//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This is the PROOF-enabled version of TOF/AliTOFComparison.C macro. // Origin: Andrei.Zalite@cern.ch // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "TChain.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TText.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliMCComparisonTrack.h" #include "AliTOFComparisonTask.h" ClassImp(AliTOFComparisonTask) extern TStyle *gStyle; AliTOFComparisonTask::AliTOFComparisonTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE("AliTOFComparisonTask"), fListOfHistos(0), fGood(0), fFound(0), fFake(0), fGoodPhi(0), fFoundPhi(0), fGoodl(0), fFakel(0), fFoundl(0) { // Default constructor AliInfo("Defaulut Constructor AliTOFComparisonTask"); // Define input and output slots here // Input slot #0 works with a TChain DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #1 TList DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } AliTOFComparisonTask::AliTOFComparisonTask(const char* name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fListOfHistos(0), fGood(0), fFound(0), fFake(0), fGoodPhi(0), fFoundPhi(0), fGoodl(0), fFakel(0), fFoundl(0) { // Constructor AliInfo("Constructor AliTOFComparisonTask"); // Define input and output slots here // Input slot #0 works with a TChain DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #1 TList DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } void AliTOFComparisonTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms // Called once AliInfo("AliTOFComparisonTask::UserCreateOutputObjects"); // Create output container fListOfHistos = new TList(); fGood = new TH1F("fGood", "Pt for good tracks", 34, 0.2, 7.0); fFound = new TH1F("fFound", "Pt for found tracks", 34, 0.2, 7.0); fFake = new TH1F("fFake", "Pt for fake tracks", 34, 0.2, 7.0); fGoodPhi = new TH1F("fGoodPhi", "Phi for Good tracks", 90, 0., 2.*TMath::Pi()); fFoundPhi = new TH1F("fFoundPhi", "Phi for Found tracks", 90, 0., 2.*TMath::Pi()); fGoodl = new TH1F("fGoodl", "Good tracks", 30, -1., 1.); fFakel = new TH1F("fFakel", "Mismatched tracks", 30, -1., 1.); fFoundl = new TH1F("fFoundl", "Matched tracks", 30, -1., 1.); fListOfHistos->Add(fGood); fListOfHistos->Add(fFound); fListOfHistos->Add(fFake); fListOfHistos->Add(fGoodPhi); fListOfHistos->Add(fFoundPhi); fListOfHistos->Add(fGoodl); fListOfHistos->Add(fFakel); fListOfHistos->Add(fFoundl); } void AliTOFComparisonTask::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop // Called for each event // MC information AliMCEvent* mcEvent = MCEvent(); if (!mcEvent) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event"); return; } Int_t nt = 0; TClonesArray dummy("AliMCComparisonTrack",1000), *refs=&dummy; // Loop over all MC tracks and select "good" tracks for (Int_t iTracks = 0; iTracks < mcEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); iTracks++) { AliMCParticle* track = mcEvent->GetTrack(iTracks); if (!track) { Printf("ERROR: Could not receive track %d (mc loop)", iTracks); continue; } // Track selection if (track->Pt() < 0.2) continue; if (track->Pt() > 7.0) continue; if (TMath::Abs(track->Pz()/track->Pt()) > 0.999) continue; Double_t vx = track->Xv(), vy = track->Yv(), vz = track->Zv(); if (TMath::Sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy) > 3.5) continue; if (TMath::Abs(vz) > 50.) continue; if (TMath::Abs(vx) > 0.1) continue; if (TMath::Abs(vy) > 0.1) continue; // Loop over Track References Bool_t labelTPC = kFALSE; Bool_t labelTOF = kFALSE; AliTrackReference* trackRef = 0; UInt_t iTSLayerMap = 0; for (Int_t iTrackRef = 0; iTrackRef < track->GetNumberOfTrackReferences(); iTrackRef++) { trackRef = track->GetTrackReference(iTrackRef); if(trackRef) { Int_t detectorId = trackRef->DetectorId(); if (detectorId == AliTrackReference::kITS) { Float_t Radius = trackRef->R(); if (Radius > 2.5 && Radius < 5.5) iTSLayerMap |= 1; else if (Radius > 5.5 && Radius < 8.5) iTSLayerMap |= 1 << 1; else if (Radius > 13.5 && Radius < 16.5) iTSLayerMap |= 1 << 2; else if (Radius > 22. && Radius < 26.) iTSLayerMap |= 1 << 3; else if (Radius > 36. && Radius < 41.) iTSLayerMap |= 1 << 4; else if (Radius > 42. && Radius < 46.) iTSLayerMap |= 1 << 5; else { Printf("Wrong radius %f ", Radius); return; } } if (detectorId == AliTrackReference::kTPC) { labelTPC = kTRUE; } if (detectorId == AliTrackReference::kTOF) { labelTOF = kTRUE; } } } // track references loop // Skip tracks that passed not all ITS layers if (iTSLayerMap != 0x3F) continue; // "Good" tracks if (labelTPC && labelTOF) { AliMCComparisonTrack* ref = new((*refs)[nt]) AliMCComparisonTrack(); ref->SetLabel(iTracks); TParticle* particle = track->Particle(); Int_t pdg = particle->GetPdgCode(); ref->SetPDG(pdg); ref->SetPz(track->Pz()); Float_t Pt = track->Pt(); ref->SetPt(Pt); fGood->Fill(Pt); Float_t phig = track->Phi(); ref->SetPhi(phig); fGoodPhi->Fill(phig); Double_t tgl = track->Pz()/Pt; fGoodl->Fill(tgl); nt++; } } // track loop // ESD information AliVEvent* event = InputEvent(); if (!event) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve event"); return; } AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast(event); Bool_t iFound; Int_t nfound = 0; Int_t nfake = 0; Int_t nlost = 0; Int_t mcGoods = refs->GetEntriesFast(); // Loop over all "good" MC tracks for (Int_t k = 0; k < mcGoods; k++) { AliMCComparisonTrack* ref = (AliMCComparisonTrack*)refs->UncheckedAt(k); if (!ref) continue; Int_t MCLabel = ref->GetLabel(); Float_t ptg = ref->GetPt(); Float_t Phig = ref->GetPhi(); iFound = kFALSE; Int_t iTrack; AliESDtrack* track = 0; for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); iTrack++) { track = esd->GetTrack(iTrack); if (!track) { Printf("ERROR: Could not receive track %d", iTrack); continue; } Int_t Label = track->GetLabel(); if (MCLabel != TMath::Abs(Label)) continue; if (track->GetTOFsignal() <= 0.) continue; Double_t tgl = ref->GetPz()/ref->GetPt(); Int_t TOFLabel[3]; track->GetTOFLabel(TOFLabel); if (TOFLabel[0] != MCLabel) if (TOFLabel[1] != MCLabel) if (TOFLabel[2] != MCLabel) { fFake->Fill(ptg); fFakel->Fill(tgl); nfake++; break; } fFound->Fill(ptg); fFoundl->Fill(tgl); fFoundPhi->Fill(Phig); nfound++; break; } if(iTrack == esd->GetNumberOfTracks()) { Printf("Not matched: MCLabel %d ", MCLabel); nlost++; if (track) { Printf(" kITSout %d kTPCout %d kTRDout %d kTIME %d", (track->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kITSout), (track->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTPCout), (track->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTRDout), (track->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTIME)); } else Printf(" No ESD track !"); } } Printf(" Results: " ); Printf(" Good %d Found %d Fake %d Lost %d", nt, nfound, nfake, nlost); refs->Clear(); // Post output data. PostData(1, fListOfHistos); } void AliTOFComparisonTask::Terminate(Option_t *) { // Draw result to the screen // Called once at the end of the query fListOfHistos = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if (!fListOfHistos) { Printf("ERROR: fListOfHistos not available"); return; } fGood = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(0)); fFound = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(1)); fFake = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(2)); fGoodPhi = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(3)); fFoundPhi = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(4)); fGoodl = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(5)); fFakel = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(6)); fFoundl = dynamic_cast(fListOfHistos->At(7)); gStyle->SetOptStat(111110); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,600,900); TPad* p1 = new TPad("p1", "", 0., 0.5, 1., 1.); p1->Draw(); p1->cd(); p1->SetFillColor(42); p1->SetFrameFillColor(10); fFound->Sumw2(); fGood->Sumw2(); fFake->Sumw2(); TH1F* hgp = new TH1F("hgp", " ", 34, 0.2, 7.0); TH1F* hfp = new TH1F("hfp", "Probability of mismatching", 34, 0.2, 7.0); hgp->Divide(fFound, fGood, 1., 1., "b"); hfp->Divide(fFake, fGood, 1., 1., "b"); hgp->SetLineColor(4); hgp->SetLineWidth(2); hgp->SetMaximum(1.4); hgp->SetYTitle("Tracking efficiency"); hgp->SetXTitle("Pt (GeV/c)"); hfp->SetFillColor(1); hfp->SetFillStyle(3013); hfp->SetLineWidth(2); hfp->SetLineColor(2); hgp->Draw(); hfp->Draw("histsame"); TLine *line1 = new TLine(0.2,1.0,7.0,1.0); line1->SetLineStyle(4); line1->Draw("same"); TLine *line2 = new TLine(0.2,0.9,7.0,0.9); line2->SetLineStyle(4); line2->Draw("same"); c1->cd(); TPad* p2 = new TPad("p2", "", 0., 0., 1., 0.5); p2->Draw(); p2->cd(); p2->SetFillColor(42); p2->SetFrameFillColor(10); fFoundl->Sumw2(); fGoodl->Sumw2(); fFakel->Sumw2(); TH1F* hgl = new TH1F("hgl", "", 30, -1., 1.); TH1F* hfl = new TH1F("hfl", "Probability of mismatching", 30, -1., 1.); hgl->Divide(fFoundl, fGoodl, 1., 1., "b"); hfl->Divide(fFakel, fGoodl, 1., 1., "b"); hgl->SetLineColor(4); hgl->SetLineWidth(2); hgl->SetMaximum(1.4); hgl->SetYTitle("Tracking efficiency"); hgl->SetXTitle("Tan(lambda)"); hfl->SetFillColor(1); hfl->SetFillStyle(3013); hfl->SetLineWidth(2); hfl->SetLineColor(2); hgl->Draw(); hfl->Draw("histsame"); TLine *line3 = new TLine(-1,1.0,1,1.0); line3->SetLineStyle(4); line3->Draw("same"); TLine *line4 = new TLine(-1,0.9,1,0.9); line4->SetLineStyle(4); line4->Draw("same"); c1->Update(); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "", 10, 10, 510, 510); c2->SetFillColor(42); c2->SetFrameFillColor(10); fFoundPhi->Sumw2(); fGoodPhi->Sumw2(); TH1F* hgphi = new TH1F("hgphi", "Efficiency for good tracks (Phi)", 90, 0., 2.*TMath::Pi()); hgphi->Divide(fFoundPhi, fGoodPhi, 1., 1., "B"); hgphi->SetYTitle("Tracking efficiency"); hgphi->SetXTitle("Phi (rad)"); hgphi->Draw(); TFile fc("AliTOFComparison.root","RECREATE"); c1->Write(); c2->Write(); fc.Close(); }