/************************************************************************* * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /********************************** * create an event and perform * * flow analysis 'on the fly' * * * * authors: Raimond Snellings * * (snelling@nikhef.nl) * * Ante Bilandzic * * (anteb@nikhef.nl) * *********************************/ #include "Riostream.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly.h" #include "AliFlowEventSimple.h" #include "AliFlowTrackSimple.h" ClassImp(AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly) //======================================================================== AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly(UInt_t iseed): fUseGlauberModel(kFALSE), fMultDistrOfRPsIsGauss(kFALSE), fMultiplicityOfRP(0), fMultiplicitySpreadOfRP(0.), fMinMultOfRP(0), fMaxMultOfRP(0), fTemperatureOfRP(0.), fPtDependentHarmonicV1(kFALSE), fEtaDependentHarmonicV1(kFALSE), fPtDependentHarmonicV2(kFALSE), fEtaDependentHarmonicV2(kFALSE), fPtDependentHarmonicV4(kFALSE), fEtaDependentHarmonicV4(kFALSE), fV1RP(0.), fV1SpreadRP(0.), fConstantV2IsSampledFromGauss(kFALSE), fV2RP(0.), fV2SpreadRP(0.), fMinV2RP(0.), fMaxV2RP(0.), fV4RP(0.), fV4SpreadRP(0.), fV1vsPtEtaMax(0.), fV1PtCutOff(0.), fV2vsPtEtaMax(0.), fV2PtCutOff(0.), fV2vsEtaSpread(0.), fPhiMin1(0.), fPhiMax1(0.), fProbability1(0.), fPhiMin2(0.), fPhiMax2(0.), fProbability2(0.), fPtSpectra(NULL), fPhiDistribution(NULL), fMyTRandom3(NULL), fCount(0), fNoOfLoops(1), fPhiRange(0.), fPtRange(0.), fEtaRange(0.), fNonflowSectorMin(0.), fNonflowSectorMax(TMath::TwoPi()), fEtaMinA(-1.0), fEtaMaxA(-0.01), fEtaMinB(0.01), fEtaMaxB(1.0) { // constructor fMyTRandom3 = new TRandom3(iseed); gRandom->SetSeed(fMyTRandom3->Integer(65539)); } //======================================================================== AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::~AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly() { // destructor if (fPtSpectra) delete fPtSpectra; if (fPhiDistribution) delete fPhiDistribution; if (fMyTRandom3) delete fMyTRandom3; } //======================================================================== void AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::Init() { // define the pt spectra and phi distribution // pt spectra of pions (Boltzman): Double_t dPtMin = 0.; // to be improved (move this to the body of contstructor?) Double_t dPtMax = 10.; // to be improved (move this to the body of contstructor?) fPtSpectra = new TF1("fPtSpectra","[0]*x*TMath::Exp(-pow(0.13957*0.13957+x*x,0.5)/[1])",dPtMin,dPtMax); fPtSpectra->SetParName(0,"Multiplicity of RPs"); fPtSpectra->SetParName(1,"Temperature of RPs"); // phi distribution: Double_t dPhiMin = 0.; // to be improved (move this to the body of contstructor?) Double_t dPhiMax = TMath::TwoPi(); // to be improved (move this to the body of contstructor?) fPhiDistribution = new TF1("fPhiDistribution","1+2.*[0]*TMath::Cos(x-[2])+2.*[1]*TMath::Cos(2*(x-[2]))+2.*[3]*TMath::Cos(4*(x-[2]))",dPhiMin,dPhiMax); fPhiDistribution->SetParName(0,"directed flow"); fPhiDistribution->SetParName(1,"elliptic flow"); fPhiDistribution->SetParName(2,"Reaction Plane"); fPhiDistribution->SetParName(3,"harmonic 4"); // to be improved (name) } //======================================================================== Int_t AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineMultiplicity() { // Determine multiplicity for current event. Int_t iNewMultiplicityOfRP = fMultiplicityOfRP; if(fMultDistrOfRPsIsGauss) { if (fMultiplicitySpreadOfRP>0.0) iNewMultiplicityOfRP = (Int_t)fMyTRandom3->Gaus(fMultiplicityOfRP,fMultiplicitySpreadOfRP); fPtSpectra->SetParameter(0,iNewMultiplicityOfRP); } else { if (fMinMultOfRP != fMaxMultOfRP) { iNewMultiplicityOfRP = (Int_t)fMyTRandom3->Uniform(fMinMultOfRP,fMaxMultOfRP); fPtSpectra->SetParameter(0,iNewMultiplicityOfRP); } else { fPtSpectra->SetParameter(0,fMinMultOfRP); } } return iNewMultiplicityOfRP; } // end of AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineMultiplicity() //======================================================================== void AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineV1() { // Determine flow harmonics v1 for current event (if v1 is not pt or eta dependent). Double_t dNewV1RP=fV1RP; if(fV1SpreadRP>0.0) {dNewV1RP = fMyTRandom3->Gaus(fV1RP,fV1SpreadRP);} fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(0,dNewV1RP); } // end of void AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineV1() //======================================================================== void AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineV4() { // Determine flow harmonics v4 for current event (if v4 is not pt or eta dependent). Double_t dNewV4RP = fV4RP; if(fV4SpreadRP>0.0) dNewV4RP = fMyTRandom3->Gaus(fV4RP,fV4SpreadRP); fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(3,dNewV4RP); } // end of void AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineV4() //======================================================================== void AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineV2() { // Determine flow harmonics v2 for current event (if v2 is not pt or eta dependent). Double_t dNewV2RP = fV2RP; if(fConstantV2IsSampledFromGauss) { if(fV2SpreadRP>0.0) { dNewV2RP = fMyTRandom3->Gaus(fV2RP,fV2SpreadRP);} fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(1,dNewV2RP); } else if(fMinV2RP < fMaxV2RP) { dNewV2RP = fMyTRandom3->Uniform(fMinV2RP,fMaxV2RP); fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(1,dNewV2RP); } else if(fMinV2RP == fMaxV2RP) { dNewV2RP = fMinV2RP; fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(1,dNewV2RP); } } // end of void AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::DetermineV2() //======================================================================== Int_t AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::GlauberModel() { // Determine multiplicity and flow harmonics for current event from Glauber moder Int_t multiplicity = 0; Double_t v1 = 0.; Double_t v2 = 0.; Double_t v4 = 0.; // Determine multiplicity, v1, v2 and v4 from Glauber model: // multiplicity = ... // v1 = ... // v2 = ... // v4 = ... // Set obtained values as parameters in relevant distributions: fPtSpectra->SetParameter(0,multiplicity); fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(0,v1); fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(1,v2); fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(3,v4); return multiplicity; } // end of Int_t AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::GlauberModel() //======================================================================== AliFlowEventSimple* AliFlowEventSimpleMakerOnTheFly::CreateEventOnTheFly(AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsRP, AliFlowTrackSimpleCuts *cutsPOI) { // Method to create event on the fly. // Determine multiplicity and flow harmonics (if not pt or eta dependent) for current event: Int_t multiplicityRP = 0; if(!fUseGlauberModel) { multiplicityRP = DetermineMultiplicity(); if(!(fPtDependentHarmonicV1||fEtaDependentHarmonicV1)) {DetermineV1();} if(!(fPtDependentHarmonicV2||fEtaDependentHarmonicV2)) {DetermineV2();} if(!(fPtDependentHarmonicV4||fEtaDependentHarmonicV4)) {DetermineV4();} } else { // Determine multipliciy and flow harmonics from Glauber model: multiplicityRP = GlauberModel(); } AliFlowEventSimple* pEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(multiplicityRP); // set the 'temperature' of RPs fPtSpectra->SetParameter(1,fTemperatureOfRP); // sampling the reaction plane Double_t dMCReactionPlaneAngle = fMyTRandom3->Uniform(0.,TMath::TwoPi()); fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(2,dMCReactionPlaneAngle); // eta: Double_t dEtaMin = -1.; // to be improved Double_t dEtaMax = 1.; // to be improved Int_t iGoodTracks = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesRP = 0; Int_t iSelParticlesPOI = 0; // parameters of original tracks: Double_t dPhiOriginalTrack = 0.; Double_t dPtOriginalTrack = 0.; Double_t dEtaOriginalTrack = 0.; // parameters of splitted tracks: Double_t dPhiSplittedTrack = 0.; Double_t dPtSplittedTrack = 0.; Double_t dEtaSplittedTrack = 0.; Double_t dTmpV1 = 0.; Double_t dTmpV2 = 0.; Double_t dTmpV4 = 0.; Bool_t bUniformAcceptance = kTRUE; Double_t Pi = TMath::Pi(); if(!((fPhiMin1==0.) && (fPhiMax1==0.) && (fPhiMin2==0.) && (fPhiMax2==0.))) { bUniformAcceptance = kFALSE; } // loop over original tracks: for(Int_t i=0;iGetRandom(); dEtaOriginalTrack = fMyTRandom3->Uniform(dEtaMin,dEtaMax); // generate flow harmonics which will determine the azimuthal distribution (to be improved - optimized): // V2: if(fPtDependentHarmonicV2 || fEtaDependentHarmonicV2) { if(fEtaDependentHarmonicV2) { if(fV2vsEtaSpread>0.) { dTmpV2 = TMath::Exp(-pow(dEtaOriginalTrack/fV2vsEtaSpread,2.)); } if(!fPtDependentHarmonicV2) { dTmpV2*=fV2vsPtEtaMax; } } // end of if(fEtaDependentHarmonicV2) if(fPtDependentHarmonicV2) { if(!fEtaDependentHarmonicV2) { if(dPtOriginalTrack >= fV2PtCutOff) {dTmpV2 = fV2vsPtEtaMax;} else {dTmpV2 = fV2vsPtEtaMax*(dPtOriginalTrack/fV2PtCutOff);} } else { if(dPtOriginalTrack >= fV2PtCutOff) {dTmpV2 *= fV2vsPtEtaMax;} else {dTmpV2 *= fV2vsPtEtaMax*(dPtOriginalTrack/fV2PtCutOff);} } } // end of if(fPtDependentHarmonicV2) // flow harmonic is determined and plugged in as a parameter in the predefined azimuthal distribution: fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(1,dTmpV2); } // V1: if(fPtDependentHarmonicV1 || fEtaDependentHarmonicV1) { if(fEtaDependentHarmonicV1) { dTmpV1 = -1.*dEtaOriginalTrack; if(!fPtDependentHarmonicV1) { dTmpV1*=fV1vsPtEtaMax; } } // end of if(fEtaDependentHarmonicV1) if(fPtDependentHarmonicV1) { if(!fEtaDependentHarmonicV1) { if(dPtOriginalTrack >= fV1PtCutOff) {dTmpV1 = fV1vsPtEtaMax;} else {dTmpV1 = fV1vsPtEtaMax*(dPtOriginalTrack/fV1PtCutOff);} } else { if(dPtOriginalTrack >= fV1PtCutOff) {dTmpV1 *= fV1vsPtEtaMax;} else {dTmpV1 *= fV1vsPtEtaMax*(dPtOriginalTrack/fV1PtCutOff);} } } // end of if(fPtDependentHarmonicV1) // flow harmonic is determined and plugged in as a parameter in the predefined azimuthal distribution: fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(0,dTmpV1); } // V4: if(fPtDependentHarmonicV4 || fEtaDependentHarmonicV4) { dTmpV4 = pow(dTmpV2,2.); fPhiDistribution->SetParameter(3,dTmpV4); } // sample the phi angle for original track: dPhiOriginalTrack = fPhiDistribution->GetRandom(); // from each original track make fNoOfLoops splitted tracks if the particle is ongoing in // detector's sector ranging from fNonflowSectorMin to fNonflowSectorMax // (simulating nonflow correlations between fNoOfLoops tracks in certain detector's sector): for(Int_t d=0;d0 && (dPhiOriginalTrack>=fNonflowSectorMin && dPhiOriginalTrack0.) { dPhiSplittedTrack = fMyTRandom3->Uniform(dPhiOriginalTrack-fPhiRange,dPhiOriginalTrack+fPhiRange); if(dPhiSplittedTrack<0) { dPhiSplittedTrack+=TMath::TwoPi(); // to ensure angle is in [0,2Pi> } if(dPhiSplittedTrack>=TMath::TwoPi()) { dPhiSplittedTrack-=TMath::TwoPi(); // to ensure angle is in [0,2Pi> } } // end of if(fPhiRange>0.) // pt: if(fPtRange>0.) { Double_t minPt = dPtOriginalTrack-fPtRange; Double_t maxPt = dPtOriginalTrack+fPtRange; if(minPt<0) { minPt = 0.; // protection against pt<0 for splitted track } dPtSplittedTrack = fMyTRandom3->Uniform(minPt,maxPt); } // end of if(fPtRange>0.) // eta: if(fEtaRange>0.) { dEtaSplittedTrack = fMyTRandom3->Uniform(dEtaOriginalTrack-fEtaRange,dEtaOriginalTrack+fEtaRange); } // end of if(fEtaRange>0.) } // end of if(d>0) Double_t dTmpPhi = -44.; Double_t dTmpPt = -44.; Double_t dTmpEta = -44.; if(d>0) { if(dPhiOriginalTrack>=fNonflowSectorMin && dPhiOriginalTrackSetPt(dTmpPt); pTrack->SetEta(dTmpEta); pTrack->SetPhi(dTmpPhi); // checking RP cuts: if(cutsRP->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesRP++; } // assign particles to subevents: if(pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinA && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxA) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(0); } if(pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinB && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxB) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(1); } // checking POI cuts: if(cutsPOI->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesPOI++; } pEvent->TrackCollection()->Add(pTrack); iGoodTracks++; } // end of if(bUniformAcceptance) // non-uniform acceptance, 1st sector: else if ((dTmpPhi > fPhiMin1*Pi/180) && (dTmpPhi < fPhiMax1*Pi/180)) { if(fMyTRandom3->Uniform(0,1) > 1 - fProbability1) { pTrack->SetPt(dTmpPt); pTrack->SetEta(dTmpEta); pTrack->SetPhi(dTmpPhi); // checking RP cuts: if(cutsRP->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesRP++; } // assign particles to subevents if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinA && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxA) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(0); } if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinB && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxB) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(1); } // checking POI cuts: if(cutsPOI->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesPOI++; } pEvent->TrackCollection()->Add(pTrack); iGoodTracks++; } // end of if(fMyTRandom3->Uniform(0,1) > 1 - fProbability1) } // end of else if ((dTmpPhi > fPhiMin1*Pi/180) && (dTmpPhi < fPhiMax1*Pi/180)) // non-uniform acceptance, 2nd sector: else if ((dTmpPhi > fPhiMin2*Pi/180) && (dTmpPhi < fPhiMax2*Pi/180)) { if(fMyTRandom3->Uniform(0,1) > 1 - fProbability2) { pTrack->SetPt(dTmpPt); pTrack->SetEta(dTmpEta); pTrack->SetPhi(dTmpPhi); // checking RP cuts: if(cutsRP->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesRP++; } // assign particles to subevents if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinA && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxA) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(0); } if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinB && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxB) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(1); } // checking POI cuts: if(cutsPOI->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesPOI++; } pEvent->TrackCollection()->Add(pTrack); iGoodTracks++; } // end of if(fMyTRandom3->Uniform(0,1) > 1 - fProbability2) } // end of else if ((dTmpPhi > fPhiMin2*Pi/180) && (dTmpPhi < fPhiMax2*Pi/180)) else { pTrack->SetPt(dTmpPt); pTrack->SetEta(dTmpEta); pTrack->SetPhi(dTmpPhi); // checking RP cuts: if(cutsRP->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesRP++; } // assign particles to subevents if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinA && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxA) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(0); } if (pTrack->Eta()>=fEtaMinB && pTrack->Eta()<=fEtaMaxB) { pTrack->SetForSubevent(1); } // checking POI cuts: if(cutsPOI->PassesCuts(pTrack)) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); iSelParticlesPOI++; } pEvent->TrackCollection()->Add(pTrack); iGoodTracks++; } // end of else } // end of for(Int_t d=0;dSetEventNSelTracksRP(iSelParticlesRP); pEvent->SetNumberOfTracks(iGoodTracks); // total number of tracks (RPs + POIs + the ones that didn't pass neither RP nor POI cuts) pEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(dMCReactionPlaneAngle); Int_t cycle = 0; if(fPtDependentHarmonicV1 || fEtaDependentHarmonicV1 || fPtDependentHarmonicV2 || fEtaDependentHarmonicV2 || fPtDependentHarmonicV4 || fEtaDependentHarmonicV4) { cycle = 10; } else { cycle = 100; } if ( (++fCount % cycle) == 0) { if (!dMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< dMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<< iGoodTracks << endl; cout<<" # of RP selected tracks = "<