/* * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * See cxx source for full Copyright notice * $Id$ */ /********************************************************** * In this class azimuthal correlators in mixed harmonics * * are implemented in terms of Q-vectors. This approach * * doesn't require evaluation of nested loops. This class * * can be used to: * * * * a) Extract subdominant harmonics (like v1 and v4); * * b) Study flow of two-particle resonances; * * c) Study strong parity violation. * * * * Author: Ante Bilandzic (abilandzic@gmail.com) * *********************************************************/ #ifndef ALIFLOWANALYSISWITHMIXEDHARMONICS_H #define ALIFLOWANALYSISWITHMIXEDHARMONICS_H #include "AliFlowCommonConstants.h" // needed as include #include "TMatrixD.h" class TDirectoryFile; class TList; class TFile; class TH1F; class TH1D; class TH2; class TH2D; class TProfile; class TProfile2D; class AliFlowEventSimple; class AliFlowCommonHist; class AliFlowCommonHistResults; //================================================================================================================ class AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics { public: AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics(); virtual ~AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics(); // 0.) Methods called in the constructor: virtual void InitializeArrays(); // 1.) Method Init() and methods called within Init(): virtual void Init(); virtual void CrossCheckSettings(); virtual void AccessConstants(); virtual void BookAndNestAllLists(); virtual void BookProfileHoldingSettings(); virtual void BookCommonHistograms(); virtual void BookAllEventByEventQuantities(); virtual void BookAllAllEventQuantities(); virtual void BookAndFillWeightsHistograms(); // 2.) Method Make() and methods called within Make(): virtual void Make(AliFlowEventSimple *anEvent); virtual void CheckPointersUsedInMake(); virtual void Calculate3pCorrelator(); virtual void CalculateNonIsotropicTerms(); virtual void CalculateDifferential3pCorrelator(); virtual void ResetEventByEventQuantities(); // 3.) Method Finish() and methods called within Finish(): virtual void Finish(); virtual void CheckPointersUsedInFinish(); virtual void AccessSettings(); virtual void CorrectForDetectorEffects(); virtual void PrintOnTheScreen(); // 4.) Method GetOutputHistograms and method called within it: virtual void GetOutputHistograms(TList *outputListHistos); virtual void GetPointersForBaseHistograms(); virtual void GetPointersForCommonHistograms(); virtual void GetPointersForAllEventProfiles(); virtual void GetPointersForResultsHistograms(); // 5.) Other methods: virtual void WriteHistograms(TString outputFileName); virtual void WriteHistograms(TDirectoryFile *outputFileName); // 6.) Setters and getters: void SetHistList(TList* const hl) {this->fHistList = hl;} TList* GetHistList() const {return this->fHistList;} void SetHistListName(const char *hln) {this->fHistListName->Append(*hln);}; TString *GetHistListName() const {return this->fHistListName;}; void SetAnalysisLabel(const char *al) {this->fAnalysisLabel->Append(*al);}; TString *GetAnalysisLabel() const {return this->fAnalysisLabel;}; void SetAnalysisSettings(TProfile* const as) {this->fAnalysisSettings = as;}; TProfile* GetAnalysisSettings() const {return this->fAnalysisSettings;}; void SetCorrelatorInteger(Int_t const ci) {this->fCorrelatorInteger = ci;}; Int_t GetCorrelatorInteger() const {return this->fCorrelatorInteger;}; void SetNoOfMultipicityBins(Int_t const nomb) {this->fNoOfMultipicityBins = nomb;}; Int_t GetNoOfMultipicityBins() const {return this->fNoOfMultipicityBins;}; void SetMultipicityBinWidth(Double_t const mbw) {this->fMultipicityBinWidth = mbw;}; Double_t GetMultipicityBinWidth() const {return this->fMultipicityBinWidth;}; void SetMinMultiplicity(Double_t const mm) {this->fMinMultiplicity = mm;}; Double_t GetMinMultiplicity() const {return this->fMinMultiplicity;}; void SetCorrectForDetectorEffects(Bool_t const cfde) {this->fCorrectForDetectorEffects = cfde;}; Bool_t GetCorrectForDetectorEffects() const {return this->fCorrectForDetectorEffects;}; void SetPrintOnTheScreen(Bool_t const pots) {this->fPrintOnTheScreen = pots;}; Bool_t GetPrintOnTheScreen() const {return this->fPrintOnTheScreen;}; void SetCommonHists(AliFlowCommonHist* const ch) {this->fCommonHists = ch;}; AliFlowCommonHist* GetCommonHists() const {return this->fCommonHists;}; void SetWeightsList(TList* const wl) {this->fWeightsList = (TList*)wl->Clone();} TList* GetWeightsList() const {return this->fWeightsList;} void SetUsePhiWeights(Bool_t const uPhiW) {this->fUsePhiWeights = uPhiW;}; Bool_t GetUsePhiWeights() const {return this->fUsePhiWeights;}; void SetUsePtWeights(Bool_t const uPtW) {this->fUsePtWeights = uPtW;}; Bool_t GetUsePtWeights() const {return this->fUsePtWeights;}; void SetUseEtaWeights(Bool_t const uEtaW) {this->fUseEtaWeights = uEtaW;}; Bool_t GetUseEtaWeights() const {return this->fUseEtaWeights;}; void SetUseParticleWeights(TProfile* const uPW) {this->fUseParticleWeights = uPW;}; TProfile* GetUseParticleWeights() const {return this->fUseParticleWeights;}; void SetPhiWeights(TH1F* const histPhiWeights) {this->fPhiWeights = histPhiWeights;}; TH1F* GetPhiWeights() const {return this->fPhiWeights;}; void SetPtWeights(TH1D* const histPtWeights) {this->fPtWeights = histPtWeights;}; TH1D* GetPtWeights() const {return this->fPtWeights;}; void SetEtaWeights(TH1D* const histEtaWeights) {this->fEtaWeights = histEtaWeights;}; TH1D* GetEtaWeights() const {return this->fEtaWeights;}; void SetProfileList(TList* const plist) {this->fProfileList = plist;} TList* GetProfileList() const {return this->fProfileList;} void Set3pCorrelatorPro(TProfile* const s3pPro) {this->f3pCorrelatorPro = s3pPro;}; TProfile* Get3pCorrelatorPro() const {return this->f3pCorrelatorPro;}; void SetNonIsotropicTermsPro(TProfile* const nitPro) {this->fNonIsotropicTermsPro = nitPro;}; TProfile* GetNonIsotropicTermsPro() const {return this->fNonIsotropicTermsPro;}; void Set3pCorrelatorVsMPro(TProfile* const s3pVsMPro) {this->f3pCorrelatorVsMPro = s3pVsMPro;}; TProfile* Get3pCorrelatorVsMPro() const {return this->f3pCorrelatorVsMPro;}; void SetNonIsotropicTermsVsMPro(TProfile2D* const nitVsMPro) {this->fNonIsotropicTermsVsMPro = nitVsMPro;}; TProfile2D* GetNonIsotropicTermsVsMPro() const {return this->fNonIsotropicTermsVsMPro;}; void SetResultsList(TList* const rlist) {this->fResultsList = rlist;} TList* GetResultsList() const {return this->fResultsList;} void Set3pCorrelatorHist(TH1D* const s3pHist) {this->f3pCorrelatorHist = s3pHist;}; TH1D* Get3pCorrelatorHist() const {return this->f3pCorrelatorHist;}; void SetDetectorBiasHist(TH1D* const dbHist) {this->fDetectorBiasHist = dbHist;}; TH1D* GetDetectorBiasHist() const {return this->fDetectorBiasHist;}; void SetDetectorBiasVsMHist(TH1D* const dbVsMHist) {this->fDetectorBiasVsMHist = dbVsMHist;}; TH1D* GetDetectorBiasVsMHist() const {return this->fDetectorBiasVsMHist;}; void Set3pCorrelatorVsPtSumDiffPro(TProfile* const s3pcvpsd, Int_t const sd) {this->f3pCorrelatorVsPtSumDiffPro[sd] = s3pcvpsd;}; TProfile* Get3pCorrelatorVsPtSumDiffPro(Int_t sd) const {return this->f3pCorrelatorVsPtSumDiffPro[sd];}; private: AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics(const AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics& afawQc); AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics& operator=(const AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics& afawQc); // 0.) Base: TList *fHistList; // base list to hold all output objects TString *fHistListName; // name of base list TString *fAnalysisLabel; // analysis label TProfile *fAnalysisSettings; // profile to hold analysis settings Int_t fCorrelatorInteger; // integer n in cos[n(2phi1-phi2-phi3)] Int_t fNoOfMultipicityBins; // number of multiplicity bins Double_t fMultipicityBinWidth; // width of multiplicity bin Double_t fMinMultiplicity; // minimal multiplicity Bool_t fCorrectForDetectorEffects; // correct 3-p correlator for detector effects Bool_t fPrintOnTheScreen; // print or not the final results on the screen // 1.) Common: AliFlowCommonHist *fCommonHists; // common control histograms (filled only with events with 3 or more tracks for 3-p correlators) Int_t fnBinsPhi; // number of phi bins Double_t fPhiMin; // minimum phi Double_t fPhiMax; // maximum phi Double_t fPhiBinWidth; // bin width for phi histograms Int_t fnBinsPt; // number of pt bins Double_t fPtMin; // minimum pt Double_t fPtMax; // maximum pt Double_t fPtBinWidth; // bin width for pt histograms Int_t fnBinsEta; // number of eta bins Double_t fEtaMin; // minimum eta Double_t fEtaMax; // maximum eta Double_t fEtaBinWidth; // bin width for eta histograms // 2a.) Particle weights: TList *fWeightsList; // list to hold all histograms with particle weights: fUseParticleWeights, fPhiWeights, fPtWeights and fEtaWeights Bool_t fUsePhiWeights; // use phi weights Bool_t fUsePtWeights; // use pt weights Bool_t fUseEtaWeights; // use eta weights TProfile *fUseParticleWeights; // profile with three bins to hold values of fUsePhiWeights, fUsePtWeights and fUseEtaWeights TH1F *fPhiWeights; // histogram holding phi weights TH1D *fPtWeights; // histogram holding phi weights TH1D *fEtaWeights; // histogram holding phi weights // 3.) Event-by-event quantities: TMatrixD *fReQnk; // fReQ[n][k] = Re[Q_{n,k}] = sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i}^{k} cos(n*phi_{i}) TMatrixD *fImQnk; // fImQ[n][k] = Im[Q_{n,k}] = sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i}^{k} sin(n*phi_{i}) TMatrixD *fSpk; // fS[p][k] = S_{p,k} = (sum_{i=1}^{M} w_{i}^{k})^{p+1} // note p+1 in the power to use 0th index in p in non-trivial way TH1D *f3pCorrelatorEBE; // 3-p correlator for single event TH1D *fNonIsotropicTermsEBE; // correction terms to 3-p correlator for single event TProfile *fRePEBE[2]; // real part of p_n vs [(p1+p2)/2,|p1-p2|] TProfile *fImPEBE[2]; // imaginary part of p_n vs [(p1+p2)/2,|p1-p2|] // 4.) Profiles: TList *fProfileList; // list holding all all-event profiles TProfile *f3pCorrelatorPro; // 3-p correlator <> not corrected for detector effects TProfile *fNonIsotropicTermsPro; // non-isotropic terms in the decomposition of 3-p correlator <> TProfile *f3pCorrelatorVsMPro; // 3-p correlator <> vs multiplicity TProfile2D *fNonIsotropicTermsVsMPro; // non-isotropic terms in the decomposition of vs multiplicity TProfile *f3pCorrelatorVsPtSumDiffPro[2]; // differential 3-p correlator <> vs [(p1+p2)/2,|p1-p2|] // 5.) Final results: TList *fResultsList; // list holding objects with final results TH1D *f3pCorrelatorHist; // 3-p correlator <> corrected for detector effects TH1D *fDetectorBiasHist; // bias comming from detector inefficiencies to 3-p correlator <> (in %) TH1D *fDetectorBiasVsMHist; // bias comming from detector inefficiencies to 3-p correlator <> (in %) versus multiplicity ClassDef(AliFlowAnalysisWithMixedHarmonics, 0); }; //================================================================================================================ #endif