // - 1 : tailed distribution Int_t nx(h2->GetNbinsX()) , ny(h2->GetNbinsY()) , n(nx*ny); Double_t *data=new Double_t[n]; for(Int_t ix(1), in(0); ix<=nx; ix++){ for(Int_t iy(1); iy<=ny; iy++) data[in++] = h2->GetBinContent(ix, iy); } Double_t mean, sigm; AliMathBase::EvaluateUni(n, data, mean, sigm, Int_t(n*.8)); range[0]=mean-3.*sigm; range[1]=mean+3.*sigm; if(mod==1) range[0]=TMath::Max(Float_t(1.e-3), range[0]); AliDebug(2, Form("h[%s] range0[%f %f]", h2->GetName(), range[0], range[1])); TH1S h1("h1SF0", "", 100, range[0], range[1]); h1.FillN(n,data,0); delete [] data; switch(mod){ case 0:// gaussian distribution { TF1 fg("fg", "gaus", mean-3.*sigm, mean+3.*sigm); h1.Fit(&fg, "QN"); mean=fg.GetParameter(1); sigm=fg.GetParameter(2); range[0] = mean-2.5*sigm;range[1] = mean+2.5*sigm; AliDebug(2, Form(" rangeG[%f %f]", range[0], range[1])); break; } case 1:// tailed distribution { Int_t bmax(h1.GetMaximumBin()); Int_t jBinMin(1), jBinMax(100); for(Int_t ibin(bmax); ibin--;){ if(h1.GetBinContent(ibin)<1.){ jBinMin=ibin; break; } } for(Int_t ibin(bmax); ibin++;){ if(h1.GetBinContent(ibin)<1.){ jBinMax=ibin; break; } } range[0]=h1.GetBinCenter(jBinMin); range[1]=h1.GetBinCenter(jBinMax); AliDebug(2, Form(" rangeT[%f %f]", range[0], range[1])); break; } } return; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::MakeProjectionCluster(Bool_t mc) { // Analyse cluster const Int_t kNcontours(9); const Int_t kNstat(300); Int_t cidx=mc?kMCcluster:kCluster; if(fProj && fProj->At(cidx)) return kTRUE; if(!fContainer){ AliError("Missing data container."); return kFALSE; } THnSparse *H(NULL); if(!(H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(cidx))){ AliError(Form("Missing/Wrong data @ %d.", cidx)); return kFALSE; } Int_t ndim(H->GetNdimensions()); Int_t coord[kNdim]; memset(coord, 0, sizeof(Int_t) * kNdim); Double_t v = 0.; TAxis *aa[kNdim], *as(NULL), *apt(NULL); memset(aa, 0, sizeof(TAxis*) * kNdim); for(Int_t id(0); idGetAxis(id); if(ndim > kPt) apt = H->GetAxis(kPt); if(ndim > kSpeciesChgRC) as = H->GetAxis(kSpeciesChgRC); // build list of projections const Int_t nsel(12), npsel(5); // define rebinning strategy const Int_t nEtaPhi(4); Int_t rebinEtaPhiX[nEtaPhi] = {1, 2, 5, 1}, rebinEtaPhiY[nEtaPhi] = {2, 1, 1, 5}; AliTRDresolutionProjection hp[kClNproj], *php[nsel][npsel]; memset(php, 0, nsel*npsel*sizeof(AliTRDresolutionProjection*)); Int_t ih(0), isel(-1), np[nsel]; memset(np, 0, nsel*sizeof(Int_t)); for(Int_t ily(0); ilyFindBin(0.):-1), chBin(apt?apt->FindBin(0.):-1); for (Long64_t ib(0); ib < H->GetNbins(); ib++) { v = H->GetBinContent(ib, coord); if(v<1.) continue; ly = coord[kBC]-1; // RC selection if(rcBin>0 && coord[kSpeciesChgRC] == rcBin) continue; // charge selection ch = 0; // [-] track if(chBin>0 && coord[kPt] > chBin) ch = 1; // [+] track isel = ly*2+ch; for(Int_t jh(0); jhIncrement(coord, v); } if(!fProj){ AliInfo("Building array of projections ..."); fProj = new TObjArray(kNclasses); fProj->SetOwner(kTRUE); } TObjArray *arr(NULL); fProj->AddAt(arr = new TObjArray(kClNproj), cidx); TH2 *h2(NULL); for(; ih--; ){ if(!hp[ih].fH) continue; Int_t mid(1), nstat(kNstat); if(strchr(hp[ih].fH->GetName(), 'Q')){ mid=2; nstat=300;} if(!(h2 = hp[ih].Projection2D(nstat, kNcontours, mid))) continue; arr->AddAt(h2, ih); } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::MakeProjectionTracklet(Bool_t mc) { // Analyse tracklet const Int_t kNcontours(9); const Int_t kNstat(100); Int_t cidx=mc?kMCtracklet:kTracklet; if(fProj && fProj->At(cidx)) return kTRUE; if(!fContainer){ AliError("Missing data container."); return kFALSE; } THnSparse *H(NULL); if(!(H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(cidx))){ AliError(Form("Missing/Wrong data @ %d.", cidx)); return kFALSE; } Int_t ndim(H->GetNdimensions()); Int_t coord[kNdim+1]; memset(coord, 0, sizeof(Int_t) * (kNdim+1)); Double_t v = 0.; TAxis *aa[kNdim+1], *as(NULL); memset(aa, 0, sizeof(TAxis*) * (kNdim+1)); for(Int_t id(0); idGetAxis(id); if(ndim > kSpeciesChgRC) as = H->GetAxis(kSpeciesChgRC); // build list of projections const Int_t nsel(18), npsel(6); // define rebinning strategy const Int_t nEtaPhi(4); Int_t rebinEtaPhiX[nEtaPhi] = {1, 2, 5, 1}, rebinEtaPhiY[nEtaPhi] = {2, 1, 1, 5}; AliTRDresolutionProjection hp[kTrkltNproj], *php[nsel][npsel]; memset(php, 0, nsel*npsel*sizeof(AliTRDresolutionProjection*)); Int_t ih(0), isel(-1), np[nsel]; memset(np, 0, nsel*sizeof(Int_t)); for(Int_t ily(0); ilyFindBin(0.):-1); for (Long64_t ib(0); ib < H->GetNbins(); ib++) { v = H->GetBinContent(ib, coord); if(v<1.) continue; ly = coord[kBC]-1; // layer selection // charge selection ch = 0; // [-] track if(rcBin>0){ // debug mode in which species are also saved if(coord[kSpeciesChgRC] > rcBin) ch = 1; // [+] track else if(coord[kSpeciesChgRC] == rcBin) ch = 2; // [RC] track } isel = ly*3+ch; for(Int_t jh(0); jhIncrement(coord, v); } if(!fProj){ AliInfo("Building array of projections ..."); fProj = new TObjArray(kNclasses); fProj->SetOwner(kTRUE); } TObjArray *arr(NULL); fProj->AddAt(arr = new TObjArray(kTrkltNproj), cidx); TH2 *h2(NULL); for(; ih--; ){ if(!hp[ih].fH) continue; Int_t mid(0), nstat(kNstat); if(strchr(hp[ih].fH->GetName(), 'Q')){ mid=2; nstat=200;} if(!(h2 = hp[ih].Projection2D(nstat, kNcontours, mid))) continue; arr->AddAt(h2, ih); } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::MakeProjectionTrackIn(Bool_t mc) { // Analyse track in const Int_t kNcontours(9); const Int_t kNstat(30); Int_t cidx=mc?kMCtrackIn:kTrackIn; if(fProj && fProj->At(cidx)) return kTRUE; if(!fContainer){ AliError("Missing data container."); return kFALSE; } THnSparse *H(NULL); if(!(H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(cidx))){ AliError(Form("Missing/Wrong data @ %d.", Int_t(cidx))); return kFALSE; } Int_t coord[kNdim]; memset(coord, 0, sizeof(Int_t) * kNdim); Double_t v = 0.; Int_t ndim(H->GetNdimensions()); TAxis *aa[kNdim+1], *as(NULL); memset(aa, 0, sizeof(TAxis*) * (kNdim+1)); for(Int_t id(0); idGetAxis(id); if(ndim > kSpeciesChgRC) as = H->GetAxis(kSpeciesChgRC); // build list of projections const Int_t nsel(3), npsel(4); // define rebinning strategy const Int_t nEtaPhi(4); Int_t rebinEtaPhiX[nEtaPhi] = {1, 2, 5, 1}, rebinEtaPhiY[nEtaPhi] = {2, 1, 1, 5}; const Int_t nPtPhi(2); Int_t rebinPtPhiX[nEtaPhi] = {1, 1}, rebinPtPhiY[nEtaPhi] = {2, 5}; AliTRDresolutionProjection hp[kTrkInNproj], *php[nsel][npsel]; memset(php, 0, nsel*npsel*sizeof(AliTRDresolutionProjection*)); Int_t ih(0), isel(-1), np[nsel]; memset(np, 0, nsel*sizeof(Int_t)); // define list of projections isel++; // negative tracks hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInY", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn :: r-#phi residuals", kEta, kPhi, kYrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nEtaPhi, rebinEtaPhiX, rebinEtaPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInYn", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn[-]:: r-#phi residuals", kEta, kPhi, kYrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nEtaPhi, rebinEtaPhiX, rebinEtaPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInPhn", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn[-]:: #Delta#phi residuals", kEta, kPhi, kPrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nEtaPhi, rebinEtaPhiX, rebinEtaPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInYPn", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn[-]:: r-#phi/p_{t} residuals", kPt, kPhi, kYrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nPtPhi, rebinPtPhiX, rebinPtPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; isel++; // positive tracks php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih-4]; // relink first histo hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInYp", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn[+]:: r-#phi residuals", kEta, kPhi, kYrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nEtaPhi, rebinEtaPhiX, rebinEtaPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInPhp", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn[+]:: #Delta#phi residuals", kEta, kPhi, kPrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nEtaPhi, rebinEtaPhiX, rebinEtaPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInYPp", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn[+]:: r-#phi/p_{t} residuals", kPt, kPhi, kYrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nPtPhi, rebinPtPhiX, rebinPtPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; isel++; // RC tracks hp[ih].Build(Form("H%sTrkInZ", mc?"MC":""), "TrackIn[RC]:: z residuals", kEta, kPhi, kZrez, aa); hp[ih].SetRebinStrategy(nEtaPhi, rebinEtaPhiX, rebinEtaPhiY); php[isel][np[isel]++] = &hp[ih++]; // fill projections Int_t ch(0), rcBin(as?as->FindBin(0.):-1); for (Long64_t ib(0); ib < H->GetNbins(); ib++) { v = H->GetBinContent(ib, coord); if(v<1.) continue; if(coord[kBC]>1) continue; // bunch cross cut // charge selection ch = 0; // [-] track if(rcBin>0){ // debug mode in which species are also saved if(coord[kSpeciesChgRC] > rcBin) ch = 1; // [+] track else if(coord[kSpeciesChgRC] == rcBin) ch = 2; // [RC] track } for(Int_t jh(0); jhIncrement(coord, v); } if(!fProj){ AliInfo("Building array of projections ..."); fProj = new TObjArray(kNclasses); fProj->SetOwner(kTRUE); } TObjArray *arr(NULL); fProj->AddAt(arr = new TObjArray(kTrkInNproj), cidx); TH2 *h2(NULL); for(; ih--; ){ if(!hp[ih].fH) continue; if(!(h2 = hp[ih].Projection2D(kNstat, kNcontours))) continue; arr->AddAt(h2, ih); } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::MakeProjectionTrack() { // Analyse tracklet const Int_t kNcontours(9); const Int_t kNstat(100); Int_t cidx(kMCtrack); if(fProj && fProj->At(cidx)) return kTRUE; if(!fContainer){ AliError("Missing data container."); return kFALSE; } THnSparse *H(NULL); if(!(H = (THnSparse*)fContainer->At(cidx))){ AliError(Form("Missing/Wrong data @ %d.", cidx)); return kFALSE; } Int_t ndim(H->GetNdimensions()); Int_t coord[kNdim+1]; memset(coord, 0, sizeof(Int_t) * (kNdim+1)); Double_t v = 0.; TAxis *aa[kNdim+1], *as(NULL); memset(aa, 0, sizeof(TAxis*) * (kNdim+1)); for(Int_t id(0); idGetAxis(id); if(ndim > kSpeciesChgRC) as = H->GetAxis(kSpeciesChgRC); // build list of projections const Int_t nsel(18), npsel(6); // define rebinning strategy const Int_t nEtaPhi(4); Int_t rebinEtaPhiX[nEtaPhi] = {1, 2, 5, 1}, rebinEtaPhiY[nEtaPhi] = {2, 1, 1, 5}; AliTRDresolutionProjection hp[kTrkNproj], *php[nsel][npsel]; memset(php, 0, nsel*npsel*sizeof(AliTRDresolutionProjection*)); Int_t ih(0), isel(-1), np[nsel]; memset(np, 0, nsel*sizeof(Int_t)); for(Int_t ily(0); ilyFindBin(0.):-1); for (Long64_t ib(0); ib < H->GetNbins(); ib++) { v = H->GetBinContent(ib, coord); if(v<1.) continue; ly = coord[kBC]-1; // layer selection // charge selection ch = 0; // [-] track if(rcBin>0){ // debug mode in which species are also saved if(coord[kSpeciesChgRC] > rcBin) ch = 1; // [+] track else if(coord[kSpeciesChgRC] == rcBin) ch = 2; // [RC] track } isel = ly*3+ch; for(Int_t jh(0); jhIncrement(coord, v); } if(!fProj){ AliInfo("Building array of projections ..."); fProj = new TObjArray(kNclasses); fProj->SetOwner(kTRUE); } TObjArray *arr(NULL); fProj->AddAt(arr = new TObjArray(kTrkNproj), cidx); TH2 *h2(NULL); for(; ih--; ){ if(!hp[ih].fH) continue; if(!(h2 = hp[ih].Projection2D(kNstat, kNcontours))) continue; arr->AddAt(h2, ih); } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::PostProcess() { // Fit, Project, Combine, Extract values from the containers filled during execution if (!fContainer) { AliError("ERROR: list not available"); return kFALSE; } //PROCESS EXPERIMENTAL DISTRIBUTIONS // Clusters residuals if(!MakeProjectionCluster()) return kFALSE; fNRefFigures = 3; // Tracklet residual/pulls if(!MakeProjectionTracklet()) return kFALSE; fNRefFigures = 7; // TRDin residual/pulls if(!MakeProjectionTrackIn()) return kFALSE; fNRefFigures = 11; if(!HasMCdata()) return kTRUE; //PROCESS MC RESIDUAL DISTRIBUTIONS // CLUSTER Y RESOLUTION/PULLS if(!MakeProjectionCluster(kTRUE)) return kFALSE; fNRefFigures = 17; // TRACKLET RESOLUTION/PULLS if(!MakeProjectionTracklet(kTRUE)) return kFALSE; fNRefFigures = 21; // TRACK RESOLUTION/PULLS if(!MakeProjectionTrack()) return kFALSE; fNRefFigures+=16; // TRACK TRDin RESOLUTION/PULLS if(!MakeProjectionTrackIn(kTRUE)) return kFALSE; fNRefFigures+=8; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::Terminate(Option_t *opt) { AliTRDrecoTask::Terminate(opt); if(HasPostProcess()) PostProcess(); } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::AdjustF1(TH1 *h, TF1 *f) { // Helper function to avoid duplication of code // Make first guesses on the fit parameters // find the intial parameters of the fit !! (thanks George) Int_t nbinsy = Int_t(.5*h->GetNbinsX()); Double_t sum = 0.; for(Int_t jbin=nbinsy-4; jbin<=nbinsy+4; jbin++) sum+=h->GetBinContent(jbin); sum/=9.; f->SetParLimits(0, 0., 3.*sum); f->SetParameter(0, .9*sum); Double_t rms = h->GetRMS(); f->SetParLimits(1, -rms, rms); f->SetParameter(1, h->GetMean()); f->SetParLimits(2, 0., 2.*rms); f->SetParameter(2, rms); if(f->GetNpar() <= 4) return; f->SetParLimits(3, 0., sum); f->SetParameter(3, .1*sum); f->SetParLimits(4, -.3, .3); f->SetParameter(4, 0.); f->SetParLimits(5, 0., 1.e2); f->SetParameter(5, 2.e-1); } //________________________________________________________ TObjArray* AliTRDresolution::BuildMonitorContainerCluster(const char* name, Bool_t expand, Float_t range) { // Build performance histograms for AliTRDcluster.vs TRD track or MC // - y reziduals/pulls TObjArray *arr = new TObjArray(2); arr->SetName(name); arr->SetOwner(); TH1 *h(NULL); char hname[100], htitle[300]; // tracklet resolution/pull in y direction snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_Y", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "Y res for \"%s\" @ %s;tg(#phi);#Delta y [cm];%s", GetNameId(), name, "Detector"); Float_t rr = range<0.?fDyRange:range; if(!(h = (TH3S*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ Int_t nybins=50; if(expand) nybins*=2; h = new TH3S(hname, htitle, 48, -.48, .48, // phi 60, -rr, rr, // dy nybins, -0.5, nybins-0.5);// segment } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 0); snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_YZpull", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "YZ pull for \"%s\" @ %s;%s;#Delta y / #sigma_{y};#Delta z / #sigma_{z}", GetNameId(), name, "Detector"); if(!(h = (TH3S*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH3S(hname, htitle, 540, -0.5, 540-0.5, 100, -4.5, 4.5, 100, -4.5, 4.5); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 1); return arr; } //________________________________________________________ TObjArray* AliTRDresolution::BuildMonitorContainerTracklet(const char* name, Bool_t expand) { // Build performance histograms for AliExternalTrackParam.vs TRD tracklet // - y reziduals/pulls // - z reziduals/pulls // - phi reziduals TObjArray *arr = BuildMonitorContainerCluster(name, expand, 0.05); arr->Expand(5); TH1 *h(NULL); char hname[100], htitle[300]; // tracklet resolution/pull in z direction snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_Z", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "Z res for \"%s\" @ %s;tg(#theta);#Delta z [cm]", GetNameId(), name); if(!(h = (TH2S*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH2S(hname, htitle, 50, -1., 1., 100, -.05, .05); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 2); snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_Zpull", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "Z pull for \"%s\" @ %s;tg(#theta);#Delta z / #sigma_{z};row cross", GetNameId(), name); if(!(h = (TH3S*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH3S(hname, htitle, 50, -1., 1., 100, -5.5, 5.5, 2, -0.5, 1.5); h->GetZaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "no RC"); h->GetZaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "RC"); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 3); // tracklet to track phi resolution snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_PHI", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "#Phi res for \"%s\" @ %s;tg(#phi);#Delta #phi [rad];%s", GetNameId(), name, "Detector"); Int_t nsgms=540; if(!(h = (TH3S*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH3S(hname, htitle, 48, -.48, .48, 100, -.5, .5, nsgms, -0.5, nsgms-0.5); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 4); return arr; } //________________________________________________________ TObjArray* AliTRDresolution::BuildMonitorContainerTrack(const char* name) { // Build performance histograms for AliExternalTrackParam.vs MC // - y resolution/pulls // - z resolution/pulls // - phi resolution, snp pulls // - theta resolution, tgl pulls // - pt resolution, 1/pt pulls, p resolution TObjArray *arr = BuildMonitorContainerTracklet(name); arr->Expand(11); TH1 *h(NULL); char hname[100], htitle[300]; //TAxis *ax(NULL); // snp pulls snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_SNPpull", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "SNP pull for \"%s\" @ %s;tg(#phi);#Delta snp / #sigma_{snp};entries", GetNameId(), name); if(!(h = (TH2I*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH2I(hname, htitle, 60, -.3, .3, 100, -4.5, 4.5); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 5); // theta resolution snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_THT", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "#Theta res for \"%s\" @ %s;tg(#theta);#Delta #theta [rad];entries", GetNameId(), name); if(!(h = (TH2I*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH2I(hname, htitle, 100, -1., 1., 100, -5e-3, 5e-3); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 6); // tgl pulls snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_TGLpull", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "TGL pull for \"%s\" @ %s;tg(#theta);#Delta tgl / #sigma_{tgl};entries", GetNameId(), name); if(!(h = (TH2I*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH2I(hname, htitle, 100, -1., 1., 100, -4.5, 4.5); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 7); const Int_t kNdpt(150); const Int_t kNspc = 2*AliPID::kSPECIES+1; Float_t lPt=0.1, lDPt=-.1, lSpc=-5.5; Float_t binsPt[kNpt+1], binsSpc[kNspc+1], binsDPt[kNdpt+1]; for(Int_t i=0;iFindObject(hname))){ h = new TH3S(hname, htitle, kNpt, binsPt, kNdpt, binsDPt, kNspc, binsSpc); //ax = h->GetZaxis(); //for(Int_t ib(1); ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++) ax->SetBinLabel(ib, fgParticle[ib-1]); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 8); // 1/Pt pulls snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_1Pt", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "#splitline{1/P_{t} pull for}{\"%s\" @ %s};1/p_{t}^{MC} [c/GeV];#Delta(1/p_{t})/#sigma(1/p_{t});SPECIES", GetNameId(), name); if(!(h = (TH3S*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH3S(hname, htitle, kNpt, 0., 2., 100, -4., 4., kNspc, -5.5, 5.5); //ax = h->GetZaxis(); //for(Int_t ib(1); ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++) ax->SetBinLabel(ib, fgParticle[ib-1]); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 9); // P resolution snprintf(hname, 100, "%s_%s_P", GetNameId(), name); snprintf(htitle, 300, "P res for \"%s\" @ %s;p [GeV/c];#Delta p/p^{MC};SPECIES", GetNameId(), name); if(!(h = (TH3S*)gROOT->FindObject(hname))){ h = new TH3S(hname, htitle, kNpt, binsPt, kNdpt, binsDPt, kNspc, binsSpc); //ax = h->GetZaxis(); //for(Int_t ib(1); ib<=ax->GetNbins(); ib++) ax->SetBinLabel(ib, fgParticle[ib-1]); } else h->Reset(); arr->AddAt(h, 10); return arr; } //________________________________________________________ TObjArray* AliTRDresolution::Histos() { // // Define histograms // if(fContainer) return fContainer; fContainer = new TObjArray(kNclasses); fContainer->SetOwner(kTRUE); THnSparse *H(NULL); const Int_t nhn(100); Char_t hn[nhn]; TString st; //++++++++++++++++++++++ // cluster to tracklet residuals/pulls snprintf(hn, nhn, "h%s", fgPerformanceName[kCluster]); if(!(H = (THnSparseI*)gROOT->FindObject(hn))){ const Char_t *clTitle[kNdim] = {"layer", fgkTitle[kPhi], fgkTitle[kEta], fgkTitle[kYrez], "#Deltax [cm]", "Q=1?kNdim:4; for(Int_t idim(0); idimReset(); fContainer->AddAt(H, kCluster); //++++++++++++++++++++++ // tracklet to TRD track snprintf(hn, nhn, "h%s", fgPerformanceName[kTracklet]); if(!(H = (THnSparseI*)gROOT->FindObject(hn))){ Char_t *trTitle[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trTitle, fgkTitle, kNdim*sizeof(Char_t*)); Int_t trNbins[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trNbins, fgkNbins, kNdim*sizeof(Int_t)); Double_t trMin[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trMin, fgkMin, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); Double_t trMax[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trMax, fgkMax, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); // set specific fields trMin[kYrez] = -0.45; trMax[kYrez] = 0.45; trMin[kPrez] = -4.5; trMax[kPrez] = 4.5; trMin[kZrez] = -1.5; trMax[kZrez] = 1.5; trTitle[kBC]=StrDup("layer"); trNbins[kBC] = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; trMin[kBC] = -0.5; trMax[kBC] = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer-0.5; trTitle[kNdim]=StrDup("dq/dl [a.u.]"); trNbins[kNdim] = 30; trMin[kNdim] = 100.; trMax[kNdim] = 3100; st = "tracklet spatial&charge resolution;"; // define minimum info to be saved in non debug mode Int_t ndim=DebugLevel()>=1?(kNdim+1):4; for(Int_t idim(0); idimReset(); fContainer->AddAt(H, kTracklet); //++++++++++++++++++++++ // tracklet to TRDin snprintf(hn, nhn, "h%s", fgPerformanceName[kTrackIn]); if(!(H = (THnSparseI*)gROOT->FindObject(hn))){ st = "r-#phi/z/angular residuals @ TRD entry;"; // define minimum info to be saved in non debug mode Int_t ndim=DebugLevel()>=1?kNdim:7; for(Int_t idim(0); idimReset(); fContainer->AddAt(H, kTrackIn); // tracklet to TRDout // fContainer->AddAt(BuildMonitorContainerTracklet("TrkOUT"), kTrackOut); // Resolution histos if(!HasMCdata()) return fContainer; //++++++++++++++++++++++ // cluster to TrackRef residuals/pulls snprintf(hn, nhn, "h%s", fgPerformanceName[kMCcluster]); if(!(H = (THnSparseI*)gROOT->FindObject(hn))){ const Char_t *clTitle[kNdim] = {"layer", fgkTitle[kPhi], fgkTitle[kEta], fgkTitle[kYrez], "#Deltax [cm]", "Q=1?kNdim:4; for(Int_t idim(0); idimReset(); fContainer->AddAt(H, kMCcluster); //++++++++++++++++++++++ // tracklet to TrackRef snprintf(hn, nhn, "h%s", fgPerformanceName[kMCtracklet]); if(!(H = (THnSparseI*)gROOT->FindObject(hn))){ Char_t *trTitle[kNdim]; memcpy(trTitle, fgkTitle, kNdim*sizeof(Char_t*)); Int_t trNbins[kNdim]; memcpy(trNbins, fgkNbins, kNdim*sizeof(Int_t)); Double_t trMin[kNdim]; memcpy(trMin, fgkMin, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); Double_t trMax[kNdim]; memcpy(trMax, fgkMax, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); // set specific fields trTitle[kBC]=StrDup("layer"); trNbins[kBC] = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; trMin[kBC] = -0.5; trMax[kBC] = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer-0.5; trMin[kYrez] = -0.54; trMax[kYrez] = -trMin[kYrez]; trMin[kPrez] = -4.5; trMax[kPrez] = -trMin[kPrez]; trMin[kZrez] = -1.5; trMax[kZrez] = -trMin[kZrez]; st = "MC tracklet spatial resolution;"; // define minimum info to be saved in non debug mode Int_t ndim=DebugLevel()>=1?kNdim:4; for(Int_t idim(0); idimReset(); fContainer->AddAt(H, kMCtracklet); //++++++++++++++++++++++ // TRDin to TrackRef snprintf(hn, nhn, "h%s", fgPerformanceName[kMCtrackIn]); if(!(H = (THnSparseI*)gROOT->FindObject(hn))){ st = "MC r-#phi/z/angular residuals @ TRD entry;"; // set specific fields Double_t trMin[kNdim]; memcpy(trMin, fgkMin, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); Double_t trMax[kNdim]; memcpy(trMax, fgkMax, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); trMin[kYrez] = -0.54; trMax[kYrez] = -trMin[kYrez]; trMin[kPrez] = -2.4; trMax[kPrez] = -trMin[kPrez]; trMin[kZrez] = -0.9; trMax[kZrez] = -trMin[kZrez]; // define minimum info to be saved in non debug mode Int_t ndim=DebugLevel()>=1?kNdim:7; for(Int_t idim(0); idimReset(); fContainer->AddAt(H, kMCtrackIn); //++++++++++++++++++++++ // track to TrackRef snprintf(hn, nhn, "h%s", fgPerformanceName[kMCtrack]); if(!(H = (THnSparseI*)gROOT->FindObject(hn))){ Char_t *trTitle[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trTitle, fgkTitle, kNdim*sizeof(Char_t*)); Int_t trNbins[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trNbins, fgkNbins, kNdim*sizeof(Int_t)); Double_t trMin[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trMin, fgkMin, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); Double_t trMax[kNdim+1]; memcpy(trMax, fgkMax, kNdim*sizeof(Double_t)); // set specific fields trTitle[kBC]=StrDup("layer"); trNbins[kBC] = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; trMin[kBC] = -0.5; trMax[kBC] = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer-0.5; trTitle[kNdim]=StrDup("#Deltap_{t}/p_{t} [%]"); trNbins[kNdim] = 25; trMin[kNdim] = -4.5; trMax[kNdim] = 20.5; trMin[kYrez] = -0.9; trMax[kYrez] = -trMin[kYrez]; trMin[kPrez] = -1.5; trMax[kPrez] = -trMin[kPrez]; trMin[kZrez] = -0.9; trMax[kZrez] = -trMin[kZrez]; st = "MC track spatial&p_{t} resolution;"; // define minimum info to be saved in non debug mode Int_t ndim=DebugLevel()>=1?(kNdim+1):4; for(Int_t idim(0); idimReset(); fContainer->AddAt(H, kMCtrack); // // cluster resolution // fContainer->AddAt(BuildMonitorContainerCluster("MCcl"), kMCcluster); // // track resolution // TObjArray *arr(NULL); // fContainer->AddAt(arr = new TObjArray(AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer), kMCtrack); // arr->SetName("MCtrk"); // for(Int_t il(0); ilAddAt(BuildMonitorContainerTrack(Form("MCtrk_Ly%d", il)), il); // // TRDin TRACK RESOLUTION // fContainer->AddAt(H, kMCtrackIn); // // TRDout TRACK RESOLUTION // fContainer->AddAt(BuildMonitorContainerTrack("MCtrkOUT"), kMCtrackOut); return fContainer; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::Process(TH2* const h2, TGraphErrors **g, Int_t stat) { // Robust function to process sigma/mean for 2D plot dy(x) // For each x bin a gauss fit is performed on the y projection and the range // with the minimum chi2/ndf is choosen if(!h2) { if(AliLog::GetDebugLevel("PWG1", "AliTRDresolution")>0) printf("D-AliTRDresolution::Process() : NULL pointer input container.\n"); return kFALSE; } if(!Int_t(h2->GetEntries())){ if(AliLog::GetDebugLevel("PWG1", "AliTRDresolution")>0) printf("D-AliTRDresolution::Process() : Empty h[%s - %s].\n", h2->GetName(), h2->GetTitle()); return kFALSE; } if(!g || !g[0]|| !g[1]) { if(AliLog::GetDebugLevel("PWG1", "AliTRDresolution")>0) printf("D-AliTRDresolution::Process() : NULL pointer output container.\n"); return kFALSE; } // prepare TAxis *ax(h2->GetXaxis()), *ay(h2->GetYaxis()); Float_t ymin(ay->GetXmin()), ymax(ay->GetXmax()), dy(ay->GetBinWidth(1)), y0(0.), y1(0.); TF1 f("f", "gaus", ymin, ymax); Int_t n(0); if((n=g[0]->GetN())) for(;n--;) g[0]->RemovePoint(n); if((n=g[1]->GetN())) for(;n--;) g[1]->RemovePoint(n); TH1D *h(NULL); if((h=(TH1D*)gROOT->FindObject("py"))) delete h; Double_t x(0.), y(0.), ex(0.), ey(0.), sy(0.), esy(0.); // do actual loop Float_t chi2OverNdf(0.); for(Int_t ix = 1, np=0; ix<=ax->GetNbins(); ix++){ x = ax->GetBinCenter(ix); ex= ax->GetBinWidth(ix)*0.288; // w/sqrt(12) ymin = ay->GetXmin(); ymax = ay->GetXmax(); h = h2->ProjectionY("py", ix, ix); if((n=(Int_t)h->GetEntries())1) printf("I-AliTRDresolution::Process() : Low statistics @ x[%f] stat[%d]=%d [%d].\n", x, ix, n, stat); continue; } // looking for a first order mean value f.SetParameter(1, 0.); f.SetParameter(2, 3.e-2); h->Fit(&f, "QNW"); chi2OverNdf = f.GetChisquare()/f.GetNDF(); printf("x[%f] range[%f %f] chi2[%f] ndf[%d] chi2/ndf[%f]\n", x, ymin, ymax, f.GetChisquare(),f.GetNDF(),chi2OverNdf); y = f.GetParameter(1); y0 = y-4*dy; y1 = y+4*dy; ey = f.GetParError(1); sy = f.GetParameter(2); esy = f.GetParError(2); // // looking for the best chi2/ndf value // while(yminy1){ // f.SetParameter(1, y); // f.SetParameter(2, sy); // h->Fit(&f, "QNW", "", y0, y1); // printf(" range[%f %f] chi2[%f] ndf[%d] chi2/ndf[%f]\n", y0, y1, f.GetChisquare(),f.GetNDF(),f.GetChisquare()/f.GetNDF()); // if(f.GetChisquare()/f.GetNDF() < Chi2OverNdf){ // chi2OverNdf = f.GetChisquare()/f.GetNDF(); // y = f.GetParameter(1); ey = f.GetParError(1); // sy = f.GetParameter(2); esy = f.GetParError(2); // printf(" set y[%f] sy[%f] chi2/ndf[%f]\n", y, sy, chi2OverNdf); // } // y0-=dy; y1+=dy; // } g[0]->SetPoint(np, x, y); g[0]->SetPointError(np, ex, ey); g[1]->SetPoint(np, x, sy); g[1]->SetPointError(np, ex, esy); np++; } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::Process(TH2 * const h2, TF1 *f, Float_t k, TGraphErrors **g) { // // Do the processing // Char_t pn[10]; snprintf(pn, 10, "p%03d", fIdxPlot); Int_t n = 0; if((n=g[0]->GetN())) for(;n--;) g[0]->RemovePoint(n); if((n=g[1]->GetN())) for(;n--;) g[1]->RemovePoint(n); if(Int_t(h2->GetEntries())){ AliDebug(4, Form("%s: g[%s %s]", pn, g[0]->GetName(), g[0]->GetTitle())); } else { AliDebug(2, Form("%s: g[%s %s]: Missing entries.", pn, g[0]->GetName(), g[0]->GetTitle())); fIdxPlot++; return kTRUE; } const Int_t kINTEGRAL=1; for(Int_t ibin = 0; ibin < Int_t(h2->GetNbinsX()/kINTEGRAL); ibin++){ Int_t abin(ibin*kINTEGRAL+1),bbin(abin+kINTEGRAL-1),mbin(abin+Int_t(kINTEGRAL/2)); Double_t x = h2->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(mbin); TH1D *h = h2->ProjectionY(pn, abin, bbin); if((n=(Int_t)h->GetEntries())<150){ AliDebug(4, Form(" x[%f] range[%d %d] stat[%d] low statistics !", x, abin, bbin, n)); continue; } h->Fit(f, "QN"); Int_t ip = g[0]->GetN(); AliDebug(4, Form(" x_%d[%f] range[%d %d] stat[%d] M[%f] Sgm[%f]", ip, x, abin, bbin, n, f->GetParameter(1), f->GetParameter(2))); g[0]->SetPoint(ip, x, k*f->GetParameter(1)); g[0]->SetPointError(ip, 0., k*f->GetParError(1)); g[1]->SetPoint(ip, x, k*f->GetParameter(2)); g[1]->SetPointError(ip, 0., k*f->GetParError(2)); /* g[0]->SetPoint(ip, x, k*h->GetMean()); g[0]->SetPointError(ip, 0., k*h->GetMeanError()); g[1]->SetPoint(ip, x, k*h->GetRMS()); g[1]->SetPointError(ip, 0., k*h->GetRMSError());*/ } fIdxPlot++; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::FitTrack(const Int_t np, AliTrackPoint *points, Float_t param[10]) { // // Fit track with a staight line using the "np" clusters stored in the array "points". // The following particularities are stored in the clusters from points: // 1. pad tilt as cluster charge // 2. pad row cross or vertex constrain as fake cluster with cluster type 1 // The parameters of the straight line fit are stored in the array "param" in the following order : // param[0] - x0 reference radial position // param[1] - y0 reference r-phi position @ x0 // param[2] - z0 reference z position @ x0 // param[3] - slope dy/dx // param[4] - slope dz/dx // // Attention : // Function should be used to refit tracks for B=0T // if(np<40){ if(AliLog::GetDebugLevel("PWG1", "AliTRDresolution")>1) printf("D-AliTRDresolution::FitTrack: Not enough clusters to fit a track [%d].\n", np); return kFALSE; } TLinearFitter yfitter(2, "pol1"), zfitter(2, "pol1"); Double_t x0(0.); for(Int_t ip(0); ip3) printf("D-AliTRDresolution::FitTrack: x0[%f] y0[%f] z0[%f] dydx[%f] dzdx[%f].\n", x0, y0, z0, dydx, dzdx); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::FitTracklet(const Int_t ly, const Int_t np, const AliTrackPoint *points, const Float_t param[10], Float_t par[3]) { // // Fit tracklet with a staight line using the coresponding subset of clusters out of the total "np" clusters stored in the array "points". // See function FitTrack for the data stored in the "clusters" array // The parameters of the straight line fit are stored in the array "param" in the following order : // par[0] - x0 reference radial position // par[1] - y0 reference r-phi position @ x0 // par[2] - slope dy/dx // // Attention : // Function should be used to refit tracks for B=0T // TLinearFitter yfitter(2, "pol1"); // grep data for tracklet Double_t x0(0.), x[60], y[60], dy[60]; Int_t nly(0); for(Int_t ip(0); ip1) printf("D-AliTRDresolution::FitTracklet: Not enough clusters to fit a tracklet [%d].\n", nly); return kFALSE; } // set radial reference for fit x0 /= Float_t(nly); // find tracklet core Double_t mean(0.), sig(1.e3); AliMathBase::EvaluateUni(nly, dy, mean, sig, 0); // simple cluster error parameterization Float_t kSigCut = TMath::Sqrt(5.e-4 + param[3]*param[3]*0.018); // fit tracklet core for(Int_t jly(0); jlykSigCut) continue; Double_t dx(x[jly]-x0); yfitter.AddPoint(&dx, y[jly], 1.); } if(yfitter.Eval() != 0) return kFALSE; par[0] = x0; par[1] = yfitter.GetParameter(0); par[2] = yfitter.GetParameter(1); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDresolution::UseTrack(const Int_t np, const AliTrackPoint *points, Float_t param[10]) { // // Global selection mechanism of tracksbased on cluster to fit residuals // The parameters are the same as used ni function FitTrack(). const Float_t kS(0.6), kM(0.2); TH1S h("h1", "", 100, -5.*kS, 5.*kS); Float_t dy, dz, s, m; for(Int_t ip(0); ipkS || TMath::Abs(m)>kM) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::GetLandauMpvFwhm(TF1 * const f, Float_t &mpv, Float_t &xm, Float_t &xM) { // // Get the most probable value and the full width half mean // of a Landau distribution // const Float_t dx = 1.; mpv = f->GetParameter(1); Float_t fx, max = f->Eval(mpv); xm = mpv - dx; while((fx = f->Eval(xm))>.5*max){ if(fx>max){ max = fx; mpv = xm; } xm -= dx; } xM += 2*(mpv - xm); while((fx = f->Eval(xM))>.5*max) xM += dx; } // #include "TFile.h" // //________________________________________________________ // Bool_t AliTRDresolution::LoadCorrection(const Char_t *file) // { // if(!file){ // AliWarning("Use cluster position as in reconstruction."); // SetLoadCorrection(); // return kTRUE; // } // TDirectory *cwd(gDirectory); // TString fileList; // FILE *filePtr = fopen(file, "rt"); // if(!filePtr){ // AliWarning(Form("Couldn't open correction list \"%s\". Use cluster position as in reconstruction.", file)); // SetLoadCorrection(); // return kFALSE; // } // TH2 *h2 = new TH2F("h2", ";time [time bins];detector;dx [#mum]", 30, -0.5, 29.5, AliTRDgeometry::kNdet, -0.5, AliTRDgeometry::kNdet-0.5); // while(fileList.Gets(filePtr)){ // if(!TFile::Open(fileList.Data())) { // AliWarning(Form("Couldn't open \"%s\"", fileList.Data())); // continue; // } else AliInfo(Form("\"%s\"", fileList.Data())); // // TTree *tSys = (TTree*)gFile->Get("tSys"); // h2->SetDirectory(gDirectory); h2->Reset("ICE"); // tSys->Draw("det:t>>h2", "dx", "goff"); // for(Int_t idet(0); idetGetBinContent(it+1, idet+1)); // } // h2->SetDirectory(cwd); // gFile->Close(); // } // cwd->cd(); // // if(AliLog::GetDebugLevel("PWG1", "AliTRDresolution")>=2){ // for(Int_t il(0); il<184; il++) printf("-"); printf("\n"); // printf("DET|");for(Int_t it(0); it<30; it++) printf(" tb%02d|", it); printf("\n"); // for(Int_t il(0); il<184; il++) printf("-"); printf("\n"); // FILE *fout = fopen("TRD.ClusterCorrection.txt", "at"); // fprintf(fout, " static const Double_t dx[AliTRDgeometry::kNdet][30]={\n"); // for(Int_t idet(0); idetGetTitle(), ay->GetTitle(), az->GetTitle()), ax->GetNbins(), ax->GetXmin(), ax->GetXmax(), ay->GetNbins(), ay->GetXmin(), ay->GetXmax(), az->GetNbins(), az->GetXmin(), az->GetXmax()); fAx[0] = ix; fAx[1] = iy; fAx[2] = iz; fRange[0] = az->GetXmin()/3.; fRange[1] = az->GetXmax()/3.; } //________________________________________________________ void AliTRDresolution::AliTRDresolutionProjection::Increment(Int_t bin[], Double_t v) { // increment bin with value "v" pointed by general coord in "bin" if(!fH) return; fH->AddBinContent( fH->GetBin(bin[fAx[0]],bin[fAx[1]],bin[fAx[2]]), v); } //________________________________________________________ TH2* AliTRDresolution::AliTRDresolutionProjection::Projection2D(const Int_t nstat, const Int_t ncol, const Int_t mid) { // build the 2D projection and adjust binning const Char_t *title[] = {"Mean", "#mu", "MPV"}; if(!fH) return NULL; TAxis *ax(fH->GetXaxis()), *ay(fH->GetYaxis()), *az(fH->GetZaxis()); TH2 *h2s = (TH2*)fH->Project3D("yx"); Int_t irebin(0), dxBin(1), dyBin(1); while(irebin")Rebin2D(fRebinX[irebin], fRebinY[irebin]); dxBin*=fRebinX[irebin];dyBin*=fRebinY[irebin]; irebin++; } Int_t nx(h2s->GetNbinsX()), ny(h2s->GetNbinsY()); if(h2s) delete h2s; // start projection TH1 *h(NULL); Float_t dz=(fRange[1]-fRange[1])/ncol; TString titlez(az->GetTitle()); TObjArray *tokenTitle(titlez.Tokenize(" ")); TH2 *h2 = new TH2F(Form("%s_2D", fH->GetName()), Form("%s;%s;%s;%s(%s) %s", fH->GetTitle(), ax->GetTitle(), ay->GetTitle(), title[mid], (*tokenTitle)[0]->GetName(), tokenTitle->GetEntriesFast()>1?(*tokenTitle)[1]->GetName():""), nx, ax->GetXmin(), ax->GetXmax(), ny, ay->GetXmin(), ay->GetXmax()); h2->SetContour(ncol); h2->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); h2->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(fRange[0], fRange[1]); //printf("%s[%s] nx[%d] ny[%d]\n", h2->GetName(), h2->GetTitle(), nx, ny); for(Int_t iy(0); iyProjectionZ(Form("%s_z", h2->GetName()), ix*dxBin+1, (ix+1)*dxBin+1, iy*dyBin+1, (iy+1)*dyBin+1); Int_t ne((Int_t)h->Integral()); if(neSetBinContent(ix+1, iy+1, -999); h2->SetBinError(ix+1, iy+1, 1.); }else{ Float_t v(h->GetMean()), ve(h->GetRMS()); if(mid==1){ TF1 fg("fg", "gaus", az->GetXmin(), az->GetXmax()); fg.SetParameter(0, Float_t(ne)); fg.SetParameter(1, v); fg.SetParameter(2, ve); h->Fit(&fg, "WQ"); v = fg.GetParameter(1); ve = fg.GetParameter(2); } else if (mid==2) { TF1 fl("fl", "landau", az->GetXmin(), az->GetXmax()); fl.SetParameter(0, Float_t(ne)); fl.SetParameter(1, v); fl.SetParameter(2, ve); h->Fit(&fl, "WQ"); v = fl.GetMaximumX(); ve = fl.GetParameter(2); /* TF1 fgle("gle", "[0]*TMath::Landau(x, [1], [2], 1)*TMath::Exp(-[3]*x/[1])", az->GetXmin(), az->GetXmax()); fgle.SetParameter(0, fl.GetParameter(0)); fgle.SetParameter(1, fl.GetParameter(1)); fgle.SetParameter(2, fl.GetParameter(2)); fgle.SetParameter(3, 1.);fgle.SetParLimits(3, 0., 5.); h->Fit(&fgle, "WQ"); v = fgle.GetMaximumX(); ve = fgle.GetParameter(2);*/ } if(vSetBinContent(ix+1, iy+1, fRange[0]+0.1*dz); else h2->SetBinContent(ix+1, iy+1, v); h2->SetBinError(ix+1, iy+1, ve); } } } if(h) delete h; return h2; } void AliTRDresolution::AliTRDresolutionProjection::SetRebinStrategy(Int_t n, Int_t rebx[], Int_t reby[]) { // define rebinning strategy for this projection fNrebin = n; fRebinX = new Int_t[n]; memcpy(fRebinX, rebx, n*sizeof(Int_t)); fRebinY = new Int_t[n]; memcpy(fRebinY, reby, n*sizeof(Int_t)); }