////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $Id$ // // Author: Emanuele Simili // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //_____________________________________________________________ // // Description: // AliFlowEvent is the basic class to perform flow study in ALICE. // The AliFlowEvent object contains data mebers wich summarize the ESD // informations that are most useful for flow study, together with a // collection of tracks (AliFlowTrackCollection) and reconstructed v0s. // The class also implements member functions to calculate Multiplicity, // Mean P and Pt, Q (the event plane vector), Psi (the event plane angle), // normalized q (Q/sqrt(Mult) and Q/sqrt(sum of weights^2)), moreover, // functions to separate random or eta sub-events, to fill the bayesian vector // of particle abundance (for bayesian p.id calculation), to plug-in weights // (to make the tracks' distribution isotropic and to enhance the resolution), // and to select the tracks that are used in the event plane calculation (for // each harmonic, selection, and subevent. // AliFlowEvent supports the standard analysis as well as the Cumulant // Analysis: method to extract the generating functions for the old and new // cumulant methods is also there. // The Flow Event structure (AliFlowEvent, AliFlowTrack, AliFlowV0 and // AliFlowSelection) is independent from AliRoot, i.e. once the FlowEvents // are filled from the AliESD or the MC KineTree (see AliFlowInterface: here // AliRoot is needed), the flow analysis itself can be performed just under // ROOT (see AliFlowAnalysisMaker). // // AliFlowEvent is adapted from the original class StFlowEvent, succesfully // employed to study flow in the STAR experiment at RICH. // Original Authors: Raimond Snellings & Art Poskanzer // #include "AliFlowEvent.h" #include "AliFlowTrack.h" #include "AliFlowV0.h" #include "AliFlowSelection.h" #include "AliFlowConstants.h" #include "TVector.h" #include "TVector2.h" #include "TVector3.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TString.h" #include using namespace std; //required for resolving the 'cout' symbol // - Flags & Sets Bool_t AliFlowEvent::fgPtWgt = kFALSE ; // gives pT-based weights Bool_t AliFlowEvent::fgEtaWgt = kFALSE ; // gives eta-based weights Bool_t AliFlowEvent::fgOnePhiWgt = kTRUE ; // kTRUE --> ENABLEs SINGLE WEIGHT ISTOGRAM , kFALSE --> ENABLEs 3 WEIGHT ISTOGRAMS Bool_t AliFlowEvent::fgNoWgt = kFALSE ; // No Weight is used // - Eta Sub-Events (later used to calculate the resolution) Bool_t AliFlowEvent::fgEtaSubs = kFALSE ; // makes eta subevents Bool_t AliFlowEvent::fgCustomRespFunc = kFALSE ; // custom "detector response function" is used for P.Id (see AliFlowTrack) ClassImp(AliFlowEvent) //----------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent(Int_t lenght): fEventID(0), fRunID(0), fOrigMult(0), fL0Trigger(0), fZDCpart(0), fCentrality(-1), fTrackCollection(0x0), fV0Collection(0x0), fDone(kFALSE) { // Default constructor: initializes the ObjArray of FlowTracks and FlowV0s, // cleans the internal variables, sets all the weights to 1, sets default flags. for(int zz=0;zz<3;zz++) { fZDCenergy[zz] = 0. ; } for(int i=0;iBypassStreamer(kTRUE) ; fV0Collection = new TClonesArray("AliFlowV0",lenght) ; fV0Collection->BypassStreamer(kTRUE) ; // Set Weights Arrays to 1 (default) for(int nS=0;nSDelete() ; delete fTrackCollection ; fV0Collection->Delete() ; delete fV0Collection ; } //------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::PhiWeightRaw(Int_t selN, Int_t harN, AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack) const { // Weight for making the event plane isotropic in the lab. float phi = pFlowTrack->Phi() ; if(phi < 0.) { phi += 2*TMath::Pi() ; } Double_t eta = (Double_t)pFlowTrack->Eta() ; int n = (int)((phi/(2*TMath::Pi()))*AliFlowConstants::kPhiBins); Double_t phiWgt = 1. ; if(OnePhiWgt()) { phiWgt = (Double_t)fPhiWgt[selN][harN][n]; //cout << "Selection " << selN << " ; Harmonic " << harN << " ; PhiBin " << n << " - Wgt = " << phiWgt << endl ; } else if(FirstLastPhiWgt()) { float zFirstPoint = pFlowTrack->ZFirstPoint(); // float zLastPoint = pFlowTrack->ZLastPoint(); if (zFirstPoint > 0. && eta > 0.) { phiWgt = (Double_t)fPhiWgtPlus[selN][harN][n] ; } else if(zFirstPoint < 0. && eta < 0.) { phiWgt = (Double_t)fPhiWgtMinus[selN][harN][n] ; } else { phiWgt = (Double_t)fPhiWgtCross[selN][harN][n] ; } } return phiWgt ; } //------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::Weight(Int_t selN, Int_t harN, AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack) const { // Weight for enhancing the resolution (eta gives sign +/- for Odd Harmonics) if(selN>AliFlowConstants::kSels) { selN = 0 ; } bool oddHar = (harN+1) % 2 ; Double_t phiWgt = 1. ; if(PtWgt()) { Double_t pt = (Double_t)pFlowTrack->Pt(); if(pt < AliFlowConstants::fgPtWgtSaturation) { phiWgt *= pt ; } else { phiWgt *= AliFlowConstants::fgPtWgtSaturation ; } // pt weighting going constant } Double_t eta = (Double_t)pFlowTrack->Eta(); Double_t etaAbs = TMath::Abs(eta); if(EtaWgt() && oddHar) { phiWgt *= etaAbs ; } if(oddHar && eta < 0.) { phiWgt *= -1. ; } return phiWgt ; } //------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::PhiWeight(Int_t selN, Int_t harN, AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack) const { // Weight for making the event plane isotropic in the lab and enhancing the resolution // (it simply rerurns PhiWeightRaw() * Weight()). If fgNoWgt = kTRUE, returns +/-1 , // basing on Sign(eta), for odd harmonics . if(fgNoWgt) // no weights (but +/- according to eta) { bool oddHar = (harN+1) % 2 ; if(oddHar) { return TMath::Sign((Double_t)1.,(Double_t)pFlowTrack->Eta()) ; } else { return (Double_t)1. ; } } Double_t phiWgtRaw = PhiWeightRaw(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); Double_t weight = Weight(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); if(AliFlowConstants::fgDebug) { cout << "[PhiWeight]: phiWgtRaw = " << phiWgtRaw << " , weight = " << weight << " , eta = " << pFlowTrack->Eta() << endl ; } return phiWgtRaw * weight; } //------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliFlowEvent::Mult(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Multiplicity of tracks in the specified Selection if(fDone) { int sub = pFlowSelect->Sub() ; if(sub<0) { return fMult[pFlowSelect->Sel()][pFlowSelect->Har()] ; } else { return fMultSub[sub][pFlowSelect->Sel()][pFlowSelect->Har()] ; } } // - Int_t mult = 0; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if(pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { mult++ ; } } return mult; } //------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t AliFlowEvent::MeanPt(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Mean pt of tracks in the specified Selection Double_t meanPt = 0. ; Float_t sumPt = 0. ; UInt_t mult = 0 ; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if (pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { sumPt += pFlowTrack->Pt(); mult++; } } if(mult) { meanPt = sumPt/(float)mult ; } return meanPt ; } //------------------------------------------------------------- TVector2 AliFlowEvent::Q(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Event plane vector for the specified Selection if(fDone) { int sub = pFlowSelect->Sub() ; if(sub<0) { return fQ[pFlowSelect->Sel()][pFlowSelect->Har()] ; } else { return fQSub[sub][pFlowSelect->Sel()][pFlowSelect->Har()] ; } } // - TVector2 mQ ; Double_t mQx=0. , mQy=0. ; int selN = pFlowSelect->Sel() ; int harN = pFlowSelect->Har() ; double order = (double)(harN + 1) ; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if(pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { double phiWgt = PhiWeight(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); float phi = pFlowTrack->Phi(); mQx += phiWgt * cos(phi * order) ; mQy += phiWgt * sin(phi * order) ; if(AliFlowConstants::fgDebug) { cout << itr << " phi = " << phi << " , wgt = " << phiWgt << endl ; } } } mQ.Set(mQx, mQy); return mQ; } //------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t AliFlowEvent::Psi(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Event plane angle for the specified Selection int harN = pFlowSelect->Har() ; float order = (float)(harN + 1) ; Float_t psi = 0. ; TVector2 mQ = Q(pFlowSelect); if(mQ.Mod()) // if vector is not 0 { psi= mQ.Phi() / order ; if (psi < 0.) { psi += 2*TMath::Pi() / order ; } } return psi; } //------------------------------------------------------------- TVector2 AliFlowEvent::NormQ(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Normalized Q = Q/sqrt(sum of weights^2) for the specified Selection if(fDone) { TVector2 mQ = fQ[pFlowSelect->Sel()][pFlowSelect->Har()] ; double sumOfWeightSqr = fSumOfWeightSqr[pFlowSelect->Sel()][pFlowSelect->Har()] ; if(sumOfWeightSqr) { mQ /= TMath::Sqrt(sumOfWeightSqr) ; } else { mQ.Set(0.,0.) ; } return mQ ; } // - TVector2 mQ ; Double_t mQx=0. , mQy=0. ; double sumOfWeightSqr = 0 ; int selN = pFlowSelect->Sel() ; int harN = pFlowSelect->Har() ; double order = (double)(harN + 1) ; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if (pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { double phiWgt = PhiWeight(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); sumOfWeightSqr += phiWgt*phiWgt; float phi = pFlowTrack->Phi(); mQx += phiWgt * cos(phi * order); mQy += phiWgt * sin(phi * order); } } if(sumOfWeightSqr) { mQ.Set(mQx/TMath::Sqrt(sumOfWeightSqr), mQy/TMath::Sqrt(sumOfWeightSqr)); } else { mQ.Set(0.,0.); } return mQ; } //------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t AliFlowEvent::OldQ(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Magnitude of normalized Q vector (without pt or eta weighting) for the specified Selection TVector2 mQ ; Double_t mQx = 0. , mQy = 0. ; int selN = pFlowSelect->Sel() ; int harN = pFlowSelect->Har() ; double order = (double)(harN + 1) ; double sumOfWeightSqr = 0 ; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if(pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { double phiWgt = PhiWeightRaw(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); // Raw sumOfWeightSqr += phiWgt*phiWgt; float phi = pFlowTrack->Phi(); mQx += phiWgt * cos(phi * order); mQy += phiWgt * sin(phi * order); } } if(sumOfWeightSqr) { mQ.Set(mQx/TMath::Sqrt(sumOfWeightSqr), mQy/TMath::Sqrt(sumOfWeightSqr)); } else { mQ.Set(0.,0.); } return mQ.Mod(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::NewG(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect, Double_t Zx, Double_t Zy) const { // Generating function for the new cumulant method. Eq. 3 in the Practical Guide int selN = pFlowSelect->Sel(); int harN = pFlowSelect->Har(); double order = (double)(harN + 1); double mult = (double)Mult(pFlowSelect); Double_t theG = 1.; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if (pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { double phiWgt = PhiWeight(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); float phi = pFlowTrack->Phi(); theG *= (1. + (phiWgt/mult) * (2.* Zx * cos(phi * order) + 2.* Zy * sin(phi * order) ) ); } } return theG; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::OldG(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect, Double_t Zx, Double_t Zy) const { // Generating function for the old cumulant method (if expanded in Taylor // series, one recovers NewG() in new new cumulant method) TVector2 normQ = NormQ(pFlowSelect) ; return exp(2*Zx*normQ.X() + 2*Zy*normQ.Y()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::SumWeightSquare(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Return sum of weights^2 for the specified Selection (used for normalization) if(fDone) { return fSumOfWeightSqr[pFlowSelect->Sel()][pFlowSelect->Har()] ; } int selN = pFlowSelect->Sel(); int harN = pFlowSelect->Har(); Double_t sumOfWeightSqr = 0; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if (pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { double phiWgt = PhiWeight(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); sumOfWeightSqr += phiWgt*phiWgt; } } if(sumOfWeightSqr < 0.) { return Mult(pFlowSelect) ; } return sumOfWeightSqr; } //------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::WgtMultQ4(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Used only for the old cumulant method, for getting q4 when weight is on. // Replace multiplicity in Eq.(74b) by this quantity when weight is on. // This is derived based on (A4) in the old cumulant paper. int selN = pFlowSelect->Sel(); int harN = pFlowSelect->Har(); double theMult = 0.; double theMeanWj4 = 0.; double theMeanWj2 = 0.; double theSumOfWgtSqr = 0; double phiWgtSq; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if (pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { double phiWgt = PhiWeight(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); phiWgtSq = phiWgt*phiWgt; theSumOfWgtSqr += phiWgtSq; theMeanWj4 += phiWgtSq*phiWgtSq; theMult += 1.; } } if (theMult <= 0.) return theMult; theMeanWj4 /= theMult; theMeanWj2 = theSumOfWgtSqr / theMult; return (theSumOfWgtSqr*theSumOfWgtSqr)/(theMult*(-theMeanWj4+2*theMeanWj2*theMeanWj2)); } //------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowEvent::WgtMultQ6(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) const { // Used only for the old cumulant method. For getting q6 when weight is on. // Replace multiplicity in Eq.(74c) by this quantity when weight is on. // This is derived based on (A4) in the old cumulant paper. int selN = pFlowSelect->Sel(); int harN = pFlowSelect->Har(); double theMult = 0.; double theMeanWj6 = 0.; double theMeanWj4 = 0.; double theMeanWj2 = 0.; double theSumOfWgtSqr = 0; double phiWgtSq; Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if (pFlowSelect->Select(pFlowTrack)) { double phiWgt = PhiWeight(selN, harN, pFlowTrack); phiWgtSq = phiWgt*phiWgt; theSumOfWgtSqr += phiWgtSq; theMeanWj4 += phiWgtSq*phiWgtSq; theMeanWj6 += phiWgtSq*phiWgtSq*phiWgtSq; theMult += 1.; } } if (theMult <= 0.) return theMult*theMult; theMeanWj6 /= theMult; theMeanWj4 /= theMult; theMeanWj2 = theSumOfWgtSqr / theMult; return 4.*(theSumOfWgtSqr*theSumOfWgtSqr*theSumOfWgtSqr)/(theMult*(theMeanWj6-9.*theMeanWj2*theMeanWj4+12.*theMeanWj2*theMeanWj2*theMeanWj2)); } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::SetSelections(AliFlowSelection* pFlowSelect) { // Sets the selection of tracks used in the Reaction Plane calculation // for the specific Harmonic and Selection - this does not cut trow away // tracks from the event, neither exclude them from flow study. See also // the AliFlowSelection class. // Strategy of Selection: // For the specific Harmonic and Selection, IF cuts // are defined (such that low ALL Flags are setted kTRUE (all particle // used for all the Reaction Planes -> no difference in Psi[har][sel]). // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // The first selection (all harmonics) is set kTRUE : no conditions. Int_t itr ; for(itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; pFlowTrack->ResetSelection() ; // this re-sets all the mSelection flags to 0 // * this sets all the selection n.[0] flag kTRUE (all harmonics) * for(int harN=0;harNSetSelect(harN,0) ; } // Track need to be Constrainable if(pFlowSelect->ConstrainCut() && !pFlowTrack->IsConstrainable()) continue ; // PID - gets rid of the track with AliFlowTrack::Pid() != AliFlowSelection::Pid() (if there) if(pFlowSelect->Pid()[0] != '\0') { if(strstr(pFlowSelect->Pid(), "h")!=0) { int charge = pFlowTrack->Charge() ; if(strcmp("h+",pFlowSelect->Pid())==0 && charge != 1) continue; if(strcmp("h-",pFlowSelect->Pid())==0 && charge != -1) continue; } else { Char_t pid[10]; strcpy(pid, pFlowTrack->Pid()); if(strstr(pid, pFlowSelect->Pid())==0) continue; } } double eta = (double)(pFlowTrack->Eta()); float pt = pFlowTrack->Pt(); float gDca = pFlowTrack->Dca() ; // Global DCA - gets rid of the track with DCA outside the range if((pFlowSelect->DcaGlobalCutHi()>pFlowSelect->DcaGlobalCutLo()) && (gDcaDcaGlobalCutLo() || gDca>pFlowSelect->DcaGlobalCutHi())) continue ; // Pt & Eta - this is done differently for different Harmonic & Selection for(int selN = 1; selN < AliFlowConstants::kSels; selN++) // not even consider the 0th selection (no cut applied there) { // min. TPC hits required if(pFlowSelect->NhitsCut(selN) && (pFlowTrack->FitPtsTPC()NhitsCut(selN))) continue ; for(int harN = 0; harN < AliFlowConstants::kHars; harN++) { // Eta - gets rid of the track with Eta outside the range if((pFlowSelect->EtaCutHi(harN%2,selN)>pFlowSelect->EtaCutLo(harN%2,selN)) && (TMath::Abs(eta)EtaCutLo(harN%2,selN) || TMath::Abs(eta)>pFlowSelect->EtaCutHi(harN%2,selN))) continue ; // Pt - gets rid of the track with Pt outside the range if((pFlowSelect->PtCutHi(harN%2,selN)>pFlowSelect->PtCutLo(harN%2,selN)) && (ptPtCutLo(harN%2,selN) || pt>pFlowSelect->PtCutHi(harN%2,selN))) continue ; pFlowTrack->SetSelect(harN, selN) ; // if cuts defined (low Set [har][sel] Flag ON if(AliFlowConstants::fgDebug) { if(harN==1) { cout << " n. " << itr << " , pFlowTrack->PrintSelection() = " ; pFlowTrack->PrintSelection() ; if(pFlowSelect->Pid()[0] != '\0') { cout << " track: pid " << pFlowTrack->Pid() << " = "<< pFlowSelect->Pid() << endl ; } cout << " track: dca " << pFlowSelect->DcaGlobalCutLo() << " < " << gDca << " < " << pFlowSelect->DcaGlobalCutHi() << endl ; cout << " track: eta " << pFlowSelect->EtaCutLo(harN,selN) << " < |" << eta << "| < " << pFlowSelect->EtaCutHi(harN,selN) << endl ; cout << " track: pT " << pFlowSelect->PtCutLo(harN,selN) << " < " << pt << " < " << pFlowSelect->PtCutHi(harN,selN) << endl ; cout << " pFlowTrack->PrintSelection() = " ; pFlowTrack->PrintSelection() ; } // cout << " selN " << selN << " , harN " << harN%2 << " - si" << endl ; } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::SetPids() { // Re-sets the tracks P.id. (using the current AliFlowConstants::fgBayesian[] array). // To use the Raw P.Id (just the detector response function), set fgBayesian[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1}. const Int_t kCode[] = {11,13,211,321,2212,10010020} ; for(Int_t itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; Float_t bayPid[AliFlowConstants::kPid] ; if(fgCustomRespFunc) { pFlowTrack->PidProbsC(bayPid) ; } else { pFlowTrack->PidProbs(bayPid) ; } Int_t maxN = 2 ; // if No id. -> then is a Pi Float_t pidMax = bayPid[2] ; // (if all equal, Pi probability was the first) for(Int_t nP=0;nPpidMax) { maxN = nP ; pidMax = bayPid[nP] ; } } Int_t pdgCode = TMath::Sign(kCode[maxN],pFlowTrack->Charge()) ; pFlowTrack->SetMostLikelihoodPID(pdgCode) ; } } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::MakeSubEvents() const { // Make random or eta sub-events if(fgEtaSubs) { MakeEtaSubEvents() ; } else { MakeRndSubEvents() ; } } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::MakeRndSubEvents() const { // Make random subevents int eventMult[AliFlowConstants::kHars][AliFlowConstants::kSels] = {{0}}; int harN, selN, subN = 0; // loop to count the total number of tracks for each selection for(Int_t itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; for (selN = 0; selN < AliFlowConstants::kSels; selN++) { for (harN = 0; harN < AliFlowConstants::kHars; harN++) { if(pFlowTrack->Select(harN, selN)) { eventMult[harN][selN]++ ; } } } } // loop to set the SubEvent member for (selN = 0; selN < AliFlowConstants::kSels; selN++) { for (harN = 0; harN < AliFlowConstants::kHars; harN++) { int subEventMult = eventMult[harN][selN] / AliFlowConstants::kSubs; if (subEventMult) { subN = 0; int countN = 0; for(Int_t itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if(pFlowTrack->Select(harN, selN)) { pFlowTrack->SetSubevent(harN, selN, subN); countN++; if (countN % subEventMult == 0.) { subN++ ; } } } } } } return ; } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::MakeEtaSubEvents() const { // Make subevents for positive and negative eta // (when done, fgEtaSubs flag setted to kTRUE). int harN, selN = 0; // loop to set the SubEvent member for (selN = 0; selN < AliFlowConstants::kSels; selN++) { for (harN = 0; harN < AliFlowConstants::kHars; harN++) { for(Int_t itr=0;itrGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if(pFlowTrack->Select(harN, selN)) { float eta = pFlowTrack->Eta(); if (eta > 0.) { pFlowTrack->SetSubevent(harN, selN, 0) ; } else { pFlowTrack->SetSubevent(harN, selN, 1) ; } } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::RandomShuffle() { // Randomly re-shuffles the tracks in the array; if a track is not // primary, the reference carried by the reconstructed mother (in // the v0 array) is changed accordingly. return ; // ...at the moment is disabled ... // // Int_t tot = 0 ; // UInt_t imax = fTrackCollection->GetEntries() ; // TRandom* rnd = new TRandom(0) ; // SetSeed(0) ; // TClonesArray* newTrackCollection = new TClonesArray("AliFlowTrack",imax) ; // // // re-arranges the ObjArray (TrackCollection()) // for(UInt_t itr=0;itrAt(itr) ; // // UInt_t rndNumber = rnd->Integer(imax) ; // Bool_t put = kFALSE ; // while(!put) // { // if(!newTrackCollection->AddrAt(rndNumber)) // { // ... new(newTrackCollection[rndNumber]) AliFlowTrack(*pFlowTrack) ; // put = kTRUE ; tot++ ; // if(AliFlowConstants::fgDebug) { cout << " " << itr << " --> " << rndNumber << endl ; } // } // else // { // rndNumber++ ; if(rndNumber>=imax) { rndNumber -= imax ; } // } // } // } // if(AliFlowConstants::fgDebug) { cout << "* RandomShuffle() : " << tot << "/" << imax << " flow tracks have been shuffled " << endl ; } // fTrackCollection = newTrackCollection ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- UInt_t AliFlowEvent::Centrality() { // Returns the Centrality Class as stored if(fCentrality < 0) { SetCentrality() ; } return fCentrality ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::SetCentrality() { // Sets the Centrality Classes basing on Multiplicity at mid rapidity, // ... (ZDC information can be added) . Float_t* cent ; Int_t tracks = MultEta() ; if(RunID() == -1) { cent = AliFlowConstants::fgCentNorm ; //if centrality classes are not defined, does it now (with CentNorm & MaxMult) if(cent[AliFlowConstants::kCents-1] <= 1) { for(Int_t ic=0;icGetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if((pFlowTrack->Charge()) && (TMath::Abs(pFlowTrack->Eta())GetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if((pFlowTrack->Charge()<0) && (TMath::Abs(pFlowTrack->Eta())GetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; if((pFlowTrack->Charge()>0) && (TMath::Abs(pFlowTrack->Eta())GetEntries();itr++) { AliFlowTrack* pFlowTrack ; pFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)TrackCollection()->At(itr) ; phi = pFlowTrack->Phi(); for(selN=0;selNSelect(harN,selN)) { phiWgt = PhiWeight(selN,harN,pFlowTrack) ; fSumOfWeightSqr[selN][harN] += phiWgt*phiWgt ; mQx[selN][harN] += phiWgt * cos(phi * order) ; mQy[selN][harN] += phiWgt * sin(phi * order) ; fMult[selN][harN]++ ; for(subN=0;subNSelect(harN,selN,subN)) { mQxSub[subN][selN][harN] += phiWgt * cos(phi * order) ; mQySub[subN][selN][harN] += phiWgt * sin(phi * order) ; fMultSub[subN][selN][harN]++ ; } } // sub } // if } // har } // sel } //itr for(selN=0;selN