/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************** AliFlowEvent: Event container for flow analysis origin: Mikolaj Krzewicki (mikolaj.krzewicki@cern.ch) *****************************************************************/ #include "Riostream.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" #include "AliCFManager.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDPmdTrack.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliGenCocktailEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenEposEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenGeVSimEventHeader.h" #include "AliCollisionGeometry.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliFlowTrackCuts.h" #include "AliFlowEventSimple.h" #include "AliFlowTrack.h" #include "AliFlowEvent.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliFlowEvent) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent(): AliFlowEventSimple() { //ctor cout << "AliFlowEvent: Default constructor to be used only by root for io" << endl; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent(Int_t n): AliFlowEventSimple(n) { //ctor } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent(const AliFlowEvent& event): AliFlowEventSimple(event) { //cpy ctor } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent& AliFlowEvent::operator=(const AliFlowEvent& event) { //assignment operator AliFlowEventSimple::operator=(event); return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowTrack* AliFlowEvent::GetTrack(Int_t i) { //get track i from collection if (i>=fNumberOfTracks) return NULL; AliFlowTrack* pTrack = static_cast(fTrackCollection->At(i)) ; return pTrack; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(const AliMCEvent* mcEvent) { //sets the event plane angle from the proper header in the MC //COCKTAIL with HIJING if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"Cocktail Header")) //returns 0 if matches { AliGenCocktailEventHeader *headerC = dynamic_cast (mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()); if (headerC) { TList *lhd = headerC->GetHeaders(); if (lhd) { AliGenHijingEventHeader *hdh = dynamic_cast (lhd->At(0)); if (hdh) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( hdh->ReactionPlaneAngle() ); } } } //THERMINATOR else if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"Therminator")) //returns 0 if matches { AliGenHijingEventHeader* headerH = dynamic_cast(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()); if (headerH) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerH->ReactionPlaneAngle() ); } //GEVSIM else if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"GeVSim header")) //returns 0 if matches { AliGenGeVSimEventHeader* headerG = dynamic_cast(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()); if (headerG) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerG->GetEventPlane() ); } //HIJING else if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"Hijing")) //returns 0 if matches { AliGenHijingEventHeader* headerH = dynamic_cast(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()); if (headerH) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerH->ReactionPlaneAngle() ); } //EPOS else if (!strcmp(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"EPOS")) { AliGenEposEventHeader* headerE = dynamic_cast(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()); if (headerE) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerE->ReactionPlaneAngle() ); } //Hydjet else { AliCollisionGeometry* header = dynamic_cast(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()); if (header) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( header->ReactionPlaneAngle() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliMCEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { //Fills the event from the MC kinematic information Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ; //loop over tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN(anInput->GetTrack(itrkN)); if (!pParticle) continue; //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t rpOK = kTRUE; Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE; if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager) { rpOK = rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pParticle); poiOK = poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pParticle); } if (!(rpOK||poiOK)) continue; AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromMC); if (rpOK && rpCFManager) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); fNumberOfRPs++; } if (poiOK && poiCFManager) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); } AddTrack(pTrack) ; }//for all tracks SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(anInput); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { //Fills the event from the ESD Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ; //loop over tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkNGetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t rpOK = kTRUE; Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE; if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager) { rpOK = ( rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); } if (!(rpOK || poiOK)) continue; //make new AliFLowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD); //marking the particles used for int. flow: if(rpOK && rpCFManager) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); fNumberOfRPs++; } //marking the particles used for diff. flow: if(poiOK && poiCFManager) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); } AddTrack(pTrack); }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliAODEvent* anInput, const AliCFManager* rpCFManager, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { //Fills the event from the AOD Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ; //loop over tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkNGetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t rpOK = kTRUE; Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE; if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager) { rpOK = ( rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); } if (!(rpOK || poiOK)) continue; //make new AliFlowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromAOD); if (rpOK /* && rpCFManager */ ) // to be fixed - with CF managers uncommented only empty events (NULL in header files) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); fNumberOfRPs++; } if (poiOK /* && poiCFManager*/ ) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); } AddTrack(pTrack); } // if (iSelParticlesRP >= fMinMult && iSelParticlesRP <= fMaxMult) // { // if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0) // { // if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<< fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl; // else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl; // cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<GetNumberOfTracks() ; Int_t iNumberOfInputTracksMC = anInputMc->GetNumberOfTracks() ; if (iNumberOfInputTracksMC==-1) { AliError("Skipping Event -- No MC information available for this event"); return; } //loop over ESD tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkNGetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //get Label Int_t iLabel = pParticle->GetLabel(); //match to mc particle AliMCParticle* pMcParticle = (AliMCParticle*) anInputMc->GetTrack(TMath::Abs(iLabel)); //check if (TMath::Abs(pParticle->GetLabel())!=pMcParticle->Label()) AliWarning(Form("pParticle->GetLabel()!=pMcParticle->Label(), %i, %i", pParticle->GetLabel(), pMcParticle->Label())); //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t rpOK = kFALSE; Bool_t poiOK = kFALSE; if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager) { if(anOption == kESDkine) { if (rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle,"mcGenCuts1") && rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle)) rpOK=kTRUE; if (poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle,"mcGenCuts2") && poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle)) poiOK=kTRUE; } else if (anOption == kMCkine) { if (rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle)) rpOK=kTRUE; if (poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle)) poiOK=kTRUE; } } if (!(rpOK || poiOK)) continue; //make new AliFlowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = NULL; if(anOption == kESDkine) //take the PID from the MC & the kinematics from the ESD { pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); } else if (anOption == kMCkine) //take the PID and kinematics from the MC { pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pMcParticle); } if (rpOK && rpCFManager) { fNumberOfRPs++; pTrack->SetForRPSelection(); } if (poiOK && poiCFManager) pTrack->SetForPOISelection(); AddTrack(pTrack); } SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(anInputMc); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliMultiplicity* anInputTracklets, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { //Select the particles of interest from the ESD Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ; //loop over tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkNGetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE; if (poiCFManager) { poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); } if (!poiOK) continue; //make new AliFLowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); //marking the particles used for the particle of interest (POI) selection: if(poiOK && poiCFManager) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD); } AddTrack(pTrack); }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) //Select the reference particles from the SPD tracklets anInputTracklets = anInput->GetMultiplicity(); Int_t multSPD = anInputTracklets->GetNumberOfTracklets(); //loop over tracklets for (Int_t itracklet=0; itrackletGetTheta(itracklet); Float_t phiTr= anInputTracklets->GetPhi(itracklet); // calculate eta Float_t etaTr = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(thetaTr/2.)); //make new AliFLowTrackSimple AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(); pTrack->SetPt(0.0); pTrack->SetEta(etaTr); pTrack->SetPhi(phiTr); //marking the particles used for the reference particle (RP) selection: fNumberOfRPs++; pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromTracklet); //Add the track to the flowevent AddTrack(pTrack); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* esd, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager, Bool_t hybrid): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { //Select the particles of interest from the ESD Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks() ; //Double_t gPt = 0.0, gP = 0.0; Double_t dca[2] = {0.0,0.0}, cov[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; //The impact parameters and their covariance. Double_t dca3D = 0.0; AliESDtrack trackTPC; //loop over tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkNGetTrack(itrkN)) continue; Bool_t useTPC = kFALSE; AliESDtrack* pParticle = esd->GetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE; if (poiCFManager) { poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); } if (!(poiOK)) continue; AliExternalTrackParam *tpcTrack = (AliExternalTrackParam *)pParticle->GetTPCInnerParam(); if (tpcTrack) { // gPt = tpcTrack->Pt(); // gP = tpcTrack->P(); useTPC = kTRUE; const AliESDVertex *vertexSPD = esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); const AliESDVertex *vertexTPC = esd->GetPrimaryVertexTPC(); if(hybrid) tpcTrack->PropagateToDCA(vertexSPD,esd->GetMagneticField(),100.,dca,cov); else tpcTrack->PropagateToDCA(vertexTPC,esd->GetMagneticField(),100.,dca,cov); dca3D = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(dca[0],2)+TMath::Power(dca[1],2)); } //make new AliFLowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD); //marking the particles used for diff. flow: if(poiOK && poiCFManager) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); } if(useTPC) { pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); fNumberOfRPs++; } AddTrack(pTrack); }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput, const TH2F* anInputFMDhist, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { //Select the particles of interest from the ESD Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ; //loop over tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkNGetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE; if (poiCFManager) { poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); } if (!poiOK) continue; //make new AliFLowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); //marking the particles used for the particle of interest (POI) selection: if(poiOK && poiCFManager) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD); } AddTrack(pTrack); }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) //Select the reference particles from the FMD hits //loop over FMD histogram Int_t iBinsEta = anInputFMDhist->GetNbinsX(); Int_t iBinsPhi = anInputFMDhist->GetNbinsY(); for (Int_t iEta = 1; iEta <= iBinsEta; iEta++){ Double_t etaFMD = anInputFMDhist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iEta); for (Int_t iPhi = 1; iPhi <= iBinsPhi; iPhi++){ Double_t phiFMD = anInputFMDhist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iPhi); Double_t weightFMD = anInputFMDhist->GetBinContent(iEta,iPhi); if (weightFMD > 0.0) { //do not add empty bins //make new AliFLowTrackSimple AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(); pTrack->SetPt(0.0); pTrack->SetEta(etaFMD); pTrack->SetPhi(phiFMD); pTrack->SetWeight(weightFMD); //marking the particles used for the reference particle (RP) selection: pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++; pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromFMD); //Add the track to the flowevent AddTrack(pTrack); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowEvent::Fill( AliFlowTrackCuts* rpCuts, AliFlowTrackCuts* poiCuts ) { //Fills the event from a vevent: AliESDEvent,AliAODEvent,AliMCEvent //the input data needs to be attached to the cuts //we have two cases, if we're cutting the same collection of tracks //(same param type) then we can have tracks that are both rp and poi //in the other case we want to have two exclusive sets of rps and pois //e.g. one tracklets, the other PMD or global - USER IS RESPOSIBLE //FOR MAKING SURE THEY DONT OVERLAP OR ELSE THE SAME PARTICLE WILL BE //TAKEN TWICE ClearFast(); if (!rpCuts || !poiCuts) return; AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourceRP = rpCuts->GetParamType(); AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourcePOI = poiCuts->GetParamType(); AliFlowTrack* pTrack=NULL; if (sourceRP==sourcePOI) { //loop over tracks for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfInputObjects(); i++) { //get input object (particle) TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i); Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); if (!(rp||poi)) continue; //make new AliFLowTrack if (rp) { pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks); if (!rpCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue; pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++; if (poi) pTrack->TagPOI(); } else if (poi) { pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks); if (!poiCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue; pTrack->TagPOI(); } fNumberOfTracks++; }//end of while (i < numberOfTracks) } else if (sourceRP!=sourcePOI) { //here we have two different sources of particles, so we fill //them independently //RP for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfInputObjects(); i++) { TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i); Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); if (!rp) continue; pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks); if (!rpCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue; pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++; fNumberOfTracks++; } //POI for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfInputObjects(); i++) { TObject* particle = poiCuts->GetInputObject(i); Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); if (!poi) continue; pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks); if (!poiCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue; pTrack->TagPOI(); fNumberOfTracks++; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowTrack* AliFlowEvent::ReuseTrack(Int_t i) { //try to reuse an existing track, if empty, make new one AliFlowTrack* pTrack = static_cast(fTrackCollection->At(i)); if (pTrack) { pTrack->Clear(); } else { pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(); fTrackCollection->AddAtAndExpand(pTrack,i); } return pTrack; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( AliFlowTrackCuts* rpCuts, AliFlowTrackCuts* poiCuts ): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { //Fills the event from a vevent: AliESDEvent,AliAODEvent,AliMCEvent //the input data needs to be attached to the cuts //we have two cases, if we're cutting the same collection of tracks //(same param type) then we can have tracks that are both rp and poi //in the other case we want to have two exclusive sets of rps and pois //e.g. one tracklets, the other PMD or global - USER IS RESPOSIBLE //FOR MAKING SURE THEY DONT OVERLAP OR ELSE THE SAME PARTICLE WILL BE //TAKEN TWICE if (!rpCuts || !poiCuts) return; AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourceRP = rpCuts->GetParamType(); AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourcePOI = poiCuts->GetParamType(); if (sourceRP==sourcePOI) { //loop over tracks for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfInputObjects(); i++) { //get input object (particle) TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i); Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); if (!(rp||poi)) continue; //make new AliFLowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = NULL; if (rp) { pTrack = rpCuts->MakeFlowTrack(); if (!pTrack) continue; pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++; if (poi) pTrack->TagPOI(); } else if (poi) { pTrack = poiCuts->MakeFlowTrack(); if (!pTrack) continue; pTrack->TagPOI(); } AddTrack(pTrack); }//end of while (i < numberOfTracks) } else if (sourceRP!=sourcePOI) { //here we have two different sources of particles, so we fill //them independently AliFlowTrack* pTrack = NULL; //RP for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfInputObjects(); i++) { TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i); Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); if (!rp) continue; pTrack = rpCuts->MakeFlowTrack(); if (!pTrack) continue; pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++; AddTrack(pTrack); } //POI for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfInputObjects(); i++) { TObject* particle = poiCuts->GetInputObject(i); Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i); if (!poi) continue; pTrack = poiCuts->MakeFlowTrack(); if (!pTrack) continue; pTrack->TagPOI(); AddTrack(pTrack); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //---- Including PMD tracks as RP --------------------------// AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput, const AliESDPmdTrack *pmdtracks, const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ): AliFlowEventSimple(20) { Float_t GetPmdEta(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos, Float_t zPos); Float_t GetPmdPhi(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos); //Select the particles of interest from the ESD Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ; //loop over tracks for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkNGetTrack(itrkN); //get input particle //check if pParticle passes the cuts Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE; if (poiCFManager) { poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) && poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle)); } if (!poiOK) continue; //make new AliFLowTrack AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle); //marking the particles used for the particle of interest (POI) selection: if(poiOK && poiCFManager) { pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD); } AddTrack(pTrack); }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks) //Select the reference particles from the PMD tracks Int_t npmdcl = anInput->GetNumberOfPmdTracks(); printf("======There are %d PMD tracks in this event\n-------",npmdcl); //loop over clusters for(Int_t iclust=0; iclust < npmdcl; iclust++){ //AliESDPmdTrack *pmdtr = anInput->GetPmdTrack(iclust); pmdtracks = anInput->GetPmdTrack(iclust); Int_t det = pmdtracks->GetDetector(); //Int_t smn = pmdtracks->GetSmn(); Float_t clsX = pmdtracks->GetClusterX(); Float_t clsY = pmdtracks->GetClusterY(); Float_t clsZ = pmdtracks->GetClusterZ(); Float_t ncell = pmdtracks->GetClusterCells(); Float_t adc = pmdtracks->GetClusterADC(); //Float_t pid = pmdtracks->GetClusterPID(); Float_t etacls = GetPmdEta(clsX,clsY,clsZ); Float_t phicls = GetPmdPhi(clsX,clsY); //make new AliFLowTrackSimple AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(); //if(det == 0){ //selecting preshower plane only if(det == 0 && adc > 270 && ncell > 1){ //selecting preshower plane only //pTrack->SetPt(adc);//cluster adc pTrack->SetPt(0.0); pTrack->SetEta(etacls); pTrack->SetPhi(phicls); //marking the particles used for the reference particle (RP) selection: fNumberOfRPs++; pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE); pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromPMD); //Add the track to the flowevent AddTrack(pTrack); }//if det } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Float_t GetPmdEta(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos, Float_t zPos) { Float_t rpxpy, theta, eta; rpxpy = TMath::Sqrt(xPos*xPos + yPos*yPos); theta = TMath::ATan2(rpxpy,zPos); eta = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5*theta)); return eta; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// Float_t GetPmdPhi(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos) { Float_t pybypx, phi = 0., phi1; if(xPos==0) { if(yPos>0) phi = 90.; if(yPos<0) phi = 270.; } if(xPos != 0) { pybypx = yPos/xPos; if(pybypx < 0) pybypx = - pybypx; phi1 = TMath::ATan(pybypx)*180./3.14159; if(xPos > 0 && yPos > 0) phi = phi1; // 1st Quadrant if(xPos < 0 && yPos > 0) phi = 180 - phi1; // 2nd Quadrant if(xPos < 0 && yPos < 0) phi = 180 + phi1; // 3rd Quadrant if(xPos > 0 && yPos < 0) phi = 360 - phi1; // 4th Quadrant } phi = phi*3.14159/180.; return phi; } //---------------------------------------------------------------//