/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //#include "Riostream.h" //in case one wants to make print statements #include "TProfile.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TComplex.h" #include "TList.h" #include "AliFlowLYZConstants.h" #include "AliFlowLYZHist1.h" #include "TBrowser.h" class TH1D; // Class to organize the histograms in the first run // in the Lee Yang Zeros Flow analysis. // Also contains methods to find the first minimum R0 // of the generating function. // author: N. van der Kolk (kolk@nikhef.nl) ClassImp(AliFlowLYZHist1) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowLYZHist1::AliFlowLYZHist1(): TNamed(), fHistGtheta(0), fHistProReGtheta(0), fHistProImGtheta(0), fHistList(NULL) { //default constructor } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowLYZHist1::AliFlowLYZHist1(Int_t theta, const char *anInput,Bool_t useSum): TNamed(anInput,anInput), fHistGtheta(0), fHistProReGtheta(0), fHistProImGtheta(0), fHistList(NULL) { //constructor creating histograms Int_t iNbins = AliFlowLYZConstants::kNbins; Double_t dMin = AliFlowLYZConstants::fgMin; Double_t dMax = AliFlowLYZConstants::fgMax; TString name, addlast; if (useSum) { addlast = "LYZSUM"; } else { addlast = "LYZPROD"; } //fHistGtheta name = "First_Flow_Gtheta"; name +=theta; name +=addlast; fHistGtheta = new TH1D(name.Data(),name.Data(),iNbins,dMin,dMax); fHistGtheta->SetXTitle("r"); fHistGtheta->SetYTitle("|G^{#theta}(ir)|^{2}"); //fHistProReGtheta name = "First_FlowPro_ReGtheta"; name +=theta; name +=addlast; fHistProReGtheta = new TProfile(name.Data(),name.Data(),iNbins,dMin,dMax); fHistProReGtheta->SetXTitle("r"); fHistProReGtheta->SetYTitle("Re G^{#theta}(ir)"); //fHistProImGtheta name = "First_FlowPro_ImGtheta"; name +=theta; name +=addlast; fHistProImGtheta = new TProfile(name.Data(),name.Data(),iNbins,dMin,dMax); fHistProImGtheta->SetXTitle("r"); fHistProImGtheta->SetYTitle("Im G^{#theta}(ir)"); //list of histograms fHistList = new TList(); fHistList-> Add(fHistGtheta); fHistList-> Add(fHistProReGtheta); fHistList-> Add(fHistProImGtheta); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowLYZHist1::~AliFlowLYZHist1() { //deletes histograms delete fHistGtheta; delete fHistProReGtheta; delete fHistProImGtheta; delete fHistList; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowLYZHist1::Fill(Double_t f, TComplex c) { //fill the histograms fHistProReGtheta->Fill(f, c.Re()); fHistProImGtheta->Fill(f, c.Im()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1D* AliFlowLYZHist1::FillGtheta() { //fill the fHistGtheta histograms Int_t iNbins = fHistGtheta->GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t bin=1;bin<=iNbins;bin++) { //get bincentre of bins in histogram Double_t dBin = fHistGtheta->GetBinCenter(bin); Double_t dRe = fHistProReGtheta->GetBinContent(bin); Double_t dIm = fHistProImGtheta->GetBinContent(bin); TComplex cGtheta(dRe,dIm); //fill fHistGtheta with the modulus squared of cGtheta fHistGtheta->Fill(dBin,cGtheta.Rho2()); } return fHistGtheta; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowLYZHist1::GetR0() { //find the first minimum of the square of the modulus of Gtheta Int_t iNbins = fHistGtheta->GetNbinsX(); Double_t dR0 = 0.; for (Int_t b=2;bGetBinContent(b); Double_t dGnext = fHistGtheta->GetBinContent(b+1); Double_t dGnextnext = fHistGtheta->GetBinContent(b+2); if (dGnext > dG0 && dGnextnext > dG0) { Double_t dGlast = fHistGtheta->GetBinContent(b-1); Double_t dXlast = fHistGtheta->GetBinCenter(b-1); Double_t dX0 = fHistGtheta->GetBinCenter(b); Double_t dXnext = fHistGtheta->GetBinCenter(b+1); dR0 = dX0 - ((dX0-dXlast)*(dX0-dXlast)*(dG0-dGnext) - (dX0-dXnext)*(dX0-dXnext)*(dG0-dGlast))/ (2.*((dX0-dXlast)*(dG0-dGnext) - (dX0-dXnext)*(dG0-dGlast))); //interpolated minimum break; //stop loop if minimum is found } //if }//b return dR0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowLYZHist1::GetBinCenter(Int_t i) { //gets bincenter of histogram Double_t dR = fHistGtheta->GetBinCenter(i); return dR; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliFlowLYZHist1::GetNBins() { //gets iNbins Int_t iNbins = fHistGtheta->GetNbinsX(); return iNbins; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowLYZHist1::Merge(TCollection *aList) { //merge fuction if (!aList) return 0; if (aList->IsEmpty()) return 0; //no merging is needed Int_t iCount = 0; TIter next(aList); // list is supposed to contain only objects of the same type as this AliFlowLYZHist1 *toMerge; // make a temporary list TList *pTemp = new TList(); while ((toMerge=(AliFlowLYZHist1*)next())) { pTemp->Add(toMerge->GetHistList()); iCount++; } // Now call merge for fHistList providing temp list fHistList->Merge(pTemp); // Cleanup delete pTemp; return (double)iCount; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowLYZHist1::Print(Option_t *option) const { // -*-*-*-*-*Print some global quantities for this histogram collection class *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // =============================================== // printf( "TH1.Print Name = %s, Entries= %d, Total sum= %g\n",GetName(),Int_t(fEntries),GetSumOfWeights()); printf( "Class.Print Name = %s, Histogram list:\n",GetName()); if (fHistList) { fHistList->Print(option); } else { printf( "Empty histogram list \n"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowLYZHist1::Browse(TBrowser *b) { if (!b) return; if (fHistList) b->Add(fHistList,"AliFlowLYZHist1List"); }