////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $Id$ // // Author: Emanuele Simili // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //_____________________________________________________________ // // Description: // an array of AliFlowTrack is the core of the AliFlowEvent. // The object AliFlowTrack contains data members wich summarize the track // information most useful for flow study (such as Pt, eta, phi angle, // p.id hypothesis, some detector informations like fitpoints, chi2, // energy loss, t.o.f., ecc.). // This class is optimized for reaction plane calculation and sub-event // selection, through the appropriate methods in AliFlowEvent. // Two arrays of flags in the AliFlowTrack object (fSelection[][] and // fSubevent[][]) specify whether a track is included or not in a certain // Selection or Subevent. Those flags are switched on/off by the method // AliFlowEvent::SetSelection(), according to Eta, Pt, dca, constrainability // of the track, number of TPC hits, and p.id hypotesis (static member of the // AliFlowEvent class (fEtaTpcCuts[][][], fPtTpcCuts[][][], fDcaGlobalCuts[], // fPid[], ecc.). // // The AliFlowTrack Class is adapted from the original StFlowTrack, // succesfully employed to study flow in the STAR experiment at RICH. // Original Authors: Raimond Snellings & Art Poskanzer // #include "AliFlowTrack.h" #include "AliFlowConstants.h" #include using namespace std; //required for resolving the 'cout' symbol ClassImp(AliFlowTrack) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliFlowTrack::AliFlowTrack() { // Default constructor fPhi = 0. ; fEta = 0. ; fPt = 0. ; fPhiGlobal = 0. ; fEtaGlobal = 0. ; fPtGlobal = 0. ; fChi2 = 0. ; fZFirstPoint = 0. ; fZLastPoint = 0. ; fTrackLength = 0. ; fMostLikelihoodPID = 0 ; for(Int_t ii=0;ii<2;ii++) { fDcaSigned[ii] = 0 ; } for(Int_t ii=0;ii0). Float_t momentum = PtGlobal()/TMath::Sqrt(1-(TMath::TanH(EtaGlobal())*TMath::TanH(EtaGlobal()))); return momentum; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Mass() const { // Returns the mass of the track, basing on its P.Id. hypotesis Float_t M = 0.13957 ; // pion mass if(MostLikelihoodPID() == 0) { M = -1. ; } else if(TMath::Abs(MostLikelihoodPID()) == 11) { M = 0.00051; } else if(TMath::Abs(MostLikelihoodPID()) == 13) { M = 0.10566; } else if(TMath::Abs(MostLikelihoodPID()) == 211) { M = 0.49368; } else if(TMath::Abs(MostLikelihoodPID()) == 321) { M = 0.13957; } else if(TMath::Abs(MostLikelihoodPID()) == 2212) { M = 0.93827; } else if(TMath::Abs(MostLikelihoodPID()) == 10010020) { M = 1.87505; } return M ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::InvMass() const { // Returns the invariant mass of the track, calculated from T.O.F. and P_tot Float_t M = -1 ; // if no calculation possible, it returns -1 Float_t c = TMath::Ccgs()/1e+12 ; // = 0.02998 ; --> speed of light in cm/psec Float_t tof = TofTOF() ; // in pico-seconds Float_t lenght = TrackLength() ; // in cm Float_t Ptot = 0 ; // constrained parameters are used if there, otherwise unconstrained if(IsConstrainable()) { Ptot = P() ; } else { Ptot = PGlobal() ; } if(tof>0 && lenght>0) { Float_t beta = lenght / (tof * c) ; if(beta<1) { Float_t gamma = 1/TMath::Sqrt(1-(beta*beta)) ; M = TMath::Abs(Ptot/(beta*gamma)) ; } // cout << ii << ": Mass = " << cmass << " , t/l = " << (tof/lenght) << " , beta = " << beta << " , gamma = " << gamma << endl ; } } // else { cout << ii << ": TOF = " << tof << " , Lenght = " << lenght << endl ; } return M ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Y() const { // Rapidity of the constrained track. // If track is not constrainable, the unconstrained rapidity is returned. if(!IsConstrainable()) { return YGlobal() ; } if(TMath::Abs((Float_t)P()) == TMath::Abs((Float_t)Pt())) { return 0. ; } else if(TMath::Abs((Float_t)P()) < TMath::Abs((Float_t)Pt())) { cout << "track: " << GetName() << "has Pt() > P() !!!" << endl ; } // - float M = Mass() ; double Pz = TMath::Sqrt(P()*P() - Pt()*Pt()); if(Eta()<0) { Pz = -Pz ; } double E = TMath::Sqrt(P()*P() + M*M) ; float rapidity = 0.5*TMath::Log((E + Pz)/(E - Pz)) ; return rapidity ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::YGlobal() const { // Rapidity of the unconstrained track if(TMath::Abs((Float_t)PGlobal()) == TMath::Abs((Float_t)PtGlobal())) { return 0. ; } else if(TMath::Abs((Float_t)PGlobal()) < TMath::Abs((Float_t)PtGlobal())) { cout << "track: " << GetName() << "has Pt() > P() !!!" << endl ; } // - float M = Mass() ; double Pz = TMath::Sqrt(PGlobal()*PGlobal() - PtGlobal()*PtGlobal()); if(EtaGlobal()<0) { Pz = -Pz ; } double E = TMath::Sqrt(PGlobal()*PGlobal() + M*M) ; float rapidity = 0.5*TMath::Log((E + Pz)/(E - Pz)) ; return rapidity ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t AliFlowTrack::Select(Int_t harmonic,Int_t selection,Int_t subevent) const { // Returns the selection flag for [harmonic] [selection] [sub-event] if((subevent == -1) || (subevent == fSubevent[harmonic][selection])) { if(fSelection[harmonic][selection]) { return kTRUE ; } } return kFALSE ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliFlowTrack::SetSelect(Int_t harmonic,Int_t selection) { fSelection[harmonic][selection] = kTRUE ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliFlowTrack::SetSubevent(Int_t harmonic,Int_t selection,Int_t subevent) { fSubevent[harmonic][selection] = subevent ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliFlowTrack::PrintSelection() { // Prints a short string of 0 & 1 to visualize the selections' flags // [har1][sel0],[har1][sel1],[har1][sel2],...,[har2][sel0],... for(int i=0;i0) { p_id += "+" ; } else if(charge<0) { p_id += "-" ; } else { p_id += "" ; } return p_id.Data() ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliFlowTrack::PidProbs(Float_t pidN[AliFlowConstants::kPid]) const { // Returns the normalized probability for the given track to be [e,mu,pi,k,p,d] // The detector response is weighted by the bayesian vector of particles // abundances, stored in AliFlowConstants::fgBayesian[] . Double_t sum = 0 ; for(Int_t n=0;n the constrained parameters are stored (and the // unconstrained ones as well in ...Global). // Otherwise (if track is not constrainable) -> just the unconstrained parameters // are stored, and returned instead of the constrained ones . if(fPt==0 && fEta==0) { return kFALSE ; } else { return kTRUE ; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Dca() const { Double_t mag = 0 ; for(Int_t ii=0;ii<2;ii++) { mag += (fDcaSigned[ii]*fDcaSigned[ii]) ; } return TMath::Sqrt(mag) ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Dca2(Float_t dca[2]) const { Double_t mag = 0 ; for(Int_t ii=0;ii<2;ii++) { dca[ii] = fDcaSigned[ii] ; mag += (fDcaSigned[ii]*fDcaSigned[ii]) ; } return TMath::Sqrt(mag) ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Dca3(Float_t dca[3]) const { dca[0] = TMath::Abs(fDcaSigned[0])* TMath::Cos(Phi()) ; dca[1] = TMath::Abs(fDcaSigned[0])* TMath::Sin(Phi()) ; dca[2] = TMath::Abs(fDcaSigned[1]) ; return Dca() ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Phi() const { if(IsConstrainable()) { return fPhi ; } else { return PhiGlobal() ; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Pt() const { if(IsConstrainable()) { return fPt ; } else { return PtGlobal() ; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::Eta() const { if(IsConstrainable()) { return fEta ; } else { return EtaGlobal() ; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::PhiGlobal() const { return fPhiGlobal ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::PtGlobal() const { return fPtGlobal ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::EtaGlobal() const { return fEtaGlobal ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliFlowTrack::TransDcaSigned() const { return fDcaSigned[0] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::TransDca() const { return TMath::Abs(TransDcaSigned()) ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::Chi2() const { return fChi2 ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::TrackLength() const { return fTrackLength ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::ZFirstPoint() const { return fZFirstPoint ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::ZLastPoint() const { return fZLastPoint ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::MostLikelihoodPID() const { return fMostLikelihoodPID; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::ElectronPositronProb() const { return PidProb(0) ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::MuonPlusMinusProb() const { return PidProb(1) ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::PionPlusMinusProb() const { return PidProb(2) ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::KaonPlusMinusProb() const { return PidProb(3) ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::ProtonPbarProb() const { return PidProb(4) ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::DeuteriumAntiDeuteriumProb() const { return PidProb(5) ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::FitPtsTPC() const { return fFitPts[0] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::MaxPtsTPC() const { return fMaxPts[0] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::Chi2TPC() const { return fFitChi2[0] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::DedxTPC() const { return fDedx[0] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::FitPtsITS() const { return fFitPts[1] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::MaxPtsITS() const { return fMaxPts[1] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::Chi2ITS() const { return fFitChi2[1] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::DedxITS() const { return fDedx[1] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::NhitsTRD() const { return fFitPts[2] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::MaxPtsTRD() const { return fMaxPts[2] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::Chi2TRD() const { return fFitChi2[2] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::SigTRD() const { return fDedx[2] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::NhitsTOF() const { return fFitPts[3] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::MaxPtsTOF() const { return fMaxPts[3] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::Chi2TOF() const { return fFitChi2[3] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::TofTOF() const { return fDedx[3] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::PatTPC() const { return fMom[0] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::PatITS() const { return fMom[1] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::PatTRD() const { return fMom[2] ; } Float_t AliFlowTrack::PatTOF() const { return fMom[3] ; } Int_t AliFlowTrack::Label() const { return fLabel ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliFlowTrack::SetConstrainable() { // fills the constrained parameters with the unconstrained ones, making it // a constrainable track. !!! TRICKY METHOD !!! if(!IsConstrainable()) { fPhi = fPhiGlobal ; fEta = fEtaGlobal ; fPt = fPtGlobal ; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliFlowTrack::SetUnConstrainable() { // deletes the constrained parameters making it an unconstrainable track. // !!! TRICKY METHOD !!! if(IsConstrainable()) { fPhi = 0. ; fEta = 0. ; fPt = 0. ; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliFlowTrack::SetPhi(Float_t phi) { fPhi = phi; } void AliFlowTrack::SetEta(Float_t eta) { fEta = eta; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPt(Float_t pt) { fPt = pt; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPhiGlobal(Float_t phi) { fPhiGlobal = phi; } void AliFlowTrack::SetEtaGlobal(Float_t eta) { fEtaGlobal = eta; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPtGlobal(Float_t pt) { fPtGlobal = pt; } void AliFlowTrack::SetDcaSigned(Float_t xy, Float_t z) { fDcaSigned[0] = xy ; fDcaSigned[1] = z ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetTransDcaSigned(Float_t xy) { fDcaSigned[0] = xy ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetChi2(Float_t chi2) { fChi2 = chi2; } void AliFlowTrack::SetTrackLength(Float_t tl) { fTrackLength = tl; } void AliFlowTrack::SetZFirstPoint(Float_t zFirst) { fZFirstPoint = zFirst; } void AliFlowTrack::SetZLastPoint(Float_t zLast) { fZLastPoint = zLast; } void AliFlowTrack::SetMostLikelihoodPID(Int_t val) { fMostLikelihoodPID = val ; } // feed here the Signed pdg_code void AliFlowTrack::SetElectronPositronProb(Float_t val) { fPidProb[0] = TMath::Abs(val) ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetMuonPlusMinusProb(Float_t val) { fPidProb[1] = TMath::Abs(val) ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPionPlusMinusProb(Float_t val) { fPidProb[2] = TMath::Abs(val) ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetKaonPlusMinusProb(Float_t val) { fPidProb[3] = TMath::Abs(val) ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetProtonPbarProb(Float_t val) { fPidProb[4] = TMath::Abs(val) ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetDeuteriumAntiDeuteriumProb(Float_t val) { fPidProb[5] = TMath::Abs(val) ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetFitPtsTPC(Int_t fitPts) { fFitPts[0] = fitPts ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetMaxPtsTPC(Int_t maxPts) { fMaxPts[0] = maxPts ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetChi2TPC(Float_t chi2) { fFitChi2[0] = chi2 ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetDedxTPC(Float_t dedx) { fDedx[0] = dedx ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetFitPtsITS(Int_t nhits) { fFitPts[1] = nhits ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetMaxPtsITS(Int_t maxPts) { fMaxPts[1] = maxPts ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetChi2ITS(Float_t chi2) { fFitChi2[1] = chi2 ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetDedxITS(Float_t dedx) { fDedx[1] = dedx ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetNhitsTRD(Int_t fitPts) { fFitPts[2] = fitPts ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetMaxPtsTRD(Int_t maxPts) { fMaxPts[2] = maxPts ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetChi2TRD(Float_t chi2) { fFitChi2[2] = chi2 ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetSigTRD(Float_t dedx) { fDedx[2] = dedx ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetNhitsTOF(Int_t fitPts) { fFitPts[3] = fitPts ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetMaxPtsTOF(Int_t maxPts) { fMaxPts[3] = maxPts ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetChi2TOF(Float_t chi2) { fFitChi2[3] = chi2 ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetTofTOF(Float_t dedx) { fDedx[3] = dedx ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPatTPC(Float_t p) { fMom[0] = p ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPatITS(Float_t p) { fMom[1] = p ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPatTRD(Float_t p) { fMom[2] = p ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetPatTOF(Float_t p) { fMom[3] = p ; } void AliFlowTrack::SetLabel(Int_t label) { fLabel = label ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////