////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $Id$ // // Author: Emanuele Simili // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_____________________________________________________________ // // Description: // AliFlowMaker provides the method to create AliFlowEvent(s) // from AliESD(s). Very basic track cuts are applyed. // The present class can be used in a simple AliRoot macro or in a // more complex enviroment such as AliSelector or AliTask. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ALIFLOWMAKER_CXX #define ALIFLOWMAKER_CXX // ROOT things #include #include #include #include #include "TClonesArray.h" // AliRoot things #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDv0.h" //#include "AliKalmanTrack.h" // Flow things #include "AliFlowEvent.h" #include "AliFlowTrack.h" #include "AliFlowV0.h" #include "AliFlowConstants.h" #include "AliFlowMaker.h" // ANSI things #include #include using namespace std; //required for resolving the 'cout' symbol ClassImp(AliFlowMaker) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowMaker::AliFlowMaker(): fEventNumber(0), fTrackNumber(0), fV0Number(0), fGoodTracks(0), fGoodV0s(0), fGoodTracksEta(0), fPosiTracks(0), fNegaTracks(0), fUnconstrained(0), fSumAll(0), fCutEvts(0), fCutTrks(0), fCutV0s(0), fCounter(0), fMovedTr(0x0), fNewAli(kFALSE), fLoopTrks(kTRUE), fLoopV0s(kTRUE), fESD(0x0), fTrack(0x0), fV0(0x0), fVertex(0x0), fRunID(0), fNumberOfEvents(0), fNumberOfTracks(0), fNumberOfV0s(0), fMagField(0), fFlowEvent(0x0), fFlowTrack(0x0), fFlowV0(0x0), fNHits(0), fElow(0.001), fEup(1000.) { // default constructor // resets counters , sets defaults for(Int_t bb=0;bb<5;bb++) { fBayesianAll[bb] = 0 ; } ; // trak cuts fLabel[0] = 0 ; fLabel[1] = -1 ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowMaker::~AliFlowMaker() { // default destructor (no actions) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent* AliFlowMaker::FillFlowEvent(AliESD* fESD) { // From the AliESD (input) fills the AliFlowEvent (output) . // It loops on track & v0 and calls the methods to fill the arrays . // ... . fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEvent(10000) ; if(!fFlowEvent) { return 0 ; } //cout << " -evt- " << fFlowEvent << endl ; fRunID = fESD->GetRunNumber() ; fEventNumber = -1 ; // fEventNumber = fESD->GetEventNumber() ; fNumberOfTracks = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks() ; fNumberOfV0s = fESD->GetNumberOfV0s() ; // cout << " *evt n. " << fEventNumber << " (run " << fRunID << ") - tracks: " << fNumberOfTracks << " , v0s " << fNumberOfV0s << endl ; // Clean the vector of links esd-flowEvt fMovedTr.clear(); // Remove all elements // Event id fFlowEvent->SetRunID(fRunID) ; fFlowEvent->SetEventID(fEventNumber) ; fFlowEvent->SetOrigMult((UInt_t)fNumberOfTracks) ; // Run information (fixed - ???) fMagField = fESD->GetMagneticField() ; // cout << " *fMagField " << fMagField << endl ; fFlowEvent->SetMagneticField(fMagField) ; fFlowEvent->SetCenterOfMassEnergy(AliFlowConstants::fgCenterOfMassEnergy) ; fFlowEvent->SetBeamMassNumberEast(AliFlowConstants::fgBeamMassNumberEast) ; fFlowEvent->SetBeamMassNumberWest(AliFlowConstants::fgBeamMassNumberWest) ; // Trigger information (now is: ULon64_t - some trigger mask) fFlowEvent->SetL0TriggerWord((Int_t)fESD->GetTriggerMask()); // Get primary vertex position fVertex = (AliESDVertex*)fESD->GetVertex() ; Double_t position[3] ; fVertex->GetXYZ(position) ; fFlowEvent->SetVertexPos((Float_t)position[0],(Float_t)position[1],(Float_t)position[2]) ; // Zero Degree Calorimeter information Int_t zdcp = fESD->GetZDCParticipants() ; Float_t zdce[3] ; zdce[0] = fESD->GetZDCN1Energy() + fESD->GetZDCN2Energy(); zdce[1] = fESD->GetZDCP1Energy() + fESD->GetZDCP2Energy() ; zdce[2] = fESD->GetZDCEMEnergy() ; fFlowEvent->SetZDCpart(zdcp); fFlowEvent->SetZDCenergy(zdce[0],zdce[1],zdce[2]); // Track loop if(fLoopTrks) { Int_t badTrks = 0 ; for(fTrackNumber=0;fTrackNumberGetTrack(fTrackNumber) ; if(CheckTrack(fTrack)) { FillFlowTrack(fTrack) ; fGoodTracks++ ; fMovedTr.push_back(fFlowEvent->TrackCollection()->GetLast()) ; } else { fMovedTr.push_back(-1) ; badTrks++ ; continue ; } } fCutTrks += badTrks ; } // cout << " -track number- : " << fTrackNumber << endl ; // V0 loop if(fLoopV0s) { Int_t badV0s = 0 ; for(fV0Number=0;fV0NumberGetV0(fV0Number) ; if(CheckV0(fV0)) { FillFlowV0(fV0) ; fGoodV0s++ ; } else { badV0s++ ; continue ; } } fCutV0s += badV0s ; } // cout << " -v0 number- : " << fV0Number << endl ; // Evt setting stuff fFlowEvent->SetCentrality(); fCounter++ ; return fFlowEvent ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowTrack* AliFlowMaker::FillFlowTrack(AliESDtrack* fTrack) { // From the AliESDtrack (input) fills the AliFlowTrack (output) . TString name = "" ; name += fTrackNumber ; Int_t idx = fFlowEvent->TrackCollection()->GetEntries() ; fFlowTrack = (AliFlowTrack*)(fFlowEvent->TrackCollection()->New(idx)) ; fFlowTrack->SetName(name.Data()) ; // cout << " -tr- " << name.Data() << "(" << idx << ")" << endl ; // ESD particle label (link: KineTree-ESD) Int_t label = TMath::Abs(fTrack->GetLabel()); fFlowTrack->SetLabel(label) ; // signed DCA from ESDtrack Float_t xy = 0 ; Float_t z = 0 ; fTrack->GetImpactParameters(xy,z) ; fFlowTrack->SetDcaSigned(xy,z) ; // error on the DCA Float_t dcaBis[2] ; Float_t dcaCov[3] ; for(Int_t dd=0;dd<3;dd++) { dcaCov[dd] = 0. ; } fTrack->GetImpactParameters(dcaBis, dcaCov) ; fFlowTrack->SetDcaError(dcaCov[0],dcaCov[1],dcaCov[2]) ; // UnConstrained (global) first Double_t gD[3] ; fTrack->GetPxPyPz(gD) ; // - Float_t phiGl = (Float_t)Phi(gD) ; if(phiGl<0) { phiGl += 2*TMath::Pi() ; } fFlowTrack->SetPhiGlobal(phiGl) ; Float_t ptGl = (Float_t)Pt(gD) ; if(ptGl<=0) { cout << " !!! ptGlobal = " << ptGl << endl ; } fFlowTrack->SetPtGlobal(ptGl) ; Float_t etaGl = (Float_t)Eta(gD) ; fFlowTrack->SetEtaGlobal(etaGl) ; // Constrained (NEW) Double_t cD[3] ; Double_t par1 ; Double_t par2 ; Double_t par3[3] ; if(fTrack->GetConstrainedExternalParameters(par1,par2,par3)) { fTrack->GetConstrainedPxPyPz(cD) ; } else { for(Int_t iii=0;iii<3;iii++) { cD[iii] =0 ; } } if(Norm(cD)!=0.) // ConstrainedPxPyPz != 0 if ConstrainedChi2 < something ... { Float_t phi = (Float_t)Phi(cD) ; if(phi<0) { phi += 2*TMath::Pi() ; } fFlowTrack->SetPhi(phi) ; Float_t pt = (Float_t)Pt(cD) ; if(pt<=0) { cout << " !!! pt = " << pt << endl ; } fFlowTrack->SetPt(pt) ; Float_t eta = (Float_t)Eta(cD) ; fFlowTrack->SetEta(eta) ; // number of constrainable tracks with |eta| < AliFlowConstants::fgEtaGood (0.9) if(TMath::Abs(eta) < AliFlowConstants::fgEtaMid) { fGoodTracksEta++ ; } } else // in case Constriction impossible for track, fill the UnConstrained (global) { fUnconstrained++ ; fFlowTrack->SetPhi(0.) ; fFlowTrack->SetPt(0.) ; fFlowTrack->SetEta(0.) ; } // positive - negative tracks Int_t trkSign = (Int_t)fTrack->GetSign() ; fFlowTrack->SetCharge(trkSign) ; if(trkSign>0) { fPosiTracks++ ; } else if(trkSign<0) { fNegaTracks++ ; } else { return 0 ; } // Tracking parameters (fit , TPC , ITS , dE/dx) fFlowTrack->SetChi2(fTrack->GetConstrainedChi2()) ; fFlowTrack->SetTrackLength(fTrack->GetIntegratedLength()) ; // - Int_t idXt[180] ; // used for Cluster Map ( see AliESDtrack::GetTPCclusters() ) // old: Int Int_t idX[6] ; // used for Cluster Map ( see AliESDtrack::GetITSclusters() ) // old: UInt Int_t idxr[130] ; // used for Cluster Map ( see AliESDtrack::GetTRDclusters() ) // old: UInt Int_t nClus = 0 ; Int_t fNFound = 0 ; // *!* fNFoundable (in AliTPCtrack) ... added by M.Ianov // - Double_t detPid[5] ; Float_t detPid6[AliFlowConstants::kPid] ; Double_t pVecAt[3] ; for(Int_t gg=0;gg<3;gg++) { pVecAt[gg] = gD[gg] ; } Bool_t boh ; Float_t pAt = 0 ; // to get p at each detector // - if(fNewAli) { boh = fTrack->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgTPCx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } else { boh = fTrack->GetInnerParam()->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgTPCx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } pAt = (Float_t)Norm(pVecAt) ; if(!pAt) { pAt = (Float_t)Norm(gD) ; } nClus = fTrack->GetTPCclusters(idXt) ; fNFound = fTrack->GetTPCNclsF() ; // was 160 if( (fTrack->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTPCpid) != 0 ) { fTrack->GetTPCpid(detPid) ; for(Int_t bb=0;bb<5;bb++) { detPid6[bb] = detPid[bb] ; } detPid6[5] = 0. ; fFlowTrack->SetRespFunTPC(detPid6) ; } fFlowTrack->SetMaxPtsTPC(fNFound) ; fFlowTrack->SetFitPtsTPC(nClus) ; fFlowTrack->SetDedxTPC(fTrack->GetTPCsignal()) ; fFlowTrack->SetChi2TPC((Float_t)(fTrack->GetTPCchi2())) ; fFlowTrack->SetPatTPC(pAt) ; // - if(fNewAli) { boh = fTrack->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgITSx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } else { boh = fTrack->GetInnerParam()->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgITSx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } pAt = (Float_t)Norm(pVecAt) ; if(!pAt) { pAt = (Float_t)Norm(gD) ; } nClus = fTrack->GetITSclusters(idX) ; fNFound = 6 ; // ? fixed if( (fTrack->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kITSpid) != 0 ) { fTrack->GetITSpid(detPid) ; for(Int_t bb=0;bb<5;bb++) { detPid6[bb] = detPid[bb] ; } detPid6[5] = 0. ; fFlowTrack->SetRespFunITS(detPid6) ; } fFlowTrack->SetMaxPtsITS(fNFound) ; fFlowTrack->SetFitPtsITS(nClus) ; fFlowTrack->SetDedxITS(fTrack->GetITSsignal()) ; fFlowTrack->SetChi2ITS((Float_t)(fTrack->GetITSchi2())) ; fFlowTrack->SetPatITS(pAt) ; // - if(fNewAli) { boh = fTrack->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgTRDx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } else { boh = fTrack->GetInnerParam()->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgTRDx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } pAt = (Float_t)Norm(pVecAt) ; if(!pAt) { pAt = (Float_t)Norm(gD) ; } nClus = fTrack->GetTRDclusters(idxr) ; fNFound = fTrack->GetTRDncls() ; // was 130 if( (fTrack->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTRDpid) != 0 ) { fTrack->GetTRDpid(detPid) ; for(Int_t bb=0;bb<5;bb++) { detPid6[bb] = detPid[bb] ; } detPid6[5] = 0. ; fFlowTrack->SetRespFunTRD(detPid6) ; } fFlowTrack->SetMaxPtsTRD(fNFound) ; fFlowTrack->SetNhitsTRD(nClus) ; fFlowTrack->SetSigTRD(fTrack->GetTRDsignal()) ; fFlowTrack->SetChi2TRD((Float_t)fTrack->GetTRDchi2()) ; fFlowTrack->SetPatTRD(pAt) ; // - if(fNewAli) { boh = fTrack->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgTOFx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } else { boh = fTrack->GetInnerParam()->GetPxPyPzAt(AliFlowConstants::fgTOFx, fMagField, pVecAt) ; } pAt = (Float_t)Norm(pVecAt) ; if(!pAt) { pAt = (Float_t)Norm(gD) ; } nClus = fTrack->GetTOFcluster() ; fNFound = 0 ; if(fTrack->GetTOFCalChannel() > 0) { fNFound = 1 ; } if( (fTrack->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTOFpid) != 0 ) { fTrack->GetTOFpid(detPid) ; for(Int_t bb=0;bb<5;bb++) { detPid6[bb] = detPid[bb] ; } detPid6[5] = 0. ; fFlowTrack->SetRespFunTOF(detPid6) ; } fFlowTrack->SetMaxPtsTOF(fNFound) ; fFlowTrack->SetNhitsTOF(nClus) ; fFlowTrack->SetTofTOF(fTrack->GetTOFsignal()) ; fFlowTrack->SetChi2TOF(fTrack->GetTOFchi2()) ; fFlowTrack->SetPatTOF(pAt) ; // - Double_t rIn[3] ; rIn[0] = 0. ; rIn[1] = 0. ; rIn[2] = 0. ; Double_t rOut[3] ; rOut[0] = 0. ; rOut[1] = 0. ; rOut[2] = 0. ; // - fTrack->GetInnerXYZ(rIn) ; fFlowTrack->SetZFirstPoint(rIn[2]) ; //fTrack->GetXYZAt(AliFlowConstants::fgTPCx,fMagField,rOut) ; fTrack->GetOuterXYZ(rOut) ; fFlowTrack->SetZLastPoint(rOut[2]) ; // ESD-P.Id. = 5-vector of Best detectors probabilities for [e , mu , pi , K , p] Double_t trkPid[5] ; fTrack->GetESDpid(trkPid) ; Double_t trkPid6[AliFlowConstants::kPid] ; for(Int_t bb=0;bb<5;bb++) { trkPid6[bb] = trkPid[bb] ; } trkPid6[5] = 0. ; // *!* implement P.Id. for Deuterim // Bayesian P.Id. method (weighted probabilities for [e , mu , pi , K , p , d]) Double_t bsum = 0 ; Double_t bayePid[AliFlowConstants::kPid] ; // normalized P.id Double_t storedPid[AliFlowConstants::kPid] ; // stored P.id for(Int_t nB=0;nBSetElectronPositronProb(storedPid[0]); fFlowTrack->SetMuonPlusMinusProb(storedPid[1]); fFlowTrack->SetPionPlusMinusProb(storedPid[2]); fFlowTrack->SetKaonPlusMinusProb(storedPid[3]); fFlowTrack->SetProtonPbarProb(storedPid[4]); fFlowTrack->SetDeuteriumAntiDeuteriumProb(storedPid[5]); // *!* implement P.Id. for Deuterim // P.id. label given via the weighted prob. const Int_t kCode[] = {11,13,211,321,2212,10010020} ; Int_t kkk = 2 ; // if No id. -> then is a Pi Float_t pidMax = bayePid[2] ; // (if all equal, Pi probability get's the advantage to be the first) for(Int_t iii=0; iii<5; iii++) { if(bayePid[iii]>pidMax) { kkk = iii ; pidMax = bayePid[iii] ; } // !!! Bayesian as well !!! } fBayesianAll[kkk]++ ; fSumAll++ ; // goes on filling the vector of observed abundance //- Int_t pdgCode = trkSign*kCode[kkk] ; fFlowTrack->SetMostLikelihoodPID(pdgCode); return fFlowTrack ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowV0* AliFlowMaker::FillFlowV0(AliESDv0* fV0) { // From the AliESDv0 (input) fills the AliFlowV0 (output) . TString name = "" ; name += fV0Number ; Int_t idx = fFlowEvent->V0Collection()->GetEntries() ; fFlowV0 = (AliFlowV0*)(fFlowEvent->V0Collection()->New(idx)) ; fFlowV0->SetName(name.Data()) ; // cout << " -v0- " << name.Data() << "(" << idx << ")" << endl ; // ESD particle label (link: KineTree-ESD) Int_t label = -1 ; // TMath::Abs(fV0->GetLabel()); fFlowV0->SetLabel(label) ; // reconstructed momentum of the V0 Double_t pxyz[3] ; fV0->GetPxPyPz(pxyz[0],pxyz[1],pxyz[2]) ; Float_t phi = (Float_t)Phi(pxyz) ; if(phi<0) { phi += 2*TMath::Pi() ; } fFlowV0->SetPhi(phi) ; Float_t pt = (Float_t)Pt(pxyz) ; fFlowV0->SetPt(pt) ; Float_t eta = (Float_t)Eta(pxyz) ; fFlowV0->SetEta(eta) ; // reconstructed position of the V0 Double_t xyz[3] ; fV0->GetXYZ(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]) ; fFlowV0->SetCrossPoint(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]) ; // V0's impact parameter & error (chi2 , DCA , sigma , pointing angle) //fFlowV0->SetDca((Float_t)fV0->GetD()) ; // GetDistNorm //fFlowV0->SetSigma((Float_t)fV0->GetDistSigma()) ; //fFlowV0->SetCosPointingAngle((Float_t)fV0->GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle()) ; //fFlowV0->SetDaughtersDca(fV0->GetDcaV0Daughters()) ; //fFlowV0->SetChi2((Float_t)fV0->GetChi2V0()) ; // AliRoot v4-04-Release (December 2006) //fFlowV0->SetChi2((Float_t)fV0->GetChi2()) ; // AliRoot v4-04-Release (old) // ...when they'll stop changing the methods I'll enable the above lines. For now: fFlowV0->SetDca(0.); fFlowV0->SetSigma(0.1); fFlowV0->SetCosPointingAngle(1.) ; fFlowV0->SetDaughtersDca(0.) ; fFlowV0->SetChi2(1.) ; // P.id. Int_t pdgCode = fV0->GetPdgCode() ; fFlowV0->SetMostLikelihoodPID(pdgCode); // mass fFlowV0->SetVmass((Float_t)fV0->GetEffMass()) ; // daughters Int_t pN = fV0->GetPindex() ; Int_t nN = fV0->GetNindex() ; fFlowV0->SetDaughters(fMovedTr[pN],fMovedTr[nN]) ; return fFlowV0 ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliFlowMaker::CheckTrack(AliESDtrack* fTrack) const { // applies track cuts (pE , nHits , label) if(!fTrack) { return kFALSE ; } Int_t idXt[180] ; // used for Cluster Map ( see AliESDtrack::GetTPCclusters() ) Int_t nHits = fTrack->GetTPCclusters(idXt) ; Float_t pE = fTrack->GetP() ; Int_t label = fTrack->GetLabel() ; if(fNHits && (nHits<=fNHits)) { return kFALSE ; } if((fElow < fEup) && ((pEfEup))) { return kFALSE ; } if((fLabel[0] < fLabel[1]) && ((labelfLabel[1]))) { return kFALSE ; } //if(fPrimary && ...) { return kFALSE ; } return kTRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliFlowMaker::CheckV0(AliESDv0* fV0) const { // applies v0 cuts (mass>fElow, daughters included in the tracks) if(!fV0) { return kFALSE ; } Int_t pN = fV0->GetPindex() ; Int_t nN = fV0->GetNindex() ; Float_t iMass = (Float_t)fV0->GetEffMass() ; if(iMass < fElow) { return kFALSE ; } if(fMovedTr[pN] < 0) { return kFALSE ; } if(fMovedTr[nN] < 0) { return kFALSE ; } return kTRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliFlowMaker::CheckEvent(AliESD* fESD) const { // applies event cuts (dummy) if(!fESD) { return kFALSE ; } return kTRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowMaker::PrintCutList() { // Prints the list of Cuts cout << " * ESD cuts list * " << endl ; if(fLabel[0] " << fNHits << endl ; } if(fElow0.) { cout << " V0 invariant mass > " << fElow << endl ; } cout << " * * " << endl ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //*** USEFULL METHODS for a 3-array of double (~ TVector3) *** //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowMaker::Norm(Double_t nu[3]) { // returns the norm of a double[3] Double_t norm2 = nu[0]*nu[0] + nu[1]*nu[1] + nu[2]*nu[2] ; return TMath::Sqrt(norm2) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowMaker::Phi(Double_t nu[3]) { // returns the azimuthal angle of a double[3] if(nu[0]==0 && nu[1]==0) { return 0. ; } else { return TMath::ATan2(nu[1],nu[0]) ; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowMaker::Pt(Double_t nu[3]) { // returns the transvers momentum of a double[3] Double_t trans = nu[0]*nu[0] + nu[1]*nu[1] ; return TMath::Sqrt(trans) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliFlowMaker::Eta(Double_t nu[3]) { // returns the PseudoRapidity of a double[3] // if transvers momentum = 0 --> returns +/- 1.000 Double_t m = Norm(nu) ; if(nu[0]!=0 || nu[1]!=0) { return 0.5*TMath::Log((m+nu[2])/(m-nu[2])) ; } else { return TMath::Sign((Double_t)1000.,nu[2]) ; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif