/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliTRDv0Info.cxx 27496 2008-07-22 08:35:45Z cblume $ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Reconstruction QA // // // // Gathers all information necessary for reference data selection about // // the track and (in case) its corresponding V0. // // Carries out the selection of electrons (from gamma conversions), // // pions (from K0s decays) and protons (from Lambda and Anti-Lambda // // decays) by cuts specific for the respective decay and particle // // species. // // (M.Heide, 2009/10/06) // // // // Authors: // // Alex Bercuci // // Alex Wilk // // Markus Heide // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TMath.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDv0.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTRDv0Info.h" #include "AliTRDtrackInfo.h" #include "AliTRDtrackInfo.h" ClassImp(AliTRDv0Info) //_________________________________________________ AliTRDv0Info::AliTRDv0Info() : TObject() ,fESD(0x0) ,fHasV0(0) ,fQuality(0) ,fMomentum(0) ,fDCA(10) ,fPointingAngle(10) ,fOpenAngle(10) ,fPsiPair(99) ,fMagField(0) ,fRadius(0) ,fTrackID(0) ,fV0Momentum(0) ,fTrackP(0x0) ,fTrackN(0x0) ,fTrack(0x0) ,fNindex(0) ,fPindex(0) { // // Default constructor // memset(fPplus, 0, 2*kNlayer*sizeof(Float_t)); memset(fPminus, 0, 2*kNlayer*sizeof(Float_t)); memset(fDetPID, 0, 2*kNDaughters*kNDetectors*AliPID::kSPECIES*sizeof(Float_t)); memset(fComPID, 0, 2*kNDaughters*AliPID::kSPECIES*sizeof(Float_t)); memset(fInvMass, 0, kNMomBins*kNDecays*sizeof(Double_t)); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Set Cut values: First specify decay in brackets, then the actual cut value! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Upper limit for distance of closest approach of two daughter tracks : fUpDCA[kGamma] = 1000.; fUpDCA[kK0s] = 0.08; fUpDCA[kLambda] = 0.2; fUpDCA[kAntiLambda] = 0.2; //Upper limit for pointing angle (= angle between between vector from primary to secondary vertex and reconstructed momentum of V0 mother particle) : fUpPointingAngle[kGamma] = 0.03; fUpPointingAngle[kK0s] = 0.03; fUpPointingAngle[kLambda] = 0.04; fUpPointingAngle[kAntiLambda] = 0.04; //Upper limit for invariant mass of V0 mother : fUpInvMass[kGamma][0] = 0.05;// second pair of brackets is for momentum bin: 0: below mother momentm of 2.5 GeV fUpInvMass[kGamma][1] = 0.07;//1: above 2.5 GeV fUpInvMass[kK0s][0] = fUpInvMass[kK0s][1] = 0.50265; fUpInvMass[kLambda][0] = fUpInvMass[kLambda][1] = 1.1207; fUpInvMass[kAntiLambda][0] = fUpInvMass[kAntiLambda][1] = 1.1207; //Lower limit for invariant mass of V0 mother : fDownInvMass[kGamma] = -1.; fDownInvMass[kK0s] = 0.49265; fDownInvMass[kLambda] = 1.107; fDownInvMass[kAntiLambda] = 1.107; //Lower limit for distance from secondary vertex to primary vertex in x-y plane : fDownRadius[kGamma] = 6.; fDownRadius[kK0s] = 0.; fDownRadius[kLambda] = 0.; fDownRadius[kAntiLambda] = 0.; //Upper limit for distance from secondary vertex to primary vertex in x-y plane : fUpRadius[kGamma] = 1000.; fUpRadius[kK0s] = 20.; fUpRadius[kLambda] = 1000.; fUpRadius[kAntiLambda] = 1000.; //Upper limit for opening angle between two daughter tracks (characteristically near zero for conversions) : fUpOpenAngle[kGamma] = 0.1; fUpOpenAngle[kK0s] = 3.15; fUpOpenAngle[kLambda] = 3.15; fUpOpenAngle[kAntiLambda] = 3.15; //Upper limit for angle between daughter momentum plane and plane perpendicular to magnetic field (characteristically around zero for conversions) : fUpPsiPair[kGamma] = 0.05; fUpPsiPair[kK0s] = 1.6; fUpPsiPair[kLambda] = 1.6; fUpPsiPair[kAntiLambda] = 1.6; //Lower limit for likelihood value of TPC PID : fDownTPCPIDneg[AliPID::kElectron] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDpos[AliPID::kElectron] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDneg[AliPID::kMuon] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDpos[AliPID::kMuon] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDneg[AliPID::kPion] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDpos[AliPID::kPion] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDneg[AliPID::kKaon] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDpos[AliPID::kKaon] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDneg[AliPID::kProton] = 0.21; fDownTPCPIDpos[AliPID::kProton] = 0.21; //Lower limit for likelihood value of combined PID : fDownComPIDneg[AliPID::kElectron] = 0.21; fDownComPIDpos[AliPID::kElectron] = 0.21; fDownComPIDneg[AliPID::kMuon] = 0.21; fDownComPIDpos[AliPID::kMuon] = 0.21; fDownComPIDneg[AliPID::kPion] = 0.9; fDownComPIDpos[AliPID::kPion] = 0.9; fDownComPIDneg[AliPID::kKaon] = 0.21; fDownComPIDpos[AliPID::kKaon] = 0.21; fDownComPIDneg[AliPID::kProton] = 0.9; fDownComPIDpos[AliPID::kProton] = 0.9; //Lower limit for likelihood value of combined PID for daughter track which doesn't enter reference data (here: pion daughters from Lambda decays: fDownComPIDnegPart[AliPID::kElectron] = 0.05; fDownComPIDposPart[AliPID::kElectron] = 0.05; fDownComPIDnegPart[AliPID::kMuon] = 0.05; fDownComPIDposPart[AliPID::kMuon] = 0.05; fDownComPIDnegPart[AliPID::kPion] = 0.05; fDownComPIDposPart[AliPID::kPion] = 0.05; fDownComPIDnegPart[AliPID::kKaon] = 0.05; fDownComPIDposPart[AliPID::kKaon] = 0.05; fDownComPIDnegPart[AliPID::kProton] = 0.05; fDownComPIDposPart[AliPID::kProton] = 0.05; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } //_________________________________________________ void AliTRDv0Info::GetESDv0Info(AliESDv0 *esdv0) {//Gets values of ESDv0 and daughter track properties //See header file for description of variables Int_t part1 = -1; Int_t part2 = -1; fQuality = Quality(esdv0);//Attributes an Int_t to the V0 due to quality cuts (= 1 if V0 is accepted, other integers depending on cut which excludes the vertex) fRadius = Radius(esdv0);//distance from secondary vertex to primary vertex in x-y plane fDCA = esdv0->GetDcaV0Daughters();//distance of closest approach of two daughter tracks fPointingAngle = TMath::ACos(esdv0->GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle());// pointing angle (= angle between between vector from primary to secondary vertex and reconstructed momentum of V0 mother particle) fOpenAngle = OpenAngle(esdv0);//Opening angle between two daughter tracks fPsiPair = PsiPair(esdv0);//Angle between daughter momentum plane and plane perpendicular to magnetic field fV0Momentum = V0Momentum(esdv0);//Reconstructed momentum of the mother particle for(Int_t idecay = 0; idecay < kNDecays; idecay++)//4 decay types : conversions, K0s, Lambda, Anti-Lambda //five particle types: electrons, muons, pions, kaons, protons (muons and kaons not involved) { if(idecay == kLambda)//protons and pions from Lambda { part1 = AliPID::kProton; part2 = AliPID::kPion; } else if(idecay == kAntiLambda)//antiprotons and pions from Anti-Lambda { part1 = AliPID::kPion; part2 = AliPID::kProton; } else if(idecay == kK0s)//pions from K0s part1 = part2 = AliPID::kPion; else if(idecay == kGamma)//electrons from conversions part1 = part2 = AliPID::kElectron; fInvMass[idecay] = InvMass(part1, part2, esdv0);//Calculate invariant mass for all of our four supposed decays } GetDetectorPID();//Gets all likelihood values from TPC, TOF and ITS PID for the fDetPID[kNDaughters][kNDetectors][AliPID::kSPECIES] array CombinePID();//Bayesian combination of likelihoods from TPC and TOF fMomentum = fTrack->GetOuterParam()->P(); } //_________________________________________________ Float_t AliTRDv0Info::V0Momentum(AliESDv0 *esdv0) const { // // Reconstructed momentum of V0 mother particle // Double_t mn[3] = {0,0,0}; Double_t mp[3] = {0,0,0}; esdv0->GetNPxPyPz(mn[0],mn[1],mn[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of negative daughter; esdv0->GetPPxPyPz(mp[0],mp[1],mp[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of positive daughter; return TMath::Sqrt((mn[0]+mp[0])*(mn[0]+mp[0]) + (mn[1]+mp[1])*(mn[1]+mp[1])+(mn[2]+mp[2])*(mn[2]+mp[2])); } //_________________________________________________ Double_t AliTRDv0Info::InvMass(Int_t part1, Int_t part2, AliESDv0 *esdv0) const { // // Invariant mass of reconstructed V0 mother // const Double_t kpmass[5] = {AliPID::ParticleMass(AliPID::kElectron),AliPID::ParticleMass(AliPID::kMuon),AliPID::ParticleMass(AliPID::kPion),AliPID::ParticleMass(AliPID::kKaon),AliPID::ParticleMass(AliPID::kProton)}; //Masses of electrons, muons, pions, kaons and protons, as implemented in ROOT Double_t mn[3] = {0,0,0}; Double_t mp[3] = {0,0,0}; esdv0->GetNPxPyPz(mn[0],mn[1],mn[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of negative daughter; esdv0->GetPPxPyPz(mp[0],mp[1],mp[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of positive daughter; Double_t mass1 = kpmass[part1];//sets supposed rest masses for both daughters Double_t mass2 = kpmass[part2]; //Calculate daughters' energies : Double_t e1 = TMath::Sqrt(mass1*mass1+ mp[0]*mp[0]+ mp[1]*mp[1]+ mp[2]*mp[2]); Double_t e2 = TMath::Sqrt(mass2*mass2+ mn[0]*mn[0]+ mn[1]*mn[1]+ mn[2]*mn[2]); //Sum of daughter momenta : Double_t momsum = (mn[0]+mp[0])*(mn[0]+mp[0])+ (mn[1]+mp[1])*(mn[1]+mp[1])+ (mn[2]+mp[2])*(mn[2]+mp[2]); //invariant mass : Double_t mInv = TMath::Sqrt((e1+e2)*(e1+e2)-momsum); return mInv; } //_________________________________________________ Float_t AliTRDv0Info::OpenAngle(AliESDv0 *esdv0) {//Opening angle between two daughter tracks Double_t mn[3] = {0,0,0}; Double_t mp[3] = {0,0,0}; esdv0->GetNPxPyPz(mn[0],mn[1],mn[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of negative daughter; esdv0->GetPPxPyPz(mp[0],mp[1],mp[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of positive daughter; fOpenAngle = TMath::ACos((mp[0]*mn[0] + mp[1]*mn[1] + mp[2]*mn[2])/(TMath::Sqrt(mp[0]*mp[0] + mp[1]*mp[1] + mp[2]*mp[2])*TMath::Sqrt(mn[0]*mn[0] + mn[1]*mn[1] + mn[2]*mn[2]))); return fOpenAngle; } //_________________________________________________ Float_t AliTRDv0Info::PsiPair(AliESDv0 *esdv0) {//Angle between daughter momentum plane and plane perpendicular to magnetic field Double_t x, y, z; esdv0->GetXYZ(x,y,z);//Reconstructed coordinates of V0; to be replaced by Markus Rammler's method in case of conversions! Double_t mn[3] = {0,0,0}; Double_t mp[3] = {0,0,0}; esdv0->GetNPxPyPz(mn[0],mn[1],mn[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of negative daughter; esdv0->GetPPxPyPz(mp[0],mp[1],mp[2]);//reconstructed cartesian momentum components of positive daughter; Double_t deltat = 1.; deltat = TMath::ATan(mp[2]/(TMath::Sqrt(mp[0]*mp[0] + mp[1]*mp[1])+1.e-13)) - TMath::ATan(mn[2]/(TMath::Sqrt(mn[0]*mn[0] + mn[1]*mn[1])+1.e-13));//difference of angles of the two daughter tracks with z-axis Double_t radiussum = TMath::Sqrt(x*x + y*y) + 50;//radius to which tracks shall be propagated Double_t momPosProp[3]; Double_t momNegProp[3]; AliExternalTrackParam nt(*fTrackN), pt(*fTrackP); fPsiPair = 4.; if(nt.PropagateTo(radiussum,fMagField) == 0)//propagate tracks to the outside fPsiPair = -5.; if(pt.PropagateTo(radiussum,fMagField) == 0) fPsiPair = -5.; pt.GetPxPyPz(momPosProp);//Get momentum vectors of tracks after propagation nt.GetPxPyPz(momNegProp); Double_t pEle = TMath::Sqrt(momNegProp[0]*momNegProp[0]+momNegProp[1]*momNegProp[1]+momNegProp[2]*momNegProp[2]);//absolute momentum value of negative daughter Double_t pPos = TMath::Sqrt(momPosProp[0]*momPosProp[0]+momPosProp[1]*momPosProp[1]+momPosProp[2]*momPosProp[2]);//absolute momentum value of positive daughter Double_t scalarproduct = momPosProp[0]*momNegProp[0]+momPosProp[1]*momNegProp[1]+momPosProp[2]*momNegProp[2];//scalar product of propagated positive and negative daughters' momenta Double_t chipair = TMath::ACos(scalarproduct/(pEle*pPos));//Angle between propagated daughter tracks fPsiPair = TMath::Abs(TMath::ASin(deltat/chipair)); return fPsiPair; } //_________________________________________________ void AliTRDv0Info::V0fromTrack(AliTRDtrackInfo * const track, Int_t ivertex) {//Checks if track is a secondary vertex daughter (due to V0 finder) fMagField = fESD->GetMagneticField(); fTrackID = track->GetTrackId();//index of the track fTrack = fESD->GetTrack(fTrackID);//sets track information fMomentum = fTrack->GetOuterParam()->P();//Get track momentum from outer parameters fHasV0 = 0; //comparing index of track with indices of pos./neg. V0 daughter : AliESDv0 * esdv0 = fESD->GetV0(ivertex); if((esdv0->GetIndex(0) == fTrackID)||(esdv0->GetIndex(1) == fTrackID)) { fHasV0 = 1;//track belongs to vertex found by V0 finder! fNindex = esdv0->GetIndex(0); fPindex = esdv0->GetIndex(1); fTrackN = fESD->GetTrack(esdv0->GetIndex(0));//providing information about the other of the two daughter tracks fTrackP = fESD->GetTrack(esdv0->GetIndex(1)); GetESDv0Info(esdv0);//gets all the relevant information about our V0 } } //_________________________________________________ void AliTRDv0Info::GetDetectorPID() {//PID likelihoods from TPC, TOF, and ITS, for all particle species fTrackN->GetTPCpid(fDetPID[kNeg][kTPC]); fTrackP->GetTPCpid(fDetPID[kPos][kTPC]); fTrackN->GetTOFpid(fDetPID[kNeg][kTOF]); fTrackP->GetTOFpid(fDetPID[kPos][kTOF]); fTrackN->GetITSpid(fDetPID[kNeg][kITS]); fTrackP->GetITSpid(fDetPID[kPos][kITS]); Long_t statusN = fTrackN->GetStatus(); Long_t statusP = fTrackP->GetStatus(); if(!(statusN & AliESDtrack::kTPCpid)){ for(Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < AliPID::kSPECIES; iPart++){ fDetPID[kNeg][kTPC][iPart] = 0.2; } } if(!(statusN & AliESDtrack::kTOFpid)){ for(Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < AliPID::kSPECIES; iPart++){ fDetPID[kNeg][kTOF][iPart] = 0.2; } } if(!(statusN & AliESDtrack::kITSpid)){ for(Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < AliPID::kSPECIES; iPart++){ fDetPID[kNeg][kITS][iPart] = 0.2; } } if(!(statusP & AliESDtrack::kTPCpid)){ for(Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < AliPID::kSPECIES; iPart++){ fDetPID[kPos][kTPC][iPart] = 0.2; } } if(!(statusP & AliESDtrack::kTOFpid)){ for(Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < AliPID::kSPECIES; iPart++){ fDetPID[kPos][kTOF][iPart] = 0.2; } } if(!(statusP & AliESDtrack::kITSpid)){ for(Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < AliPID::kSPECIES; iPart++){ fDetPID[kPos][kITS][iPart] = 0.2; } } } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliTRDv0Info::CombinePID() { Double_t partrat[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {0.208, 0.010, 0.662, 0.019, 0.101}; for(Int_t iSign = 0; iSign < kNDaughters; iSign++) { for(Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < AliPID::kSPECIES; iPart++) { fComPID[iSign][iPart] = (partrat[iPart]*fDetPID[iSign][kTPC][iPart]*fDetPID[iSign][kTOF][iPart])/((partrat[0]*fDetPID[iSign][kTPC][0]*fDetPID[iSign][kTOF][0])+(partrat[1]*fDetPID[iSign][kTPC][1]*fDetPID[iSign][kTOF][1])+(partrat[2]*fDetPID[iSign][kTPC][2]*fDetPID[iSign][kTOF][2])+(partrat[3]*fDetPID[iSign][kTPC][3]*fDetPID[iSign][kTOF][3])+(partrat[4]*fDetPID[iSign][kTPC][4]*fDetPID[iSign][kTOF][4])); } } } //_________________________________________________ Float_t AliTRDv0Info::Radius(AliESDv0 *esdv0) {//distance from secondary vertex to primary vertex in x-y plane Double_t x, y, z; esdv0->GetXYZ(x,y,z); //Reconstructed coordinates of V0; to be replaced by Markus Rammler's method in case of conversions! fRadius = TMath::Sqrt(x*x + y*y); return fRadius; } //_________________________________________________ Int_t AliTRDv0Info::Quality(AliESDv0 *const esdv0) { // // Checking track and V0 quality status in order to exclude vertices based on poor information // Float_t nClsN; nClsN = fTrackN->GetTPCNcls();//number of found clusters in TPC for negative track Float_t nClsFN; nClsFN = fTrackN->GetTPCNclsF();//number of findable clusters in TPC for negative track Float_t nClsP; nClsP = fTrackP->GetTPCNcls();//number of found clusters in TPC for positive track Float_t nClsFP; nClsFP = fTrackP->GetTPCNclsF();//number of findable clusters in TPC for positive track fQuality = 0; Float_t clsRatioN; Float_t clsRatioP; if((nClsFN == 0) || (nClsFP == 0)) return 2; clsRatioN = nClsN/nClsFN; //ratios of found to findable clusters in TPC clsRatioP = nClsP/nClsFP; if (!(esdv0->GetOnFlyStatus()))//accept only vertices from online V0 finder return 3; if (!((fTrackP->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit)))//accept only vertices in which both tracks have TPC refit return 4; if (!((fTrackN->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit))) return 5; if (fTrackP->GetKinkIndex(0)>0 || fTrackN->GetKinkIndex(0)>0 )//exclude tracks with kinks return 6; if((clsRatioN < 0.6)||(clsRatioP < 0.6))//exclude tracks with low ratio of found to findable TPC clusters return 7; fQuality = 1; return fQuality; } //_________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTRDv0Info::GetV0PID(Int_t ipart, AliTRDtrackInfo *track) {//decides if track is accepted for one of the reference data samples Int_t iDecay = -1; //decide which decay has to be considered for which particle sample (Anti-Lambda will be treated separately) if(ipart == AliPID::kElectron) iDecay = kGamma; else if(ipart == AliPID::kPion) iDecay = kK0s; else if(ipart == AliPID::kProton) iDecay = kLambda; Int_t iPSlot;//Mother momentum slots above/below 2.5 GeV Bool_t pid = 0;//return value for V0 PID decision if(!(track)) { AliError("AliTRDv0Info::GetV0PID(Int_t ipart, AliTRDtrackInfo *track) : No track info found.\n"); return 0; } AliESDInputHandler *esdH = dynamic_cast(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()); if(!esdH) { AliError("AliTRDv0Info::GetV0PID(Int_t ipart, AliTRDtrackInfo *track) : ERROR - ESD input handler not found"); return 0; } fESD = esdH->GetEvent(); for(Int_t ivertex=0; ivertexGetNumberOfV0s(); ivertex++) { if(pid == 0) { V0fromTrack(track, ivertex);//Get the V0 corresponding to the track (if there is a V0) if(fV0Momentum > 2.5)//divide into slots according to reconstructed momentum of the mother particle {iPSlot = 1;} else {iPSlot = 0;} //Accept track for a sample only if... if(!(fHasV0))//... there is a V0 found for it continue; if(!(fQuality == 1))//... it fulfills our quality criteria continue; if((fDCA > fUpDCA[iDecay]))//... distance of closest approach between daughters is reasonably small continue; if((fPointingAngle > fUpPointingAngle[iDecay]))//... pointing angle between momentum of mother particle and vector from prim. to sec. vertex is small continue; if((fRadius < fDownRadius[iDecay]))//... x-y plane distance of decay point to prim. vertex is bigger than a certain minimum value (for conversions) continue; if((fRadius > fUpRadius[iDecay]))//...or smaller than a maximum value (for K0s) continue; if((fOpenAngle > fUpOpenAngle[iDecay]))//... opening angle is close enough to zero (for conversions) continue; if((TMath::Abs(fPsiPair) > fUpPsiPair[iDecay]))//... Psi-pair angle is close enough to zero(for conversions) continue; //specific cut criteria : if(ipart == AliPID::kProton) { if((fInvMass[kK0s] < fUpInvMass[kK0s][iPSlot]) && (fInvMass[kK0s] > fDownInvMass[kK0s])) continue;//explicit exclusion of K0s decays //for proton sample: separate treatment of Lamba and Anti-Lambda decays: //for Anti-Lambda: //Combined PID likelihoods high enough for pi+ and anti-proton ; invariant mass calculated postulating these two particle species... if((fComPID[kNeg][AliPID::kProton] > fDownComPIDneg[AliPID::kProton]) && (fComPID[kPos][AliPID::kPion] > fDownComPIDposPart[AliPID::kPion])) { if(fNindex == fTrackID) { if((fInvMass[kAntiLambda] < fUpInvMass[kAntiLambda][iPSlot]) && (fInvMass[kAntiLambda] > fDownInvMass[kAntiLambda])) { pid = 1; } } } //for Lambda: //TPC PID likelihoods high enough for pi- and proton ; invariant mass calculated accordingly if((fComPID[kNeg][AliPID::kPion] > fDownComPIDnegPart[AliPID::kPion]) && (fComPID[kPos][AliPID::kProton] > fDownComPIDpos[AliPID::kProton])) { if(fPindex == fTrackID) { if((fInvMass[kLambda] < fUpInvMass[kLambda][iPSlot]) && (fInvMass[kLambda] > fDownInvMass[kLambda])) { pid = 1; } } } } //Invariant mass cut for K0s and photons, assuming two pions/two electrons as daughters: if((fInvMass[iDecay] > fUpInvMass[iDecay][iPSlot]) || (fInvMass[iDecay] < fDownInvMass[iDecay])) continue; //for K0s decays: equal TPC PID likelihood criteria for both daughters ; invariant mass calculated postulating two pions if(ipart == AliPID::kPion) { if((fInvMass[kLambda] < fUpInvMass[kLambda][iPSlot]) && (fInvMass[kLambda] > fDownInvMass[kLambda])) continue;//explicit exclusion of Lambda decays if((fInvMass[kAntiLambda] < fUpInvMass[kAntiLambda][iPSlot]) && (fInvMass[kAntiLambda] > fDownInvMass[kAntiLambda])) continue;//explicit exclusion of Anti-Lambda decays if((fDetPID[kNeg][kTPC][ipart] > fDownTPCPIDneg[ipart]) && (fDetPID[kPos][kTPC][ipart] > fDownTPCPIDpos[ipart])) { pid = 1; } } //for photon conversions: equal combined PID likelihood criteria for both daughters ; invariant mass calculated postulating two electrons //No Lambda/K0s exclusion is provided, since these contributions hardly ever interfere with gamma invariant mass! if(ipart == AliPID::kElectron) { if(fMomentum > 1.75) {//since combined PID performs a little worse in simulations than TPC standalone for higher momenta, ONLY TPC PID is used here if((fDetPID[kNeg][kTPC][ipart] > fDownTPCPIDneg[ipart]) && (fDetPID[kPos][kTPC][ipart] > fDownTPCPIDpos[ipart])) { pid = 1; } } else {//for low momenta, combined PID from TOF and TPC is used to get rid of proton contamination if((fComPID[kNeg][ipart] > fDownComPIDneg[ipart]) && (fComPID[kPos][ipart] > fDownComPIDpos[ipart])) { pid = 1; } } } } } return pid; } //_________________________________________________ void AliTRDv0Info::Print(Option_t */*opt*/) const { }